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5 weeks, 3 fills, NO restriction! Is my band a dud?

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I like what you said about hunger not being an emergency. I know for me it always was. It's like I thought if I don't eat something I will die and the truth is No I won't. food was always a way of relieving anxiety so it did feel like an emergency at times. I hate the feeling of being hungry but your right it's not an emergency, I will be able to eat once again. I don't live in a third world country where food is limited. This really helped me! Thanks! THis will definitely be something I tell myself the next time I am hungry and want to run to the fridge before my scheduled meal time.

I love that line by Hastings! And it will stick in my mind, too. First usually what we feel is not really hunger, but boredom, loneliness, happiness, sadness etc. but even real hunger is not an emergency. It's not like I have to go hunting all day and track and kill some beast before I can eat!

Great Line!

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Hey Lise, I have had 3 fills also and still feel hungry. I go thru ups and downs as far as weight loss also. I loose 6 and then gain 4. I know I am loosing inches as I go along because my clothes are not fitting anymore, but the scale doesn't always show it. I am good about exercise and do the treadmill 7 days a week for 1 mile.But I also feel like I am eating to much at a time,like my stomach is stretched or something. I just feel like I shouldn't be able to eat as much as I do.I mean I just had a hot dog on a bun with sauerkraut and baked Beans. Its just weird. Anyway I guess as time goes by and I get more fills I will feel fuller, I don't know. I also sometimes drink while I eat. I know we aren't supposed to but I do sometimes. Does it really make a difference? Anyway thats my story..... Germaine

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I'm glad everything is cool and we can agree to support one another. I look forward to learning from you and others on this board. I respect everyone's opinion and advice.

So what has been working so far for you? What and how much are you eating?

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Kat, I keep my calories ,which I am fairly faithful with writing down, between 1000 and 1200. I did weight watchers a couple years ago and it took me ten months to lose thirty pounds. Half of it came back real quick and I fought to keep the other half off while waiting to get the band in. That almost one year I was on WW, was very helpful in learning Portion Control and making good food choices. I weigh and measure my Protein at most meals at home. My downfall when I was on WW were the weekends.

(*paragraph below)

Now post band, I have a treat once in a while, but mostly I eat salad, meat like beef, (more often chicken), fish ( tuna, salmon, shrimp, sole or flounder) with a veggie. A lean cuisine for lunch, a yogurt, apple or a Protein Bar for a snack, maybe a 100 calorie pack. I dont eat much bread but I will have a piece of whole grain bread or a Fiber One Bar for the Fiber once or twice a week and my morning Cereal is a high fiber one b/c the high Protein diets can be low in fiber.

I'm great at not drinking with eating and waiting the hour but that is b/c I never drank much when i ate, so that rule was kind of easy for me. It seems to be more of an issue when I go out to eat, b/c the drink is in front of me. I wait one hour after a meal and I have a bottle of flavored Water. I actually find myself checking the clock when I finish eating, so I'll know when the hour is up. I get about three or four bottles of Water in an average day and exercise with all the trips to the bathroom! I'm trying to make all these things a habit.

I figure bodies like routine. If I used to eat b'fast everyday at a certain time, then my body and stomach expected that meal at that time every day. So if I subsitute a smaller portion and a higher protein, lower carb Cereal at the same time every day, my body will get used to that and expect that and be happy with it. Same with lunch and dinner and the band is definitely helping my stomach to say, yeah this is OK. The message the band sends is a little weak, (I have to really pay attention) but with more restriction is should get stronger.

Looks like you were recently banded. What food stage are you on? Is there a band rule you're finding more difficult than another? One that's easy for you?

I see you went to Mexico. Many people on the forum have and loved the experience. Was that how it was for you? do you have a local Dr for fills or are you close enough to go back to mexico for them?

Oops, this paragraph was supposed to be in a different place*

A long Ct. winter meant not much walking (after surgery) which I was doing before surgery, just to prevent weight gain before banding.

