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kids & bus stops

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I took the day off today, went to leave this a.m. for an appointment, and my driveway was blocked. I was already running late. Four cars, all empty, the parents outside talking to the kids. I asked one o the ones holding car keys to move her car and she told me In a minute, the bus gets here any time now. Needless to say, I didn't let that fly, and I'm sure we'll come home to retalliation one of these days. But I did make a follow-up call to the school. Spoke with a different lady who seemed much less concerned than the first. We'll see, I have no problems with being the squeaky wheel.

BTW, we're in a fairly nice neighborhood. Your typical city limit subdivision. It's an area thatI consider a great single income housing area. When we built our house, DH made roughly half what he does now and I made roughly 1/3, and we easily qualified for our mortgage, so we're not talking about a neighborhood that has any business holding its nose up in the air... but it thinks it does, if that makes any sense.

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Wait a minute...so the crazy lady on the corner when I was a kid was NOT crazy?? Just keeping us off her property? What a hoot!
Yeah and I've totally turned into her. I'm just amazed at the lack of respect people have for your property, you know? When we built our house we had like 3 neighbors, no other houses built in our plat yet. I got kinda spoiled. One morning we got new neighbors, and I happened to be looking out the window when she walked by with her dog, let her dog walk up into our yard, and take a dump on a stepping stone trail we had put in. (And this wasn't the first time I'd watched her do this, or said something). So I opened the window and asked her to please not let her dog shit in our yard. She was like Oh I was gonna pick it up. I'm like -- ok, good to know, but like I said, please don't walk your dog into our landscaping for his bowel movement, mmmmk?

We've been looking at moving, especially now that I'm knocked up. Somehow the 2 of us outgrew a 3 bed/2.5 BA. Shite like this makes me that much more eager to get away, even though I know it doesn't necessarily solve any problems.

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I feel your pain Wheetsin. I detest neighbors. That's why I live on 40 acres of beackwoods in the middle of Nowhere, Texas. I have to drive 20 minutes into town, but....neither do I have aggravation of the sort that you describe.

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If I ever have any on going problems of people messing with my home, I am for sure going to turn in to the crazy lady! I don't have a problem with that at all!

I live in a small community and right now there are alot of empty homes (forclosures, 3 on my street of 12 houses) so I am always keeping my eyes open for anything that may compromise the saftey of my block. A few weeks ago it was one of those guys that puts junk store flyers on your porch - peeing on the back wall of one of the empty houses 2 doors down! I could see him plain as day out my family room window! I called the cops, and later got the flyer off my porch and called the store and let them know someone they hired was using my block as a public restroom!

I call the police all the time ! you should too, and the school! I would keep at it until they moved the bus stop!! Also, keep all receipts of any repairs you have to make to fix what the kids damage and ask the school and parents where they want the bill sent to! Buy some of those large orange cones (like construction cones) and put them in your driveway every morning! Really be crazy and paint 'no school drop offs' on your garage door too!

This kind of stuff burns me up!

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Man... I usually try to be a pretty non-confrontational person, but if someone had the audacity to park in MY driveway and then tell ME to wait when I wanted to use it, I'd have a few choice things to say. Can't blame you for wanting to move. I had noise issues with some of my neighbors and I gotta tell you, the response time of the PD in that area was pretty impressive, lol.

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It seems to me that the automatic sprinkler system, the one that comes on at the appropriate time and drenches your driveway and the bus stop area of your garden would be an excellent hands-off way of getting rid of these human insects. And what about putting a couple of signs up: attention, please do not walk on grass. Dangerous chemicals used here for a pest free lawn.

I sympathize with you, by the way. We live next door to the street whacko. He has caused us to spend $5000 in security cameras and lights. We have called the cops on him 3 times. It is an on-going horror show.... But we like our house and haven't found one that is better suited to our needs so we are stuck with Psycho Joe.

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Having the sprinklers come on, and the spray hitting the top of the fence might keep them off of it...

Oooh, I like this one too. Or you could combine sitting on the porch with a shotgun AND a handheld sprinkler which you shoot at the kids (the sprinkler, not the gun).

God, I HATE parents nowadays. Kids get away with EVERYTHING!!! ARGHHH!

