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Nykee's Food Journal

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3 ounces OJ

16 ounces chocolate milk

Half a Mc donalds saugage egg and cheese

KfC chicken snacker

small root beer float

one peice chocolate easter candy

Plain double cheeseburger

16 ounces 2% milk

half a snickers bar

Handfull of fries, mayo, ketsup..

hershey sunday pie

Chocolate milk 24 ounces

Gulps of OJ... who knows how much, didnt even pour it into my 8 ounce cup.


I am not even adding it up.

Worked really hard in Water aerobics today though.. went a half hour early and swam with the kids, raced them backwards crawl ... its the only way I can swim fast enough to give them some competition. I won a few times.

Some lady was holding "Margaretta night" and I said "on a wednesday, now thats alcoholism" I said it so only a few could hear and it was old ladies.. and i wonder why I have no friends. lol

I also could teach that class so much better than she could!!..(In my mind.. not my body,,lol) I guess thats why college graduates dont teach Water aerobics at the YMCA too often..

My daughter goes and cant even get a workout yet she is too lazy to work out for real.. oh well, she lost 12 pounds and is at 143# and I just want her to keep it off, so... shes the smallest and youngest girl in the place. AND I found out she wont get naked in frount of the ladies.. she uses a dressing room! Age 17.. thats just stupid.. and i told her so..


I will add up those stinking calories and stuff tomarrow.

I hate looking at this but I hope it will ne nice to look back upon when I have restriction.!!

Chins up girl!

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I really like to see your progress with how you are working and looking at your foods, etc. To you question about protien: Use your IDEAL weight in that calculation. You don't want to eat enough to support to the body you have now, you want to eat enough to support your future body.

Cutting out the liquid calories is going to be hard, and not drinking when you eat is also going to be hard. I suggest that you tackle them one at a time, and here's how I would do it:

Drink the liquids you want, but demand from yourself that you drink the glass of milk before you eat, and then put the milk and the cup away. Then you've already had it, and you wont drink during your meal. This will help you stay full longer by not "washing down" the food that is in your pouch.

It'll be slow probably. There will be times when you reach for and drink something and then realize it's not what you wanted to do, but just take it one meal at a time. Then once you get this part down, work on replacing juice with Crystal lite or flavored Water. Crystal Lite has 5 calories per glass vs 130 or whatever is in juice. Not to mention the carbs!

Take it slow, and you'll do fine :)

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I really like to see your progress with how you are working and looking at your foods, etc. To you question about protien: Use your IDEAL weight in that calculation. You don't want to eat enough to support to the body you have now, you want to eat enough to support your future body.

>>>>>>>>>>>THANK YOU!! I thought that figure was alittle crazy. LOL

That means I should have enough.. BUT when I cut down my food intake I will need to eat higher Protein foods in order to get enough..

I know what your saying about the drinking and eating.. I am not even gonna have milk in the house to start... as soon as this milk rins out, thats it..

I know all about crystal lite and all the no carb, no cal drinks.. I lost 40 pounds in a month doing a low carb diet but I hated every minute of it.. and I dont WANT to do that.. I want to eat small portains of what I want.. I hope the fill will accomplish that, but if not, i will have to do something.. I cant imagine i will ever let my band go to waste!

Thanks for your advice!!


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Orange juice, 4 ounces


4 cheese curds from A&W

Small Root beer freeze


two bites snickers

1/2 large rasberry slurpee from 7-11


1 cup parmeseun noodles

one cup lettace, crutons, thousand island

16 ounces chocolate milk

10:45 pm

6 nutter butters

16 ounces milk 2%


Gulps of orange juice


Still aint going to fit day yet to add this up, but I will..

Still not watching what I eat, but I will.

I almost feel like trying to loose 20 pounds at leaste by going on my low carb miriclule diet.. lose it by april 20th.. sick of only having 40 pounds lost, My daughter and cousin are doing low carb, low fat and low cal.. so i should do SOMETHING! I can always eat a few things right before I go for my fill..

I hate this BS.. I really do.

Took dog to run and play and dug up worms today.. we are making a worm farm for fun, the new kids think I am nuts but wait until they see the worms wonderfull life! lol Took the box and dug some dirt, my back is killing me right now.

The instructor at the ymca was canned, I am convinced it is because she was obese, mexican and very loud.. I heard what went on, I wont go into detail but it upsets me.. It was slight discrimination.. the new lady is alittle better (but not so in some ways) I dont think shes so much better that the other lady should of been let go and everyone talk behind her back as if she is not a person.. That whole place has been treating my family like the white trash that we LOOK like BUT we arent! I am trying to just proove them wrong.. its always like this every where we go and my obesity sure doesnt help.. luckily i have georgeous and brilliant and behaved kids.. but anyway.. ITS a challenge I am up to.

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2 ounces orange juice

KFC snacker

16 ounces Chocloate milk..