I have begun to start walking again, but not as regularly as I was last fall, but managed to walk three miles in just under an hour three times last week. I want to make it closer to five days.

Edited by shortgal

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I know I'm new to all of you but I wanted to say I had my surgery on the 27th of March and begged my Dr. to fill me at my second week check up. He said that my surgery has to heal 6 weeks before my first fill. I have lost 16 lbs and people say thats good. But in my mind I know what I am eating without anyone knowing. I feel like a food addict hiding what I'm eating from everyone even my husband. Its terrible. My daughter caught me eating cheese puffs today and said " What are you doing Mom" I told her I was hungry and craving cheese puffs. See what I mean no control at all. But someone today emailed me and let me know I need to be able to tell the difference between hunger and impulse eating. They were absolutly right - Thanks alot I'll try harder - I didn't go thru all this to blow this now.


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I know I'm new to all of you but I wanted to say I had my surgery on the 27th of March and begged my Dr. to fill me at my second week check up. He said that my surgery has to heal 6 weeks before my first fill. I have lost 16 lbs and people say thats good. But in my mind I know what I am eating without anyone knowing. I feel like a food addict hiding what I'm eating from everyone even my husband. Its terrible. My daughter caught me eating cheese puffs today and said " What are you doing Mom" I told her I was hungry and craving cheese puffs. See what I mean no control at all. But someone today emailed me and let me know I need to be able to tell the difference between hunger and impulse eating. They were absolutly right - Thanks alot I'll try harder - I didn't go thru all this to blow this now.


I know how you feel....I got banded on the 26th of March and I am so hungry!! Ppl have noticed I have lost weight though so it is still working....just thought it would be a litlle faster....I get my first fill on May 1st.

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Yeah I just got banded April 2nd. I started eating soft foods now. Soft meat like crab, turkey lunch meat, or really tender chicken. I also eat a lot of sugar free popsickles, sugar free pudding, yogert, eggs salad, tuna salad, Soups and SF Jello.

I need to eat more veggies. I've always had problems with this area. My main problem is fighting hunger in the evenings and weekends. Some is real hunger and some is head hunger. Oh and bread!! I love bread....

I have a doctor to do my fills in Fredrick, MD. I live in PA but this is the closest doc that will work with Mexico patients. BTW, I had a wonderful experience in MX. Treated like a queen. Unfortunately PA is too far to continue to travel to MX for my after care. Texas residents are much more fortunate in that way.

I'm learning day by day to eat more like a banster. Not drinking when eating is difficult for me. That's when I used to take in most of my fluids before, so it's an adjustment. As for exercise, I've started walking short distances like around the block. I have to get up my endurance. I am really out of shape. I get winded easily. I don't know how I left myself get this way. It's gonna take a lot of work to get back to a healthy weight and lifestyle. I thought soda would be harder to give up than it is, but it's been four weeks since my last diet soda. I think it's because I can't drink when I eat that makes it so much easier. I used to love soda with a meal.

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I think we all ask "how did we let ourselves get this way".

I gave up soda because it bothered my acid reflux. When they banded me they fixed my hernia, now I don't get reflux, but still can't have soda. Good thing I got used to not enjoying it before surgery.

We occassionally make roasted veggies, they are really good. They do have olive oil on them, so a little more calories, but I don;t want to feel bad about having veggies. Carrots, Onion, Zucchini, Green or yellow peppers, we add one or two small potatoes for the two of us and toss with a little OO, and S &P and then roast on high heat like 425 until they are tender. In the winter you can add some root veggies, if you like those.

And I like salads, especially when we go out. A small tossed with some grilled chicken or grilled salmon is perfect for me.

It takes time to change some of our habits and learn the new bander rules, but now it's becoming kind of normal for me. You're still not even on regular foods yet, so you have time to get it all together. The food, the drinking, the fills. Head hunger is the toughest one. Still gets me some days, even when I recognize it's head hunger! We can win the battle, but the war rages on. LOL

Is it far to MD to the fill place from where you are in Pa? How often will you go? When do you get the first fill?

