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Keeping the weight off after lap-band removal support thread

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I lost my band 2-13-08 due to erosion. :thumbup:

I had lost 94 pounds with my lap-band, but I'm still about 25 pounds to my goal weight. I gained 6 pounds right away after the lap-band was removed, but with a lot of hard work have managed to lose it again. Now two months later, I'm at the same weight I was at when I went into the hospital with complications.

What is everyone's plan for keeping the weight off?

I'm working out 5-6 days a week and watching what I eat. I'm also meeting with my dietician regularly and that is helping keep me motivated. It's just now been eight weeks since my surgery, so I don't have an excuse for not weight training anymore. I'm going to make an appointment to see a personal trainer and get that started soon.

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I had my band removed 8mos ago due to a slippage; I lost 70lbs and was 30lbs from goal; I have gained 10lbs since the band was removed; I am having a hard time getting motivated to exercise-which has always been my problem; I am eating healthier than ever but am eating too much- a lot of the same old problems-eating for wrong reasons. I am so depressed; I feel like such a failure for not keeping the band on-I trusted my dr that it needed to come off because of my severe reflux; I think if he had just repositioned it I wouldn't have had the reflux. I put my family in a financial bind because of the money I borrowed for the lap band. Now I dont even have it anymore!! Now I'm gaining wgt; I look in the mirror and see the old fat person I used to be. I hate feeling this way;

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I had my band removed 8mos ago due to a slippage; I lost 70lbs and was 30lbs from goal; I have gained 10lbs since the band was removed; I am having a hard time getting motivated to exercise-which has always been my problem; I am eating healthier than ever but am eating too much- a lot of the same old problems-eating for wrong reasons. I am so depressed; I feel like such a failure for not keeping the band on-I trusted my dr that it needed to come off because of my severe reflux; I think if he had just repositioned it I wouldn't have had the reflux. I put my family in a financial bind because of the money I borrowed for the lap band. Now I dont even have it anymore!! Now I'm gaining wgt; I look in the mirror and see the old fat person I used to be. I hate feeling this way;

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It looks like I'll never get a lapband because of severe gastritis. And because my job's (and therefore, insurance) is about to be eliminated. So I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and start doing something.

This is what I did, and the weight came off surprisingly easy (I hope it keeps up that way...)

I cut down going to coffee Bean. And when I went, I only got a regular coffee.

I also went to Whole Foods and picked up things like nuts, dried seaweed, prepacked vegetable packets, dried banana chips and stashed it in my desk. So whenever I got hungry, there were plenty of low-carb Snacks on hand. And I got the low-carb ice cream bars for home.

I didn't watch quantities or calories, but I did try to keep an eye on carbs. The theory is that your body burns carbs first for energy, and when it's out of carbs, it'll burn fat for energy. And the only exercise I got, other than playing with the baby, was parking further away from work and walking the ramps instead of using the elevator.

But when I stepped on the scale this morning, I had lost ten pounds. I'm pretty stoked.

Also, the baby's been teaching me about grazing. I've been watching her natural eating patterns, and she eats when she's hungry, then she'll leave her plate and go back to playing or dancing and then come back and eat more when she gets hungry again.

And I heard there's a guy who advocates, in trying to teach your body what "full" feels like, do this:

Day 1 - Eat your meal like normal.

Day 2 - Eat the exact same meal, but blindfolded and stop when you feel full.

He says people are always surprised at how much food is still on their plate. And then, when you get hungry again, eat. Even if it's ten minutes later. But concentrate on what you're feeling and as soon as you feel full, stop.

So, I've been trying to combine that type of eating with the low-carb stuff.

I think it works because you don't blow your stomach out, forcing huge quantities of food down it (the way sitting down to three square meals works). And since you eat when you're hungry, you don't panic about starving yourself and binge.

The problem I'm having is psychological. When I was a kid and I lost any weight at all -- even a pound -- my dad would reward me with a large hot fudge sundae (I know, counter-productive, but he meant well). And honestly, as an adult, that's been the hardest behavior pattern to overcome. And honestly, I don't know if it's rooted in: "Oh look, I've lost ten pounds, let's Celebrate with a cheesecake." or if it's rooted in some weird panic about losing the weight -- which is a deeper, more complex issue.

