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Hi, Everyone....I think I'll be the contrarian voice here...

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No, I am still here.

I have not posted anything here for a while because every single thing I say here is blasted. As I am sure THIS comment will be. Particulalry by shortgal. I did indeed tell her that she was ignorant, because she WAS ignorant. If you had seen the thread that she tried to hijack, and seen our exchanges, it would be clear WHY she was ignorant. I was not nice to her in the PMs. But she was not deserving of politeness. She has gone out of her way to create problems.

I have only sent TWO unpleasant PMs, and they both deserved it. EVERY bit of it.

I am communicating with people now via PM, simply because I'm tired of being blasted for everything i say. Not questioned, but blasted.

For a while it looked like this thread was taking a better turn, with members talking about cancer and other imporant issues, and i was happy about that. It looked like if I stayed away, then the venom would disappear. Apparently that is not the case. Some of you are being trolls in your own right.

So I, here and now, officially apologize to the membership of this forum for coming in here firing both guns the way I did. It was wrong, and i'm sorry for that. I do not usually do things that way. My enthusiasm for telling my story and perhaps being able to help someone in some way got the better of me. I have stated this in PMs to many people. And i state it here now, again. If I had to do this over again, i would do it quite differently. But I do not have that opportunity now, do I?

It has been commented that I appear somewhat "holier than thou" in my writing. I am very aware that my particluar style of writing can be a little terse. It is just who I am on paper (or screen..). It is not who I am inside.

I have not yet decided whether i will stay here; some of you will be very happy if i leave. Others, who I have corresponded with privatley, have made some very wise suggestions about how to resolve all of this. I do not know what i will do. I only know that this has impacted me on a very deep and personal level.

There are several "bottom lines" here. One is that This has been MY REAL experience, with no embellishment or enhancement. It does happen to some people, and those of you who it DOES happen to (even if it is only a fraction of a percent) could benefit from my mistakes in handling it before and after the surgery. I do not know how anyone could deny that fact, even if my motives were NOT pure. And, they ARE pure.

So, I offer my apologies to all of you, and I will continue to correspond with those who wish to, and there are a lot.

I do wish everyone the best in your particular journey. And I thank those who who have wished me good will as well.

I'll now go back to my PMs, and you can choose whether or not you want to use your time on this earth pursuing this. Many of you have been given a new life by the lap band. I would recommend that you go out and enjoy it. It is short, as I have come to understand.

best wishes to all.

Thank you for your explanation. I'm sure the members of the forum would enjoy hearing more from you and having your input on other threads as well as this one.

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Well I would like to know ( since I am the accused) which thread I hijacked? To my knowledge I posted on his original thread AND one other, that he posted on. And I believe he tried to inflame and overexagerate another person's comment in the same vein that his original thread was headed, at the time his reply was posted. Which I called him on.

And once I blocked Headhunter, all posts by him on any thread after that are not visible to me including the one above, since I blocked him from contacting me earlier today. ( His reply is only now visible becasue it's part of the quote on Elizabethsew post.

With all the replies on his OP and only several of them by me, I find it hard to explain why I was PM'd and one or two others according to him. I certainly was NOT the only one that was "hard" on him.

And He felt free to start PM'ing people once he realized (as was stated in the thead) that PM's are not viewed or available to the Moderators.

I would be happy to leave headhunter alone and tried that this a.m when I blocked him and I posted on the thread that I did that, in case there were others that he was PM'ing, like he did to Nicole8wting and someone else that contacted me. I wondered how many more people might be out there getting PM's and not knowing how many others there were. I did not harass him in private PM's.

Does anyone know how many threads get Hijacked? Almost everyone turns a different direction along the way.

Apparently, by his own admission, I was NOT the only one that misunderstood him and his original intent, but he felt a need to single only one or two of us out.

Now having explained my position as you have, apology accepted since I assume as a member of the forum I am included in your apology. Yes, I was one of many that misinterpreted you. Your intent was not clear to me at all. And the nastiness of the PM's made it all the more difficult to see your intent.

So mia culpa for not being able to see the real you.

Good Luck May 7th.

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Whew! :rolleyes:

I hope everyone can now consider this all "water under the bridge". I think everyone deserves a second chance, and Headhunter is no exception to that rule.

There is some valuable information to be had here. My only wish is that it be presented in a thoughtful manner so as to inform and not frighten. And, of course, verifiable info is always helpful such as links to photos, articles, statistics.

We all have had or will have tense moments on our band journey, myself no exception. It's good to know we can come here and talk it out.

Remember during disagreements that here at LBT, we address the idea and not the person.