Pecan Mudslide from DQ

3 ounces of milk 1%

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NYKEE girl, I am so glad you posted, I am trying to figure you out, You know your eating way to much, and not the right stuff either. Only you know why you got your band, those inner feelings and such. You know by posting your intake you are putting it out there for everyone to see. Which I really give you credit. You know you have to make changes. So common girl get with it. You are so lucky that right now your diabetes is not giving you any outwards signs of problems. This could change in a heart beat. What you don't know is what kind of toll it is taking on your kidneys and arteries and heart. I do not have diabetes, it runs heavy in my moms family 9 of the 11 aunts and uncles have died related to diabetic complications all at different ages some young, some old, some took care of their diabetes some didn't. I am 48 it was not until about the age 45 that my weight made a difference in my life. I was always overweight but very active. Well my knees went torm ligaments,both knees. Had one fixed but when you hall around 280+ pounds it don't matter its going to hurt. I am in pain every day. I take naproxin everyday to take the edge off it. The narcotics fuzz my mind. I am a nurse I can't have clouded judgement when I work so I work in pain. I now have high blood pressure. Stress incontience (my underwear is always wet) I take another pill for that. I have cysts on my Left overy My DR told me it was more common in overweight females. I will be banded on May 24th. I want to feel better get rid of the pain and watch my kids become adults and make me a grandma. You picture tells me you are young please get with it. You are also a very beautiful looking girl. What I am trying to say is get the weight off before you do start to haveing serious problems that you can't turn around. Take it slow maye first just change one thing like the liquid calorie intake, concentrate on that for one week. Then the next week get your protien in first. I am in your corner I really want to see you succeed, you can do it girl. I am not yelling at you. It is all in a straight talk serious voice. You have lost 40+ pounds already your first month post op :) Lets keep it going!

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NYKEE girl, I am so glad you posted, I am trying to figure you out, You know your eating way to much, and not the right stuff either. Only you know why you got your band, those inner feelings and such.

>>>>>>>>>Uh huh.. I got my band to save my life because I was unable to do so with my own power and control.

You know by posting your intake you are putting it out there for everyone to see. Which I really give you credit.

>>>>>>>>Thank you. Why would I care who sees what I eat. I judge my self more than anyone can.

You know you have to make changes. So common girl get with it.

>>>>>>>>Ok.. since you say so.. lol

You are so lucky that right now your diabetes is not giving you any outwards signs of problems. This could change in a heart beat.

>>>>>>>>>>> I Know this.,

What you don't know is what kind of toll it is taking on your kidneys and arteries and heart.

>>>>>>>>>Yes I do know. I am under constant doctors care.

I am in pain every day. I take naproxin everyday to take the edge off it.

>>>>>>>>I know what its like. I have three herniated discs, sciatica, (lumbar disc disease... I take 6 vicodan and 30 mlg of morphine sulphate contin a day and I am never not in pain. I had two back surgeries and they wont give me a fusion until i lose 100 pounds.

The narcotics fuzz my mind.

>>>>>>Not me.. they dont even cover the pain.. I could take more, they would let me but I figure more wont help only fuzz me out.

I am a nurse I can't have clouded judgement when I work so I work in pain. I now have high blood pressure. Stress incontience (my underwear is always wet) I take another pill for that.

>>>>>>>>Hey me too!

I have cysts on my Left overy My DR told me it was more common in overweight females.

>>>>>>>>I had two surgeries to abliterate my female parts.. Good news though, no more period!

I will be banded on May 24th. I want to feel better get rid of the pain and watch my kids become adults and make me a grandma. You picture tells me you are young please get with it.

>>>>>>>>>>I am 34, the pic is a couple years old. I have told my self to get with it about 6 billion times, but thanks for the encouragement. Good luck with your band..

You are also a very beautiful looking girl. What I am trying to say is get the weight off before you do start to haveing serious problems that you can't turn around.

>>>>>>>>>>Thank you and I will. I am confident that I will. I Need a fill. I wont overeat and have PB's, but i need restriction. I will do good, you'll see.

Take it slow maye first just change one thing like the liquid calorie intake, concentrate on that for one week.

>>>>>>>>>>LOL.. I been on hundreds of diets. I have lost hundreds of pounds. I know all this. I could write a book of things that work. Obviously I cant do it OR i would have by now. BUT alas I do keep trying.

Thanks for the encouragement~

Warning.. if people are distressed by my honesty in the food I am eating..

Its prolly not gonna change much until I get my fill on April 20th.

I did make a no milk rule though! yeah me.

I am not eating beyond my full feeling nor even close to PBING..

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I drank Orange juice all day from jug.. prolly 40 ounces for the day.

I had two bites of corn dog.

I had one large root beer freeze.

2 one carb mini chocloate peices.



I drank water!!!! I gulped it at 8am and actually felt restriction.. WOW

One carb mini chocolate peice.

Healthy request tomatoe Soup with 1% milk, whole can

16 ounces 1% milk

8 ounces 1% milk with lite chocolate nesquick powder

1 cup Macinroni and cheese.

16 ounces Orange juice.< /p>

One can asteroids cheetos

32 ounces orange juice

One taco from jack in the box

Lots more OJ..

