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ok.. im really excited about my lapband.. but i keep running into people that burst my bubble about it!.. people are always telling me that they know someone that had the lapband and didnt really loose weight.. or they lost weight but they said they werent allowed to ever eat carbs again and stuff like that and had to exercise alot.. im planning on exercising and im prepared for the new lifestyle.. but the way people make it sound is that the strict diet is whats making them loose weight not that band!

i hate when people burst my bubble.. im getting the lap band def.. i havent had any doubts about getting it.. im just scared i wont loose weight or atleast as much as i want to!

help! anyone that has already had the lapband.. do u really feel full when u eat a little amount? thats my only problem is portion control! i dont even eat that bad.just wayyyyyyyyy to much. so if the band really does make u full after like a 1/2 cup of food i dont see how u COULDNT loose weight! someone please make me feel better about knowing im gonna loose weight! :cry_smile:

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The band is a tool not a miracle that will automatically make you lose weight. You have to follow a plan and stick with it to make it work. Two of my cousins have been banded and have lost and kept off their weight for 4 years so I know it works. There are also several people on this board who have been successful.

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ok.. im really excited about my Lap Band.. but i keep running into people that burst my bubble about it!.. people are always telling me that they know someone that had the Lap Band and didnt really loose weight.. or they lost weight but they said they werent allowed to ever eat carbs again and stuff like that and had to exercise alot.. im planning on exercising and im prepared for the new lifestyle.. but the way people make it sound is that the strict diet is whats making them loose weight not that band!

i hate when people burst my bubble.. im getting the lap band def.. i havent had any doubts about getting it.. im just scared i wont loose weight or atleast as much as i want to!

help! anyone that has already had the Lap Band.. do u really feel full when u eat a little amount? thats my only problem is portion control! i dont even eat that bad.just wayyyyyyyyy to much. so if the band really does make u full after like a 1/2 cup of food i dont see how u COULDNT loose weight! someone please make me feel better about knowing im gonna loose weight! :cry_smile:

You know that was one of the very reasons i stop telling people that I was going to get the procedure done. The one's that are telling u that people don't loose that much weight are prob. speaking of the ones that did not follow their Dr's instructions. The one's that are not getting the fills like they should. Those that are not working out. If u are dedicated to changing your life then don't let the loosers discourage you from doing that. Everyone act's like it is so easy to just pull away from the freekin table.. but why would u pull away if u are still hungry? The band is a tool and will assist u in doing what u want to do which is loose weight. U can do it. Just stop talking about it to the negative people and they will soon forget that u ever mentioned it. Take a look at one of the boards that hve the before and after pictures...and that proves that people do loose the weight.. and a lot of it...

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Seriously. calm down and take a deep breath.

This is one reason why I havent' told anyone but 3 people that I'm even doing this.

First, a lot of people confuse banding with bypass. Banding is fairly new in the states and so I seriously doubt that the people telling you these things really know that many bandsters, if any.

Second, EVERYONE knows someone who knew someone who... (insert experience, procedure, etc.) DH and I adopted our daughter after YEARS of infertility and failed treatments and you wouldn't believe how many people tell us how many people they know who got pregnant after they adopted and of course it will happen to us. Even though it actually very rarely happens.

Third, as long as YOU are doing YOUR research and YOU are comfortable with YOUR decision, it isn't up to anyone else. Grow a backbone (and I mean that in a nice way, it's a problem for me) and tell people before they get started (even if you need to interrupt them) that YOU have done YOUR research and are comfortable with YOUR decision and you really don't need or want their opinion. It's hard, I know. Another reason why I"m not telling anybody, I don't want to FEEL like I have to defend my decision. My DH, mom and best friend are the only ones who know and are totally supportive.

Fourth, I also have a huge problem with portions. From what I've been reading, that's actually the best problem to have when contemplating getting banded (in MY opinion). Banding doesn't help with sweets (especially liquid, shakes, etc.) or grazing-type eating. I don't graze much, if at all and I don't eat shakes or ice cream much.

