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Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

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I tried stuffing a sock, but it looked weird. Later, my wife explained that the sock was supposed to go in the front (ok, it's the punchline to a very old joke...). :coolgleamA:

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Really,by the same token Ready Steady Go if you wouldnt be so presumptuos as to tell someone they NEEDED a band (which I agree would be rather rude), you're being just as presumptous by stating your opinion about what isnt big arent you? By US standards, I would have been a US 16 at 5ft 10 when I was banded as I was about an Australian size 20. Its BIG and its overweight for anyone under about 6ft 3!. I had a BMI of 35 to fill out that size! Thats FAT!. In Australia where people arent generally as obese as they are in the US, my weight was high enough (at 245lb) for me to be admonished every time I went to the doctors, I couldnt buy decent clothes anywhere, had to shop in plus size shops, I looked terrible, I wouldnt have even THOUGHT about going onto the beach in a bikini, couldnt wear anything sleeveless.

So if you think its rude to gossip about celebs have you consiered how rude it is to state your opinion about who DOESNT deserve a Lap Band?

I suspect your views on what's big and what isnt are skewed by the fact that you live in a country where obesity is a real problem and has a much larger incidence of very severe morbid obesity. Being "normal" and looking like everyone else is no insurance for your health when almost everyone is too big! And like you said, with all due respect, having had a much more severe weight problem than I did, 16 may really seem OK to you. It certainly didnt for me, it represented a low point in my life where I was disgusted in what I had become.

I didn't say one didn't deserve one. Chill out. I thought you had to be over 100 lbs overweight to qualify for the Lap Band. Don't be so angry. I didn't attack you or anyone. I am not a Dr or God and never said noone DESERVED a Lap Band. I was stated that I though guidelines wouldn't allow you to get a Lap Band unless you were a 100 lbs overweight. So therefore I was surprised and expressed that. I am short with big hips so at size 16 I was nowhere near 100 lbs overweight. I know that people are diffrent shapes and sizes but I can only speak from my own experience. I think you have taken something I said WAY to personal. If you want someone to fight with your gonna have to look somewhere else. I am not your stress reliever, sorry.

I don't care about Big or small. I care about health yes, but what I am most concerned about is socieities views on woman and how woman are taught to hate themselves. Weither big or fat skinny tall short. It sounds like you STILL have body image problems, and gossip over size encourages this. Woman are attacked everyday and no matter where I am -in person, on the internet, in whatever forum I am on I still preach this. This is a personal cause for me. I have wrote many papers on it and believe strongly in it. I am sorry if I didn't make myself clear. The last part was meant to be funny, (The 16 is ok with me) but I detest writing LOL or anything like that. You couldn't hear my tone, so I am trying to be nice now and explain myself more clearly. I still may be failing. Medically, I did would not have fit into the guidelines for a surgery at size 16, and I was surprised that other people do. I don't care how big you were, or how big you are now. That is your business. The only thing I am concerned about is why you hated yourself so much.

I was saying that at LBT where so many of us have body image problems we shouldn't be encouraging this bad behavior. To me, talking about anyone else's weight problem in a negative way like this is digressive and I will speak out against it. I see your point, but you misunderstood me.

In America, Austraila, Africa who cares where you are. Rude is rude. Judgement is judgement.

Edited by ReadySteadyGo

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I assume you are refering to me, you can correct me if I'm wrong.

Not sure who called you a kid.......I sure didn't. I simply stated how I thought the thread came across and I never said anything about kids. Not sure where that came from?

The only person I called out was the OP, mainly because I question their intentions about starting this thread. Some of the celebrities that were named were barely overweight, that's where my comments were directed. When someone says Britney Spears need a lap band, I can only assume they are just picking at her because she has gained a little weight. I admit, she's not my favorite celeb, but saying she NEEDS a lap band is just crazy.

Sorry you took my comments so personally, but they weren't directed at YOU.

I apologize for that post, I didn't mean to offend you personally. I was picking apart alot of posts I was reading and put them all together. I don't even remember who said what or who didn't.

