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Hi, Everyone....I think I'll be the contrarian voice here...

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I'm getting tired of his long drawn out story. But he's not getting tired of telling it, so I'm sitting back and waiting for the eventual ending.

Whether we respond or not, I have a feeling he can't help but finish his story.

And interesting that he is noting how much "interest" there is in his thread. Likes attention. So far, I know that at least.

You just made an important point about this whole thing....it IS a long, drawn out story, and that is precisely why it is taking me so long to get it all out. And it's not over. And I'll emphasize again that I really don't care all that much about responses....the good ones are good, the bad ones are plentiful. And EVEN the people that have bashed me have made some good points, and have made me re-think some of my stances on some issues. But, overall, as I have said, My experience IS what it IS.

I don't really like the attention, I'm sorry to say. Not THIS kind of attention. This has been ugly. And yes, I have "noted" the amount of interest. It IS interesting to see how passionate people are about this subject. But if you are implying that attention is the reason I'm here, you would be incorrect.

"Whether we respond or not, I have a feeling he can't help but finish his story."

I WILL finish the story, in bits and pieces as time allows. Hopefully, it has a happy ending; the jury is still out on that.

Edited by Headhunter

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"I agree that obesity in and of itself will kill far more people than the band.....he hints that is not true"

Ok, PLEASE point exactly to the place where "hinted" that the Band is more dangerous than obesity?

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I made that comment, and I got that impression from your very first post....and never have felt like you have veered from that.

Yes you do eventually emphasize that the band was just not for you....but you still use negativity to discuss the band. When the reality is for many of us it has been a life saver....

If you do not in fact believe that, then please accept my apology for misreading your posts, that led me to believe you felt that way. I do know it is difficult to "read" people on a forum such as this, without facial expressions, or hand movements, or something as simple as eye contact. I did not mean to put words in your mouth.


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Just a little FYI for the group...

Ive received a somewhat disturbing private email from Headhunter that I feel is derogatory, inapropriate and abusive that I have reported. Just be careful people. We are all here for the same cause; to get healthy, get support and to learn. Obviously some of our opinions have evoked some physiological hiccups in this guy and its concerning to me....again, just be careful...let him have his anger and dont feed into it.

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I think that until you stop taking the time to argue every comment someone posts, and do as someone else suggested and take the time to type up your full story in word and then copy and paste it here, you are going to continue to catch a lot of flack from our members.

It is very, very difficult to sympathize with you when you only post tiny snippets here and there of what happened instead of giving us the full story. All you are doing is confusing people.

You say you have lawsuits pending, but to do that, don't you have to have lawyers? You said you don't have one yet because you are waiting for a relative who is not a malpractice attorney to recommend one to you. So, using that as an example, you tend to contradict yourself at times.

So, again, I respectfully would like to request that you just take the time to give us the full story. Then, everyone can be better informed and possibly more sympathetic to your plight.

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. One was my choice of Surgeon. I do not think that my surgeon was very experienced...in fact, I KNOW he wasn't very experienced in Lap Bands. He WAS, however, an experienced TRAUMA surgeon and I was "sold" on his ability to do the job. Also, keep in mind that at the time, there weren't as many experienced surgeons around that did Lap bands. But, that was MY decision. It has NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on whether or not the procedure is faulty. This is just a warning I want to offer...CHECK OUT YOUR SURGEON. Make sure he has done PLENTY of these surgeries. The problem is.....EVERY surgeon has a FIRST LAP BAND INSTALL. Do you want to be someones first? <?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>

STOP STOP STOP right there. You are fear mongering now!!

Newbies, PLEASE don't be scared. Some of you will be a surgeons first.

A Surgeon CAN NOT APPLY the band because he has gone to some class...read up on it, seen a few applied etc.

He HAS to be proctored and for the first several(dozen ssometimes--with other new devices I have witnessed), a proctor is there as well as a person from the company who manufactures the item. There is ALWAYS a second pair of experienced hands RIGHT there with him/her (scrubbed and assisting with surgery) until they have so many procedures under their belt.

Also, surgery is not like a GYN doc going to a weekend course then shooting botox. SURGEONS spend years in the OR before they are attendings and out on their own.

This burns my butt especially...sorry...but please stop scaring people more than they will be.

