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wow i ate two pieces of pizza and it didnt bother me

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Thanks mia31771. I was having my cream of wheat Breakfast while reading your response. It was one of those envelopes of the instant. Couldn't eat all of it. Pre-band that didn't happen very often. I rarely left anything on the plate.

For three months prior to banding I ate off a desert plate, rarely taking seconds. I've been eating healthy for several years now with little affect on my weight. No butter, no soda, lots of fish and chicken (skinless) and veggies, no fried foods. I gave up fast foods a long time ago. That was never my problem. Portions were my issue. Eating slower and off desert plate helped take off 10 pounds prior to banding. That was a nice bonus, but I know that I would not be able to continue eating like this forever and I would eventually regain the weight plus some.

What others posted is true....if I could control my eating I would not have banded. I am hoping the band does what I could not...tell me I'm full or face the consequences! I was also told that some felt satisified with less food. I so want to have that experience! That's why I was happy when I craved pizza and was satisfied with the one bite! So I'll continue eating mushy foods for another three weeks. At least my grocery bill has gone down!

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Virtually never snacked in the first few months, but after reading your posts and as my doctor says, drink Water, maybe you not really hungry you firstly got to start doing that again. All the best everyone, keep on track.

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The bottom line is that it still boils down to self control. I know I could probably eat a steak and baked potato loaded with butter and sour cream if I wanted to but I choose not to. It is so hard sticking to the program if you haven't gotten the proper fill. I haven't even had a fill yet. I try to stick as close to what the doctor recommends as possible. I cannot eat ONLY 2 oz three times a day which is what I am supposed to be doing now (third week out). I am supposed to have 1 oz of Protein and 1 oz of something else 3 times per day. I am probably eating 6-8 oz three times per day but I'm having eggs, grits, pureed vegetables, BABY food, etc...

I eat slowly and take tiny bites. It's amazing that after 10-15 minutes I actually feel full. I may not always be satisfied with what I've eaten while I'm eating it but the end result is all the same....my hunger went away.

Are any of you exercising? Not only does exercise burn calories but it also gives you that natural high like an antidepressant. I feell like a rock star after I get off the treadmill. Weight training not only burns calories while you are doing it but for hours and hours afterward. If you find yourself wanting to eat more than you should then try to make it something that is good for you instead of empty calories and GOD forbid....sugar which has no nutritional value. If I never eat sugar again in my life it will be too soon. I don't miss it at all!

Try to remember the serinity prayer when you feel weak. "God grant me the strength to change the things I can".....there are so many things in life that we have no control over and when our health is poor and our self esteem low from being FAT and out of shape then when bad things happen in our lives it makes it that much more difficult to deal with. I find that when I'm taking care of my body that I am better equipped to handle life's everyday up's and down's. We all deserve happiness and peace in out lives. When you are tempted to abuse your body by eating pizza or whatever your poison is.....as yourself if that food is worthy of your body and the answer will be "no". It will only satisfy you as long as it takes to chew it and swallow it. After that its gone like someone who pretends to be your friend but who betrays you and is gone with no remorse....leaving you to feel guilty and sorry for yourself. Tell yourself...." I am not going to feel sorry for myself or rely solely on this lap band. I am taking control of my life even when no one else is looking. I will exercise self control just today and worry about how I will handle tomorrow when tomorrow gets here."

I guess you can tell my now that I'm giving myself a pep talk as well because believe me....I am tempted every day but so far the worst I've done is eat a little more of a healthy food that I'm supposed to. I haven't eaten anything that isn't good for me. I went back to work this weekend and I'm an RN in a huge NICU. We are some "eatin fools" up there. We order out and there's always a celebration or a birthday cake in the nurses lounge. I just smile and pat myself on the back for passing it up.

I wish you all the very best. Start each day off right by vowing to treat yourself right. You all deserve it. I hope just one thing I've said makes a difference to at least one person who reads it.