Anyway, I was full of hormones or was it the full moon? Who knows, but what I do know is this thread is just ridiculous! I'm just glad it has calmed to a degree.

I mean, who cares if one person thinks Queen Latifah is fat or not? I happen to think she is a doll, and I also personally don't feel a size 16 is all that bad. But that's just me, especially since I started at a size 28/30! She is a CoverGirl for goodness sakes, and a beautiful one! She apparently thinks she can lose a few since she is doing commercials for someone (can't remember who...) and that is what really matters when it comes to WLS or other means - it's all about the user.

The one thing I think I was trying to convey however is that, if you are in the public eye, and getting paid to be there, you have to expect some degree of public critique -- good or bad.

Love, live long and laugh! No hard feelings here, Take care. :coolgleamA:

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I apologize for that post, I didn't mean to offend you personally. I was picking apart alot of posts I was reading and put them all together. I don't even remember who said what or who didn't.

Anyway, I was full of hormones or was it the full moon? Who knows, but what I do know is this thread is just ridiculous! I'm just glad it has calmed to a degree.

I mean, who cares if one person thinks Queen Latifah is fat or not? I happen to think she is a doll, and I also personally don't feel a size 16 is all that bad. But that's just me, especially since I started at a size 28/30! She is a CoverGirl for goodness sakes, and a beautiful one! She apparently thinks she can lose a few since she is doing commercials for someone (can't remember who...) and that is what really matters when it comes to WLS or other means - it's all about the user.

The one thing I think I was trying to convey however is that, if you are in the public eye, and getting paid to be there, you have to expect some degree of public critique -- good or bad.

Love, live long and laugh! No hard feelings here, Take care. :coolgleamA:

We all have bad days. And good days. I hope today is a good day for you. It is for me.

Queen Latifah is a cutie. I really like her image since she glammed it up a little, but I remember the old days like...what was the name of that show?

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I apologize for that post, I didn't mean to offend you personally. I was picking apart alot of posts I was reading and put them all together. I don't even remember who said what or who didn't.

Anyway, I was full of hormones or was it the full moon? Who knows, but what I do know is this thread is just ridiculous! I'm just glad it has calmed to a degree.

I mean, who cares if one person thinks Queen Latifah is fat or not? I happen to think she is a doll, and I also personally don't feel a size 16 is all that bad. But that's just me, especially since I started at a size 28/30! She is a CoverGirl for goodness sakes, and a beautiful one! She apparently thinks she can lose a few since she is doing commercials for someone (can't remember who...) and that is what really matters when it comes to WLS or other means - it's all about the user.

The one thing I think I was trying to convey however is that, if you are in the public eye, and getting paid to be there, you have to expect some degree of public critique -- good or bad.

Love, live long and laugh! No hard feelings here, Take care. :lol:

No hard feelings here either. I believe we should be able to express our opinions without harboring bad feelings. That's the beauty of the Rant and Raves. I can express my opinion and move on without holding grudges or harboring anger.

I do understand that these celebrities are in the public eye and people are going to critique them. The main thing I was trying to say, was that A LOT of the celebs named were hardly overweight (mainly by the OP). I don't think we should have the mind set that everyone who has gained a few pounds NEEDS WLS. That is how the thread came across to me. There is no doubt that SOME of the celebrities mentioned would most likely benefit from WLS, but many would not even meet the criteria.

I think the OP was successful at accomplishing what he/she set out to do, which is stir up trouble. Personally, I like that the thread has ventured off of the original topic, it's much more fun!

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No you should wear it in the back, just make sure you have the right walk when you're wearing it, tee hee, brandyII.

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could be like me and find out 35 years later that your mother's father was Mexican, lol. No but there are dark Irish. My father's side is considered "Scotch-Irish". That's something I am just learning the history about. But let me tell you I try to go to the Scottish Games here every summer but missed it last year because I had just had my surgery. They are so much fun. One of my great grandmothers was Scottish so I know what tartan to look for.

