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Hi, Everyone....I think I'll be the contrarian voice here...

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I am amazed at how intent some of you are on justifying your decision to have a piece of plastic jammed in your body, in an effort to get "Healthy".

Uhhhh. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you, just a few years back, make that same decision????

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I am amazed at how intent some of you are on justifying your decision to have a piece of plastic jammed in your body, in an effort to get "Healthy".<o:p></o:p>


You are SO invested in this that you will debate and argue every single point until you are blue in the face. EVEN WITHOUT HAVING HEARD THE ENTIRE STORY. <o:p></o:p>


My lawsuit has nothing to with the original implantation of the Band, although I have been told that it may have incorrectly placed. My lawsuit has to do with a SUBSEQUENT surgery by the SAME hospital in which they FAILED to remove the tube that ultimately became embedded in my colon. And there is MORE as well. There are issues involving the Hospitals failure to release important documentation to my new Doctors, etc, etc, etc. It goes on and on.<o:p></o:p>


But, as I have stated, you seem to have NO interest in looking at this objectively....if you did, you would have waited until I was done explaining my experience. But I have spent MORE time here defending my semantics and replying to snippy little comments questioning my honesty and intentions than I have describing my ordeal. <o:p></o:p>


As far as the Nurse/legal consultant, or whatever you might be, You are NEITHER a doctor nor a lawyer. I have TWO attorneys that say I do HAVE a malpractice case here, and I have TWO Surgeons (one Bariatric and One General) that agree with that. I'm sorry, but they trump whatever little opinion your years of emptying bedpans and taking temperatures might yield.<o:p></o:p>


Personally, I could care less about the negative comments here. I have had some good wishes from people, which I appreciate deeply. I have had several PMs from people who at least UNDERSTAND what I am saying. One of them is involved in the beginning stages of something similar to what I experienced. I hope to be assistance to that person.<o:p></o:p>


And the negative people? Well, you've made your decision to have the band, and that's fine. It will probably work for you (I have stated that several times, but you like to cherry-pick my comments). You will probably lose weight. You will probably be happy that you went through the process. <o:p></o:p>


But some of you won't. SOME of you (a small percentage, but I think LARGER than you know or will admit) will have problems. Some of you will have major complications and regret that you had the procedure. <o:p></o:p>


I am one of those. My experience was unique. Are you saying that because my experience was in the minority that I should simply keep my mouth shut and let you pretend that this stuff doesn't happen?<o:p></o:p>


I'm sorry to have busted into your little Lap Band group-hug nirvana, and presented a REAL LIFE problem. But it happened. And it could and WILLl happen to someone else.<o:p></o:p>


It was suggested here that perhaps I should just go away and create my own blog and/or website that presents my side of the story. And yes, perhaps I should do that. Perhaps I should let people who are researching this find ME, rather than me go to them, as I have done here.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Did I make mistakes in this whole process I have been enduring? You are DAMN RIGHT I have made mistakes. I made mistakes in how I dealt with the hospitals, surgeons, insurance companies, even attorneys. But you know what? I never had a Lap Band before this. I never had Major Surgery before. I had hardly been in a hospital before this. I didn’t know HOW to deal with the problems. And some other people will experience the SAME THING and THEY won’t know how to deal with them either. So to suggest that I simply shut up and go away is to deprive those who are struggling with this decision of just ONE MORE PIECE of information to consider.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

And, as much as you may hate to hear this…….<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

More later.<o:p></o:p>

I'm generally not a snippy argumentative person, but now you are getting angry, and while some of the comments are less than kind, you really brought this upon yourself. You are bitching at people who are 'passing judgment without the whole story' but YOU are the one who keeps insisting that you can't tell us the whole story. If you first (2nd, 3rd, 5th) post had been more like "here's the details of what I can give you. As I'm sure many of you can understand, since I am pursuing this legally there are things I can't divulge." You would have gotten WAY more understanding. As for bashing on us as if we are trying to defend out decisions to have bands by denying the trouble you are having, we have an entire complications forum, AND a forum for people who've had to have their bands removed. I am seeing someone today regarding an issue I might be having, and I've made a point to not freak out about it because I SIGNED UP FOR THE RISK WHEN I HAD THE SURGERY. It blows, don't get me wrong, and I'm not 'looking forward' to the possibility of more surgery, but I was confident in my choice, and I am determined to work with the hand that I have been dealt.

From what I can tell, it seems that you got a port infection and you were more determined to 'make' your doctor fix something than to actually get it fixed. If you look at the complications forum, you'll see many port infections and I'd be quite surprised to find out that ANY of them were fixed without charge.