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The bottom line is that it still boils down to self control. I know I could probably eat a steak and baked potato loaded with butter and sour cream if I wanted to but I choose not to. It is so hard sticking to the program if you haven't gotten the proper fill. I haven't even had a fill yet. I try to stick as close to what the doctor recommends as possible. I cannot eat ONLY 2 oz three times a day which is what I am supposed to be doing now (third week out). I am supposed to have 1 oz of Protein and 1 oz of something else 3 times per day. I am probably eating 6-8 oz three times per day but I'm having eggs, grits, pureed vegetables, BABY food, etc...

I eat slowly and take tiny bites. It's amazing that after 10-15 minutes I actually feel full. I may not always be satisfied with what I've eaten while I'm eating it but the end result is all the same....my hunger went away.

Are any of you exercising? Not only does exercise burn calories but it also gives you that natural high like an antidepressant. I feell like a rock star after I get off the treadmill. Weight training not only burns calories while you are doing it but for hours and hours afterward. If you find yourself wanting to eat more than you should then try to make it something that is good for you instead of empty calories and GOD forbid....sugar which has no nutritional value. If I never eat sugar again in my life it will be too soon. I don't miss it at all!

Try to remember the serinity prayer when you feel weak. "God grant me the strength to change the things I can".....there are so many things in life that we have no control over and when our health is poor and our self esteem low from being FAT and out of shape then when bad things happen in our lives it makes it that much more difficult to deal with. I find that when I'm taking care of my body that I am better equipped to handle life's everyday up's and down's. We all deserve happiness and peace in out lives. When you are tempted to abuse your body by eating pizza or whatever your poison is.....as yourself if that food is worthy of your body and the answer will be "no". It will only satisfy you as long as it takes to chew it and swallow it. After that its gone like someone who pretends to be your friend but who betrays you and is gone with no remorse....leaving you to feel guilty and sorry for yourself. Tell yourself...." I am not going to feel sorry for myself or rely solely on this lap band. I am taking control of my life even when no one else is looking. I will exercise self control just today and worry about how I will handle tomorrow when tomorrow gets here."

I guess you can tell my now that I'm giving myself a pep talk as well because believe me....I am tempted every day but so far the worst I've done is eat a little more of a healthy food that I'm supposed to. I haven't eaten anything that isn't good for me. I went back to work this weekend and I'm an RN in a huge NICU. We are some "eatin fools" up there. We order out and there's always a celebration or a birthday cake in the nurses lounge. I just smile and pat myself on the back for passing it up.

I wish you all the very best. Start each day off right by vowing to treat yourself right. You all deserve it. I hope just one thing I've said makes a difference to at least one person who reads it.



Hey Janet thanx so much for your pep talk, it will stick in my head, i was excecising and not snacking but when i dont excecise guess what snack snack, yet i tell myself snack with good food which i do,well getting on my treadmill, if you help one person on this site it was me thanx, god bless.

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SweetPea2-I understand all of the info you wrote during your peptalk to slimmy120--but I still have one big question--If this all "boils down to self control" why in the world did I spend $13,500 out of my own pocket? I learned all about self control the last 3 times I lost 100 lbs. I obviously don't have great self control and believed the lap band would help nature. I am at 12 cc's in a 14cc band and have NO restriction. My doctor is so anxious about overfill and restriction I get nervous while with him then go home and 3 days later after my liquid diet I'm back to square one. Yes I am pretty frustrated but just don't feel like I'm getting my $$$'s worth! So if it "all boils down to self-control" I've wated my $$$$!!!

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SweetPea2-I understand all of the info you wrote during your peptalk to slimmy120--but I still have one big question--If this all "boils down to self control" why in the world did I spend $13,500 out of my own pocket? I learned all about self control the last 3 times I lost 100 lbs. I obviously don't have great self control and believed the lap band would help nature. I am at 12 cc's in a 14cc band and have NO restriction. My doctor is so anxious about overfill and restriction I get nervous while with him then go home and 3 days later after my liquid diet I'm back to square one. Yes I am pretty frustrated but just don't feel like I'm getting my $$$'s worth! So if it "all boils down to self-control" I've wated my $$$$!!!