Now I see they have something besides Scottish Games and Irish Festivals there are Celtic Festivals too for us mixed breeds. I forget the name but it has something to do with the Celts. Anywho, sorry I've been rambling, brandyII.

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Ha, that reminds me of my sister's wedding a few weeks ago. She got married at the beach and we stayed there the whole week before her wedding. Like an idiot, I laid out a couple of days before the wedding and I got so sunburne!. I looked like a lobster! I was so burnt that I could barely walk from the swelling. My legs looked huge! I really think I had sun poisoning or something. And to top that, I had to sing at the wedding! I'm sure I looked like a freak up there singing!

I really should have known better. I burn really easily, I always have.

Georgia girl, you should have ran with it and sang the song by the B52s Rock Lobster:mad: that's me representing a sunburn not a mad face, brandyII.

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You people are crazy.

A good crazy that is! :lol:

And too the dude, who said something about stuffing his bathing suit.

You are one sick man!

:lol:Hah, anyways.

Nothing's better then reading Lap Band Talk fights.


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Wow Brandy! That must have really sucked. =[

She just didn't want to put sun loation on you or what?

I wasnt with my mom when I got burnt at the beach, with some friends and one of the girls' mom.

I take after my dad. My mom's skin looks darker then a tan, but shes not mexican or anything. My grandma had tanned skin too.

But anyways,

I'm Irish and a little bit Indian.


I hope you don't mind if I mess up your name, I'm getting in the N and some "I"s and "K"s.

This was back in the 1960s when smoking was still healthy and you smoked and nursed your baby at the same time. No I take that back, you smoked but didn't nurse your babies because it was unattractive in many ways that I won't get into.

Anywho so suntan lotion wasn't a big thing and I doubt that it was waterproof either. I don't think they knew about reapplying or taking a child out of the sun either. Those were the "good ole days"! Only the children suffered:lol:.

Out of the five kids I'm really the fairest of them all, no I'm not a princess but I wish I were! My youngest brother was dark like my mom and used to put Wesson Oil on and go out and lay in the sun until he was really dark. My poor father was even lighter than I am but he learned to cover up and was even a life guard when he was a teen. My children are raised up north where it's either summer or winter and they love the cold and hate the beach so we don't have to worry about them burning like I do. They are 19 and 24 but they're still my babies:tt1: brandyII

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I totally missed out on posts #92 through #95 but there seemed to be some tension, I hope everything is back to happy times, where was I? brandyII

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Georgia girl, you should have ran with it and sang the song by the B52s Rock Lobster:mad: that's me representing a sunburn not a mad face, brandyII.

Ha Ha, I really I would have have gotten some "looks" then!

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I totally missed out on posts #92 through #95 but there seemed to be some tension, I hope everything is back to happy times, where was I? brandyII

All is good.

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I hope you don't mind if I mess up your name, I'm getting in the N and some "I"s and "K"s.

Hah, that's okay. It's sounds like. "Nik-kick-e"

It's just a nickname, not my real name lol.

Anywho so suntan lotion wasn't a big thing and I doubt that it was waterproof either. I don't think they knew about reapplying or taking a child out of the sun either. Those were the "good ole days"! Only the children suffered:lol:.

Out of the five kids I'm really the fairest of them all, no I'm not a princess but I wish I were! My youngest brother was dark like my mom and used to put Wesson Oil on and go out and lay in the sun until he was really dark. My poor father was even lighter than I am but he learned to cover up and was even a life guard when he was a teen. My children are raised up north where it's either summer or winter and they love the cold and hate the beach so we don't have to worry about them burning like I do. They are 19 and 24 but they're still my babies:tt1: brandyII

Ohh I didnt know about the suntan lotion.

Yea, I'm darker then my dad too.

They don't like the beach? That's kinda good I guess, hah.

And for some reason on my previous post I put /indian?

She's not indian. Shes german.

Lol :lol:

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