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Where Oh Where have all the Nymphs Been?

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OK...it has been awfully quiet on this board lately. I miss my Nymph friends. I love reading about all your successes. So...how are things going? What have you been up to? Are you enjoying the beautiful weather? Especially in New England. How has your weightloss been going? Any NSV moments? Just plain anything to talk about.

Things going pretty good here. I am on a small plateau but happy with my weightloss. I cleaned out my closet this week and had 8 bags of clothes that don't fit anymore. I have finally hit the lowest size in my closet (size 24) which means I need clothes. I have been buying a few things but still waiting until more weight comes off. I tried on a size 22 bathing suit because I am going to do Water aerobics at the "Y" and I looked pretty good. I got it home and was jumping up and down to see how things would work while in the water and to my surprise the girls found their way out of the bathing suit. Needless to say I do not want to put on a show at the "Y" for everyone. LOL! So I returned the bathing suit in search for a more respectable one for water aerobics and to save myself more embarrassment since the pants falling down episode.

Would love to hear some stories from my Nymph family! Tag...your it.


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My turn, my turn. So after two months of not doing much in the area of weightloss, and thanks to everyone here and a few other friends kicking my butt, my weightloss has started again. I'm going to the gym (gasp!, not the gym!) and running on the treadmill and doing the weights there on the machines. Today I ran for 15 minutes, walk break, and another ten minutes in a row! In a ROW! That's pretty major for me. It was at 12.43 minutes/mile. I actually ran over two miles!!

Well, enough bragging. Who's next.

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I'm It!! Go shopping, Cindy. You deserve it! That's funny about the bathing suit. Better get a tighter one!:tongue2:

Lindata, that's amazing that you can run so much.:w00t: I couldn't run anywhere! You couldn't drag me to the gym at this weight. Wish we had an only ladies gym around here.

Ok, got an issue worth bringing up. I had gained 5 lbs during the week of Easter cause chocolate melts before it hits the band and doesn't get stuck. So I go for a fill almost 3 weeks ago and lose 7 lbs that first week! Of course I was so tight I could barely eat but I'm happy. Band loosens up the following week and I could eat more and gradually get back on solids. I'm still not eating nearly as much as before the fill, probably around 1000 calories/day but the weight loss stalls! Just stops. I haven't lost an ounce in 2 weeks. The week after the fill I probably only ate 600-800 calories/day. Is my body in starvation mode and hording the calories? I thought about getting another fill to kick start the weight loss again but I am pretty tight. I get stuck too often as it is. I have around 7cc in a 10cc band. What do you think? Should I just ride out the plateau or get another fill anyway?

Edited by cindyg1212

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I'm It!! Go shopping, Cindy. You deserve it! That's funny about the bathing suit. Better get a tighter one!:tongue2:

Lindata, that's amazing that you can run so much.:w00t: I couldn't run anywhere! You couldn't drag me to the gym at this weight. Wish we had an only ladies gym around here.

Ok, got an issue worth bringing up. I had gained 5 lbs during the week of Easter cause chocolate melts before it hits the band and doesn't get stuck. So I go for a fill almost 3 weeks ago and lose 7 lbs that first week! Of course I was so tight I could barely eat but I'm happy. Band loosens up the following week and I could eat more and gradually get back on solids. I'm still not eating nearly as much as before the fill, probably around 1000 calories/day but the weight loss stalls! Just stops. I haven't lost an ounce in 2 weeks. The week after the fill I probably only ate 600-800 calories/day. Is my body in starvation mode and hording the calories? I thought about getting another fill to kick start the weight loss again but I am pretty tight. I get stuck too often as it is. I have around 7cc in a 10cc band. What do you think? Should I just ride out the plateau or get another fill anyway?

Hi Cindy-

I have slowed down on the weightloss too! But this is my observation. I will lose 1 or 2lbs and then stall for 2 or 3 weeks and then lose 1 or 2lbs and stall etc. This has been the cycle I have been on in the last 2 months. However, I still seem to manage to lose about 8-10lbs a month. I like you find that I am most successful after my fills. Although, I still have yet to find the sweet spot that so many talk about. The earth will shake when that happens.

