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Hi, Everyone....I think I'll be the contrarian voice here...

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I thought the only problem with having the band when you're having cancer treatments was the risk of slippage due to vomiting because of chemo (sort of like with pregnancy morning sickness)? I never realized that people thought it was because of nutrition.

Yeah, slips are an issue too with banding and chemo. Many people are under the impression they would not be able to get enough nutrition with bands or sleeves and that's incorrect information.

Kat made an excellent point about bypass and dumping with Ensure, I never thought about that. I was thinking about an ability to get any nutrition down, I didn't think about dumping with food replacements.

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Sorry green, to hear about your cancer, we're pulling for you!! brandyII

Green is much loved around here. She's certainly a favorite! It's a sad sad day when one of our own has to go through this stuff.

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Green is much loved around here. She's certainly a favorite! It's a sad sad day when one of our own has to go through this stuff.

And Kat too. I am so sorry that both of you have had to go through this :tongue_smilie:

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:thumbup:Does this mean the OP has taken his toys to another playground?:tongue_smilie:

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Hey I could start a new thread about this, but what the heck.

WasA brought up a point and I don't want to go back through the pages to quote be able to her. I believe what she said was in her heart she doesn't think that the band will be around forever.

Someone else said they have never had tests done and maybe she/he should because they have vomited previously. I am sorry if I am quoting someone wrong. It's past midnight and I really should go back and find the exact quotes.

My point is, I am a worrier. I have never had any tests done either. My friend had a 5 bypass heart surgery. Her husband had knee replacements. Both of their doctors said to expect their surgeries to last 10 years. I watch that big medicine show and someone was having complications and they could not even find the band.

So, in 10 years, are we all going to have to have our bands replaced?

I am in the same boat as everyone else. I love my band and what it has done for me. But I sure wish I personally knew someone who has had a band when they first started banding people so that I could ask them if they are still complication free. My dr. said he thought in other countries they started banding people in the late 80's.

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Lied? hardly. as i said, originally the results from my FIRST set of tests were relayed by my primary Doc. Later, when I met with the FIRST surgeon about this matter, he confirmed that it was the colon, and my present surgeon said Colon as well.

I said Intestine back then because that's the info I had.

I was pretty gung-ho about this for a time, and I thought I wanted to become the spokeperson/advocate for others that had had problems like mine. I wanted to Tell the world about this, and what I had found that would be MY personal answer to obesity. That was pretty short-lived, though, when the reality set in that I was going to face some serious surgery and a long recovery.

I gave that idea up, but as I have moved closer to my surgery date, I have felt very compelled to do come forward with this, on a little different level. I decided to just start talking about it on forums.

You know how I found THIS forum? I went to Google, and searched on the phrase "reasons to have weight loss surgery", or something similar to that. I had planned on writing a multi-page report discussing the various reasons that people have or feel that they have to have weight-loss surgery. I was going to comment on those reaons, and then give my perspective, based upon MY experience. That search brought me here. And I just started posting.

But i'll say it again. Nothing in my story has changed about what happened, expect that MORE stuff has happened.

I found it incredibly 'fishy' that you didn't have time to tell the complete story because it would take too long... but found time to answer many many posts. At the time I started reading your diatribe you had only recently joined labbandtalk.com but had already posted 71 times!!!

People like you make my blood boil.

As the judge on the People's Court (and a former Florida prosecutor), Marilyn Milian, says:

"I wouldn't believe you if your tongue came notarized!"



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Nicole, I just have to tell you before you have your surgery that as a hypochondriac, subject to panic attacks, you may not like having a band. Whether you go through with getting the band or not, take action now to begin some type of meditation or prayer or whatever works for you on a regular basis to keep you calm. You will need emotional support, too.