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Kat - PLEASE tell us about your tuck experience after it's done - I have fantasies but I want to know from a real person what the truth is about the surgery and recovery, and how happy you are with the results.

Knott---y'all will likely have to block me to shut me up!!!

I will be back (it is one month from today fyi...) and tell all about it, good, bad and likely pretty ugly for a few weeks!!!!

If you don't see a general post regarding it, feel free to PM me.


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Now having waded through this entire thing...LOL

David, you don't have to go to a totally different site to post your blog. They have that capability right here: Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support - Blogs Your number of blog posts will show up under your name, as you can see of several people on here. You can regulate comments (including disabling them). This way you can get your entire story out on THIS site, completing your initial task, and not have to deal with "blasting." If somebody blasts via PM, you can ignore them. :rolleyes: Good luck in your endeavors.

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Wasa - I'm having nightmarish nighttime reflux after last fill (3 whole weeks ago)! Is this what's happening to you?

I'm hoping an unfill will help. I got this fill because I had taken my dad out to dinner and eaten almost a whole blooming onion. I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be able to do this but I did it and omydearlord it was sooooo good ;). I thought I definitely didn't want to be able to do that on a regular basis so I got a fill and now I guess if the unfill works to get rid of the reflux (which I did not have at all before), then I'll just stick with that and try to stay away from the fatty stuff I love. I do know that's what I'm supposed to be doing anyway but old habits die hard. I'm getting more and more into the workouts, so maybe that will at least help the weight loss.

Nope, I never really had reflux symptoms. It always shows up in some way or another on fluoro. Only time I really had symptoms is when I was barfing up acid but I had the flu and thought it was from coughing too much. I've been unfilled since then.

Blooming onions... yummmmmmmmmmmm they are soooo good.

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That's what I was wondering you say you never had acid reflux and I never have either. Well I see my surgeon tomorrow and I think since I had that 10 hour episode of fun I should get something looked at.

Oh less greasy and just as good and how I figured I didn't even have enough fill in the beginning I was able to eat a whole portion of fried zuchinni, and the Pasta and the chicken breast from Carrabbas which is not a bloomin onion but still purdy darn good! brandyII PS that's when fill nurse thought I had the small size band and not large.

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Well, after wading through most of this post, I am thinking that this will probably end up in David's book(s) as an example of how people simply don't want to believe the negative experiences with the Lap Band, and I suspect that's at least part of the reason he posted in the first place. I suspect he probably had a few people contact him about problems they or family/friends have had too, so he has more fodder.

David, if you are still reading responses, I hope your surgery goes well and you are soon in better health. And if you decide to warn people via message boards again, please be more upfront about your intentions. You are not only warning and sharing your experiences, but you are gathering information for publication as well.

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WasaBB, thanks for sharing about your complications. I believe that GeezerSue had something similar with motility, and that was part of why she switched to DS.. so I'd heard about that part before... not sure about the voice part tho, that sounds rather odd. I hope it's not permanent!

David, I would still really like to see some form of posting of the whole story, with something of a time line to follow. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see how long you'd had your band before complications or how long you've been dealing with the complications you have. I am banded, and would like to see everything I can. As new complications arise, I'd like to know what they are so that I am aware. In my opinion, it would be rather silly to only be aware of slippage and erosion just because those were the only 'common' complications at the time of my banding.

If you post it in a blog somewhere, I'd very much at least like a PM with a link so I can read it.

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I really don't get the to-do with this thread. What's the big deal? Someone posted their experience with the band, an unfortunately negative experience.

If you're concerned/paranoid that something you say or do here is being used for a book, well - hate to be the bearer of bad news, but sites like this one are perused all the time for ulterior motives. I know many people IRL who use this site, none of whom know who I am on here. So I know we have people looking through our food threads for cookbooks they hope to publish, and looking for "average" experiences to compile FAQs. I know of at least one surgeon who looked through the pictures here and downloaded a few in hopes that the people would agree to claim he was their surgeon. You don't think surgeons and/or patient coordinators, support group hosts, etc. are here to gether information for their next topics (some of which are being compiled for publishing, don't think otherwise). Even IF that's why he's here, at least he has mentioned it. Think of how many people could be lurking here unknown, copying your pictures and blod entries, etc. It's a fact of ilfe on the internet - you have to assume nothing is "safe" or confidential, and you have to assume that the entire online world reads your messages.

Yeah, he probably could have presented his information a little differently. So could everyone. Yeah, he insinuated without really saying much, many people here have at some point. Maybe that's just how he communicates. Maybe he's trying to walk a thin line between "enough" and "too much" with whatever may be going on legally in his life. Maybe he reads "creepy" or "shady" or "not trustworthy". Maybe you do to someone else, too. Fact remains he's still a stranger on the Internet that you don't know, and your guesses as to what he's like are just that.