I don't know all the technical jargon but I think that when we have lost at the clip that we have been our bodies need time to adjust. It sounds like you are eating enough calories but what are they. Are you eating enough Protein. Have you had any stuck/PB/Slime episodes and find that you are trying to eat things that will go down smoother. Since my last fill I have had to be very careful with chewing as I am in pain more often if I don't. The normal human reaction is to eat something that will go down easier. Case in point, I made homemade chili two weeks in a row for lunches because it was the only thing that I was comfortable eating. However, at dinner I still went for solid Protein and veggies. Funny thing is I can't seem to eat a dang salad without getting stuck and not matter how I try to chew.

I would relax about the stall...trust me your body will catch up to you with a great big surprise when you least expect it. Keep weighing everyday to hold yourself accountable to the scale and just don't allow yourself to gain and if you do don't stress because it will probably go away within a few days.

Plateaus are normal. Do they suck...Yes but it is our body trying to adapt to losing our fat.

Have a great day.


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My turn, my turn. So after two months of not doing much in the area of weightloss, and thanks to everyone here and a few other friends kicking my butt, my weightloss has started again.

Oh, boy, am I glad I'm not the only one. LOL I've been very bad since February. Not sure why. The only thing I could think of was a lot of stress in my marriage and eating was the way I dealt with it.

I'm FINALLY back on it and have managed to lose 6 lbs in the past few weeks. I'm eating low carb and I'm exercising. I started back into my Couch to 5K program and actually didn't miss a beat at all even though I hadn't run in about a month!

I worked with the sheriff's office yesterday at a stationary post and I went to lean my back up against the wall and it actually HURT. LOL Yes, my shoulder blades are sticking out back there more than they used to. DH even mentioned that he can feel more bone back there. I looked in the mirror and kind of flex and can you believe that there are is also MUSCLE back there?? Wow. LOL

I was standing with my back to a hallway when I hear a voice, "Gees, girl, you lose anymore weight and you're going to disappear!!" It was one of the sheriff's deputies that saw me a couple months ago and was amazed then at what I had lost. He then told me he was going to confiscate my ID because it looked nothing like me. LOL

Overall, I'm adjusting to being thinner. It comes with added attention - I'm no longer invisible and it is definitely an adjustment.

Sounds like everybody is doing good. I have noticed the board has been pretty quiet around here, lately. It's great to hear updates from my fellow Nymphs.

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Hi everyone,

I am doing great. I need a fill but I am waiting until I get back from Vegas on May 18. I am counting calories, fat and Protein and I am losing but I do get hungry more often than I should. I guess it is good old will power for me for a few more weeks. I can do it. I am working out with a trainer and I am loving it.

Cindy - I think I missed the pants story. I am going to try to find it. It's a good thing you tried the bathing suit before you went to the Y. Yikes, that would have been embarassing.

Cingyg - You were eating 600 - 800 calories a day and then jumped to 1000 a day. It will take a few days or a week for your body to adjust to the new calorie level. Anytime we increase our calories this can happen. If you don't start losing with the 1000 calories a day then try going up. I need to eat 1200 calories per day to really lose. Also be careful that you aren't eating too much fat. I was sticking to my calories and not losing and it was because I was eating too much fat. I cut back on the fat and the weight started coming off.

Linda - Congrats for making the changes to get in gear. I had to do the same. I feel much better now.

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You hit the nail on the head. I am eating things that will go down easier. I have no choice or just not eat. I do tend to add fat to my Proteins in the form of gravies, sauces, or mayo. Whatever it takes to get the food down. If I unfill, I'll be hungrier and eat too much. Feels like a vicious cycle. Also when I am very stressed, nothing goes down. I was upset about a family situation today and couldn't even get eggdrop Soup to go down. I have sliming episodes on a daily basis. Tonight it was all through dinner. Ughh! Good thing I was home. Where does that stuff come from? So gross! I can't see getting another fill just to get the weight loss going again if I get stuck so often now. This is a tough way to live but I know it would be tougher to live the rest of my life with this weight on.

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Hi Nymphs,

I've enjoyed reading everyone's updates. I guess I've mentioned most of the stuff that's been happening with me - I'm exactly at my halfway point today with a 65 pound weight loss, and about to go under the 100 kilo mark (I think I'll call it "Underland" - how 'bout that). I'm working on recognising feeling full, eating slowly (ate lunch with a toothpick and dinner using my left hand) and am grateful that I'm actually willing and able to learn some good eating habits after so many years of abuse.

I did some closet shopping today and had a very surprising and satisfying reunion with four pairs of my size 38 jeans, just in time to be able to show them off during my trip to America.