QJ- Personally, I think self control is needed till you get proper restriction. Then you don't have to think about it - And even though you've lost before, the Band will help prevent the regain.

I too was self pay $15k & I SO know what your saying as far as thinking you may have wasted money, but I look at this way .... I bought a 10cc band, and if 10cc's is what it takes to get to my sweet spot....then filler up!!. You have 2 more CC's to work with & it might only take .2 to get you to restriction. Talk to your Dr - let him know you need his help , be strong...tell him your still needing additional fill.

I had the same doubts , thinking I would never get to my sweet spot in the 10cc band, and when I approached 8.5, I realized what everyone had been talking about...Good luck to you!!

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I followed directions for about two weeks after fill. Then, I began to branch out to the more solid foods. It was that or I was going to get sick. By the time of my first fill, I was back eating as before and had gained the 11 lbs I had lost during the pre and immediate post op process. I was disappointed that the band didn't seem to do anything for me. If I had self control and willpower, I would not need a band.

I had my first fill last Thursday and, again, I have been disappointed. I got 2 ccs. When I eat I still do not feel full, but suddenly I am extremely nausiated and have an upset stomach. That has stemmed my eating - not the feeling of being full.

I am also having trouble with the emotional side of it. I know I use food to self medicate. Now, I have to do something about that. I am considering going to a shrink to see if that helps. I know some centers that perform this surgery provide counseling. I think it should be a requirement. Most people overeat for some reason other than food just tastes good, which it does.

Also, those of you who say you have problems with gas. I hear you loud and clear. It seems, I burp constantly. Thankfully, it comes up that way and not the other. The person who does my fill says this is just the way it is with this surgery. Apparently, it is not going away. The guy I work with says he has even had hiccups.

Glad to have someplace to "talk".

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I am 3 days away from being banded. Ive had cravings, after cravings. 10 days into the pre op diet, yes I gave into a craving. You cant beat me up for it, because Ive already done it to myself. On the 12th day in I gave into another craving. It was at that point I said NO MORE!!! I am spending my own money to change my life forever, the giving into the cravings must be stopped. Oh yeah, I know the cravings are going to come and go. Its all psychological. food has been our friends for so long. It has comforted us, loved us, not looked down upon us, and been there for us our entire lives. We are addicts. Much like crack addicts love their crack, we love our food. We dont eat to live, we live to eat. We are all here because we made a decision to change our lives, but no one told us we would still feel the same way about food. No one told me I would still crave Mexican food and pizza. I thought I had gotten it all under control, but when a craving comes it consumes me. I cried, I was so upset with myself. What is it that I cant fix in my life, that causes me to eat?? What is the food going to fix, that another solution possibly couldnt?? What is so imperfect about my life, that I internally think that food will make it all better? I dont know, because from the outside looking in, my life is pretty great. I really am very lucky. Our bodies cant take much more of this abuse. If our bodies are our temples, then my has been vandalized and burned. When do you choose life over food? Im choosing life today. Im choosing that when the cravings come Im going to try and talk myself through it. Im choosing to us my lap band as my tool to a more healthy life. I am choosing ME today instead of FOOD. Today I win, not the food or the cravings. Today is about ME!!!! Make today about you too, let yourself win! :Dancing_wub:

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I've had two fills and still can eat more than I should. I get "full" at around 3/4-1 cup of food. I wouldn't feel bad about eating pizza. That's okay every once in awhile.

When I eat more than I should or something really bad, I feel so awful about myself. But listen, it took awhile for me to learn all these bad habits, it's going to take time to break them. Don't feel bad, just stand up and keep trying. You're on the right track already, don't let you sabotage yourself. Sometimes I feel like I don't really want to be thin... it's scary because I feel like being thin will change who I am. You've got to overcome the emotional aspects of it as well.

You're doing a good job, just keep trekking.

