LilMissDiva Irene 3,282 Posted April 21, 2008 What if I open my mouth and it tries to crawl in there while I'm talking... or what if one accidently gets mashed into the food they are cooking or... Related, but different. My mother (THE font for information you didn't want to know), has advised that every human has injested a number of spiders which have dropped into their mouths whilst they sleep. Oh ick!!! Interestingly enough, that statistic doesn't even faze me. Yeah, I probably ate some spiders - but to think about ingesting those nasty little cockroaches makes me want to unload my lunch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angie4b1g 1 Posted April 21, 2008 I am defintiely with you on the Grand Canyon thing. We went to NC on vacation and dh and the kids climbed to the top of this lighthouse. I was SURE one of the kids was going to get too close to the edge and fall off. I couldn't even look up and wave to them because I was damn near hysterical. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ezma 2 Posted April 22, 2008 AH HA HA HA HA! I needed this so bad. You guys had me laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Been dealing with evil insurance companies all evening so this was sorely needed. I have an irrational fear that stems from one of those emails that float around that are usually quashed if you read Snopes at all but for some reason this has stuck in my head. When I'm pumping gas I constantly look over my shoulder to make sure no one is climbing into my car from the other side. I must look like I have a form a Turrets or a very serious twitch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HappyOne 0 Posted April 22, 2008 Roaches, yep those little buggers are gross and evil. I have a good (?) friend who swears that her sister knows someone who had one crawl out of a sore in their mouth. Something about there being an egg on an envelope flap she licked to shut it. She got a paper cut on her lip from the flap and the egg some how got in the cut. :tongue_smilie: Sounds like one of those things from Ripley's Believe It or Not. It's just discusting enough that it probably did happen. Needless to say I will never lick an envelope to seal it again. Oh, and spiders are rather disgusting too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taz 2 Posted April 22, 2008 While talking about roaches lets not forget mice. They are so nasty and I can almost feel one running up my leg if I see one.:tongue_smilie: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brandyII 9 Posted April 22, 2008 Readysteadygo, You are so much like my daughter, if I have to hear one more story about protecting the earth from the eventual Zombie takeover I think I'll scream! lol, brandyII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brandyII 9 Posted April 22, 2008 Roaches, Okay, I used to live down near D.C. in an apartment when I was about 23 and this place was infested, they feared nothing! They didn't scatter when you turned on the light they were tough little buggers. Well one morning prior to walking to the subway to go to work I saw a huuuuuuuuge one in the kitchen, of course, and there was no way I was going to step on it because it would make a really gross noise and also it would spuuuuu goo every where. This bugger was so big I called it a burger-eater. So I found a pot and put it on top of and left a note for my husband to kill it before I got home. Needless to say I lived with my mother-in-law soon after that because I could not take those burger eaters any more! That's how much I hate roaches, I lived with that woman!!!! brandyII. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeanieg6 1 Posted April 22, 2008 lol, well i am beginning to fear reading any more of these and getting any more fears instilled into my pea brain here. hehehe I fear pain a lot more then pain usually hurts. I always think "what if it hurts so much more than I can imagine?" don't talk about mice! i didn't know i feared them so much till i was in my car and my daughter was driving. a big plop on my foot....a mouse had flew out of the heater! and it was a live and i was screaming folded into a little ball in my seat(iwas small then). i was almost out of breath and i was crying she had to pull over and pretend she got it out, then told me later it was still in there! i wouldn't drive my car for days. Never had any idea i fear the little buggers. :tongue_smilie: My daughter that it was awfully funny though. :thumbup: I too fear standing to close to an edge...what if i get dizzy and fall? lol and i'm a total nervous wreck to see children by a ledge of anyting! 