This trip will give me the opportunity to deal with some difficult family relationships, especially with my sister, and some joyful but charged events: my parents' 50th wedding anniversary party and a family wedding which will bring us all out to Texas. Obviously, it's important not to eat over whatever the next few weeks will bring. Also, going back home means revisiting the "scene of the crime"- the places and tastes that fueled my overeating for years. I know I will make the time to check in with everyone during my travels.

I've been reading an amazing book lately: "Healing Into Immortality" by Dr. Gerald Epstein. It's given me some good insights and tools - visualizations and affirmations that I know will come in handy. What other books have helped you during these last months?

Edited by bandpal

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You hit the nail on the head. I am eating things that will go down easier. I have no choice or just not eat. I do tend to add fat to my Proteins in the form of gravies, sauces, or mayo. Whatever it takes to get the food down. If I unfill, I'll be hungrier and eat too much. Feels like a vicious cycle. Also when I am very stressed, nothing goes down. I was upset about a family situation today and couldn't even get eggdrop Soup to go down. I have sliming episodes on a daily basis. Tonight it was all through dinner. Ughh! Good thing I was home. Where does that stuff come from? So gross! I can't see getting another fill just to get the weight loss going again if I get stuck so often now. This is a tough way to live but I know it would be tougher to live the rest of my life with this weight on.


I know it is hard to eat right now but you shouldn't be uncomfortable eating. May I make a suggestion that you really eat slowly and chew the heck out of the food. The gravies, sauces & mayo are not a problem as long as it is not to much. I find if I have roast beef for dinner I need about a 1/4 cup of gravy to make it not so dry. I also find that my fill is worst in the beginning and eases out over a few weeks later. I am learning that I can't eat when I am super hungry because I eat way to fast and big bites. Then I am miserable and can't eat until the next day.

Let's make a pact to eat slowly and chew chew chew put the fork down in between bites and become aware of the food as it is swallowed. I like Bandpals idea of eating with a toothpick and making certain that the food is cut up like what we do for our children when they are toddlers trying solid food for the first time. We can do this...together we will conquer.


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It's true that I have a hard time taking tiny bites especially when I'm hungry. The good thing is I can go hours between meals but all of a sudden the hunger strikes in a big way. By the time I can get to food, I'm famished. Then it's so hard to concentrate on taking little bites and chewing a lot. I also have a cup of coffee first to relax the band. Nurse at the doc's office said to always drink something warm before meals. Last night I was so stressed that nothing worked. It was like the band closed up. On a positive note, I lost another pound and got to update my ticker. I was able to eat today so I won't be surprised if that pound went back up. This is like learning to eat all over again.

Bandpal, good luck on your trip back to the states. I bet everyone will be in awe of how great you look! Try to just enjoy this time with your family and not dwell on your old triggers. The band will keep you honest. Shopping in your closet is so much fun. I can shop in mine for at least 10 sizes!

Skinny Jill, I think your right about the sudden increase in calories. I also think that I am definitely taking in too much fat in order to get the food down. I'm seeing the nurse practioner tomorrow but I'm not ready yet for another fill.

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Hey November Nymphs....

Not sure if you all were in on some of my previous posts, but for the last several months I have REALLY stalled. I have excuses, which I know are like A$$holes, but I have been subject to a hostile working environment at work, and some other stuff that I don't need to mention because it is uncomfortable for me to ride the "poor-pitiful-me" train.

Anyway, I asked to be removed from my work environment and although I still support the group, I have been put into a new office environment for now until they can permanently replace me. So that is good. I have begun a little counseling for emotional eating, AND, I have exercised at least 6 times a week the past three weeks. All of these things combined, the scale is moving downward (except for an unfortunately blip up the scale that was really in-explainable but it came right back off).

Taking part in the Cynco deMayo challenge has helped. A few other things that I intend to do for me in the coming month, go to an orthopedist about my knees, re-gain my commitment to journeling my food, not eating after 7:30pm (even though I REALLY REALLY want to right now), and start trying to work out in the morning to get my metabolism kicked up early.

A down side happened today though, I went for my second fill and the doctor could not find the port. I do think it has moved. He poked for about 4 minutes, then it really starting hurting. He finally asked for me to come back next week and if he cannot get it, he will need to do it under x-ray.

I've been down, but I'm not out yet. Thanks for being here you wonderful bunch of people!

