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Are We ready for a Black President?

Are we ready for a Black President?  

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I am always proud of America and proud to call myself an American!!! You bring up Katrina and yeah help came late, but the people who stayed behind had a warning to leave and many people, celebrties and normal hard working people have sent money to survivors of Katrina. We gathered as a nation together after 9/11. I see all the good we have done in Iraq...the good that the news doesn't talk about!!! I see all of that and I am proud!!!!!!! I will never stop being proud of my country! Yeah sometimes things that happen here suck, but it could be a lot worse!!! I am proud of who I am and I am proud of the country that I live in and nothing will ever change that.

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I have been reading the political threads and posts with mixed emotions.

Thank you fellow Americans that voted for Obama. There was not one race or ethnicity responsible for this victory. It took all of us pulling together for the common good.

Now I have to get some things off of my chest:

There are McCain supporters that wish to debate whether or not Obama is black or if he is black enough to be called an African American. One even suggested that Obama was not an African American in the common use of the term.

Am I being punked? First of all Obama has never tried to appeal to one race over the other so why are we making it an issue?

Secondly, there were laws in this country that said that a person with a drop of black blood was black, not white. AA have abided by this for centuries because it was forced upon us. Now, the suggestion is that we should not claim him because he is biracial? puhleese

Then you suggest that he will be assassinated. I pray protection for Obama but he is not the first president that will have a plot on his life. As if that somehow diminishes his qualifications.

Then, you jump all over those who say that this is the first time that they have been really proud to be an American. How dare you! I live in Alabama aka bombingham the place that has a neighborhood known as dynamite hill. Where my mother did not have the rights or respect of a dog. As a matter of fact the police chief of that era, Bull Connor, had a dog named nigga that he turned on blacks. I live not too far from a town called Cullman where my grandfather told stories of signs that said "If you can read nigga run if you can't read still run. "

Oh but you say that was the past? No we live with racism everyday.

So hell yeah Today is the first time that I feel like this country is my home. That it respects me. You dare say that it is the fault of the Katrina victims for not evacuating?! Are you kidding me?

Now you want to disrespect Obama's accomplishment and mock people like Oprah and Jackson crying. Are you kidding me?

I am so disgusted right now. You will cut down Barack before he has even taken office but you won't admit that he wasn't the sorry mutha that caused this nation's problems.

I will not sit back quietly while you attemp to disrespect the American people and the choice that we have made.

God Bless President Obama!

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I am always proud of America and proud to call myself an American!!! You bring up Katrina and yeah help came late, but the people who stayed behind had a warning to leave and many people, celebrties and normal hard working people have sent money to survivors of Katrina. We gathered as a nation together after 9/11. I see all the good we have done in Iraq...the good that the news doesn't talk about!!! I see all of that and I am proud!!!!!!! I will never stop being proud of my country! Yeah sometimes things that happen here suck, but it could be a lot worse!!! I am proud of who I am and I am proud of the country that I live in and nothing will ever change that.

for the second time i have to ask someone on this thread ARE YOU HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE HAD NO WHERE TO GO how heartless can you be?

You have got to be some of the most heartless conservative (or so you say) people i have ever encountered. we are talking about people who never had nothing probably never were gonna get nothing... and don't give me that the other people .. we both know we are not talking about the people who could have left and didn't(don't start that) you know vast majority of those people are those who couldn't get out of there .... i am seriously appalled.

and what good are we doing in Iraq... scratch that first what the @#$% are we doing in Iraq in the first place... wake up its been proven we went into Iraq over OIL and they !@#$ed it up. Wake up it time to see whats in front of your face America has done some stupid !@#$ed up stuff and yet the people have to deal with it. You cant just ignore the facts and the big picture and be proud cause you can screw you understanding of things so it doesn't seem so bad. Seriously you need to bring it back to reality if those are your talking points..... its very :scared2:scary:scared2:

Edited by TheWatcher

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for the second time i have to ask someone on this thread ARE YOU HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang, great minds think alike. I swear I was gonna ask the effects of meth on wls...

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Okay...I am not high...I voted for Obama...I understand they had no where to go and I am sorry that I seemed insensitive. I sent money for Survivors of Katrina...I'm not trying to sound rude or anything...I wasn't trying to say that Obama WILL be assasignated I just meant that there are very ignorant people out there that are not ready to see a black man as president. I support Obama and most of his stances. I think he is an amazing man. I never meant it to sound like I was blaming Katrina victims for what happened to them. I never jumped on anyone for not being proud of America I just agreed with someone when they said "seriously". and then I just stated that I was proud...that's all. I am proud and have always been proud to be an American. My husband and the other men and women who spent over a year in Iraq have done things that are good. They have brought school books to children's schools, they have helped people seek refuge else where, they really have done good things, I'm not saying that the war is good or anything like that. I don't think we need to be there, but the soldiers are there and while they're there they're trying to do some good. I am sorry if I upset anyone in anyways as those were not my intentions...I am truly sorry. I did not mean to offend anyone or to make anyone feel like I was attacking them. :) I would never try to hurt someone and I am sorry...Good luck to all of you on your weightloss...again I am sorry from the bottom of my heart as I didn't mean to hurt anyone...please believe me...

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Rodriquez, that was very sincere of you. I think we are all high off of emotions right now. Thank you for clarification. I wish that all of the world's misunderstandings could be solved in the manner in which you just did. A sincere and simple "my bad".

We are all in this together....

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R look I know that I often come across harsh... and I’m not saying that you don't have a right to your opinion thank you for the clarification. But if you have red my thread from the beginning I think you can kind of understand that things sometimes get tense here. And in my other thread.... it’s just that I am real empathetic towards the plight of others and the simple fact at this point that the outbound (giddy because we are done with Bush) administration FAILED in a major way. And not just once but multiple times... the literature is all around us.. On the net in print... things are really bad right now. If the World hates you there is nothing to be proud about. When America becomes a country that other countries look at and say "don’t be like that" I can’t be proud about that no matter what’s going on. The world is not filled with stupid people if they don’t like us it means that something is going wrong. It went from I’m proud to be an American to I’m glad I’m an American

because we collectively as a country have been raining havoc on the world for 8 long years. It’s to the tune now that even the (so called) Iraqis that we "liberated" want us gone.... That is a big problem... They want us gone so bad the president of Iraq didn’t even wait till the election was over to back Obamas plan to start the drawdown of troops. Those are just the facts... I’m sorry for going off but is

any of that wrong?

Edited by TheWatcher

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I don't think you're wrong at all...The way I look at is: Just because people hate me as a person doesn't change the fact that I am proud of who I am as a person...that is...I guess the way that I look at being proud of being American... :) I may not be proud of the one running American, but I'm proud to be American...I don't know...I'm young and often confused :) lol.

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I, being an southern belle, am ready for ALL to see that we are all made from the same CREATOR and the new pres-elect is just like you and me. Not any better/worse, just another human trying to make his opinons/values known to America. I didn't vote for him, however I FULLY support him. I believe in AMERICA, and that means being loyal to our govt. and fellow citizens. I wish him well in his future position of the next president of the UNITED States of America. What a awesome thing that must be.... I don't know I would want that job.

Just my little 2 cents worth on this thread!!!

Very well stated, HAPPY. That's how I feel.

I am proud of who I am and I am proud of the country that I live in and nothing will ever change that.

Me too. You should be proud. We have the greatest country in the world. Even during the past 8 years.

wake up its been proven we went into Iraq over OIL and they !@#$ed it up.

Proven where? The Huffington Post? The Dailey Kos? If we went into Iraq for oil, how come we've never gotten any from them? Bush was hammered daily for not taking oil or oil money. Iraq used that money to rebuild infrastructure (and also to pay off the various tribal militia leaders into supporting the central government.....yesh what a clusterf*ck THAT turned into....but I digress). We went into Iraq because we have close allies (Israel, Saudia Arabia,etc.) and interests (oil, an anti-nuclear Iran) in that area. Conveniently, the leader of Iraq was a genocidal maniac...

Rodriquez, that was very sincere of you. I think we are all high off of emotions right now. Thank you for clarification. I wish that all of the world's misunderstandings could be solved in the manner in which you just did. A sincere and simple "my bad".

We are all in this together....

Wow, that was an abrupt turnaround, April. And big of you to apologize as well. Well said.

that is...I guess the way that I look at being proud of being American... :) I may not be proud of the one running American, but I'm proud to be American...

Exactly. I don't always approve of what the American government does, but I am always proud to be American. That's why it floors me when somebody implies that they might not have always been proud to be an American.

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I can honestly say that I could care less what race Obama is. I truly do care that he is instilling the wrong message to our young children. If you succeed in this world it is your job to take care of others that may choose not to work at all. And if you have never paid into taxes a day in your life, we will reward you by giving you more money. If to succeed you work 12 hours a day you should give your money to those who choose to work 8 or less hours a day or not at all. No matter what I make it should be mine to choose what I do with it. Does the government have a right to give it to someone else? What have those of you who believe in REDISTRIBUTING THE WEALTH done to earn a portion of my paycheck? I realize that free money sounds good to everyone, but those of us that have sacrafised many things to get to where we are today may be a little upset or synical. Remember, without big business having an incentive to stay in the United State (highest tax) , that no one has jobs. We need to give big businesses tax breaks. Why should they stay here and not go to China. They don't owe you a living. But in Todays America to many people think they do.

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I think that if we plant the seeds now in our children and be adult enough to move on both in the white communities and the racially diverse communities then America's future will be bright in that aspect of racial divides. Unfortunately, we have history, but that doesn't mean we can't embrace that aspect of America and learn and grow and evolve into a different way of thinking. We can change, we do it all the time. America is built on hard work of people that have pride in themselves. I don't believe that should ever change. Everyone needs to change their heads and stop looking at black and white, yellow, orange, etc... and just love people for who they are. Getting to know your neighbors and being educated is one step. I personally am a republican voter and am happy to see someone of Obama's standard get into office. I hope and pray he will accomplish greatness in the eyes of Americans and in the world in general. And Yes we are ready for change either way there must be change.

God Bless, Angcal26

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i voted for president elect obama - not on race, but for the person I found to be the best candidate.

i will never try to pretend how many african americans feel today - as watcher put (rest my suitcase down) because i'm a white female. i cried seeing opra & jessee jackson.., heck i cried again today watching oprah - and i'm not a regular viewer of hers.

i can only appreciate & soak up the emotions that many are feeling & be thankful, that our new president was elected by all races / religions / sexual orientations - not just because the color of his skin.

it's a good day america; the rest of the world is smiling along!!!

Thanks luluc for sharing that with us...I do appreciate where you're coming from.

Growing up hearing stories about how life was for the elders in my family and other African Americans brought out a lot of emotions in me as well. To think some of us never thought this day would ever come. So when you see some African Americans getting emotional...It's not because were thinking "Na Na Nana Boo Boo we have a black president." It's because some of us has either lived or heard the stories of how it was for African Americans not so long ago in this United States. I too can turn to my 12 year old son and say "No limits to what you can be."

Another thing is...please don't believe that every African America voted based on race along. We to have gone through the same economic crisis that every tax paying citizen has experienced. We to felt the crunch when we had to put gas in our cars. And we've lost our love ones to this war and every war that was fought in this country. Some of us lost our homes too. So when I went to the polls and voted believe me it just wasn't about race along.

And yes seriously I feel the same way, "I'm finally proud to be an American for the first time!!!":crying::)

For those of you that can't relate to people saying or feeling this for the first time...that's ok. It's all good:thumbup:

Edited by Melolo

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So we should let the sick and poor die according to some people, not very "Christian" of you. Jesus said to take care of the less fortunate didn't he??????

I don't want hand outs but a hand "up" for people having problems is a good thing.

As far as the redistribution of wreath, that has been going on since income tax, except now the rich pay less than they did under GWB's revised tax code, all Obama wants is to go back to the Clinton tax code for the wealthy.

I dont' think that's socialism. It's paying a fair share, how many times have we heard about rich corporations and people paying NO TAXES because of loopholes, and brag about it. That is NOT FAIR to any of us middle income folks who pay the majority of taxes. The right wing has bamboozled us all over the years and we let them get away with it while they laugh at us.

From my dealing with wealthy people some good some bad, they seem to have contempt for everyone who is not rich. Sure they may give to charity but mainly because it's a tax write off.

Oh there are a few good ones.. like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, but there are way too may bad ones. We don't' hear about them often, they are silent in their contempt.

I hope we as a nation can support Obama and give him a fair chance to undo the total mess GWB got us into over the past 8 years. It will take time.

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So we should let the sick and poor die according to some people, not very "Christian" of you. Jesus said to take care of the less fortunate didn't he??????

I don't want hand outs but a hand "up" for people having problems is a good thing.

As far as the redistribution of wreath, that has been going on since income tax, except now the rich pay less than they did under GWB's revised tax code, all Obama wants is to go back to the Clinton tax code for the wealthy.

I dont' think that's socialism. It's paying a fair share, how many times have we heard about rich corporations and people paying NO TAXES because of loopholes, and brag about it. That is NOT FAIR to any of us middle income folks who pay the majority of taxes. The right wing has bamboozled us all over the years and we let them get away with it while they laugh at us.

From my dealing with wealthy people some good some bad, they seem to have contempt for everyone who is not rich. Sure they may give to charity but mainly because it's a tax write off.

Oh there are a few good ones.. like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, but there are way too may bad ones. We don't' hear about them often, they are silent in their contempt.

I hope we as a nation can support Obama and give him a fair chance to undo the total mess GWB got us into over the past 8 years. It will take time.


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What is a fair share? Do the middle class not care about taking care of the sick and poor that are dying? No matter what your income you should be christian. I would love to be nieve enough to think that all the money goes to those who are deserving and needy. But the truth of it is as many loopholes that the rich find the poor find as many to receive money dishonestly. Not very christian. Trust me you do not pay the majority of taxes. There are those of us that are honest and work hard for 12+ hours a day and deserve what we have. It seems that you may have some contempt for people who have worked hard and earned their success. I give to local schools, police, cancer society(am a cancer survivor), hopital, ect. And also volunteer my time(what little is left) and am insulted that you would say that is mainly for a tax write off. How christian of you!

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