Fifth, from what I've been reading on here, if you are doing what your doctor recommended for your post-op diet, eating your Protein first, eating your veggies, then your fruit, if there's room, eating slowly and chewing like there's no tomorrow, then yes, you will be eating 1/2 to 1 1/2 cups of food and will feel full WITH proper restriction.

Sixth (and finally!), stick around this site, read everything you can, post when you have questions or just have something to say. This is a great site! I love it here.

Seventh (okay just one more thing!), WELCOME!!!

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Seriously. calm down and take a deep breath.

This is one reason why I havent' told anyone but 3 people that I'm even doing this.

First, a lot of people confuse banding with bypass. Banding is fairly new in the states and so I seriously doubt that the people telling you these things really know that many bandsters, if any.

Second, EVERYONE knows someone who knew someone who... (insert experience, procedure, etc.) DH and I adopted our daughter after YEARS of infertility and failed treatments and you wouldn't believe how many people tell us how many people they know who got pregnant after they adopted and of course it will happen to us. Even though it actually very rarely happens.

Third, as long as YOU are doing YOUR research and YOU are comfortable with YOUR decision, it isn't up to anyone else. Grow a backbone (and I mean that in a nice way, it's a problem for me) and tell people before they get started (even if you need to interrupt them) that YOU have done YOUR research and are comfortable with YOUR decision and you really don't need or want their opinion. It's hard, I know. Another reason why I"m not telling anybody, I don't want to FEEL like I have to defend my decision. My DH, mom and best friend are the only ones who know and are totally supportive.

Fourth, I also have a huge problem with portions. From what I've been reading, that's actually the best problem to have when contemplating getting banded (in MY opinion). Banding doesn't help with sweets (especially liquid, shakes, etc.) or grazing-type eating. I don't graze much, if at all and I don't eat shakes or ice cream much.

Fifth, from what I've been reading on here, if you are doing what your doctor recommended for your post-op diet, eating your Protein first, eating your veggies, then your fruit, if there's room, eating slowly and chewing like there's no tomorrow, then yes, you will be eating 1/2 to 1 1/2 cups of food and will feel full WITH proper restriction.

Sixth (and finally!), stick around this site, read everything you can, post when you have questions or just have something to say. This is a great site! I love it here.

Seventh (okay just one more thing!), WELCOME!!!

thank u so much for everything that u wrote... im just towards the end and i think everything that im going threw is normal.. i hope..lol... its soo true that EVERYONE knows someone that did something..haha.. im so sick of it and i am sick of defending it.. i just need to shut up and forget about everyone that has something negative!.. :cry_smile:

P.s. thank u for supporting the troops! im a marine wife and sister! :crying:

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You know that was one of the very reasons i stop telling people that I was going to get the procedure done. The one's that are telling u that people don't loose that much weight are prob. speaking of the ones that did not follow their Dr's instructions. The one's that are not getting the fills like they should. Those that are not working out. If u are dedicated to changing your life then don't let the loosers discourage you from doing that. Everyone act's like it is so easy to just pull away from the freekin table.. but why would u pull away if u are still hungry? The band is a tool and will assist u in doing what u want to do which is loose weight. U can do it. Just stop talking about it to the negative people and they will soon forget that u ever mentioned it. Take a look at one of the boards that hve the before and after pictures...and that proves that people do loose the weight.. and a lot of it...

thank u so much for writing back! i have looked at alot of the before and after pics... i know people loose weight.. i just get worried (cause people put it in my head) that some people lost the weight just cause of following and strict diet and having some will power and not cause of the band. and the more people that say that the more i start being like.. hmmmm.. i dont want to be discouraged about this.. i want to loose weight so bad. i just want to make sure im gonna feel full.. thats all im worried about.. i know its a tool.. and i know i have to continue to watch what i eat and exercise.. i just have a prob with portion control.. so thats why i think the band is perfect for me if it really does make u full. are u already banded? if so can u tell me about being full and stuff? are u really full after only a cup of food?