I am interested in hearing the rest of your story, when ever you 'have time' or feel like telling it to us.

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I am amazed at how intent some of you are on justifying your decision to have a piece of plastic jammed in your body, in an effort to get "Healthy".<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


You are SO invested in this that you will debate and argue every single point until you are blue in the face. EVEN WITHOUT HAVING HEARD THE ENTIRE STORY.

Sorry, but this makes me snicker----YOU ARE one of us!!! It wasn't that you were/are so much smarter than the rest of us who insisted on having a piece of plastic jammed in our body! YOU DID IT TOO!!!! If having the band makes me a dumb ass then you are right there next to me!

I researched long and hard before making my decision. I knew going into it, same as I recognize now that problems may arise. I also know I am better able at this point in my banding to face an oncoming problem, than I was at almost 300 pounds. To say it will not happen is ridiculous--we never know. But please do not belittle me for making the decision I made, nor mock me for defending my decision, when for 30+ posts we have listened to you defend statements you yourself made! And sidestep answering legitimate questions.

So now you have found a better way, well I am thrilled for you! I know others who have lost weight without banding, I know RnY'ers who are thrilled....whatever works for you!

Yes we have argued and debated without ever hearing the entire story------because you prefer to bit and piece it. Not something we can control!

I will tell you that I discovered within a WEEK of having the band installed that it is VERY easy to bypass the effects of the constriction. You can't chug down a piece of steak easily, but you CAN shove down a few chocolate shakes, mashed potatoes, ice cream, and all sorts of other things pretty darn easily, even AFTER your maximum fills. For those that have had problems controlling your eating, the LB is no guarantee. There are ways to bypass it if you want to.

This is back from page one. When we called you on not following post op, you then said you followed it to the letter. I invite you to re-read what you wrote, and ask you not to blame us for taking it to mean that you discovered this by doing it.

I read and researched the band thoroughly as I said prior to having the surgery and I knew going into it, that it was something you could eat around, every newbie here likely knows that----so either you ate too soon, or you waited til after the surgery to learn anything about the band.

I'll post the whole story later, perhaps even some of the photos of the CTscans and Xrays when I get them from the Hospital. My whole surgery will be taped and documented as the basis for lawsuit, and probably some appearances on talk shows. There are some TV Talk Show Hosts (National) that are very opposed to the concept of WLS, and are VERY interested in featuring my story.

I do not like debating every point you make, but your points are all over the place, first you have lawsuits pending, then the attorney is out of the country, then you have 2.....

The Talk show circuit is courting you not the other way around....but even though here you say you will likely make appearances, later you decline wanting to do that, find it embarassing.

Way too much crap.

Do I believe something happen to you? Sure if you say it did. Do I think you are elaborating on it, yes I do--I also KNOW you do not care that I think that, and that is fine by me.

I continue to point these things out for the same exact reason you claim to be here. These people considering lap banding, yes they need to know things can happen, and I ALWAYS encourage them to seriously research the procedure, as well as the Dr. and facility. But they deserve honesty, if you are going to come in here and try to scare the shit out of them, then be a man and be forthcoming with information.

Quit caring if we believe you or like you--------if you have information to share, then just share it and get on with helping yourself, or at the very least helping the people you claim to want to be here to help----yep your target audience!

Like I say -------- more often than not with LBT you get what you give, and you are giving a run around, so you are getting one------YOU and only YOU can change that.


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Head...I think everyone gets your message here...

You are overweight, you made the decision to have LB surgery (and by the way, its not considered a 'major surgery' by surgical standards) you signed the forms and understood the risks going in....developed complications, you lost your insurance because of a job change or termination, you found that no one would help you b/c you didnt have money to pay, and you probably waited too long to seek help and now you expect all of the hundreds of people on here that have had success, did their homework, were aware of the risks and complications, paid for their surgery to think what they have done was the wrong thing for them to do? You are choosing to seek financial gain in all of this. I think you made your point and can see from the multiple posts that the majority of posts on here are in agreement, that it is a self-responsibility....maybe you should just contact the posts on here that are supporting you, and quit responding negatively to members posts that are giving their opinions, oh yeah, that YOU self initiated here. See the common denominator here?

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I'm generally not a snippy argumentative person, but now you are getting angry, and while some of the comments are less than kind, you really brought this upon yourself. You are bitching at people who are 'passing judgment without the whole story' but YOU are the one who keeps insisting that you can't tell us the whole story. If you first (2nd, 3rd, 5th) post had been more like "here's the details of what I can give you. As I'm sure many of you can understand, since I am pursuing this legally there are things I can't divulge." You would have gotten WAY more understanding. As for bashing on us as if we are trying to defend out decisions to have bands by denying the trouble you are having, we have an entire complications forum, AND a forum for people who've had to have their bands removed. I am seeing someone today regarding an issue I might be having, and I've made a point to not freak out about it because I SIGNED UP FOR THE RISK WHEN I HAD THE SURGERY. It blows, don't get me wrong, and I'm not 'looking forward' to the possibility of more surgery, but I was confident in my choice, and I am determined to work with the hand that I have been dealt.

