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Banded one year, no weight loss

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I was banded on May 1, 2007. To date I have lost 9 pounds. Nine pounds in nearly a year! Iv'e had three fills, I don't remember the exact amounts but the first two were big, the last one was small because my doctor didn't want to put much more in because I was having pain trying to eat meat. I have the inamed band, again I don't remember how much it holds but it's not a lot. I keep a weird schedule, I'm a night owl so I don't eat much during the day. So far two doctors have told me I'm not losing weight because I'm not eating enough. That seems so weird to me but I researched a lot before I got this band and I remember reading that that could happen. So I'm trying to make sure I eat every four hours even if only a Protein Drink, and still I'm not losing weight, that is until last week. I was feeling so depressed I pigged out on pizza and Cookies and a few days later discovered I had lost 4 lbs. What the heck is wrong with my body?

I can't say I've ever felt restriction or felt comfortably full since being banded. What happens is some foods I can eat tons of with no consequence and others cause pain. I have adapted to where I can tell when that pain is just barely beginning and so I stop. I was told that after being banded you can only sip Water, that you would never be able to gulp it again. I can throw back a glass of ice-water in a few seconds. Does this sound like I need another fill?

I know I need to get more exercise, I'm not a complete couch potato but pretty close. I love gardening and other than that and house work and walking 300 ft to the mailbox every day that's about it. I get very depressed when I remember that I fought my insurance company (and paid a lawyer) for THREE YEARS to get this surgery, then went through the first surgery I'd ever had and recovery and all the rest only to lose 9 pounds, I could just cry.

What do you make of this.


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I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles! I've only been banded for 2.5 weeks, so I don't have an experience to give advice. I do know that not eating enough, getting enough calories, etc, your body goes into starvation mode and won't let go of the fat as easily.

Good luck with everything though. I hope things turn around for you!

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Suz, please try not to be dicouraged and give up. This weight loss business is so very important for you now. I too am 52. I finally woke up and decided I HAD to get rid of my 165 extra pounds before I got real problems. I've been really lucky all these years.

Are you sure that you're sticking to a good diet most of the time? We all have a little treat now and again, but sometimes a lot goes in than we think.

I would suggest writing down EVERY single bit that goes in your mouth. Don't forget to count the drinks in too. They add up quick. Try a diet of about 1000 calories per day. When you eat too few, your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to every ounce of fat it can. You probably have tried 100's of diets through the years like me, and our bodies are now super efficient at hoarding the fat.

Try to increase your activity level too. It doesn't have to be much. Better slow and steady than too much and risk injury. I've been there too.

Look for small changes, slowly. Reward yourself for each accomplishment - just not with food. 15 minutes in the sun, read a chapter in a book, get a manicure, stuff like that. Remember, you've got to take care of yourself and you can't if you can't enjoy the small things in life.

I hope this helps.

I was banded 8 months ago and have now lost 49 pounds. It's been a real struggle, but oh so worth it. With each 5 pounds gone, you'll get more energy and want to do more. You'll like yourself more and more too. I love all the compliments I'm getting, but the lady in the mirror has the opinions I value much.

Good luck and let me know how you're doing.


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I was banded on May 1, 2007. To date I have lost 9 pounds. Nine pounds in nearly a year! Iv'e had three fills, I don't remember the exact amounts but the first two were big, the last one was small because my doctor didn't want to put much more in because I was having pain trying to eat meat. I have the inamed band, again I don't remember how much it holds but it's not a lot. I keep a weird schedule, I'm a night owl so I don't eat much during the day. So far two doctors have told me I'm not losing weight because I'm not eating enough. That seems so weird to me but I researched a lot before I got this band and I remember reading that that could happen. So I'm trying to make sure I eat every four hours even if only a Protein drink, and still I'm not losing weight, that is until last week. I was feeling so depressed I pigged out on pizza and Cookies and a few days later discovered I had lost 4 lbs. What the heck is wrong with my body?

I can't say I've ever felt restriction or felt comfortably full since being banded. What happens is some foods I can eat tons of with no consequence and others cause pain. I have adapted to where I can tell when that pain is just barely beginning and so I stop. I was told that after being banded you can only sip Water, that you would never be able to gulp it again. I can throw back a glass of ice-water in a few seconds. Does this sound like I need another fill?

I know I need to get more exercise, I'm not a complete couch potato but pretty close. I love gardening and other than that and house work and walking 300 ft to the mailbox every day that's about it. I get very depressed when I remember that I fought my insurance company (and paid a lawyer) for THREE YEARS to get this surgery, then went through the first surgery I'd ever had and recovery and all the rest only to lose 9 pounds, I could just cry.

What do you make of this.


suz, I'm sorry you are struggling.

I would start from the beginning of bander rules. If you cannot eat meat that is cut small, eaten slowly and chewed well, then you should consider that your band might be too tight. There have been many people on here that have stated they do not lose weight when their bands are too tight.

It can be hard to understand the signs or signals of being full. I don't get a feeling of being full or really even a feeling to stop eating. I eat a "diet"portion of food and then STOP, even though I could eat more. I wait a half to one hour and then have a slight sensation of being "satisfied" not necessarily full. This feeling of being satisfied allows me to resist eating more, but I have to really listen for it. If I truly still feel hungry, after the one hour, I drink a bottle of Water and then re-evaluate my hunger again. If I'm ok, I wait until the next meal, if I still feel really hungry, I have an apple or a yogurt, or you could have a small piece of cheese. I track all my calories, every day.

WE are all able to have some foods go down really easily and even with perfect restriction that could always happen. That's why you must start a meal with good healthy band friendly food.< /p>

A meal of a Protein Drink is ok once in a while, but liquids will go right through the band and not really help to keep you feeling full.

I have lost half of my weight without doing exercise. I have just started walking this week. It is possible ( but harder) to lose some weight without exercise, but it usually mean reducing the calories a bit more than people that do exercise. (That's why it's harder).

If you track your calories and stay eat no more than 1000 to 1200 calories, you should lose weight.

If tracking calories is a pain, then try using some foods for the first week or two that are easier to track. Cereal has the calories right on the box, Lean cuisine, weight watchers frozen meals etc, do too.

If I eat a meal that I have to figure it out, then i just type in "calories in chicken" on my computer and it comes up. Yes, you have to weigh your portion first.

You can do this. Maybe you just thought the band was going to do it all for you. It won't. You have to work with it and help it.

analyze which foods give you pain. Are they the healthy ones? Are you avoiding them becasue it hurts and eating "bad" foods instead? Are you just eating them too fast or not chewing enough?

Not willing to exercise yet, Stay busy with organizing your receipes, clean out a junk drawer, organize your old photos, try a new craft project. Anything to keep you busy and away from food when you need the distraction, so you don't eat from boredom.

I'm sure you can figure this out. We're here to help you.

Edited by shortgal

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After two fills, I don't have any restriction BUT I don't walk around feeling like I have a large, bottomless pit inside me. I love my LapBand for that. I can go for long periods and not eat.

There a lot of theories about whether you should eat more or less. I know for myself, I have to go to bed on the hungry side or I don't lose weight, LapBand or no LapBand.

I'm three months out and I have lost 30lbs by going to bed feeling like I could eat a large plate of something, anything :biggrin2: . My husband isn't banded but he also has some weight to lose, so we're doing this together. No appealing foods in the house.

For supper, I've been eating two naval oranges and a small bowl of a healthy, high Fiber Cereal. Cereal and oranges satisfy the sweet tooth. The cereal helps with the pooping and the oranges help with the peeing. :D We weigh every Friday morning. This morning we both lost a little over a pound from last week. We try to go real hungry Mon-Thur and then eat a little better on the weekends. We should but we don't exercise much at all, just working around the house in and out.

Good luck, you have to keep changing things up until you find what works for you.

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my doctor says eat Protein first. we have 3 phases two weeks of liquid two weeks of mushy and then meals... But my liquids are slim fast low carb. So mushy means mushy meats... and when meals start that means a piece of meat and some green beans.... Even if your doing 3 or 4 quarter cups of food a day if those are Pasta, and patotes then its going to be tough.... try the low carb....

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I'm sorry you are struggling! I know what it is like to get on that scale and never see it move! Before I was banded I did every diet and exercise program known to man and never lost a pound. (and believe me, I mean EVERY one!!!) It does sound like you need a fill. It also sounds like you really need to concentrate on when and what you are eating when you do eat. It is really important to eat regularly because the band is supposed to be filled up and empty out slowly. It's important to eat enough Protein (my doctor says 60g). You should try to eat three meals a day, no Snacks. The meals should be mainly protein and vegetables. If you have room, have some fruit. If you are doing that, you really should be losing weight, but it is REALLY hard if you do not have good restriction. You haven't said exactly what it is you are eating, so if you feel like emailing that info to me in a private message I'd love to look and give you some input. (maybe a food log for a day or two) I am a very slow loser, too, even after the band, but I am so happy I have lost the 31.5 pounds I have lost. I'd love to help you in any way I can because I can only imagine how depressing only losing 9 pounds would be. Also, it might help a bit to call your doctor and find out what your fill level is, it kind of gives you an idea of whether you are in the ballpark of what most people need to reach their sweet spot. It would be helpful to know if you are close. Hang in there! Don't give up yet!!!