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Hey November Nymphs....

I have lost a total of 71lbs since my surgery, I went from a size 28 to a size 16 w some 14 w also fit me depending on the style and cut. At this time I need a small fill because I can eat just about anything I want except for chicken and lettuce. I am still looking for that allusive sweet spot. I am learning to love going to the gym, being more active, and I love shopping, it’s my new favorite sport. Also my shoe size has change, I use to wear a 9 wide am wearing an 8 m YEAH Regular SHOES (I LOVE SHOES).

Being a survivor of child molestation, I do at time struggle with being comfortable in my new body. I always use my weight as a shield, as the weight is falling off I find that I must face some demons I thought were long slaughter and buried. My struggles with food are the hardest for me during does moments, and I find myself falling back to old habits. At this time am working on loving the new me and accepting the person looking back at me in the mirror.

I keep this in mind … everyday is a new day, every meal is an opportunity to do the right thing, make the right choices, and every choice will lead to the me I want to be. ..

I am glad have this board to go; you guys rock:thumbup:.

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I've come here on a number of occasions but wasn't sure what I wanted to say. Well here I am now to tell it how it is. I can't believe that even though I have 8cc in 10cc band that I can still eat so much. I had lunch out today with my extended family for Mother's Day (I'm not a mum but my 2 sisters are).

Anyway I have been doing pretty well in the last couple of weeks getting back on track and feeling like I may have lost more weight even though I hadn't weighed myself. I went a little crazy today eating a normal sized meal with garlic bread and a big ice cream cone to top it all off.

On the way home I was sitting in the back of the car and suddenly started feeling nausious (sp) and unable to burp, the gas was excrutiating. We were on an expressway so couldn't stop for at least 1/2 hr... I was nearly in tears. Anyway as soon as we could I jumped out of the car and almost threw up but in doing that was able to burp all the gas out... felt heaps better but very tender and sore. I felt so frustrated with myself for allowing that to happen. The problem for me is that I know I can eat what I want most of the time so this kind of thing catches me out. I so desperately want better restriction so at least I know that even if I want to I can't eat that much again.

I have lost 31.5 lbs which was in first 2-3 months so the last 3-4 months have been all about keeping it off rather than achieving more loss. I have another fill on Wednesday and I'm hoping that it will help shake things up.

Thanks for letting me rave! :tt1:

Edited by Sades

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Here's where I am right now. I sort of feel like I wasted two weeks. First I ate way too much on vacation and gained weight. Got a fill as soon as I got home, got too tight, got a slight unfill, lost the weight I gained on vacation and now I'm stalled. I think I just have to let my body get used to the up and down it just went through.

I think I need a little more fill but I get so much swelling with the fill that it's painful, so I am going to ask the PA not to take out all the fill and then replace it all with more. I will instead ask them to just add a little bit, since it seems the action of plunging it all in, activiates the swelling and pain I get at the fill. I guess we're all so different.

Hopefully this week, I will see the scale move down again, I know I am back on track with eating, but less we weigh, less food we need to continue to lose.

Keeping busy won't be a problem for the next month. My busy time of year is here. Time to get our beach rentals cleaned, weeded, painted etc. so I'll be moving a lot. My trunk is loaded with paper towels and windex and other cleaning supplies ready to go. Weds is the start! Stressful getting three furnished houses and yards ( plus mine own home) done in a short time but somehow it always gets done.

Oh and my dog is having some surgery Monday. Poor guy is 15 years old and has a mass on his leg. They'll remove and biopsy and we'll go from there. Wound care could be an issue, the area of mass has very thin skin, so closing wound could be difficult.


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I can eat just about anything I want except for chicken and lettuce.

Wow... I would be up a creek if I could not eat these two things! I can do chicken, just not the egg. But that brings up a whole other philosophical discussion.

I have found that my taste buds have REALLY changed since I have gotten settled into my new lifestyle. Where I did not really like salads before, I LOVE them now! (as long as they don't have the boiled egg) I had me another PB yesterday morning. I had eaten some Breakfast tater tots from Burger King. I have no idea what I was thinking. I don't do french fries at all... so... what in the world was I thinking? What makes it worse, We were with our Realtor and had just pulled up to our first house to look at. I had to stay outside for about 10 min. while I was "taking care of business"!

We did end up liking the house and I have already "marked my territory" HA!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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