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Hi, Everyone....I think I'll be the contrarian voice here...

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Hi, Everyone;

I'll assume that some of my comments won't be all that popular here, but if you want honesty about the Lap band, I'll be happy to give you my point of view.

I have a Lap band. It was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life. I had it "installed" at one of the finest medical centers in the world, by a well-known surgeon.

It has almost killed me. And, I am entering the hospital on May 7th for a 4th and final surgery that MAY be fatal for me. The lap band will be removed, the big hole in my stomach that it may have created will be repaired (hopefully), and my colon will be opened up so that they can remove the Lap Band tube that burrowed it's way inside.

It's a long story, with lots of twists and turns.

My purpose for becoming a member here and sharing my story is to let potential Lap-Band recipients know that there is a "dark side" to the lap band. It should not be a quick or easy decision. It's only one option.

I hope my comments here will be taken seriously.


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David....So sorry to hear about your horrible experience with your lapband and I hope everything turns out well for you. Good luck with your upcoming surgeries! I guess the lapband is like anything else, it does wonders for some but has horrible results and causes horrific problems for other, like yourself. I'm one of the very fortunate and mine has been a wonderful experience and I hope and pray it continues to be one. Again, good luck with your future surgeries.

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I'm sorry you've had such a hard time. Sounds awful for you. I think we're all aware of the risk we are taking. I'm not banded yet, but I would rather take the chance of something happening and have a tool to control my weight than to yoyo for the rest of my life. Personally speaking, I'm 41 years old and have lost a LOT of weight on Weight Watchers, only to have regained it plus more.

I need something to help keep me in check because I cannot do this on my own.

I'd be really interested in statistics. I'm not saying you're one, because everyone's situation is unique and important to that person and those who love them. I'm just saying that, while your post is appreciated and helps to ground us, that the published risks with the lap band are much less than with other forms of weight loss surgery.

If you had had problems as the result of a gastric bypass, it might not be so reversible. I sincerely hope they can fix all of the problems the lap band has caused for you. I wish you all the best, and I hope you are happy and healthy when all is said and done.

As for me, I appreciate the warning, but it isn't changing my mind.



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I'm sorry to hear of your pain and misfortune. I'm just curious as to what happened. Anatomically speaking, the band is nowhere near the colon. Are you comfortable elaborating further?

Godspeed in your safe recovery.


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Thank you for your nice replies!

I wasn't sure what kind of response I would get from those who have had the Lap band, and those who are going to have one.

It is true that it works fine for many people.

But, I think that it's important that people REALLY do their homework, and make SURE that they have exercised all of their options. And by that I mean that they have really given healthy eating a chance. Most people don't. Weight Watchers is not the answer. Nor is NutriSystem, or any other of those systems. I'll talk more about that as I become better acquainted with the good people here on this forum.

But here's one thing I'd like to mention up front.

When I had my initial consultation with the surgeon who is going to "repair" me, he had some interesting comments.

Last year, he performed over 600 Bariatric surgeries. MANY of them were Lap-Band REPAIRS. He is the "go-to" guy for Lap Band mishaps.

He stated very firmly that he believes that the Lap Band will be pulled from the market within 3-5 years. There are just TOO many problems with it. He also stated that it was likely that soon you will begin seeing Attorneys on Television saying that "If you have the Lap-Band installed, call ME!" He said that it was inevitable, based upon what he has observed in his practice, and the practices of his associates. he DISCOURAGES lap-band use in his patients.

He also stated that he has been asked on a number of occasions to write articles on his experiences in various journals, but he has DECLINED to do so, because he would fear for his safety if he ever told everything he knows about the Bariatric Surgery Industry. He was very clear about that. He said that the Bariatric surgery Industry is a Multi-Billion dollar industry now, and doctors and hospitals are just making SO much money that they are ignoring some of the clear and present risks associated with the procedures, JUST TO MAKE MONEY. He said that if he told what he knew, he is quite sure that he would go out to his car some morning, turn the ignition, and be blown up. The Bariatric Industry is THAT powerful.

I have a lot more to say on the subject, I have done an enormous amount of research on this, and my experiences will soon become very public.


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Hi, DancingLamb....what an adorable name!

"Anatomically speaking, the band is nowhere near the colon. Are you comfortable elaborating further?"

You are correct. The tube detached from the band, and burrowed it's way down. I'll post the whole story later, perhaps even some of the photos of the CTscans and Xrays when I get them from the Hospital. My whole surgery will be taped and documented as the basis for lawsuit, and probably some appearances on talk shows. There are some TV Talk Show Hosts (National) that are very opposed to the concept of WLS, and are VERY interested in featuring my story.