Anyway, that's why I got the low-carb ice cream and I'm trying to limit all junk food within sight to low carb versions -- not the cardboard-tasting, chemical-based foods, but things like dried seaweed or nuts or blueberries. That way, even if I go nuts and reward myself with something junk-food like, I can't completely derail the progress I'm making.

The other thing that's helping is decluttering the house. I find that the tighter I hold on to things, the tighter I hold on to weight.

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I had my band removed 8mos ago due to a slippage; I lost 70lbs and was 30lbs from goal; I have gained 10lbs since the band was removed; I am having a hard time getting motivated to exercise-which has always been my problem; I am eating healthier than ever but am eating too much- a lot of the same old problems-eating for wrong reasons. I am so depressed; I feel like such a failure for not keeping the band on-I trusted my dr that it needed to come off because of my severe reflux; I think if he had just repositioned it I wouldn't have had the reflux. I put my family in a financial bind because of the money I borrowed for the lap band. Now I dont even have it anymore!! Now I'm gaining wgt; I look in the mirror and see the old fat person I used to be. I hate feeling this way;


I hear you! I paid cash for my band, and now have several thousands more in medical bills because of the complications. And now....not even a lap-band to show for it. It wasn't supposed to end this way.

I had a bad weekend, too. I ate way more than I should have. It's just so hard to be good and watch every. single. calorie. Plus, I just feel like I'm starving all the time. Let's face it; 1/2 c. of cottage cheese just doesn't cut it anymore! My scale says I'm up 7.5 pounds since my weigh-in on Thursday. Seriously!?! Is that even possible? Argh!

I hear you about the depression, too. There have times when I've seen a lap-band commercial on TV and just broken down into tears. And, I think there are very people who can understand that.

But, in the end, we have good days and bad days. I'm still in the fight to make sure I have more good days than bad. I'm picking myself back up this morning and moving on.

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My lower stomach got strangulated in the lap band so I had to have it removed in emergency surgery on February 28, 3 weeks shy of my one year anniversary.

I have cried and mourned that lapband. I lost 68 lbs with about 35 more to go.

So I have now gained 12 lbs back. I am constantly beating myself up over it.

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Great topic!

SElaine, thanks for putting this one up.

I still have my band, but it is coming out on May 7. I have discussed the reasons elsewhere, and I won't go into it again, suffice to say that it's history.

Maybe I can offer a few words of encouragement to those that are facing a bandless existence.

First of all, DON'T MOURN the loss of your band. Celebrate the fact that you had it while you did, it served it's purpose, and you BENEFITTED from it's presence. You are a different person now than when it it was placed. A lesser person (in the way we want :crying:) and a greater person for having lived the experience.

If you mourn the loss of your band (and I can understand the fact that it really is mourning), you may become somewhat depressed, and we know what THAT can lead to. So celebrate your relationship with the band, and let it go. You HAVE the ability to do this yourself. I promise you that. You have come SO FAR on this journey and the reward is just around the corner. You just need a different strategy.

My band became totally non-functional a while back. I had lost only a few pounds before it went "belly-up" (no pun intended, but a damn fine pun anyway :cry_smile:). I proceeded to get over the loss, and subsequently lost around 90 pounds. You can too.

Look at the fine example of sophrosyne as she outlined above. She is moving forward. You can too. Please remember that you did not become obese because you were born without the Lap Band. Obesity is a complex issue, but more than anything, really, it's a mind game. I'm not suggesting that it's all in your head, but it's a big part of it.

If there's any interest here, I'll come back and talk more about how I was able to function without a functioning Lap Band.

Don't give up, guys. This is another beginning for you, and you need to begin looking at it that way. Even though this is an Installed-band oriented board, I know that there are TONS of GOOD people here that will be your support group, if you want them; I know I will!

Don't give up; the best is yet to Come! :biggrin:

Edited by Headhunter

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Hi All

Headhunter what an amazing post.

You have made me feel so much better.

I had to have my band removed a few weeks ago and I suppose I was very lucky because I had got to goal weight. However we do tend to relly heavilly on our bands, I certainly did anyway and I must admit I am terrified I will gain the weight back, having said that I am also very glad to be here at all as my band came very close to killing me.

My weight at the moment is stable but I know that is partly down to not having a huge appetite yet.