Edited by Catalystmb

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<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>


You are NEITHER a doctor nor a lawyer. I have TWO attorneys that say I do HAVE a malpractice case here, and I have TWO Surgeons (one Bariatric and One General) that agree with that. I'm sorry, but they trump whatever little opinion your years of emptying bedpans and taking temperatures might yield.

You're wrong on all counts. Not a nurse.

Never took a temp and have never emptied a bedpan but have respect for the nurses on this board.

BUT....I may just be the one holding the blade though on your next surgery.


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Hello everyone, sadly enough this is the first thread I have had a chance to read, since I am brand new here. I will admit I skipped a bit in the middle, however I have a feeling about this post. Being in the early stages, everything I read talks of all the dangers. Dangers of having the surgery and dangers of not having the surgery. No one should take another persons treatment and assume it will be their situation too. Everyone's bodies are different. Every one has health issues that no one else probably has the exact same case as. All I am saying is just because it turned bad for David, and I am truely sorry it did, but it does not mean it will for others. It all varies based on education to all the procedures, following the Nutrition guide. No where have a I seen it's ok to eat milkshakes, ice cream and mashed potatoes. I have read when you begin to reintroduce food it is slowly, gradually and not to eat until you feel so full you will be sick. A friend of mine paid good money for the surgery outside of the US because insurance wouldn't help. She goes to buffets, likes to drink and loves pancake Houses. That's a choice she is making on her own, against what is taught. As that has been pointed out to her, when she decides the start whining it doesn't work, I'm not losing l;ike they say. There are no promises at the end of the rainbow, it takes determination. David, maybe at the time you had your procedure you weren't quite ready mentally. I personally know when I get to that point, milkshakes and ice cream won't be on my list. That's what has gotten me here and it's about making the choice to do the life style change. It takes a lot to know you are ready for the part, who knows maybe as I get closers I'll realize I'm not mentally ready like I think I am. It happens, it just saddens me that some people came here for support and help, sat terrified and in tears. I wish you the best of luck I really do but I also wish the best of luck to those that have now had to back step and have started to have doubts. All anyone can do is educate themselves, dedicate 150% to following the steps and using a great support system. You have to decide at some point to take control of your life back and that you are worth the time, money, energy and tears it will take.

Please forgive my rambling being my first post- I am just one that feels you create you own attitude. If you decide it's going to bad day as you roll out of bed- it will be a bad day and just the same if you sit back and do nothing and continue the choices of the past the only thing you gain is more of the unhappiness you have..

Edited by GoingForIt

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<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>


I am amazed at how intent some of you are on justifying your decision to have a piece of plastic jammed in your body, in an effort to get "Healthy".

as you've admitted and read back to you, you were one of them.. Oneday years ago it was your answer too. I am in the PRE BAND stages and yes, at this time it is the answer for me. I understand and fully accept the risks of surgery.



You are SO invested in this that you will debate and argue every single point until you are blue in the face. EVEN WITHOUT HAVING HEARD THE ENTIRE STORY.

Dude, YOU posted here. If you didn't know that posting on a MESSAGE board would yield questions, comments etc I don't know what to tell ya'.

We're waiting for the ENTIRE STORY. Heed the advice AGAIN, write an ENTIRE post.....but I'd do it on a blog unless you want people to coment. And yes, when I am quoted, I will reply. And when you throw insults around, yes we will tango.

(I have stated that several times, but you like to cherry-pick my comments). [/quote]

That's how you answer specific points on a message board.......


Some of you will have major complications and regret that you had the procedure. <o:p></o:p>


I am one of those. My experience was unique. Are you saying that because my experience was in the minority that I should simply keep my mouth shut and let you pretend that this stuff doesn't happen?

You've quoted me, I'm assuming I'm the you you are asking about. Nope, never said don't share your story. Doing it in a less RUDE way would be nice but I couldn't care less. ((This is the stuff that makes people think you are here for kicks....))


It was suggested here that perhaps I should just go away and create my own blog and/or website that presents my side of the story. And yes, perhaps I should do that. Perhaps I should let people who are researching this find ME, rather than me go to them, as I have done here.

Do it on both. If you post here, however, there will be replies. The replies it seems piss you off.