Later on I'll also include the story of how the Port broke through my skin, and actually popped out of my stomach while on a visit to a client in Salt Lake City (I live in California). That was a WHOLE lot of fun! The emergency room in Salt Lake ( a small suburb, actually) had never seen one of these before, and everyone in the hospital was coming by the ER to see this....kind of like that scene from "alien"....LOL!


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Wow, the employees at that hospital acted VERY inappropriately! I can just imagine the embarrassment they caused you, treating you like some sort of freakshow. Small town or not, they should have treated you with the respect and dignity each patient deserves.

Since your surgeon is the "go to" guy for lap band repairs, could his perspective be a bit skewed about the related risks? And since you have gone through such a difficult time, could it be that you are generally more focused on the negatives of lap band surgery? I know I sure would be. Personal experience forms our perspective.

I am wondering - have you lost weight since getting your lap band? Or have you been so sick that the weight came off as a result of that?


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I had no artificial hopes that lap banding would be without problems---for some, and even possibly for me. So far that has not been an issue.

I also had no doubt in my mind that continued morbid obesity was only going to continue to cause new problems as well as exacerbate the existing ones.

I am very sorry you are having the problems you had----we all are aware these things happen.

My own personal question for you, and it is not meant to be antagonistic--is-----------why here? why now?

I mean this IS a LAP BAND SUPPORT BOARD. Yes we do have a section for complications, and we do discuss issues that we have---but most of those come up through current, existing members, who are facing one type of issue or another.

You say you are looking into the talk show circuit and into lawsuits. Is that why you suddenly when faced with no longer having a band chose to come to a lap band support site?

You have been dealing with this and knowing you had issues, and could have been "warning" others to "be aware of possible problems" all along. So....why here? And why now? And why put the obvious complication issue topic into an area devoted to newbie bandsters?

Hope your removal surgery goes well, and that they can repair any damages you suffered. And after that.....why would you come back here???


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Hi, Theresa;

Thanks for your comments.

You bring up some excellent points regarding the experience of both My Surgeon and Myself with regard to our attitude toward the LB.

The Surgeon became the "go to" guy for LB problems because of his extensive experience with it, both positive and negative. He has seen successes with it, more successes than failures. But, the failures were most certainly significant, enough to allow him to form his opinion that the Lap Band is NOT a viable option over the long run. I was very interested in him, he's quite a likable and open guy. So, we chatted quite a bit, and I learned a fair amount about him.

Now, as far as whether I lost any weight with the Lap Band, yes, I did. I lost NINE pounds. But, there's more to the story than that....after the port popped out, the Fluid drained out, and there was NO constriction, I discovered that I could indeed do it myself, without the help of the Band, and I proceeded to lose nearly 90 pounds. Again, a long story, but one I'm ready to tell.

I will tell you that I discovered within a WEEK of having the band installed that it is VERY easy to bypass the effects of the constriction. You can't chug down a piece of steak easily, but you CAN shove down a few chocolate shakes, mashed potatoes, ice cream, and all sorts of other things pretty darn easily, even AFTER your maximum fills. For those that have had problems controlling your eating, the LB is no guarantee. There are ways to bypass it if you want to.

Again, this is a long, complicated story. I am not suggesting that NO ONE should have the Lap band....it HAS saved lives. But it has also TAKEN lives, and may ultimately take mine. The more I learn about it, the more I feel that people need to be educated about the REAL risks of it, and the POTENTIAL for damage to your innards.

Here in the Los Angeles area, there is a company that is advertising on the radio that is calling it the "One-Hour Weight Loss Solution", implying that the whole process is an hour or less. They also state that they will do it if you are only 50 pounds overweight. I think that is CRIMINAL. And just plain WRONG.


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I wouldn't say this whole forum is about the glories of LapBand without mentioning complications. There is an ENTIRE forum dedicated to complications.

I'm sorry to hear you've had such awful problems with it. I wish you the best of luck with everything and that everything closes up alright and you can heal up.

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Sorry to hear about this.

It is unfortunate, but when I learned of the lapband procedure I was told there were many risks and that it hadnt been out long enough to know the side effects it could possibly have. Its all case by case, you never know what could happen with anything.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as they try and solve this issue for you. Good job on the weightloss too.


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I am so sorry for your health issues. I hope that you have a full recovery and get all the compensation you deserve.