This is as much of a challenge as any other way of losing weight. The "sales" pitches make it sound like you just eat a little bit and you're satisfied. Wrong. The fact is you eat a little bit and if you eat one half pea more, you're going to puke - sometimes in public. (You will have time to make it to the restroom.) If you eat something that won't go through the band - it is positively excruciating until your mini-stomach digests it enough to go through - takes an hour or two - very painful. I had HUGE panic the first time this happened and still won't even consider eating spinach. This is not a complication in any way - it's the way the band works - the way it is supposed to work. And mine is working big time.

Please note - this doesn't mean that you're satisfied - you just can't eat any more.


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:thumbup:Does this mean the OP has taken his toys to another playground?:tongue_smilie:

Don't know if he's stopped coming on this thread but he is replying on other threads and like Nicole8wing, he has send me a ridiculously long PM, which I have no intention of replying to.

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Hey I could start a new thread about this, but what the heck.

WasA brought up a point and I don't want to go back through the pages to quote be able to her. I believe what she said was in her heart she doesn't think that the band will be around forever.

Someone else said they have never had tests done and maybe she/he should because they have vomited previously. I am sorry if I am quoting someone wrong. It's past midnight and I really should go back and find the exact quotes.

My point is, I am a worrier. I have never had any tests done either. My friend had a 5 bypass heart surgery. Her husband had knee replacements. Both of their doctors said to expect their surgeries to last 10 years. I watch that big medicine show and someone was having complications and they could not even find the band.

So, in 10 years, are we all going to have to have our bands replaced?

I am in the same boat as everyone else. I love my band and what it has done for me. But I sure wish I personally knew someone who has had a band when they first started banding people so that I could ask them if they are still complication free. My dr. said he thought in other countries they started banding people in the late 80's.

I don't know Denise. But keep in mind, I was offering my opinions only.

The more I see banded folks and the longer they have their bands the more complications they have. We have to be realistic here and face up to the fact that we *are* guinea pigs in the world of bariatric surgery. We can't claim we didn't know there could be complications 20 years out when we knew full well the band hasn't even been around for 20 years when we had our own bands placed.

But you know what? It is what it is and all the worrying in the world isn't going to change anything. My Mom used to be a worrier, her therapist told her to set aside 20 minutes two times daily to sit and worry. heh.. Kinda puts it all in perspective, you know?


This is as much of a challenge as any other way of losing weight. The "sales" pitches make it sound like you just eat a little bit and you're satisfied. Wrong. The fact is you eat a little bit and if you eat one half pea more, you're going to puke - sometimes in public. (You will have time to make it to the restroom.) If you eat something that won't go through the band - it is positively excruciating until your mini-stomach digests it enough to go through - takes an hour or two - very painful. I had HUGE panic the first time this happened and still won't even consider eating spinach. This is not a complication in any way - it's the way the band works - the way it is supposed to work. And mine is working big time.

Yep, those things can happen but it comes down to a choice, do you want to be fat or deal with some issues that may not be fun? We caused ourselves pain and body damage with obesity, I don't know. Maybe the only way to fix it is with some band discomfort. I really have mixed feelings about this one.

At this point our options are not huge. Obesity, band, sleeve, or bypass. For me bypass is not an option. It's doable for others but not me. Sleeves... seems like a pretty good option to me.

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Wasa: I agree about the longevity of our bands and said that to the OP earlier in this thread.

You are right, we are guinea pigs in this, perhaps at some point we will all lose our bands. But desperate needs, call for desperate measures. Will the band keep me alive long enough until the next best thing comes along or will it kill me before the obesity might have? No one knows the answers to those questions, but we made an educated decision with the info we had at the time.

If I come up with a severe complication, then I might decide the band was a bad idea, if I don't have a complication then I guess I'll think the band was a great idea. Only time will tell, for all of us.

No different for GBP patients or patients that try certain cancer treatments. Many treatment plans for whatever the disease are new and long term results can be unknown, but we have to do what is best at the time with the knowledge we and the Dr's have.

Another unknown questions,

How many people contribute to their complications?

Slips? How many people allow their band to be too tight for too long? How many people "cheat" on early post op diets? How many people take NSAIDS, when advised not to? Are these things factored into the complication stats?

