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Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

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I am one of ones here that can honestly remember being both skinny at 5'9" 112 pounds---I was skin and bones, not much muscle---just skinny. It was not intentional---it is how I was. I ate everything in sight, and never gained an ounce. I fought like crazy to gain up to 123 pounds so my wedding gown fit!

Then I had a baby---and for the first time ever I gained weight. I went home in jeans I wore before the baby. But it soon ended! When I stopped nursing, I was hospitalized for a mastitis infection that hit my blood stream and caused sepsis---I gained 80 pounds in 3 months time! Seriously! I was not eating different. It was extreme!

From there I went through bad marriage, abuse, and more serious weight gain! Ironically---some of it totally intentional! (shaking head at self here!!!) Before long, the weight was totally out of control. I could lose pretty well, but it would not stay off. Then it got to where losing so much as a pound took weeks of HARD work---and even then any semblence of normalcy and it come back!

I found myself facing very close to 300 pounds, and being morbidly obese. In the time since being banded, I have had to have most of my thyroid removed, and in the medical processes for that, I learned that the inability to gain when I was younger was my first sign of thyroid trouble----and the hormone change of pregnancy, and sudden cessation of nursing, flipped the switch he said from hypo- to hyper thyroidism. Not an excuse, but an explanation---it was pretty scary to be young and out of control like that. But with no insurance, I had no real options for figuring things out.

Both extremes, as well as the years I spent in the middle, at a normal weight are both well in my mind, and I can say without a doubt....no questions ask--------morbid obesity brought with it much, much more personal heartache, peoples cruel comments, and open disgust from not only yourself, but even medical personel!

I do remember being told I needed to gain a few pounds--by assorted relatives I seldom saw and a Dr. None of which saw me eat! More people by far were envious of how I could eat without consequences---and for the most part I ate healthy enough, just more than you would imagine for remaining so bony! My hip bones jutted out so far, I would have to sew the front pockets of my jeans closed, because the white pocket was forced out and showed! I could have ---not based on looks, but on build---beenon any magazine cover with todays stars....I was EXTREMELY thin---I referred to myself as skinny. The word did not bother me then, nor does it now.

None of it compares to morbid obesity. I do not mean to be argumentive Jachut----but as I went up the scale--it got worse the higher I got. The heavier I got, the more invisible I got to parts of society, and the more others thought they could say hateful things without issue! Every single thing you have health wise, is an easy call for a Dr. It is all due to your weight!

Until you have felt/heard others talk about you based on nothing but your weight...had a room fall silent when you walked in, simply because they were staring, then jerking their heads away---seen them share looks with who they were with--or been "mooed" at, (and these just a few among many, many ways people find to be cruel) morbid obesity has not touched your life. These did not all happen to me, but I have read about them right here at LBT. I have read the pain involved in each of the situations---and experienced similar things personally, or similar enough situations to know the shame, the hurt, and even the anger they invoked.

Should I have gotten control much earlier, of course! I am willing to bet most of us by far wish we had found help before reaching the morbidly obese category. For many of us it didn't come until further down the path of obesity though.

Depression, lack of funds, lack of availability all figure into the issue--but having seen and lived from one end of the spectrum to the other----I do believe that unless one has lived and experienced morbid obesity, it is hard to understand or explain.

I also believe it is hard to explain to someone in that position (obesity in general) how much better life is, or how much better they will FEEL---at a normal healthy weight.

I am quite sure it is difficult for both to see or understand the other --obese vs. thin- without ever walking in those shoes. I think we all want to be accepted where we are--not just at where we want to be. Whether we all strive to be a perfect BMI, or if we are happy elsewhere, if we are working hard where we are, or if we have arrived at goal, and are thrilled with the newfound freedoms of not trying to lose weight still, we all just want to be accepted and have our efforts recognized. Belittling one another, whichever direction it goes is really kind of sad, and usually indicates an unhappiness in ourselves. My experiences show that people usually tear others down in an effort to build themselves up.