On that note, I don't mean to be a bitch. By any means. I am scheduled for surgery May the 9th. It took me two years to decide to get this surgery, and I weighed all the risks I could find. Your story makes it sound like the risks are being underestimated. David, I'm a hypochondriac. Plain and simple. I believe at times that I have every disease in the world and it took this long for me to work up the courage for this surgery. I worked out at a gym, got a personal trainer, dieted, change styles, I have hunger issues. Just that. My hunger never stops. I viewed the Lap band as far less invasive than the alternatives. My BMI is around 50.

David, I am tearing up right now. I will encourage you to perhaps move this thread to the Complications forum. I read it to welcome you, now, I can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack. Luckily, I have Lorazepam. Seriously, I don't mean to be a bitch, but a lot of us are just plain F--KING scared of this surgery and it seems to be the only thing to save our lives. I am doing this for my future and your discouragement has made it just that much harder for me.

I am sorry for my cruelty.

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Hi, Everyone;

I'll assume that some of my comments won't be all that popular here, but if you want honesty about the Lap band, I'll be happy to give you my point of view.

I have a Lap band. It was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life. I had it "installed" at one of the finest medical centers in the world, by a well-known surgeon.

It has almost killed me. And, I am entering the hospital on May 7th for a 4th and final surgery that MAY be fatal for me. The lap band will be removed, the big hole in my stomach that it may have created will be repaired (hopefully), and my colon will be opened up so that they can remove the Lap Band tube that burrowed it's way inside.

It's a long story, with lots of twists and turns.

My purpose for becoming a member here and sharing my story is to let potential Lap Band recipients know that there is a "dark side" to the lap band. It should not be a quick or easy decision. It's only one option.

I hope my comments here will be taken seriously.


Hi David,

Sorry you had to suffer so much. I have had 13+ surgeries, gangrene involved, blah blah blah... so I kind of knew what I was up against. I'm so very sorry for you. I will pray that this next surgery will be the last and you will be on your way to recovery.

BTW, care to share more of your story for those of us who have already done it, maybe you can spare us. So far so good, weight loss v. slow, but all in all I'm glad I did it.

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If the doctor says theres alot of risks doing the surgery and the negitives out way the positives then why the hell is he still doing lap bands?

I dunno..This whole thing seems fishey to me. I had gotten seizures from a diet pill but after I didnt shop around to oprah,Montell or tyra.

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Hi, Kat;

Thanks for your reply.

You ask some legitimate questions. And I have some legitimate answers!

Actually, I did not plan on getting into this in the "Introductions" forum. I didn't look far enough to see that there was a "complications" board, so I suppose that all of this should be over there. I just wanted to introduce myself, and state up front that I am not a fan of the Lap Band. Which brings me to your "why Here, why Now" question.

It's been a long journey from the installation of my LB to where I am now.

The simple answer to your first question is that there is a POSSIBILTY that I might not be here in a month. The problems I have experienced as a result of the Lap Band are somewhat life threatening, and there is a possibility the surgery may not go well. I am confident that it will be fine, but if it does not turn out well, I want people to know what happened to me.

My bottom line is that it DIDN'T work for ME....and the pain and suffering has been enormous. The Bariatric Industry is painting WLS as a "simple" and "safe" procedure, and while most of time it is, sometimes (often,actually) it is NOT. I think that the proliferation of WLS ads on TV, radio, etc, are making people give up TOO fast on finding the power within. The human body is a wonderful, miraculous thing. It was DESIGNED and BUILT to function a certain way. When it is given proper nutrition, rest, exercise, Water, etc, it arrives at it's NORMAL weight. But, our society has manipulated our eating process (processed foods, fast food, junk food, etc) to the point where we have just become bags of fat. I'll have more to say on that issue.

"You have been dealing with this and knowing you had issues, and could have been "warning" others to "be aware of possible problems" all along. So....why here? And why now? And why put the obvious complication issue topic into an area devoted to newbie bandsters?"

My target audience here is not the Newbie Bandster....it's those who trying to make a decision as to whether or not it is the right option for them. There are many on this forum that have not yet had the surgery. I want them to think twice.

I have been encouraged by friends and family that have watched me suffer to come forward and tell my story. I have not been "looking into the talk show circuit", THEY have been looking into Me. My stroy has been getting around.

So, my answer to your questions is simply that I hope to be a voice of caution to those that are considering the LB. Those that have already had it done, well, I do wish the VERY BEST for you, and I am confident that most of you will not experience what I have.


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        That's a great choice! 😊

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