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Quite possibly regretting my UCSD decision

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I chose UCSD to go through this process based on the surgeon's expertise, the information on their website, and the information presented at their mandatory seminar.

Today was my "surgical evaluation" and I have to admit, I think I am kind of regretting my decision to go with them. I don't even know if I am stuck here or if I have any options.

I have two problems with the process so far. One is concerning weight/timelines and mis-information.

At the seminar, because I have no co-morbities, I was told NOT to lose any weight and was told that maybe I'm not as tall as I think I am -- because I have a borderline BMI for insurance approval with no co-morbidities. That was 3 weeks ago. I diligently did NOT lose weight (even though I have been SUPER motivated to lose weight and am excited about this process). At the seminar, I was also told that I would be required to endure a 2-week liquid diet to prove that I was committed to the process and to shrink my liver. Fine, no problem.

Between the seminar and my appointments, I spoke with the office regarding timing and was told that with my particular insurance, it usually only takes 3 days or so to get an answer on approval, and then from there it's usually only a matter of a few weeks to schedule the surgery, provided that I am a good candidate.

NOW, I am being told that in addition to the 2-week liquid diet, I have to lose 5 pounds in 4 weeks, that my insurance will take 4-6 weeks for approval, and that if I can lose 5 pounds, then I still have to go on the liquid diet for another 2 weeks and that I'm not looking at a surgical date until this summer.

I AM PISSED! I had 3 lousy weeks between the seminar and my appointment today that I could have proven to them that I can lose 5 pounds. Hello? I'm 100 pounds overweight . . . don't they know that I can pee 5 pounds in one day???? I fluctuate 5-10 pounds with my period! But no . . . I'm on a "trial" period. Whatever. So, on one hand they say that I am a good candidate for surgery and then on the other hand they're telling me that I need to prove I can lose 5 pounds before they operate. Fine . . . I will definitely show them their 5 pounds. But FOUR weeks to lose 5 pounds??? You know the beginning stages of a good program of eating right and exercising . . . 5 pounds definitely comes off a lot faster than 4 whole weeks. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt that I can lose 5 pounds. I just kind of wish that I wouldn't have had to sit around and wait for this news. I could have had the 5 pounds lost by now over the 3 weeks I just sat around doing nothing.

My other problem with them is the overwhelming amount of people I had to see today. I was told, yet again, misinformation. I was told that I was going to get a surgical evaluation, a psych evaluation, and meet with the nutritionist. they scheduled me THREE appointments listed on my paperwork.

NO . . . I met with ELEVEN people today . . . one was a jerk . . . and NONE of them were my actual surgeon.

1. Nurse

2. Surgeon (not the one performing my surgery)

3. Psychologist (not a very nice one)

4. Psychologist

5. Physician ?

6. Nutritionist

7. Associate Nutritionist

8. Nurse

9. Surgeon (a total ___hole--again, not my surgeon)

10. Surgeon/Physician??? I don't even know who he was. He could have been the janitor for all I knew at this point. I just knew that he wasn't my surgeon yet again).

11. Patient Advocate

I must have answered the same questions at LEAST 5 times. And the only really compassionate people were the nutritionist and the patient advocate.

They also REALLY got down on me about my BMI . . . and I don't want to get in trouble for insurance fraud or anything, I just want to get approved for the surgery . . . so it's everything within my power to tell these people, "HELLO???? I'm freaking taller than you think, I'm wearing the heaviest jeans I own, I'm wearing TWO shirts, and I've just had approximately SEVEN glasses of iced tea!!!!!!" I mean, honestly. I felt like I had 11 people looking down at me today.

It was not at ALL what I expected. It was not at all the same feeling I got from the seminar.

I'm sorry I'm just really upset right now. Please forgive me. I understand that this is a long process and that it's not a miracle cure and it's not a fast fix. They just painted a very different picture from what I was told today. I even went back and read the handouts from the seminar and nowhere does it say anything about having to tell 11 people why I am fat over and over. Nowhere does it say anything about any way to prove to them that you can lose weight except for the liquid diet. Which, TRUST ME, I am sooooo ready to begin.

Oh, then to top it off, one of the surgeons told me that if I was self-pay, then I wouldn't have to take 4 weeks to lose 5 pounds. In the same breath, he told me that this isn't an insurance requirement, but something that *I* need to do to prove to them I can do it.

UGH. I'm so mad right now.

Thank you for letting me vent here. I have really been so inspired by everyone's amazing results and dedication. I am thankful for this place.

Any advice you can give me about switching surgeons or good centers in San Diego, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance.

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Hey there sandiegophotog, That is a big bummer! For sure, but lets look at the silver lining,,,it may be a blessing in disguise that you found out before, not after that they really don't have it together...I'm going to San Diego on May 4th to see Dr. Aceves in Mexicali on the 5th and I cannot wait. I've researched him for about a year and I've heard nothing but good things and I'm self paying...So I'm really excited. you need to spend more time reading becuase there are lots of good ideas and advice. I'm a newbie so I love it... Well don't worry it will all work out. Definately review your options, the place doesn't sound good.... All the best JaJeanne :))

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I'm sorry you are so upset and had such a rough time.

Is this place a training school? If so, I can see why you might have seen so many people. Perhaps you can ask for a business manager to find out why there are so many descrepancies from what you were told at the seminar.

Check and see what your insurance's requirements are for covering the surgery. I know my insurance will only cover the surgery if a patient is 100 pounds overweight with co-morbilities or 200 pounds overweight. I think many policies are also written this way.

As far as losing 5 pounds, I believe many doctors ask for a certain amount of weightloss. I have to lose 5% of my weight and know other doctors require the same.

When they mentioned you probably wouldn't have the surgery until the summer that really isn't that far away. June is only 6 weeks away. Before you have the surgery, you will be going through tests to get ready for the surgery to make sure it is safe for you to have. This is a major lifelong change that you will be going through and they need to make sure you are ready.

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I'm sorry that this is frustrating for you and that you had a bad experience with some of the medical professionals you met with. I have a theory that in order to become a surgeon (for the most part) you have to be a little bit geniouse/odd /inhuman which makes bedside manner not so great. My feeling is if they are excellent surgeons then who cares? That stinks you didn't meet YOUR surgeon.

My journey started in January and after several medical appointments I still do not know if my insurance has approved me or if I will even be offered the surgery. I was also just barely 100 pounds overweight with some minor comorbids. I was told not to loose any weight until my first appointment with the LPN. I did as instructed. I knew (because it was explained very well) in orientation that eventually I would need to loose 5% of my weight which is 12-13 pounds, my insurance policy also requires a 5% reduction in weight. Those of us that are on the BMI borderline could easily be denied by our insurance, they know this. I know its frustrating and I agree with you what a waste of 3 weeks, I went through the same thing. Below is my time line if you are interested.

We have an excellent support group through the Bariatric program I'm going with. Its required that we attend two support groups pre-op and two support groups post-op or we can't be in the program. They meet once a month and there is also the online/email support group with the same people. Any time I have had a frustration or needed a specific answer there is a large group of people who have been there for me and have already gone through the exact same process. Its been invaluable for me. I wonder if you could ask for somebody who has been through this with your Bariatric team? Good luck with everything. Below is my timeline....pretty scary.

02/04/2008-Attended Orientation/support group

02/22/2008-First appointment w/ LPN at Bariatric program

(Weight loss goal of 12 pounds for insurance and

Bariatric surgery requirements)


03/18/2008-1st appointment with the dietitian (gave me homework)

03/18/2008-Chest X-Ray

03/18/2008-Gall Bladder Ultra-Sound

03/?/2008-EGD Digestive Disease test

04/01/2008-Attended 2ND support group

04/08/2008-2nd appointment with the dietitian

(Went over post op diet and homework, weight was down 6 pounds!!!

Was told if I am within a few pounds of my goal weight

loss at LPN appointment it will be okay-should be no problem.)

04/23/2008-Meet with Surgeon

04/23/2008-Psych evaluation

04/25/2008-Follow up appointment w/ LPN (will decide if

I’m ready to be “presented” for lap band surgery)

05/07/2008-Board of Psychologist, Surgeon, Dietitian, Primary

Providers meet to discuss eligibility of patients.

05/?/2008-Paperwork submitted to insurance company for approval

(Assuming board approves me as a patient)

06/?/2008-Will have surgery if all goes as planned.