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ok.. im really excited about my Lap Band.. but i keep running into people that burst my bubble about it!.. people are always telling me that they know someone that had the Lap Band and didnt really loose weight.. or they lost weight but they said they werent allowed to ever eat carbs again and stuff like that and had to exercise alot.. im planning on exercising and im prepared for the new lifestyle.. but the way people make it sound is that the strict diet is whats making them loose weight not that band!

i hate when people burst my bubble.. im getting the lap band def.. i havent had any doubts about getting it.. im just scared i wont loose weight or atleast as much as i want to!

help! anyone that has already had the Lap Band.. do u really feel full when u eat a little amount? thats my only problem is portion control! i dont even eat that bad.just wayyyyyyyyy to much. so if the band really does make u full after like a 1/2 cup of food i dont see how u COULDNT loose weight! someone please make me feel better about knowing im gonna loose weight! :cry_smile:


Welcome to Lbt..

Please know that the band is only a tool - it in itself doesn't make you lose the weight - It's only a tool to make you feel full faster once you have proper restriction and it does help curb your appetite some.

This is a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating - eating healthy - I eat carbs - but not a lot - I usually have 1/2 cup of rice with dinner.< /p>

You can eat around the band too - all the crap (candy Cookies chips ice cream) all go thru real easy - slider foods - slides right thru. You can not continue to eat high fat foods - food loaded with sugar and tons of carbs.

Yes you can lose with the help of the band - but you are going to have to do the work - by eating healthy and changing your whole outlook on food and adding exercise into your life.

The band is not the easy way to lose the weight it still takes work. It takes will power to eat healhty and to exercise when you really don't want to.

Most people who are thin do not pig out 24/7 they eat normal portions 4 oz of steak a little potatoe and some veggies instead of the 16 oz steak - with a load baked potato - the bread basket - Soup & salad and then want dessert - this is how fat people eat not thin..

So as long as you do the work you will be successful. But if you expect the band to do all the work - then you will be disappointed.

Keep reading and researching - Good Luck in your journey.

Edited by IndioGirl55
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The band will definitely help you feel full. So if you're one of those people, like I was, who was just never full, it'll be a huge help. Seriously, I could eat and eat and eat... and then 1/2 hr later start snacking. I never felt satisfied. Now, after banding, I do.

It doesn't help with making bad food choices though, or emotional eating. As for grazers, well, a lot of time people graze because they don't feel satisfied after a meal, but the band gives you that feeling. Or it does for me anyway. I don't feel like grazing.

I have been tracking my food intake online and it shows me my breakdown of protein/fat/carbs. I eat mostly Protein & produce, but as it turns out, that's not low-carb at all. It's actually a balanced diet, even without adding in things like rice, potatoes, Pasta, bread, and sugary treats.

I aim for between 1000-1200 cals a day.

You can do it -- it definitely takes work, but the band sure helps!!

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The band helps your eating in sooooo many ways. Ones you expect, such as limiting how much you can eat, to ways that I at least never expected---such as making food taste different to me!

Since being banded I hardly ever experience hunger. Once that urgency of feeding myself was gone, I was able to make much wiser food choices. I told myself I could not live without my chips---but in reality, they were just always handy! They required no prep, and filled me up! I would walk in the house ravenous, and grab something quick and handy and begin shoving it in my mouth---chips, Cookies, you name it!

When I got banded, I did have to rethink my food intake. To be honest, what made me begin thinking about it was prior to being banded, I had heard of people dealing with Hair loss, and suspecting it being caused by poor nutrition. That made me think about the fact that I now was going to have this little pouch, and I needed to put as much healthy stuff in there as possible, because there was not much room!

Then, like I say I discovered the fact that if you eat properly---food ends up tasting different! Since you have the band tight around a portion of your stomach, it is highly important that you take small bites and chew them VERY, VERY well. That is where the change comes about! When you begin chewing highly processed foods---think Twinkies, junk food of that type---when you chew them really well----they are nasty!!!! They break down and it feels like I have a mouth full of lard!!!

Vegetables, meat, things like that, real food----tastes the same the 20th chew as it did the first----it is nothing but that food breaking down---into the proper consistency for a banded person. But some foods----chew them too long, and they change texture, and the artificial sweetner tastes pop out----you learn to enjoy healthy foods. Believe me, when I say, I would never, ever have believed that!!!!