Thanks guys I'm sure we can help each other remain positive.


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Hi, Gaynor;

Welcome aboard!

You'll do just fine. You are particularly fortunate in that you have hit target weight BEFORE the band was removed.

So sorry about your complications, yes, the problems (when they arise) CAN be ugly and life threatening. There are those who have had sweet success with the band, and it has come easily for them. They, uderstandably, are huge proponents of the band. Others, like myself and you, have not been as fortunate in THAT regard. Although my band experience was a massive failure, I am grateful that I went through it, because I ultimatley learned HOW to eat correctly....NOT as a result of the band, but as a result of it's failure. Having the band in me led me to a better way of life.

For you, the Band has served it's purpose. You are done with it. And now it's time to move on.

Congratulations on your Graduation to a new life!

Tell us a little more about your experience. You said the Band almost killed you (which I know can happen). Tell us the story!


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Hi all

David you asked for a little more info about my band remouval. Basically my band had worked fairly well for me for 3 years. However I have to say when I look back at the quality of my life while banded I wonder now. I suppose I was happy to have lost my weight and kept it off, however there were times when it was extremely difficult.

Anyhow I was a bandster who did not like to be too restricted, so if ever i felt my band was too tight, I would have a de-fill.

On a Sunday evening I ate a tiny bit of chicken and possibly did not chew well enough. I was not sure if something was stuck or if band had tightened as this can happen.

To cut a long story short I arranged for a defill on the Tuesday. felt okay afterwards but on Wed was uncomfortable again barely able to manage fluids, so arranged for another defill but sadly had to go to my local hospital on Thursday as was in agony and unable to even swallow saliva.

They had not got a clue what to do with me, so I told them they needed to completely defill my band. They only did this when i insisted they call my consultant 2hours drive away and he agreed this was the best course of action. I was no better after this so they eventually transferred me to another hospital where they had a specialist who was able to remove my band. He told me by this time my stomoch was completely black, so they had to drain a lot of disgusting black Fluid from it and hope that the colour would return to normal. Most of it did but the top of my stomoch had died, so had to be removed and i had also torn a muscle that had to be stitched due to retching so violently, the consultant told me if I had been left another day it could have been a whole different story.

He described my stomoch as like a balloon full of Water being squeezed by a hand (the Band).

Scarey stuff eh.

Anyhow 5 weeks post op and I'm on the mend, still in a little pain and still having problems eating.

By the way I asked him if this could be caused by one incident and he said yes.


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Thought I'd take a peek in this thread as I have no insurance and went into this knowing that if I had any complications I'd get the band removed. I can get that done for free at the VA. But I cannot afford revison surgery or anything else.

Just started having pain around my port area and have posted inquiring if anyone else has it and what it may be.

Gaining the weight back is a concern for me if I have to end up getting my band removed. Seems many gain 5/10/15 pounds soon after but can get a handle on it.

Thanks for the thread and everyone's posts.

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There are those who have had sweet success with the band, and it has come easily for them.

I would say many have had success with the band, but to say that it has come easily is wrong, in my opinion.

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Thank you SElaine for posting this thread!

Sophrosyne; I completeley agree with you and your approach to loosing the weight and keeping it off. (Especially the carb thing, you would be surprised how little carbs you actually need; even as a very active person). The small changes that we make day to day make a huge difference. I like to take it one day at a time. There really is no sense in getting depressed about loosing the band, and come to think of it, I was really miserable for the 4 months I was banded.

This is not to say that the band has not taught me some very valuable lessons. Most importantly, it retrained me on the mechanics of eating. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I had gotten to a point where I took huge bites, barely chewed my food at all, never felt full and was always bloated and uncomfortable. All this because I did not pace myself and take my time while eating.

My band was removed in December. Since then I have lost an additional 11 lbs. I am eating super healthy and limiting my portioms. I take small bites and chew thorouly and that helps me reach satiety with smaller portions. Also, I work out 6 days a week and will be running the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon in June. (*YAY ME !!!)

I keep telling myself that I refuse to be the person who got banded but did not loose the weight. Everyday is still a struggle and I think that I will always have my issues with food. But I refuse to let it ruin my life!

25 lbs to go! WE CAN DO THIS!!


Good luck to you all!!

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