I would write down the license plates of all parents who drop off/stop to wait with kids, go out and let them know you've got their license plate numbers and are going to phone the police for vandalism and trespassing.

You could also get one of those audiotapes of dogs barking on them - the ones people get to pretend they have dogs so nobody burglars them - and play it everytime a kid comes on your property.

Hmm, can I come and live with you for a while? This all sounds like a lot of fun! :purplebananna:

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Where to start??

I live on a secondary road in small-ish univeristy town; my home has a public path to the river beside it (high fence all the way), and is across from a cemetary and a church. Shouldn't be too much hassle, right??

HUMPH!! She snorts!! Moved into the home in July, started renovations immediately. First thing to do is the kitchen...ripped out the cabinets etc, but as I was keeping the sink, I put it at the side of the house well back from the road. While I was in the house in the middle of the afternoon, someone steals the sink...who steals a sink???

My driveway is semi-circular (which is handy so that I don't I have to back out of or into the driveway during rush hours)...well...apparently neighbours, taxis and other riff-raff have decided the driveway is for their convenience...and have driven onto the little bit of lawn I have if I have parked my car blocking 'their' way..and been yelled at by a few drivers because of it!!

But it isn't just 'big city' folk...I moved from a house on a gravel road backing onto wilderness and facing the ocean with lots of acerage. Damned if someone didn't come by at xmas and chop down 6 of my groomed trees.

I love people....from a distance!

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I am also on a corner lot, and I can't keep the trash out. I'm on the opposite corner of the kids bus stop, but that doesn't stop them from treating my yard like their own.

Those candy canes put up at Christmas? Hey, dumbies, those weren't for you to play sword fight with! They were for the baby Jesus, damnit!!! (Okay, looking for lightening...)

And the dog dumping! Uggg...I can't stand it! I clean up my dogs, why can't you people clean it up? In YOUR YARD.

My solar lights that I put up have been target practice for the white rocks I have in my flower beds.

I've been egged, thanks to bored teens over Spring Break, and TP'd...again, bored teens over Winter Break.

I'm scared for summer.

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But it isn't just 'big city' folk...I moved from a house on a gravel road backing onto wilderness and facing the ocean with lots of acerage. Damned if someone didn't come by at xmas and chop down 6 of my groomed trees.


This happened when I was living with my parents on our farm - someone chopped down two of our everygreens by the main road for X-mas!

And the dog dumping! Uggg...I can't stand it! I clean up my dogs, why can't you people clean it up? In YOUR YARD.


Oh, I HATE that!! We live in a neighbourhood where our mailboxes are in these little "houses" on the front of our lawn. All the people with the little rat dogs (can you tell I hate little dogs? I've got a big one that scares them all away, by the way!) come and STOP and intentionally let their dogs pee all over my mailbox! I NEVER let my dog do that. It's so gross. People think their stupid little rat dogs are so cute. Guess what? They're not! They look like rats! For my dog to eat! Which he actually tried to do last week and we got a vet bill for it too ... but I digress.:lol:

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Its just fact. Neighbors are not what they used to be and kids now a days have little or no respect for their elders or anyone for that matter. I deal with disrespectful kids all the time and their parents. My son has lost many friends b/c their parents divorce. Its not one divorce at a time. Its happened twice that 2 of his friends' were going through divorces with their parents b/c they had affairs with someone 2 houses down or across the street. Its horrid. Thats 4 affairs alone on my block that I know of. My block is many blocks long so who knows??? My neighbor last summer whose kids curse worse than truckers decided to rake her dirt driveway within 5 min of us painting that side of the house!!! We saw this HUGE dirt cloud and ran over there to see what the hell was going on. She had lived there a yr and we met when she first moved in but there had been no more communication other than that and this is what happened. We said OMG, we just painted our house and its wet, could you please do that tomorrow? She said NO, she had a party to get ready for in 2 wks. I said ok, can you please not do this till tomorrow? She told my husband and I to go back to painting our house and she used a few other words. (no wonder why her kids curse like they do). I said look, you continue to do that and that dirt sticks to my house I will take pictures, I will take you to court, and you will pay to have it cleaned up and repainted. Needless to say she did quit. But as we were walking away she said she wasn't going to show us any consideration b/c our fence was leaning on her garage and she was going to have to fix her garage's siding. Thats when I informed her that my privacy fence in the 2 sections was leaning on her garage and had been for yrs. I then told her why. HER garage burned down, the owners had it rebuilt but never replace the chared wooden fence on that side. Over the yrs MY side of the fence which is FINE fell that way b/c HER side gave way. I said so fix YOUR damaged fence sections and MY fence and your problem will be solved. AND the fact there is poison ivy in between the fences is somehow my fault as well. I have been yelled at to take care of it? Like I planted it or something? For some odd reason that fence is my problem and only my problem, including her side? Go figure??? Since her hubby is gone and she does not work, she must be living on her child support. She's been married a few times with kids from each marriage. She is now dating the guy next door who is single b/c he left his wife for the neighbor 3 houses down. That fell apart soon after their divorces and now he is with the bimbo next door hence the reason her 2-3rd hubby left. My husband and I are taking the high road next month. We know she will not help with one penny to fix the fence so we are taking it down and replacing it ourselves. Its had 3 owners and no one bothers to fix it. So we will do it. Is it fair? No, but I do want my fence fixed. Its sad how people are today. Her kids were bothering my son on the bus (when he does take it) and when I called the school to complain about them I just said the first name and the secretary rattled off the last. They've been here now 2 yrs and the secretary said they are well known to the school as trouble makers. I said well you should meet their mother, you would understand. SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

For the last 2 yrs (since the bimbo and her kids moved in) there has been a lot of vandalism with Christmas decorations!! The whole neighborhood got nailed 2 yrs in a row except next door and her boyfriend next door to her. Coincidence? I think not. We purchased infared motion detector camera's last yr at 300 bucks a pop! We set them up and everynight we waited to catch them. We even made sure the one was set up so it got our whole yard including her front door but no vandalism occured this yr. I will catch the little jerks.

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We purchased infared motion detector camera's last yr at 300 bucks a pop! We set them up and everynight we waited to catch them. We even made sure the one was set up so it got our whole yard including her front door but no vandalism occured this yr. I will catch the little jerks.

Oooohhhh...I want those!

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They will set your mind at ease. We got them out of my husbands hunting magazines! I hook the cable into the camera and into the computer and I see everything it recorded. Mostly wind activated it this yr but a couple of times someone was walking in the middle of the night down the street and I swear looking at the pics is like they were taken in the daytime! AMAZING little gadget. It will also record when activated if you choose that setting. We have it set up to take pics every 3 seconds once activated till 2 minutes after no motion is detected.

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We've been in our house about 8 years. We're on a corner lot. For the entire time we've lived here, other than a few weeks during the summer, we could never get grass to grow on the side of our lot that runs parallel to the main strees. Never, even when we'd seed & seed & seed. We'd also had some weird things happen to some very pricey landscaping we had done. Various things would be vandalized to various degrees, etc. Our stuff never manages to stay nice for very long, even though we keep an eye out after work and very rarely saw anything happen....con't

You think this is bad, I could not believe what happened today at work. I work in property management, at a large apartment community. We have had an outbreak of vandilism by a group of teenagers, so when we got a tip that they were now on site, (in broad day-light, no less) sitting on top of a carport smoking, spray painting and damaging the property, we literally ran to catch them in the act (which apparently is required to press charges or make them pay for damages). Well, they saw us coming a mile away and scattered like roaches! We drove around trying to catch them like p.i.'s gone mad. Finally, we saw them all group back together and take off towards one of the suspected kids apartment. By the time we make it there they are gone. By now, the police are now there. Next thing I know, a woman pulls out of a garage in that same building and heads towards the exit. I had a huntch and told the driver to follow her. Sure enough, the car got halfway down the road past us and all three teenagers heads pop up in the back window. ONE OF THIER MOTHERS DROVE THEM OFF-SITE TO AVOID BEING QUESTIONED BY POLICE! I couldnot believe that! What kind of parent covers up for thier childs bad behavior to that extent???? I would never let my son think such a thing was ok to do, or that I'd help him hide out!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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