3jeanie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brandyII 9 Posted April 22, 2008 Okay, One day I was driving down a country road on a hot summer day with my daughter in the car and all of the sudden a bumble bee flew into my shirt. I started to freak! I whipped the car over to the side of the road and without even thinking I ripped off my shirt to get that bee out of there, as it had already stung me in the back. Thank God, no one was driving down the road as I stood there in my non-Victorian Secret bra. The only ones to see me were about twenty cows across the street. My daughter still tells everyone that story, but what can I say I hate bees especially when they're in my shirt driving down the road! I don't think that's irrational do you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ezma 2 Posted April 22, 2008 I hear ya Brandi. I'm scared to death of bees, especially those huge black ones. I know the most they will do is thud into me but they just freak me out beyond comprehension. <shivers> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angie4b1g 1 Posted April 22, 2008 I was pulling up some vines in our front garden one year when I disturbed a bee hive. My daughter had been walking back and forth helping me relocate some perennials, so I knew she'd be coming back that way soon (she was 7). I ran toward the backyard to head her off. Just as we got to the back store, a bee stung me - right on the ass! (that thing followed me!!) I ran in the house screaming to dh "get it out of my butt! get it out of my butt!" He, of course, had no idea what I was going on about. It must be a wild ride being married to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReadySteadyGo 8 Posted April 22, 2008 Okay, One day I was driving down a country road on a hot summer day with my daughter in the car and all of the sudden a bumble bee flew into my shirt. I started to freak! I whipped the car over to the side of the road and without even thinking I ripped off my shirt to get that bee out of there, as it had already stung me in the back. Thank God, no one was driving down the road as I stood there in my non-Victorian Secret bra. The only ones to see me were about twenty cows across the street. My daughter still tells everyone that story, but what can I say I hate bees especially when they're in my shirt driving down the road! I don't think that's irrational do you? About 9 years ago my family went on our last family vacation. It was the last because...well we refer to this trip as the vacation from hell. It started off with all five of us in an RV. (Not a good idea) We pick up the borrowed RV and before we can even get to the interstate a yellow jacket flew in the window into my moms shirt who was driving and stung her three times. Sadly, that wasn't close to the worst part of the trip. My dad gets stressed out easily so he was a monster in that RV, the RV park that we were at had a messed up sewer line or something so when they went to dump the full sewer tank in the unknown messed up line it shot back up covering my dad. We went to six flags and it was 100,000,000 degrees, I got whiplash on the first ride I rode, my little brother got sick from the heat and threw up... I find it hard to be in a house with less than five rooms to this day because of that trip. I'm not sure if the five of us have been in the same vehicle since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LilMissDiva Irene 3,282 Posted April 22, 2008 Since we are on story time, and all of them have been so great - I have one for you. When I was five years old I used to live in a haunted house. One night while I was going into bed I heard a noise come out of my closet. I looked over to the closet which had a door and it was all the way open. Then, all of a sudden a huge eyeball with flames behind it came screaming out of it. I screamed my head off, you can believe that!! My Mom came in and I told her what happened. Of course she never believed me, but my two brothers can vouch for me if we were to ever get in a discussion over that place. Needless to say I now have a fear of ever leaving the closet door open. Yes, my DH thinks I'm a bit kuckoo about it, but hey... if you'd have seen that, you'd do the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Officeslave 0 Posted April 22, 2008 I have the fear of clowns as well. UGH - I hate the sight of them! Those and mice - I can't take the thought of mice and we live in the country so we get them occasionally.....yuk! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReadySteadyGo 8 Posted April 22, 2008 Since we are on story time, and all of them have been so great - I have one for you. When I was five years old I used to live in a haunted house. One night while I was going into bed I heard a noise come out of my closet. I looked over to the closet which had a door and it was all the way open. Then, all of a sudden a huge eyeball with flames behind it came screaming out of it. I screamed my head off, you can believe that!! My Mom came in and I told her what happened. Of course she never believed me, but my two brothers can vouch for me if we were to ever get in a discussion over that place. Needless to say I now have a fear of ever leaving the closet door open. Yes, my DH thinks I'm a bit kuckoo about it, but hey... if you'd have seen that, you'd do the same. I woud have to nail that closet shut. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites