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Are We ready for a Black President?

Are we ready for a Black President?  

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brown not black we are pulling hairs now

being a black man i never knew what the big deal was I am not a African American i am a Black man my life didn't begin in Africa if began in Walnut Creek California.

lets not kid ourselves when the work looks a lite complected black person they see the same as a dark complected black person

They see a black person...

Honestly when ever i hear that debate i laugh my a... well you know what off

Edited by TheWatcher

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FYI, I am COMPLETELY A DEMOCRAT. I think I made that very clear when I said I am 100% for Hillary Clinton. I was stating an opinion in regards to Obama possibly becoming president. Again, Im not impressed with him and his wife and not comfortable with his lack of experience.

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ok then what are your options

we have McCain, Nader and Barr

Nader well lets face it is a wasted vote moving on we have Barr .... Have you looked into the libertarian party lately.... trust me you dont wanna go there and you have McCain... need i really say more so you can keep your experience cause the last person put into the white house had experience and well now we need someone without it to come in and fix what experience messed up. so with love i will tell you what i told my sister .... come up with a better argument.

Edited by TheWatcher

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Ok, so I am not a political scientist, but this discussion reminds me of Langston Hughes. He had Native American, and White grandparents and he was celebrated as a black poet. And somewhere in one of his works, he said that the half breeds will soon rule the world. May be some truth to that. (He was a democrat, btw).

Now I don't have anything against anybody, but history has shown that the black male will receive more respect than a female of any color (just look at the right to vote issue). So in that Obama has the upper hand.

The fact that McCain is white does not help him in my book. I look at his age, and honestly will not look at either until I know who is running as VP. Because they have a chance of being president.

And as sad as it is to say, I don't think either Obama or Hillary has a chance of survival for two terms. Some redneck hick from somewhere will come out of the woods and try to take them out. Our country is filled with such small minded people as that.

And besides, white men have done such a wonderful job running this country for the past 200 years, right???

As for the war on terror, I think the terrorists are winning. The price of oil and the profit margins for the oil companies are proof of that. Gas prices hit EVERY American worker and business. They have the upper hand right now, because our lovely government let them.

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I'll add yet another:rolleyes2: two cents here...

Just because in the past we may have had experienced presidents who you may think didn't do a good job ,it doesn't mean we need to go the total opposite now and get an inexperienced one thinking that it'll be ok... I still think experience is a good thing, of course the character and so many other factors need to be considered, but experience is a plus nonetheless.

Republicans may not like the Kennedy's, well sure, they are republicans..:bored: but I personaly know a few democrats that don't like the Kennedy's, their reputation has not been the best for some of them... I was actually talking to a friend from NY who is a die hard democrat who told me that she couldn't feel bad about Ted's illness, (I know, pretty mean...)I thought that was pretty cruel to say and I questioned her and she gave me a long explanation why, which of course were things that I already knew and I can understand where she was coming from, but personally I do feel bad for him, as much as I may not agree with his views, I sincerely hope he gets well, in a moment like this,I think we must be compassionate no matter what , but my point is that she is a big time democrat who despises the Kennedys.

I, like many cubans were left with this sour taste in our mouths from JFK..., JFK who was working on the plan to use anti-communist cubans to invade Cuba in order to overthrow Castro's government, well Bay of Pigs invasion ended in a big failure because JFK failed to provide the military support that he had promised, most of the cuban exiles were either killed or captured in Cuba and died in prison tortured and under horrible conditions, some are still alive in prison, unbelievable.. another consequence was that the former Soviet Union saw Kennedy as weak leader and thought they could get away with installing nuclear weapons in Cuba , sure the cuban missile crisis did some to restore Kennedy's reputation regarding this matter, maybe in general, but for Cubans, it was a huge loss and to this day they haven't forgotten, I know, I know.... you guys probably don't care about my "cuban" story and you may think I'm being irrelevant here, sorry but I just wanted to make my point about the beef most cubans have towards JFK in case you didn't know..:wink_smile: anywho, to me is not the greatest thing that the Kennedy's are backing Obama, really... as a republican I like Obama much better than any Kennedy:thumbup:


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TheWatcher: Pulling hairs? Don't you mean splitting hairs? Or were you referring to the short ones?

Sorry. I apologize to the serious posters. I just couldn't let that one slide.

I think I wrote a long post (don't I always!) in answer to yours Elenation but I musta forgot to hit submit. So ya'll lucked out today!!

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That may be true but we are at a time in our country where we need a president to be the president of the United States of American First and foremost. so IF that means that somebody gets a sour taste in their mouth ... so be it; and to sit here as act as though mccain or clinton have any more experience that trumps Obama but just holding a senate seat is naive and preposterous. The fact is that though the leadership he has shown in just the organization that he has put together already shows such leader ship.... seriously people what do you even mean by experience .... what on this planet could possibly prepare you for the Presidency of the most powerful nation on the planet.... what possible situation is similar to the need that this country faced... Mccain and Clinton believe that they can work hard and stand up and make things happen because of who they are and who they represent.

Obama has the audacity to stand up and say that he can get things dome because we will be working just as hard and we will make the moves and the changes .... look back obama has a lot of ideas that mimic the president that took us out of the last depression .... some of his policies are similar to FDR ...( if your not aware of what he did.... look it up)

Seriously experience exsmerience. The fact of the matter is that unless the candidate was a Governor then that person is unexperienced to sit in that chair.

Bill Gates was not experienced

Sergey Brin & Larry Page were not experienced

Thomas Anderson was not experienced

George Washington was not experienced

nor were half the leaders on this planet... so give it a rest of the experience angle already its getting old and its not going to change anyones mind.

And if that is still a issue for you then by all means feel free to either vote against what you believe in or stay home on election day because he is the Democratic Nominee and thats all she wrote either fall in line or get off the train ... because if you cant see the leadership capability in that man then you are just as blind as the GOP and religions extremist themselves.

People are dying everyday over a lie the American way of life is disappearing by the oil barrel and you want to have useless debate about experience when experience up to this point has counted for nothing. Be real...

Bush is on his way out and trying for force us into another war that he wont even have to deal with and you want to talk about experience. People should be ashamed to look themselves in the mirror. let alone question a man who has build one of the largest and most diverse organizations in this country from the ground up using the exact model he wished to use on the entire country.

What are you so afraid of? ..... that he may actually do it?

peace love and fish grease....

got your back bjean

Edited by TheWatcher

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The color does not matter. What I hate about the process is every four years candidates promise 99% of what they can't, physically don't have the ability to deliver.

Obama is going to get how many overpaid CEOs to take massive pay cuts and sent the money to whom. He will provide 100 % health coverage while lowering the national debt. He will cut an run from Iraq, keeping our record going from every war we've fought since 1945. I do not believe Obama is any dumber than the Clintons when they promised all these things. It's people who really believe the promises are possible that floor me.

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I have absolutely no faith in Obama to bring about any of the changes that he proposes. What i do however have faith in is his ability to organize People to make the changes Governments only work with the permission of the people and i believe that Obama can get the people organized to Force the changes that we want ... and i have to choose to believe that because that is the choice we have ... Because he is the nominee.

It doesnt matter what decanting thought you hay have ... cause we are past that point... we are at the point where you have to choose Obama Or McBuch its that simple its one or the other there isn't a savior candidate thats going to come in from left field to swoop you off you feet and make you feel Perfectly Comfortable... there is no such thing as a perfect candidate and Barack is what you got so seriously ..... get over it make a decision and hold on for the smears cause the facts arin't going to change anytime soon. Its either going to be president yes we can of bomb bomb Iran... Make your choice

FYI not directed at anyone in particular just a amendment to what I said earlier.


Edited by TheWatcher

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brown not black we are pulling hairs now

being a black man i never knew what the big deal was I am not a African American i am a Black man my life didn't begin in Africa if began in Walnut Creek California.

lets not kid ourselves when the work looks a lite complected black person they see the same as a dark complected black person

They see a black person...

Honestly when ever i hear that debate i laugh my a... well you know what off

Heh. Very plainly spoken watcher. Kudos to you.

Edited by plain
misspelled kudos! I suck!

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That may be true but we are at a time in our country where we need a president to be the president of the United States of American First and foremost. so IF that means that somebody gets a sour taste in their mouth ... so be it; and to sit here as act as though mccain or clinton have any more experience that trumps Obama but just holding a senate seat is naive and preposterous. The fact is that though the leadership he has shown in just the organization that he has put together already shows such leader ship.... seriously people what do you even mean by experience .... what on this planet could possibly prepare you for the Presidency of the most powerful nation on the planet.... what possible situation is similar to the need that this country faced... Mccain and Clinton believe that they can work hard and stand up and make things happen because of who they are and who they represent.

Obama has the audacity to stand up and say that he can get things dome because we will be working just as hard and we will make the moves and the changes .... look back obama has a lot of ideas that mimic the president that took us out of the last depression .... some of his policies are similar to FDR ...( if your not aware of what he did.... look it up)

Seriously experience exsmerience. The fact of the matter is that unless the candidate was a Governor then that person is unexperienced to sit in that chair.

Bill Gates was not experienced

Sergey Brin & Larry Page were not experienced

Thomas Anderson was not experienced

George Washington was not experienced

nor were half the leaders on this planet... so give it a rest of the experience angle already its getting old and its not going to change anyones mind.

And if that is still a issue for you then by all means feel free to either vote against what you believe in or stay home on election day because he is the Democratic Nominee and thats all she wrote either fall in line or get off the train ... because if you cant see the leadership capability in that man then you are just as blind as the GOP and religions extremist themselves.

People are dying everyday over a lie the American way of life is disappearing by the oil barrel and you want to have useless debate about experience when experience up to this point has counted for nothing. Be real...

Bush is on his way out and trying for force us into another war that he wont even have to deal with and you want to talk about experience. People should be ashamed to look themselves in the mirror. let alone question a man who has build one of the largest and most diverse organizations in this country from the ground up using the exact model he wished to use on the entire country.

What are you so afraid of? ..... that he may actually do it?

peace love and fish grease....

got your back bjean

Hey, FYI,your comment about the sour taste in your mouth , not needed, I specifically said that I was just making a point about the Kennedy's and it has nothing to do with Obama, I was just sharing a little of my history with BJean, I particularly like Obama much better than any Kennedy. I think I said that too.

YOu think that nothing could prepare one for the presidency of this country? seriously? then why don't you and I run? I'm sure that even as inexperienced as we are , we could do a perfectly good job!! funny.... experience is definitely not the only factor that we must consider, but it is indeed one of the factors, that is my opinion and the opinion of many americans, so I don't think it should be disregarded completely as you said. You can do that if you want but let's face not everyone feels like you.

Hey I respect your opinions and your views, I really do, but just because they are your views and you may feel strong about them doesn't mean they are all accurate and that we will all sit here and believe them as if they were the gospel and just agree with you and stop debating... I don't think that's going to happen, as you said it yourself, you are not going to change anyones mind either, debate has been good...., frankly I don't agree with half of what you say and that should be ok shouldn't it? , or am I blind as the GOP and religious extremists because I can't completely agree with you? Let's agree to disagree.

Peace and Love right back at ya!:lol:


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Watcher: Really? You find the premise that we are mostly all of mixed races to be irrelevant? And the idea that none of us can legitimately claim one small part as our genetic idenity is irrelevant? Why does that crack you up so much? Is it because you don't believe that it is ever going to be the norm or is it because so many of us don't have a clue what our genetic makeup is, or is it something altogether different?

And obviously you agree, plain. Can you explain it to me? Or do you just extend kudos to TheWatcher because you're happy because you think he "got" me? I'm always interested in reading your posts because it seems like we definitely agree on some issues or parts of some issues but your reasoning is usually different from mine, and you don't seem to respect my posts. Any input could be enlightening for me and I would appreciate it.

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i know that sometimes i respond to the topic and end up sounding like a personal dig so i apologize for coming across like that.

That being said ok let me stop dealing with extremes .... yes there is things that can prepare you for leadership roles ... but no there is nothing that can prepare you to deal with a 10 trillion dollar debt, a unjust war. it is something that takes alot of people to collectively think and come up with plans to correct theses issues.. No amount of experience can prepare you for that ...to be honest i only really said what i said because im just sick of seeing the experience argument because its unfair and untrue. So i guess i was responding to the experience thing and not you...

I welcome opposing opinions but i have had a problem since HS i don't debate softly... i use strong and sometimes overbearing statements and viewpoints. and yes i do get passionate and say some things sometimes... i assure you that the only reason that they com across as they do is because we are writing and not in person....im a Teddy Bear that loved everybody... a new age hippy if you will ... yea i may lack tact at times but i have waisted too much of mu life trying to change who i am ... its time for me to just accept me for me( seriously there a long story there)

so i guess sorry if i have offended in the past and sorry in advance cause ill probably offend in the future...

And lastly i understand that you probably dont agree with anlot of my views... we have lead different lives have had different upbringings and vastly different experiences... in honesty i dont really need you to agree with me i need you to give me a reason to think differently.... but i am very opinionated so... arguments sometimes ensue.

I would run but i wouldn't vote for me .... i have a very hard line stance of how to deal with our enemies ... that really make me glad that i will never be president. shoot elect me .. and ill add a few stars to the flag.

Bjean Thats not exactly what i said at all i am speaking from my experience. and there has never been a situation when i was with any of biracial friends family members or otherwise that have strong ethnic features that were addressed as being White ... 9 out of 10 times out right they are addressed as being black...or asian or hispanic.... period ... the one out of ten time the Enlightened individual would try to get some idea of what the persons genetic make up was.

as for having you i just thought i would throw out a long post you said you weren't able too....

by the way you two sorry for getting into your convo its hard to tell that im ear hustlin in forum format

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i know that sometimes i respond to the topic and end up sounding like a personal dig so i apologize for coming across like that.

That being said ok let me stop dealing with extremes .... yes there is things that can prepare you for leadership roles ... but no there is nothing that can prepare you to deal with a 10 trillion dollar debt, a unjust war. it is something that takes alot of people to collectively think and come up with plans to correct theses issues.. No amount of experience can prepare you for that ...to be honest i only really said what i said because im just sick of seeing the experience argument because its unfair and untrue. So i guess i was responding to the experience thing and not you...

I welcome opposing opinions but i have had a problem since HS i don't debate softly... i use strong and sometimes overbearing statements and viewpoints. and yes i do get passionate and say some things sometimes... i assure you that the only reason that they com across as they do is because we are writing and not in person....im a Teddy Bear that loved everybody... a new age hippy if you will ... yea i may lack tact at times but i have waisted too much of mu life trying to change who i am ... its time for me to just accept me for me( seriously there a long story there)

so i guess sorry if i have offended in the past and sorry in advance cause ill probably offend in the future...

And lastly i understand that you probably dont agree with anlot of my views... we have lead different lives have had different upbringings and vastly different experiences... in honesty i dont really need you to agree with me i need you to give me a reason to think differently.... but i am very opinionated so... arguments sometimes ensue.

I would run but i wouldn't vote for me .... i have a very hard line stance of how to deal with our enemies ... that really make me glad that i will never be president. shoot elect me .. and ill add a few stars to the flag.

Bjean Thats not exactly what i said at all i am speaking from my experience. and there has never been a situation when i was with any of biracial friends family members or otherwise that have strong ethnic features that were addressed as being White ... 9 out of 10 times out right they are addressed as being black...or asian or hispanic.... period ... the one out of ten time the Enlightened individual would try to get some idea of what the persons genetic make up was.

as for having you i just thought i would throw out a long post you said you weren't able too....

by the way you two sorry for getting into your convo its hard to tell that im ear hustlin in forum format

Oh Watcher, after reading this post, I can only say.... I love you! :biggrin:

Thank you for your explanation, please know that we may not agree on every issue, but we do agree on others, and what you said in this post about experience I also agree for the most part and you said it very eloquently.

And when you said.....

I would run but i wouldn't vote for me .... "i have a very hard line stance of how to deal with our enemies ... that really make me glad that i will never be president. shoot elect me .. and ill add a few stars to the flag."

That's when I fell in love....:smile2::biggrin::biggrin2::lol:

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Yep, it has always struck this Canadian as really odd that if you are bi-racial you inevitably will, by default as it were, be judged to be a member of the lower status race. Thus we see Tiger Woods being considered to be black and a singer-performer like Lena Horne whom, they say, had little more than a few drops of black blood being viewed as black.

What is also quite interesting is that the darker races continue to impose a sort of self-loathing judgement on themselves. A close friend of mine is a middle-aged black Jamaican woman. She happens to be quite dark herself but she has told me that back home the lighter members of her family would, once they reached adulthood, move away from associating with the darker members. She said that this was generally true in Jamaica: light family members avoid dark brothers and sisters. This is, it strikes me, a kind of apartheid which is being practiced inside families. I know that when I was visiting India I got to read those famous marriage ads where "light skin" is listed as one of the items which makes the potential mate more attractive to those families searching mates for their offspring. This would indicate that we are a long way off from colour blindness. Too bad! The colour of anyone's skin is just the luck of the genetic deck and not a badge of merit or lack thereof.

Edited by green

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