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You know I went to sort of the same thing. I was given mis-information as well. I was told that i would have to pay out of pocket for things that my insurance covered. They were sending me thru hoops that I did not have to go thru. I called my insurance company to find out if they wouild cover it and they said yes, however every place is diffrent there are places that will suck the life out of you and your insurance because they want as much money as they can get from you. I stopped going there after 2mths and then i said forget it, but then a friend of mine came across this place where u just have to have documentation that u were on a supervised diet for at least 6mths which i have a 8-year supervised history. lol.. but the other place as not interested in hearing that. They wanted me to start over to have everything on file with them. UHHHH hell no do u understand that when a person is tired they are tired and I don't have time to play with u people....so I'm just waiting on the new place that I am going to receive all of my paperwork which they have all but from 1 place and then they will call it in get an approvial and at that point i will be good to go. I would do check surgical centers in your area, because seeing all of those people were not necessary and u didn't even meet the person that would do the procedure. How sad.... Switch now before u r 3-4 mths into it... I would not trust people that keep changing the program, and then trust them to put u under and preform sugery on u...uhhhh no

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If you are uncomfortable with ANY part of the process at the facility you have chosen, you need to get out, and get out FAST.

There are plenty of options out there, many facilities and surgeons that WILL make you feel comfortable.

I did NOT listen to my instincts, and as a result I had a very ,very bad Lap band experience.

If you don't feel right about your facility/doctor for ANY reason, find somewhere else.

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Just keep on the path . I started last sept with the orientation- then 6 mo weight loss program - two people with the process out on leave finaly on track and I'm looking at a june or july date! Some of the people have been great some not so good- I loved the surgon and the after care you receive is one of the best! Just keep on top of things calls and emails not to the point of being obnocious just to keep things on track !

Best of luck:thumbup:

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You know I went to sort of the same thing. I was given mis-information as well. I was told that i would have to pay out of pocket for things that my insurance covered.

Same thing happened to me, when I attended my first seminar I felt like I was attending a sales meeting. No thanks, I walked away and found another surgeon....guess how much I pay out of pocket?? NOTHING (with the exception of co-pays)

IMO, if you feel uneasy...get out. It's not worth the hassle.

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If you are uncomfortable with ANY part of the process at the facility you have chosen, you need to get out, and get out FAST.

There are plenty of options out there, many facilities and surgeons that WILL make you feel comfortable.

I did NOT listen to my instincts, and as a result I had a very ,very bad Lap band experience.

If you don't feel right about your facility/doctor for ANY reason, find somewhere else.

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I agree with Headhunter. If you feel "negative" now, run! There are other surgeons.

This procedure is not a one time deal. We are going to form a relationship with the surgeon and her/his practice that will last for years. My doc is working for me and he wants me successful to make his numbers look good!

Find one with a caring staff that you feel is on your side, wants you healthy and will be cheerleaders for you.

I went to a bunch of seminars til I found the doc and staff that "fit." Others were cheaper (I am self-pay), but my instincts told me this was the one.

I sound like I am talking about a lover. ??!!!!??!!!???

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Two things from me on this . . .

1. If you were uncomfortable there, it's definitely not too late to change doctors and I would advise doing so before you get too far along


2. All of the testing and meetings and conversations can feel intrusive, invasive and put us (me) in a weird place.

Maybe step back for a day or so for some perspective?

Oh...I didn't get to see my surgeon until after I had all of the pre-op work done. However, the office staff was handling everything wonderfully and I wasn't feeling put off by this at all. The drop-out rate for going all of the way to surgery is probably pretty high and this keeps the surgeon's schedule a bit more open.

OK, that was more than two things :thumbup:


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Okay ... why did I think you were a guy?!?!

Most places want you to lose some weight but they don't want you to lose it before they officially weigh you in if you are borderline. I'm in that place myself. I want to start losing weight now but the surgeon doesn't want to see me for a consult until my new insurance kicks in so I can't lose weight for a couple of months. Which means I'm not having my surgery any time in the next six months. Ugh.

I'm not sure why they want you to lose 5 lb. before the liquid diet but it may be a screening thing. There are definitely people out there who wouldn't be able to do it and the program might want to screen them out right up front so that they are doing the surgery only on the people most likely to succeed.

UCSD is a great facility, with an excellent reputation. But if you decide that there are too many people there that you don't want to deal with on a long-term basis, there are other surgeons in your area. Plus you are close to Mexico. If I still lived in SD, I would have given up on my insurance ages ago and made an appointment with Dr. Rumbaut. In fact, I'm still thinking about it ...

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There are plenty of Bariatrics surgeons out there. Imagine feeling like this and then dealing with after care which is quite extensive. I would research another doctor.

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I am so sorry about your experience. When I was researching Doctors, I came across one in Southern California. He does surgery in North San Diego and in LA. I was going to go to him until I found a doctor in Las Vegas. I liked his program, his staff, and their approach.

Check out his web site:

Coastal Center for Obesity, Gastric Bypass and Lapband Weight Loss Surgery in Los Angeles and Orange County, California

Good Luck!


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