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SweetPea2-I understand all of the info you wrote during your peptalk to slimmy120--but I still have one big question--If this all "boils down to self control" why in the world did I spend $13,500 out of my own pocket? I learned all about self control the last 3 times I lost 100 lbs. I obviously don't have great self control and believed the lap band would help nature. I am at 12 cc's in a 14cc band and have NO restriction. My doctor is so anxious about overfill and restriction I get nervous while with him then go home and 3 days later after my liquid diet I'm back to square one. Yes I am pretty frustrated but just don't feel like I'm getting my $$$'s worth! So if it "all boils down to self-control" I've wated my $$$$!!!

QJ - Has your doctor tested your band - that sounds like an awfull lot of fill for no restriction - have you been tested for a leak??

I do agree with Sweet Pea - we do need will power/self control on this journey - with proper restriction it does make it easier - but until you are there you gotta do the work - I eat healthy 98% of the time and allow 2% for treats - I exercise 4 days a week - weights & treadmill.

Everyone talks about how restriction will save you - ya from eating pizza but not from eating ice cream - cake - cookie - candy - all the bad stuff still goes down with no problems - so ya will power is needed to avoid these foods on a daily basis...

Personally - I would have your doc test your band - A lady in my Lucky#7 had pin holes in her tubing - she had to have tubing and port replaced.

Good Luck...

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Allis - great post.

You all need to remember the words of wisdom already provided and recognize that the band is just a tool and you need to be purposeful in the use of your tool and not expect it to make your decisions for you. Exploring the emotional side to eating is probably the most important key to the success of the lapband. The lapband will not cure your desire to eat (even when you are full), nor will it (at least for most people) make the foods you really love impossible to eat (at least in moderation).

I know one of the issues I have always had was not being able to handle denial - in the past - I can't have carbs because I am on Atkins so I crave carbs and when I actually break down and eat them, I can't stop (like crack to me).

In this journey I made the decision that I would eat what I wanted, but would be very purposeful in that decision in what I was eating and that no food is bad or cheating (yes I eat pizza and chocolate and cookies). You need to find your own way of being purposeful. What I did was start to journal everything I ate, including quantities and calories or weight watchers points. I found that by documenting I was forcing myself to confront what I was eating and actually make a choice - for me it has worked incredibly well in controlling portions and my decision to eat continuously. When I know I am going out to eat I make decisions before I go out on what I will likely order and I also make allowances for the rest of the day to account for my meal (that doesn't mean that I don't eat for the rest of the day, but I do focus on lower calorie choices).

I know I am already ranting, but while I am at it - YOU NEED TO EAT ENOUGH TO BE SATISFIED OR YOU WILL NEVER SUCCEED!!!! It drives me crazy to see the poor souls who post here and say they never eat more than 2 ounces, 3 times a day, even without restriction. There is no way you are meeting your nutritional and caloric needs on 3/4 of a cup of food per day. Even the literature that comes with the band says that your stomach pouch will hold 4 ounces of well chewed food at a time when at full restriction (that probably means about 8 ounces or 1 cup of not chewed solid food and don't even count the liquids and Protein shakes that just slide through you pouch).

Dr's who say only eat 2 oz total per meal (1 of Protein and 1 of something else), but also say to make sure you eat at least 60 grams of protein a day are full of crap. When you look at protein charts you see that 3 oz of chicken (your daily total on this diet) has only 25 grams of protein, 3 oz of beef has 20, 3 oz of salmon has 17 and 1 egg (which actually counts as 3 oz) has 6 grams of protein. On this plan you have not met any of your needs for the food groups and have not even met the high protein goal that is so often recommended. No wonder you are not satsified and want to everything in sight. Of course you do!! Now I am not saying you need to eat a cup of food at a time (you may not be able to although I certainly can), but you do need enough to keep you satisfied.

I don't think of this journey as being one of will power, per say, but about conscious choice. When I reflect back to the old me, one of the things I notice is that while I was meticulous about my work, my friends and all other aspects of my life, when it came to me I was totally oblivious and absolutely ignored myself, when I thought I was hungry, I just ate and ate and ate, all without really thinking about it. Now I have made myself a priority and I apply my due diligence to myself as well as everyone else and it is working very well.