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Hi Suz,

You said there are a lot of foods you can eat tons of with no consequence? Are they healthy, low calorie, high Protein foods? As already suggested - track what you are eating. FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal is a great program that will help you understand how much calories, Protein, etc. It still comes down to calories in versus calories out.

Are you consuming many calories in liquids?

Have you been to see a dietician/nutritionalist?

Best wishes, and hope it goes well for you in future.

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May I suggest that you do some reading about the Famine Reaction and get to know how much you really do need to eat in order to lose weight? If you do not eat enough calories, your body thinks there is a famine, and hangs onto everything you give it, as well as shutting down your metabolism, libido, and reproductive system, among other things. It's worth reading up on. :biggrin:

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I really don't count calories because it makes me focus on food too much and then I start eating too much. I know what's fattening and what's not and I know about portion size. I once worked with dieticians in a hospital writing special diets for special needs patients. So I have always cut the fat off of meat and controlled my intake of deep fried foods,etc. My main problem has always been sweets, uncontrolled amounts of chocolate. That's how I got this fat. Like my mother I have a slow metabolism and my resting heart rate is too fast. I am on medication for the heart (high blood pressure too). But the only thing to raise the metabolic rate is exercise, which has to be done gradually because of my heart. As for rewarding a job well done there's my gardening (I could get myself a new rose bush), I make jewelry (I could splurge on some fabulous crystals) and I have my cross stitch... After reading your replys I think my problem is too much carbs. I eat cereal frequently for all three meals. I have irritable bowel syndrome so I have to alternate the good stuff (Live Active, Cheerios) with the average stuff(Special K, Corn Chex). The good stuff aggravates my IBS if I eat it every day. You know the saying you are what you eat? If that's true then I'm a bowl of cereal. I get most of my Protein from Protein Drinks and occasionally chicken which I cut up very tiny and chew to death. Beef (not ground beef) practically gives me a heart attack. I love shrimp but I just can't chew it up enough no matter how long I chew it. The reason for the carb overload is I'm so tired with all this extra weight and slow metabolism and diabetes I just don't want to cook or be bothered with food. For the first 7 months I followed the perfect Bandster diet, it was such a hassle cooking all the time but I wanted to lose the weight so bad I did it. But when nothing came off I began to eat less and less hoping to lose and because I was tired of the hassle for nothing. Now I still don't eat much during the day ( I pretty much sleep all day, I don't usually go to bed until 3:30-4:00am) but I eat too much after the sun goes down and it's mostly carbohydrate. I love most vegetables but only a few fruits, weird, I know. I'd rather eat veggies than meat any time. So it's hard to get all the protein in. I know it's me that's gotta do the work using the band as a tool, but I expected the band to stave off hunger a lot better than it is. Soo...suggestions?

Edited by Suz

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I find that carbs make me feel hungrier. I allow myself a bowl of Cereal as a treat every once in a while. I can do oatmeal and feel full, but when I do the dry cereals with milk, I could eat it all day and not feel full.

Also I would think that the milk in the bowl of cereal pushes the cereal through the band quicker, thus making you feel hungrier quicker. It seems to me you would do better on real foods. You've got to get more Protein in to feel full longer. If meats and solid foods are giving you that much trouble maybe you are over filled and need a small un-fill?

I really think the best thing for you to do is to see your doctor. They want you to succeed. They are there to help you.

Best of luck to you!


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I don't know if this makes you feel better or worse but I've felt restriction and got my band last August and never lost but gained back all 25 pounds I lost during my four week Medifast liquid diet prior to surgery.

I guess I'm lucky where I didn't have to fight like you did to get the surgery but now I'm considering the gastric bypass and have no idea of what the surgeon will say tomorrow when we "discuss". Of course insurance wise I'm not hopeful but I guess miracles can happen. Maybe not all of us are meant for the band. I know it seems like everyone else is doing so well and I know they work hard at it and I wish it could be me too! I've cried about it already today so I know what you're going through.

Good luck to you, brandyII.

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last august, if you followed the band rules, and changed your lifestyle a bit surely you would have lost weight if you had restrciton. Have you had your dr check for a leak, I think this is possible, afterall you did really well in the begining. I would check, and good luck.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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