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I got my first fill 6 wks out I got 1.5 cc's and felt restriction for the first couple of days, but now feel like I can eat much more, but I notice I stay full longer. On Friday I ate a whole Breakfast burrito, and felt so crappy about being able to finish the whole thing, but it kept me full all day so I skipped lunch so I guess as long as I'm staying full and not eating just to eat, and losing weight that should be okay. I worry about getting too many fills too soon I don't want to plateu too soon, last week I lost 1 lb, and I'll check my weight again this week and wait until I go 2 weeks with no weight loss before asking for another fill. How is everyone else handleing when to get another fill??


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I gave up diet soda to see if I could. If figured if I couldn't, I would probably not be a good band candidate. It was a worry of mine because I drank caffeine-free diet coke EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sometimes up to 6 of them!

The other day I was thirsty at a work event and there was no Water available, just beer, wine, soda and juice, so I decided to have one anyway since I still haven't got a band. It was DISGUSTING. I don't understand what I saw in it. It wasn't refreshing at all. I poured all but two sips (I couldn't believe it was really that bad after the first sip, so I had another one. Guess I'm hard to convince. :tongue_smilie: )

Anyway, my point is... it's sometimes not as hard to give up stuff you think is your favorite as you think it will be. I didn't think I could give it up at all -- but I gave it up easily and now I don't even like it.

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I have found that food tastes different to me, thank goodness, so it's easier to give up things, or just to delay things.

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You and I must be related - we are almost exactly the same in how we approach our new band life -this is a total lifetime lifestyle change in our eating plan (which is what a diet really means - not starvation)

I don't think you are cold - IMHO all that you have said thru this Thread is right on. Maybe its an age thing - We know that this isn't just another fad diet - this is our life that we are trying to extend.

In my research on the band I was told over and over again it's only a tool so I didn't secretly think that it was the magic cure - I knew it wasn't I had been for warned by experienced banders.

Our band is only a tool - we do have to have will power - that piece of plastic in our stomach isn't what's going to make us lose the weight - It's us our brains - its what we chose to put in our mouth. As I always like to say they banded our tummy not our brain and 99% of the problem with our addiction is in our brains not our stomach... To bad they haven't come up with a device for our brains !!! If they did I guess we wouldn't be having this discussion.

If everyone is waiting for proper restriction and thinking that alone is going to solve their issue - think again - you can eat around this thing - Cookies - chips - cracker - candy - ice cream- cake goes down with no problems - Heck I have pretty good restriction would even say I am at my sweet spot - but I could go into the kitchen and fix some mashed potatoes loaded with butter and eat 2 cups - OMW those 2 cups would be more 3/4 of my daily calories if not more depending on how much butter I used and I am a Paula Dean kind a girl

I read so many people saying "I didn't get banded to diet" I don't want to count calories - I don't want to weight & measure food - I want to eat normal - Well normal is what got you fat in the first place -We don't know what 4 ozs looks like -

As a learning tool I think you need to weight and measure food - I have a scale that gives me all the info - Protein grms - calories - fat - etc Who knows how many grams of Protein are in an ounce - If you aren't reading labels and counting how do you know how many grams of protein you are getting in a day - besides drinking Protein drinks - My doc wants me to eat regular food.

My experience with the band is that I do 75% of the work - by choosing to eat healthy 98% of the time allowing for treats 2% of the time which I budget into my 1000 -1200 daily calorie in take and i exercise 4 days a week minimum.

I agree you have to do the work if you are going to succeed in this battle to get healthy --It takes planing, preparing - we are learning new habits.

I will tell you one thing - - I can't say that nothing taste as good as thin feels - cuz I still love food (I now enjoy my meals - I don't inhale them) - but I do think that thinner feels better than fatter.

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Indio Girl-

Thanks for your thought provoking post!! What brand of scale do you have?..I have an old ww one but it doesn't do all the cool things yours does...please share!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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