Where I find the lap band very helpful is it helps to control my hunger between meals (I don't have that ravenous hunger any more - in fact beyond my "head hunger" I am usually not hungry at all).

You can do it. Take some time while you are seeking restriction to reflect on your triggers and what you can do to control your need to eat so that it doesn't control you!!!

Sorry for the long post :thumbup: Thanks for letting me rant and rave :Dancing_wub:

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I agree with some of what you are saying JJSmiles. We each have to figure out what works for us. I too paid $15,000 for this surgery out of my own pocket. I decided to have this surgery on a Monday. I saw my surgeon the next day and made my appointment to be banded for 3 weeks later.....enough time to get my affairs in order, schedule time off work and plan for my success. I am one of those people whose doctor expects to eat 2 oz three times per day....period. I even questioned them about the amount of Protein I would be getting with this amt. of calories and was told 24. He has hundreds of before and after pictures hanging in his office and this is the program they are all on. Being in the health care field myself (RN) I realize that is not enough protien for someone my size or for anyone for that matter. His reasoning is that we as obese people can live off of our fat stores for the few weeks that it takes to get past the initial 6-9 weeks after surgery. I've researched that and it's true. The calorie count that I am supposed to be sticking to right now is less than 500 per day. I have minimal restriction if any so I am not sticking to his program exactly but I am still only taking in 500-700 calories and making sure I get plenty of Protein. With that being said I want to say again that it still takes self control. I know that band is there and I also know it will work for me at some point. I am a little hungry right this minute but I am about to go to the gym and focus on burning some more calories so that the scale will continue to go down. None of us is going to starve to death if we miss a meal or eat 500 calories per day. It's hard to have self control....I know....I've been dieting all of my adult life. Unless a person steps up to the plate and takes responsibility then there will be no success. God help them who helps themselves. Complaining about something but not doing anything to change it is a sickness that needs to be death with. It's like being in an abusive relationship and going back for more. You have to break the pattern of abuse. I feel fortunate that I am at a place in my head that allows me to keep my health and well being as a top priority in my life. I feel better, I'm happier and I have so much to look forward to. People come here for support and I understand that. I use what I read here as a learning tool. I like reading success stories and I love seeing how much weight people lose and seeing before and after pictures. I come here to ask questions but not to complain about being hungry or confessing that I was able to stuff my face with pizza or whatever just because I know I can. I can also shop lift, cheat on my taxes or sneak off the the river boats to gamble but I don't. I do feel bad for people who have been banded for awhile and who have not gotten proper restriction. My idea is this.....I've been banded for 3 weeks today and I dont' think I've had much restriction for at least a week and a half. I've lost 32 pounds and it's because I want this to work bad enough to make it happen. I didn't have a pre-op diet. I lost all that weight within 17 days. I am working my ass of on the treadmill until I get the go-ahead to use weights. I am making this happen....not waiting for it to happen...not waiting for it to work. The best thing that happened in this process happened within those first 10 or so days....it got me off of food and into this mind set of a Quest for good health. That is why I will be successful. This is why I will lose 100 pounds in 6 months and all of my weight at about a year. I have no doubt. I won't experience bandster hell...that is a state of mind.


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Come back in 5 months when you only have a few cc's in your band and still no restriction then tell us how 500 calories a day is working out for ya.