Of course I realize that many people could have a complication even though they have followed instructions to a tee and some that didn't follow all the instructions might have no problems, but we have to wonder.

I have read people say they were too tight, too long, had reflux etc but thought being tight would help them lose weight faster, even though we are taught that weight loss with the band should be one or two pounds a week, they want to push the envelope! If they have problems later, is the band to blame or was it the desire to use the band in a way it was not meant to be?

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Well, it got this much off me - and I really, really don't lose weight easily. What's a sleeve?

I think with all the wonderful medical advancements, those brilliant lab dudes should be able to take the harmful parts out of anti-hunger drugs. But I'm a dreamer.

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Just my $.02, sorry it didn't work for you man, but I for one am not gonna sit around and worry about tomorrow. I love my band, my band works for me and it if doesn't then so be it. I made MY choice and I will live with it. The ramblings and the "long stories" don't scare me, I am responsible for my life, no one else. Whoever feels they have to be my saviour can kiss my ass, don't encroach on my person. I will live my life to the fullest and scare tactics for get rich quick schemes don't work on me. If it didn't work for Headhunter well too F'ing bad. It is working for me and that is what matters. If somewhere down the road it doesn't then I will deal with it then. And don't give me that crap that "talk shows came looking for you." that is BS because someone had to let your story be known (if it truly exists) to begin with, you are a tiny speck on the radar and there are bigger selling stories than yours. Take a look at what really sells, sex, rehab, and more sex. Don't insult my intelligence by assuming I would believe the BS story for a minute. I educated myself thoroughly before getting my band, and I mean thoroughly, good and bad. You know what? I made a great choice. I look in the mirror every morning and am very happy with who is looking back, I hope you can do the same. g2s

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A small percent of people can have bad results from ANY procedure, and I suppose there are a small percent of people who DONT do their research to prepare themselves. There is also the fact that like having children, you CANT fully prepare yourself. You just have to do your best then deal with the aftermath. ("Aftermath pertaining more to raising kids than improving my health!!! :thumbup:

Also, some of the money from all of our Lap Band surgeries helps to pay for improvements on the band and educating Drs and improved surgeries. So who knows how long our bands will last? Someone banded 3 years ago may go 10+ years. Someone banded this year may go 15+ years. The way we work or bands and our lifestyles will affect the longevity of the band too.

My surgeon said that "they" (I always wonder who the hell those "they" people are!!) are working on a procedure using a scope down the throat with no incisions!

Maybe humans can evolve with smaller stomachs, since we don't have to eat as much as our instincts tell us to.

I'm excited way more than nervous about my upcoming Band Day. I walk around in stores NOT buying plus-sized clothes, and smiling to myself because soon I'll be wearing the cute stuff again!

Good luck to us all!!

-Barb :lol:

Edited by Blund

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The OP has PM'd me AGAIN! Says I am ignorant but then asks if I want to "hear" his whole story, because he's willing to share with me.

why would he want to debate with someone he thinks is ignorant?

I think I already said in this thread that I am bored with his story, as it takes too long for him to tell it all and I've lost interest.

If he has a problem, I am sorry about that, but I can't do anything about it or help him with his problem, so why PM me?

The people with interest in his story are the ones that also have complications. The people that are happy with their band and not having problems don't care other than the fact they are sorry that someone has to go through it becasue they know that one day they might be the one with the problem. But if you don't have a problem, it's hard to relate to their experience.

We're sorry when the band doesn't work for people. I'm glad he's found A NEW WAY TO LOSE HIS WEIGHT. I don;t need a new way to lose my weight other than the band because at this point my band works. Maybe I'll be interested in another way of losing weight, if and when, my band stops working for me.

Until that time, I prefer to remain blissfully ignorant, thanks.

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Count me in. Why doesn't OP just blog his "story" in all of his free time. Then he can refer anyone who is interest to that?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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