And, as much as you may hate to hear this…….<o:p></o:p>


More later.<o:p></o:p>


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i this is true i do hope you a speedy recovery. i do not wish being ill on anyone. however there are parts of your story that are just a little unbelievable. i know a little about the medical field and i do not believe a doctor would sit and go into great detail with you about his concerns. doctors have a boys club mentalitty about things mainly because of all the malpractice insurance that they have to have. and if you are going to be bringing a suit on your doctor then you will need another doctor to back you up in court on the medical side of it. so if it is this doctor you are talking about then tell us who he is so that we can get more information for ourselves. thank you and good luck with your surgery

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Mary, that comment about the Nurse was NOT directed at you...it was meant for another individual....sorry you thought it was, no offense intended! :D

Edited by Headhunter

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Wow!!! I am in tears here!! I know the risk involved. I came here to get support and This is the first thing that I read. Is there anyone out there that hasnt had any problems at all. My Dr. says he has only had 2 people in the five years that he has been doing this that have even had a slip. This is freaking me out. I am scheduled to be banded on May 8th. This is the first time that I have even had a dought that this wasnt right for me.

I have researched this surgery for more than a year, and I have never heard of these kind of complications. Where do you find out about this stuff. What kind of Dr. told you that it would be taken off the market in 10 years. I am not by any means judging you or anything, I just know how upset you are if this has happened to you. I just want to know if this is common. Once again, I have never heard anything like this!!!

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Wow!!! I am in tears here!! I know the risk involved. I came here to get support and This is the first thing that I read. Is there anyone out there that hasnt had any problems at all. My Dr. says he has only had 2 people in the five years that he has been doing this that have even had a slip. This is freaking me out. I am scheduled to be banded on May 8th. This is the first time that I have even had a dought that this wasnt right for me.

I have researched this surgery for more than a year, and I have never heard of these kind of complications. Where do you find out about this stuff. What kind of Dr. told you that it would be taken off the market in 10 years. I am not by any means judging you or anything, I just know how upset you are if this has happened to you. I just want to know if this is common. Once again, I have never heard anything like this!!!

Ok, first off, take a deep breath, thats right, breathe.......

This is one person, just one. In every type of surgery, there are certain risks and a certain, small percentage of people who will have complications. That is a fact. However, you have to weigh the number of those who have benefited versus those who have complications. Then, you have to weigh those small amount of complications versus the far larger benefits you are likely to receive by getting wls.

Please don't take this one post as gospel. Yes, I believe he has had some sort of complication, but I believe it may not have been as bad had he sought proper medical attention sooner.

As many people have also already pointed out, he is claiming one doctor made a statement about the band coming off the market. Most studies, as pointed out, show that the band is actually proving to be a very effective tool. He has been unable/unwilling to provide us with any information regarding the doctor he states made this claim. Without that information to back it up, again, I would not take it as gospel, but with a grain of salt instead.

If you read, you will find there are many, many people here at LBT that are banded and loving it, myself included. And, there are many more that used to post here but we do not see them as often because they are out living their wonderful, new, healthier lives.

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Take it as a cautionary tale....one that will encourage you to follow your doctor's/dietician's directions to the letter......keep in touch with your team, let them know how you're doing...call them at the first second you don't feel right. My doc encouraged me to call and even said if there aren't specific symptoms, but I just have that feeling that "something isn't right." I'm a month out and it's been smooth sailing for me......and I'd be willing to bet that it will be the same for you.

Again, follow your medical orders and take advice FROM YOUR MEDICAL TEAM, not from the internet.....no matter how well meaning folks might be.

Trust your physician, do your part by following dietary recommendations to the letter, and have faith that the odds are most DEFINITELY on our side.

Like Susan said, folks with problems are more likely to end up here, not folks who are having a bump free ride.......they're just digging the new life!

You've done your research, trust yourself.

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Thanks!! I am glad I have people who havent had problems!! I just want to be around for my husband and my little angel. I am only 27 and 80lbs overweight. But I have diabetes, and cancer runs in my family. My daddy dies at 50 from kidney cancer than they think may be related to diabetes. This is my only option!! It just freaked me out for a minute!! But im good now!! Thank you guys. I look foward to my journey, with you guys here to talk to!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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