From what I can tell, it seems that you got a port infection and you were more determined to 'make' your doctor fix something than to actually get it fixed. If you look at the complications forum, you'll see many port infections and I'd be quite surprised to find out that ANY of them were fixed without charge.

I am interested in hearing the rest of your story, when ever you 'have time' or feel like telling it to us.

Very well said !!!!

Headhunter - this is your experience doesn't mean it's going to happen to all of us - as Marimaru said - you had problems that you didn't have taken care of as you didn't have insurance - if those problems had been taken care of you may not be in the position you are in.

I am sorry that you are where you are at - but I to doubt some of your story - we get alot of imposter posters who just want to stir up sh*t and I don't know from the tone of your post - that's what I am feeling.

Good luck on your up comming surgery - hope they take care of your problems and you live through it - and win tons of money - so that you can go on and blame someone else for your failings.

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If you were in my position, you would not be revealing that either.

Actually, if I were in your position, I wouldn't be posting here at all.

But if I did, I would type out the whole story ahead of time in Word and go over it and over it to make sure I was communicating clearly. I would take a few days to do that too, working on it slowly. Then I would post that as my first post. All the details up front. Not in bits and pieces.

I would also cut out all the drama. Drama is fun for the person having the hissy fit but it turns everyone else off.

Finally, I would recognize that my problem is one that a very small % of people have and the fact that I was one of the unlucky ones doesn't mean that no one else should have this surgery.

Well, Duh. A LOT of people as it's turning out.

Only if you define "a LOT" as "less than 1%".

<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>


I am amazed at how intent some of you are on justifying your decision to have a piece of plastic jammed in your body, in an effort to get "Healthy".<o:p></o:p>


You are SO invested in this that you will debate and argue every single point until you are blue in the face. EVEN WITHOUT HAVING HEARD THE ENTIRE STORY.

I'm amazed that you can't see that the lap band is a great decision for the vast majority of morbidly obese people and the fact that you had a port infection and erosion issues doesn't change that.

I don't have to justify my decision because I've done the research and I know the risks. I know that can happen. The risk is low enough that I am comfortable taking it. Someone else might not. But neither of us is wrong or burying our head in the sand. Everyone's cost-benefit analysis is going to be different.

As for people jumping in when all the facts aren't known, whose fault is THAT? You are the one who chose to dribble out the facts a bit at a time. We are debating what you are presenting.


But, as I have stated, you seem to have NO interest in looking at this objectively....

I think you are the one who isn't objective. Something bad happened to you, therefore the surgery is bad seems to be your reasoning but that isn't logical.

But I have spent MORE time here defending my semantics and replying to snippy little comments questioning my honesty and intentions than I have describing my ordeal.

So don't do it. Ignore those comments and concentrate on the questions about what exactly happened to you. The questions you wouldn't have to answer if you had posted the whole story in your first post, btw.


I'm sorry, but they trump whatever little opinion your years of emptying bedpans and taking temperatures might yield.

Speaking of snippy... seems you can dish it out, but you can't take it.


Are you saying that because my experience was in the minority that I should simply keep my mouth shut and let you pretend that this stuff doesn't happen?

No, I'm saying you should have perspective and concentrate on helping people going through what you are and not on trying to convince a bunch of people that they are idiots for having a lap band when the data doesn't support that conclusion.


It was suggested here that perhaps I should just go away and create my own blog and/or website that presents my side of the story. And yes, perhaps I should do that. Perhaps I should let people who are researching this find ME, rather than me go to them, as I have done here.<o:p></o:p>


That wasn't the idea. Once you make the blog, you put a link to it in your signataure. Then you go where people are who are thinking about having surgery (most of whom are not on this site) and you post a bit about your story and direct them to your blog for the rest.

You will actually get more people to read your story this way and it's a lot less effort than going to every Lap Band site and posting in every forum your entire story over and over. After all, those threads will eventually die, but with a link in your signature, info about your blog could be on every post you make even if it's in the social section of the board or on a board not even about lap band.

Btw, there are plenty of people who like to stir up trouble in the internet. They come here and post about how someone they know had lap band and THEY DIED and beg us not to have the surgery and then they sit back and lurk and watch the fur fly. Or they post some answers to some of the questions but ignore most of the rest and are really just posting to keep the drama going.