The milk is gone,...and I made a rule of no more milk. I have 4 kids but they all support the no milk idea.

I will prolly drink more orange juice, but there are foods I MUST have milk with and I hope the no milk rule will help alittle.

I wish I could follow some other rules, like no fast food and no drinking with meals and ect..

I am gonna go weigh my self this week.. I hope I havnt gained any weight.

Thats my goal anyway.

I am going grocery shopping next week too and I am working on a list and menu thats 100 carbs or less, 1500 caloreis or less and 50 grams of fat or less. BUT I am not sure it will work out that way. But of course and as always, I will try.

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Moday I woke up trembling, cold but hot and with a headache very close to a migrane (I have only had two real migranes in my life)

I had a fevor of 103.6 and I didnt come out of it until this morning.

And then when I think I am all better, I seet this sheeth of reddness spreading over my lower stomach, seemingly out of my belly button..

So I called my doctor and he isnt in, I t takes me about 4 hours to find Dr. Ortiz and he just tells me to go to ER..

ER says its a rash, and gives me antibiotic... the info thing says its a rash that goes untreated will give a fevor and chills.. UM the Rash (not even a rash, its reddness!!! thats hot) just showed up this morning??

I think they think its a rash cuz I am a fat cow.. they took blood work.. and will notify me in 24 to 48 hours.

I just do not understand that I never ever had a "rash" lke that before... and I have never had a fevor like that before (sinse I was a kid)

So I hope to see my doctor on friday, but i dont know what he is gonna do with "I had a fevor of almost 104 for two days, it went away and then this reddnedss spread accross my belly, oh yeah and intense pelvic pain"

whatever.. guess i wont know if its band related until I get my fill on April 20th.

I am so scared (and sick) all I been having is tomatoe Soup and milk.. In the past, I have never broken my milk rule.. but I have never gotton so sick and sad while the milk rules was in effect) and I had some to make me feel better. (I may as well put it in a calf bottle)


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Um ya

mine looks just like that but its no where near an inscision.

its around my belly button

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I weighed myself today when I went grocery shopping. (both places are in another town)

I am 367 now... I cant beleive I am in the 60's LOL

OMG when I go into the 50's it will be my smallest in 9 years!

Now, to find out how to change my ticker!

Weirdest thing: I dont feel any smaller/ lighter.

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I bought and tried some soy milk. vanilla and chocolate. I think I am going to go soy. This way I wont hog it down and its like a treat, something I do not drink with my meals and something that doesnt support the dairy cow industry so much.

I bought some Soups and babyfood and such in hopes that my fill will offer some real restriction.

Trying to eat less now that I actually lost some wieght.. but it isnt working too well..

I really need to keep track. I really want to keep track like one week straight per month at least.. see how it changes.


12 ounces apple juice

frosted circus animal Cookies... 15

12 ounces Water


some soy milk 6 ounces

8:30 pm

macironi cand cheese homeade (1 cup)

less than a cup of ceasar salad

2 bites garlic toaste

24 ounces apple juice


macidamia cookies..3

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Hi Nykee -

I know you know this already, but I'm just going to put this out there -

You can eat a greater quantity of food that's less calorically dense and still take in fewer calories than when choosing calorically dense foods.

A fascinating book that really shows this principle in "black & white" is Dr. Shapiro's book, "Picture-Perfect Weight Loss." This book has big, beautiful, full color pictures that show you the difference in the amount of food you can eat for the same amount of calories. It also gives suggestions on how to satisfy a sweet tooth with different choices that actually give you MORE food to eat, but satisfies you with less calories.

I love looking at this book - maybe you'll find it useful? You are already eating such a small amount of food - since you need a fill, and are undoubtedly hungry, perhaps a book like this could give you some ideas on how to eat more without sacrificing weightloss.

This is Prevention Magazine's review of the book:


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Hi Donali!!

I know you know this already, but I'm just going to put this out there -

You can eat a greater quantity of food that's less calorically dense and still take in fewer calories than when choosing calorically dense foods.

>>>>>>>yes, I do know.. my problem is I wanna eat what I want to eat. I have never needed to eat alot.. (ya know huge amounts.. of course I ate alot)

A fascinating book that really shows this principle in "black & white" is Dr. Shapiro's book, "Picture-Perfect Weight Loss." This book has big, beautiful, full color pictures that show you the difference in the amount of food you can eat for the same amount of calories. It also gives suggestions on how to satisfy a sweet tooth with different choices that actually give you MORE food to eat, but satisfies you with less calories.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Well, I really wanna try to do right by my self.. and that includes HEALTH! not just weight loss. So I definately will look into it! I can order it off of Amazon if I like it. I read your posts alot, and I definately trust you.

- since you need a fill, and are undoubtedly hungry, perhaps a book like this could give you some ideas on how to eat more without sacrificing weightloss.

>>>>>>>>>>I pretty much eat what I want right now.. BUT when I get my fill I will need to know how to not be hungry ya know! THANKS ALOT!

I just ordered it on amazon... it was under 5$ with shipping! Thanks

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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