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I agree with some of what you are saying JJSmiles. We each have to figure out what works for us. I too paid $15,000 for this surgery out of my own pocket. I decided to have this surgery on a Monday. I saw my surgeon the next day and made my appointment to be banded for 3 weeks later.....enough time to get my affairs in order, schedule time off work and plan for my success. I am one of those people whose doctor expects to eat 2 oz three times per day....period. I even questioned them about the amount of Protein I would be getting with this amt. of calories and was told 24. He has hundreds of before and after pictures hanging in his office and this is the program they are all on. Being in the health care field myself (RN) I realize that is not enough protien for someone my size or for anyone for that matter. His reasoning is that we as obese people can live off of our fat stores for the few weeks that it takes to get past the initial 6-9 weeks after surgery. I've researched that and it's true. The calorie count that I am supposed to be sticking to right now is less than 500 per day. I have minimal restriction if any so I am not sticking to his program exactly but I am still only taking in 500-700 calories and making sure I get plenty of Protein. With that being said I want to say again that it still takes self control. I know that band is there and I also know it will work for me at some point. I am a little hungry right this minute but I am about to go to the gym and focus on burning some more calories so that the scale will continue to go down. None of us is going to starve to death if we miss a meal or eat 500 calories per day. It's hard to have self control....I know....I've been dieting all of my adult life. Unless a person steps up to the plate and takes responsibility then there will be no success. God help them who helps themselves. Complaining about something but not doing anything to change it is a sickness that needs to be death with. It's like being in an abusive relationship and going back for more. You have to break the pattern of abuse. I feel fortunate that I am at a place in my head that allows me to keep my health and well being as a top priority in my life. I feel better, I'm happier and I have so much to look forward to. People come here for support and I understand that. I use what I read here as a learning tool. I like reading success stories and I love seeing how much weight people lose and seeing before and after pictures. I come here to ask questions but not to complain about being hungry or confessing that I was able to stuff my face with pizza or whatever just because I know I can. I can also shop lift, cheat on my taxes or sneak off the the river boats to gamble but I don't. I do feel bad for people who have been banded for awhile and who have not gotten proper restriction. My idea is this.....I've been banded for 3 weeks today and I dont' think I've had much restriction for at least a week and a half. I've lost 32 pounds and it's because I want this to work bad enough to make it happen. I didn't have a pre-op diet. I lost all that weight within 17 days. I am working my ass of on the treadmill until I get the go-ahead to use weights. I am making this happen....not waiting for it to happen...not waiting for it to work. The best thing that happened in this process happened within those first 10 or so days....it got me off of food and into this mind set of a Quest for good health. That is why I will be successful. This is why I will lose 100 pounds in 6 months and all of my weight at about a year. I have no doubt. I won't experience bandster hell...that is a state of mind.


Wow. I'm not even sure what to say here except that I hope you do some further research so that you will find out that your doctor is a nutjob. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it simply is not fair or healthy or compassionate for him to restrict you to the number of calories he is doing. That is a one-way ticket to throwing your body into starvation mode and bringing your weight loss to a screeching halt.

In fact, there is a thread around here somewhere where a poster was furious when her doctor told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough. She was eating less than 1000 calories per day. Several posters, myself included, agreed with her doctor. She reluctantly upped her calories significantly. Initially, she stayed the same.. but after a couple weeks... when her body had 'recovered' from starvation mode, the pounds starting dropping off. We were all very happy for her and she was happy that she had finally learned what was causing her to stop losing weight despite working out, etc.

All the before and after pictures that you talk about that are in your doctors office (and say that they are all on the same program) really don't lend any credence whatsoever to his methods. Losing weight in a healthy way and being able to keep it off is what we are all after.

BTW, restricting calories to such an extent will be a fast-track ticket to hair loss. So many people post here wondering why they're losing so much hair. Nearly all of them are on severely restricted caloric-intake. Those that take in between 1000-2000 calories per day (depending on body type) seem to have much less instances of this.

I really am not trying to throw a wrench in your works... it's just that I hate to see you going through with all this considering what negative affects that it has caused so many others that post here.

Ultimately though, it's your decision and I (as a fellow fat person struggling with the same issues as you) will support you no matter what.

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my nutrionist wants me to eat around 1200-1500 calories a day. when i was eating around 1100-1200 i lost at a steady pace. i havent been counting all of my calories lately but i will try to do this again to see if this will help. im obviously doing something wrong if i havent lost in 6 weeks. i do lose 3-4 pounds but gain it right back. i dont think that im eating more than 2000 calories a day but you never know if you dont keep track right? my nutriontist was impressed last time when i told her that i was counting my calories. i need to start again asap. i think this will be the key for me. its when i eat out or snack that i lose sight of how many calories im really eating.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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