You can't expect people to think you couldn't possibly be one of those people unless you post with credibility. While I believe your story, I don't think you've posted with as much credibility as you could and I'm not the least bit surprised that people are pushing you to supply more information before they will believe you.

I am surprised that you expected to be believed right off the bat just because you said so. That's not realistic. People make up crap on internet message boards every day. We'd be dumb to just take everything posted here as the gospel truth. And, in spite of what you think, I am not dumb.

Edited by MacMadame

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No, actually, I'm NOT angry. I'm bemused. I confess to being a little surprised by the response here, but that is to be expected from a group of people who have made a descison , and really don't want anyone telling them that there MAY be problems down the road that you might not anticipate. I GET that.

There seems to be a range of thought here that this is something I brought on myself. Well, OF COURSE I did! And I would prefer to NOT have someone else bring this upon themselves....by AVOIDING my mistakes.

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am also sorry about your experience i myself tried everything and still coming back. i decided to have lap band due to my hypertension and borderline diabetic and also i just had a new grandchild and i am happy

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No, actually, I'm NOT angry. I'm bemused.

Bemused? Is that why in the very first sentence of your very first post you say "I'll assume that some of my comments won't be all that popular here"?

I confess to being a little surprised by the response here, but that is to be expected from a group of people who have made a descison , and really don't want anyone telling them that there MAY be problems down the road that you might not anticipate. I GET that.

Then you don't "get it" at all. We have no problem with you telling us about your complications. If we did, there wouldn't be an entire section on complications and another whole sections on "life after banding". The problem is that you are on a mission to stop everyone from getting a lap band because you had problems. :thumbup:

There seems to be a range of thought here that this is something I brought on myself. Well, OF COURSE I did! And I would prefer to NOT have someone else bring this upon themselves....by AVOIDING my mistakes.

Except you seem to think your mistake was in getting a band to start with. I think you mistake was not getting your port infection taken care of right away and also letting your insurance lapse instead of paying the big fat COBRA fee.

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Okay, okay, we know you're a drama queen and you want attention. Good for you, you got it. Now, go on your talk show, get millions of people's attention.

I'm so tired of hearing your apparent sob story and so is just about everyone else. Please feel free to leave as soon as possible. Thanks. :thumbup:

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Thank you, Susan, a good question. People here are hounding me for details on the Hospital, the Surgeon, the Date, photos, etc. What you describe is WHY i'm not more forthcoming with the details. BUT...imagine what people would say here if I said "well, i can't say anything because my attorney advised me not to". I think most of them would come back and say I'm even more full of BS than they already have.

As I have stated on this forum, this is a RECENT decision to go "public" with this, and file a lawsuit. I don't even have a firm deal with an attorney yet....several want to take it, but I am waiting for my Cousin (who is an Attorney) to return from a vacation to Morocco to help me decide who to go with(she is not a Malpractice attorney). Everyone I have spoken with has claimed it's a "slam-dunk". There was negligience in the way the hospital responded to the problems, and there MAY be negligience in the way the surgery was conducted. THAT will be known when I am "dissected" the my new surgeon.

I have opted to post the photos (when i find them) because I can remove my face from the picture. I think in a few of them, it's just a close up without my face. I do not think that would create an issue with any legal action.

Again, I'm sorry that I do not have all my "ducks in a row" for you all to dissect, but this is a very recent decision I have made, prompted by my upcoming surgery.

Well, could you at least provide the details of how all your complications developed? you don't want to name a surgeon or a doctor, at least provide details of all the complication in order so we can understand and hopefully figure out if it was a band or surgery or after care problem, because it seems from what you said that it could've been negligence from the hospital or that "maybe" the band surgery was done wrong.... in any of those two cases it wouldn't be band failure, but medical malpractice or negligence and blaming the band would be unfair and you obviously believe that all this happened to you because you got the lap band and because you have been told that the lap band will be taken out of the market because it doesn't work, so again, explain yourself... you don't really have to compromise your legal case by explaining the details of your surgery complications.

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The problem is that you are on a mission to stop everyone from getting a lap band because you had problems. :thumbup:

PLEASE point out to me EXACTLY where I stated that.

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Suggestion - quit replying to this person's post - he will go away :thumbup:

We all are just giving him what he wants - our reactions to his reaction which is just adding much more fuel

We all know/knew the risk going in and we accepted it end of story...

Obviously he didn't and now wants to blame someone others than hisself for his inaction from his complication - which made the matters worse for him.

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Uhhhh. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you, just a few years back, make that same decision????

Indeed i did. And I regret it.

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