Controlling your hunger, controlling your portions, teaching you healthy eating habits. I have not found myself missing things I once thought I could not live without!!!

If we limited ourselves to 3 meals a day of 1/2 cup each yes, we would surely all lose weight!!! But, that is not realistic! Most people if they only eat 1/2 cup at a time, are eating more frequently, and I know myself, I eat more than that at a sitting. Plus if you eat ice cream, or high fat/calorie creamy soups----you can easily eat more, and not feel at all restricted in the amount. You do have to work with it. But like in my case, it is not something I think about much anymore, I eat small amounts, and that's normal for me. I don't think about it all the time anymore.....

It works.

Welcome to LBT!


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The band will definitely help you feel full. So if you're one of those people, like I was, who was just never full, it'll be a huge help. Seriously, I could eat and eat and eat... and then 1/2 hr later start snacking. I never felt satisfied. Now, after banding, I do.

It doesn't help with making bad food choices though, or emotional eating. As for grazers, well, a lot of time people graze because they don't feel satisfied after a meal, but the band gives you that feeling. Or it does for me anyway. I don't feel like grazing.

I have been tracking my food intake online and it shows me my breakdown of protein/fat/carbs. I eat mostly Protein & produce, but as it turns out, that's not low-carb at all. It's actually a balanced diet, even without adding in things like rice, potatoes, Pasta, bread, and sugary treats.

I aim for between 1000-1200 cals a day.

You can do it -- it definitely takes work, but the band sure helps!!

mollymolly... thank u so much! that is exactly the answer i was looking for! i dont need to be told AGAIN that its a tool.. i know that ive been researching it for a long time.. i just want to hear from people that actually had it if they really feel full. im totally aware about it being a took and not a miracle.. ive known this for almost a year now. i just get worried when i hear that some people dont loose weight.. so then i get worried that maybe they didnt feel full. u must be like me when u say ur only prob was Portion Control. so if it does make u feel full im sure i will have great sucess with it! im so excited!

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kat187: wow! congrats on ur weight loss! uve lost so much! i bet ur soooo happy! thank u for all the wonderful info! all these replies im getting are making me so excited! i want to have it tommorrow!!! lol thank u all.. u all are soooo nice! im so glad i found this website! good luck to everyone on a healthy new life style!

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We were all told repeatedly that the band is just a tool. Almost to the point of that making it seem like it really wasn't going to DO much to help us.

Then back when discussing it with my DH it come up, and he put it all in perspective for me.

If I told you to go in the back yard and dig a hole----just you, nothing else....you COULD do it, if you were motivated....and worked really hard. You could scuff the ground with your toe and then begin scooping out the ground with your hands. You would do fair, until you hit hard ground, or heaven forbid a rock!

But now if I give you a tool---say a shovel or a pick----you can dig a much bigger hole in way less time!!! That is not to say you won't ever hit hard earth or rocks---but you have help manuevering around them.

If however, I give you that tool---the shovel or pick----and you think that IT will do all the work, you would be wrong, the shovel would just lie there on the ground---doing nothing. YOU must pick it up, and work it. But it still makes the job you are doing incredibly easier!!!!

Sounds silly-----but when someone tells you it is just a tool---it IS, and we all KNOW that, but making it something that makes sense, makes it usable to me!!!

Anyway---just thought I would share the thought....


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This is exactly what I'm looking for from my surgery. I've never heard it put quite this way, Kat. Thank you.

Kat Said:

Since being banded I hardly ever experience hunger. Once that urgency of feeding myself was gone, I was able to make much wiser food choices.

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It IS the strict diet that's making them lose weight! But with a band you can live that way and not feel like you're dieting strictly, and you dont have to give up absolutely everything.

And yes, exercise is a pretty important part of it. Sad to say there's no way to really lose weight and keep it off without changing your lifestyle.

But its not as hard as it seems from your side of the fence and those changes do become habits and you dont miss your old unhealthy ones.

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