Maybe the next LBT banner needs to be our own Dove commercial---but without me!!!! LOL


Kat, I swear you are my hero at this forum, you've been through hell and back and you are still such a good person and I can tell that even though I don't know you personally just by what I've read from you.

I pick you out to be a great roll model for people on this forum. You inspire so many people me included, thanks for being here and sharing with us, Nancy:thumbup:

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luluc, it's true it's not even just weight, it's makeup. How many women are afraid to leave their house with out putting on makeup? I'd like seeing those pictures in mags too. brandyII

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Turler, your avatar is so adorable but I'm still trying to decide if it's a cat or a dog and if it's your pet etc...Nancy. I'm going to change my avatar today if I can. But I may try to add my own dogs to my screen near my ticker, so I have to wait for my family to help me, Nancy.

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Well sometimes those hellish life experiences allow us to see things in new ways.....ya gotta find your silver lining where you can!!!

But thank you so much, you made my day girls!!


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Well sometimes those hellish life experiences allow us to see things in new ways.....ya gotta find your silver lining where you can!!!

But thank you so much, you made my day girls!!


Kat I think it's your attitude that has made you such a great person, you look for the silver linings and your glass is always have full:smile2: Nancy

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Kat, that was a beautiful post. No matter where I am on this site, I always look forward to reading your post. Many times you say exactly what I am thinking, but you word it soooo much better than I ever could. Thanks for sharing that with us.

PS- I totally think you could rock a Dove commercial!

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Among the many reasons I would not be a Dove commercial--right now I am soooooo pale, and I remember them all in white undies------I'd look nekkid-------Like a big white, wrinkly ghost, all blended together!!! LOL


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Among the many reasons I would not be a Dove commercial--right now I am soooooo pale, and I remember them all in white undies------I'd look nekkid-------Like a big white, wrinkly ghost, all blended together!!! LOL


and your PS is around the corner!!! - ... as always kat, your charming in your dialogue/analysis.

i find the closer to 40 i'm getting the more i'm turning into my mom:eek: she's beyond comfortable in her own skin - not afraid of a nip / tuck to the face over the yrs, but is a "I am what I am chick" - No makeup / No frills / eats healthy - works out & likes a cold martini on occassion.

i think that's the role model for health & good living one should have & pass down, rather than rely on "others" - those famous...

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Well the 20th will be my first encounter with nipping and tucking anything---and I am so excited I can barely contain myself, to be rid of this belly is a dream coming true!!!

Up until this point, not much needed lifted or tucked---it was pretty well inflated!!! As I have lost, I have definitely wrinkled some, but not drastically---or maybe I am body dysmorphic with that too!!! La, La, La.....wanna stay that way!!!!

I have DD's aged 26 & 24----I could not ask for anyone to have been more supportive. My oldest is thrilled, it will put me much closer to her size!!! I think I ought to watch my new leather coat closely!!!! Youngest DD is much smaller---height wise and build wise. Just might be that she takes after her own birth Mom---she is technically my step daughter....but my DD just the same!

I find in some things I am taking after my Mom, expressions more than actual looks, I take looks more after my Dad. I hope I can age as gracefully, and turn into the kind, loving, patient woman my Mom is. But I got more than Dads looks, I got his temper!!!

I put make up on if I have time, or the inclination----I would probably do it more often, but removing it is annoying! Since DD told me to use baby wipes, I do seem to wear it more often! I feel "done" when I do take the time. If I am going somewhere with my DH or the kids, or something, I take time to look my best. But even then it is fairly minimal....For hanging around home----not something I do!!!

Martini's are not my thing---used to enjoy a beer here and there! Usually it was Amaretto----oh yeah.....still is! I have it rarely enough, I usually have to run Water over the lid to open it, the sugary liquor makes it stick tight!

I can only hope to inspire my kids, to take the best care possible of themselves, and have repeatedly mentioned how much I wish I had consistantly addressed the problem when it was 20 pounds instead of 120. So far neither has a weight issue. My DIL does, and is wanting to be banded. I would support her. If I can be a role model to my girls as you say your Mom is to you----I would feel a success at being a Mom.

Mothers Day is coming up-----tell yours!!

My Mom is a huge role model for me, as was my Grandma--she was born before her time. She worked as an electrician during the war, she was not afraid of anything except something happening to her loved ones. She used to crack me up, she would talk to the pictures of all of us sitting around....not like a crazy person, she would tell the ones not here she missed them, and the little ones how precious they were. As I dust now and move the picture of her and my Grandpa...I find myself talking to her...telling her I miss her! She was an amazing lady.

You are right, if we look around us we find REAL role models----good point!!!


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Jachut: Great post. I agree. Good point about role models. You are right, we should be admiring or rather aspiring to model our lives like people that stand for a good cause. Not just because they are a celebrity.

However, they (the celebrities) are who we know. They are in the media, they are in our living rooms, at work, in magazines, etc. They dominate our everyday lives. We follow fashion based on what they are wearing and of course that is part of the big game that everyone wants a slice of the pie from. The clothing, accessories, haircut...and hey, don't forget you can even have their doctors!!! If you want boobs like so-and-so, go see Dr. X...if you want a nose like so-and-so, see Dr. Y.

We don't see everyday women/men because they don't generate the sales. I can see why you don't feel particularly motivated to buy their (Dove) product. You already look like them (meaning we are "regular" people), so using their product isn't going to improve anything right? I think the campaign was a fantastic idea, but it's missing something. The consumer is always looking for some quick fix...something to make you look better, etc. You provoke a lot of thought into why it really hasn't been as successful as we all would've hoped.

Kat: I too love reading your posts. You have such a great way with words. I think you are an amazing woman who has much wisdom at your age. I am so happy for you and all your accomplishments!

BrandyII: LMAO-My avatar is a dog! Her name is Lily, she is a pekingnese (show dog). She is the cutest damn thing I ever did see!! Many have no idea what she is even in person...she is so fluffy! A lot of people think she is a cat! Cracks me up! I am a 'big' dog kinda girl, but she won my heart!

GeorgiaGirl: I agree that striving for healthy BMI range is the best goal. I don't understand people who want to knock you down when you are happy. It's not right that anyone would criticize how you look (although we all know people do it everyday because we are fat, so why should/would it be any different when we lose weight and become thin?). You can achieve anything you put your mind to I'm sure. Don't let others steal your thunder!


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I'm so sorry I did not mean to offend Lily, she is very cute but so fluffy and the pic's in black and white and so small and my eyes aren't what they used to be. I just thought she was a full figured kitty, lol. I have a big dog and a little dog and all dogs are great! When I can I'll put up a pic of my dogs, but my husband is already asleep and he's usually the only one who can help me with computers! brandyII

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I just thought she was a full figured kitty, lol.

ROTFLMAO...Okay that was funny!! You didn't offend! Lord no!! HAHA She ended up in one of my daughter's homecoming pictures on her leash and everyone that looks at the picture asks me why I tie my cat up outside!!! Isn't that funny. She is the fluffiest little thing I have ever seen! How could you not fall in love with that??!!


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Actually, I don't remember their names but I remember seeing the cutest rabbits. I think they were Himilayian (sp) but they were so fluffy and had the cutest faces. I really wanted one but my dogs would think they were squeaky toys, if you catch my drift!

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They might squeak.......once!

One of my DD's has a Pug, and my DH tells her it looks like he has been chasing parked cars... Peke's are snubby nosed like that too, aren't they?


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Yes, they have a flat face! But their eyes sort of bug out too. Pure bred/well bred Peke's don't bug out much at all, you usually see that with lesser pedigrees. I think Pug's are so cute too! It really surprised me how much I ended up liking the little dogs...I can't stand the constant yipping though. I could do without that. But I like the cuddle factor! :frown:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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