So - he'll say X, Y, Z happened without posting pictures, naming hospitals, etc. Most of us have done "anonymous" things here at some point. I claim to have lost almost 180 lbs, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw up a picture of me because some internet stranger wants "proof". He could have easily thrown up a pic of any absominal laparascopi picture and said it was him, placated a bunch of people, and no one would be the wiser. But he hasn't.

If you have a SPECIFIC complaint, and I don't mean "this guy is creepy" or "getting bad vibes" -- then report the thread to us, give us your reasoning, and let us act on it.

Otherwise, just take it for what it is.

Not trying to defend anyone, I certainly pointed out a major inaccuracy he made already. But -- just keep things in perspective. We're all here for some reason or another.

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Damn...I hate it when other people are reasonable, and then I end up feeling foolish.

And, my mantra today was, "Be reasonable...be reasonable...." Totally blew that one.

Headhunter types creepy to me....I can't shake the vibe. But, I'm going to try to be reasonable.

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I've read this entire thread and must say I have seen you go on and on about helping people make a decision. You have spent countless hours responding to comments, remarks and questions. However, none of us have seen "Your Story" as you put it.

You have thrown out bits and pieces stating you don't have time since it is lengthy to tell. If the story was so important to put out there for everyone to see and read as a cautionary tale why did you not ever put the entire story out there for each of us to decide based on the facts as you present them for ourselves as individuals. Basically you have given hints at this or a sentance or two about that but you have never said here is my story, I hope it helps and then actually told the story.

At the time of this post you have not ever put the full start to finish story out there for people to understand. You made a lot comments that forced people to make up their own ideas about what happened due to the lack of information you have provided. Sorry, the I don't have time comment doesn't fly with most of us as we are all just as busy as you are, we too have important jobs and families. My attorneys advised me also doesn't hold up as clearly we don't know who you are change whatever names necessary, attorneys have no problem with that.

If it was truly your intention to help people in your "target audience" that would be me as I have not been banded yet and based off the limited information you have provided I would not base any credence on anything you have said about the procedure. Why would you not at this point take the time to give us the full story which by the way is the responsible thing to do since you have scared the beejeeses out of so many people and then let the chips fall where they may. I tend to lend more credence to someone who puts all their cards on the table and plays it straight than someone who sticks their toe in the Water and jerks it back when challenged for facts and information.

I do give credence to my surgeon who has performed thousands of these procedures and does offer facts and figues about the success rates and MINIMAL discomforts, mortailty rates etc. Yes, none of us are going or have gone into this without knowing all the facts and risks. Yes there are risks but after weighing the facts from those willing to put their cards on the table they are risks I'm prepared to deal with.

One last thing, if anyone is making this decision and has not weighed all the facts they should before proceeding, however I would reccomend getting all the facts from credible sources.

Headhunter if you find yourself so credible, put your cards on the table and let us judge as for ourselfs as individuals....if your not willing to do that sorry but I wish you would disappear from the forum as it just further proves you have no credibility.

If you have suffered, no one on this site from what I have seen would Celebrate that fact. Instead, they would be compassionate and supportive.

As a word for the wise, when you come at us with information that should be a help to us you better come with facts and information because I know I and everyone here have not made this decision lightly and will defend it just as strongly as you seem to want to discredit it.

I am looking forward to my band in two days and wish you the best with moving on with your life and your efforts to repair whatever damage has been done.

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Maybe it's just me but his story would not have scared me from having the surgery if I had gone to this forum prior to mine as you have done wisely. But I do wish I had known prior to my surgery that I could still eat a lot of cr&^%%p after the band was in place and I had full restriction. I really really would have found that info important and may have gone a different route.

You may not be one who would have issues with cake, Cookies, ice cream, candy and chips but I do and I'm at that age when menopause is around the corner and it makes it even more difficult for me.

I just want others to know that it can be an issue, "slider" foods are not just ice cream and milk shakes best of luck to you in two days, recovery to me was a breeze and I hope yours will be too, brandyII.

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Baggio, that was very well said. I am sorry Headhunter had a bad experience. I have had a wonderful experience with the band. My recovery was next to nothing. I can eat anything I want, just in small

portions. I don't throw up, or get food stuck so I feel I am avoiding complications. I never had a port infection. Life in bandland is GREAT!

I would like to think that all the LBT members wish him the best with his future. If he is getting the band removed, perhaps the best place for him to continue to post would be "life without the band"

I think everyone should move on and let this thread die a natural death.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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