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Things never quite seem to go as smoothly as they're supposed to, do they?

So I was supposed to get my first fill a few weeks ago when I had my follow up with my surgeon, but when I went in for the appointment he decided he wanted to do it under flouro so I had to wait another few weeks for that appointment. Today was finally the day, and I was so excited to get in there and have the adjustment done and FINALLY have some restriction (hopefully)!

I went to the hospital first thing this morning for my appointment in Diagnostic Imaging...thinking this was going to be a quick thing and be in and out of there in 10 minutes or so like everyone had assured me. Yeah...not so much!

They had me lay on the table, snapped a few shots with the x-ray to see where the port exactly was, etc. I do have to say that it was pretty darn cool seeing the port and tubing and stuff inside me...I know it's there for sure now lol! So he then proceeds with the jamming of the needle into my stomach portion of the program. This went on for 10 minutes or so, me keeping my stomach and ab muscles tight and him pushing and pulling and pressing and snapping x-ray shots...without any meds to numb the area. Finally after hearing me make some kind of noise as he was pushing on the port with the needle (which feels REALLY weird!) he apologized for torturing me and asked if I would like a local anesthetic to numb the area. Yes please! Thank you!

We then continued on with the pressing and pushing and x-ray photo marathon for awhile longer until he became pretty certain that he was hitting the back of the port and not the front, since he was pretty sure he was hitting it directly in the middle and the needle still would not go in.:confused2:

That's when I started to get a little uneasy and asked "Umm...so...say it has in fact done a 180 and is flipped completely over...what exactly would would the plan be?" He tells me they would have to go back in through the same incision and flip it back the right way again. Wonderful.:tt2:

He tried to be creative, and had me lay partially on my side and try that way, and finally lay completely on my side. When we got a clear side view of the port you could clearly see that the front of it was facing the wrong way and it had indeed flipped 180 degrees. Fantastic.:)

SO...45 minutes of poking and prodding inside my belly to figure out that I now need ANOTHER surgery. He assured me it was even less invasive than the first one, and was very simple to do. He apologized again for torturing me with the needle for so long, and said his assistant will be getting in touch with me to set everything up. So I headed out of the hospital the same way I had entered...no restriction!! Grrr.:blush: Looks like I'll have to kick my butt at the gym even more and really stay on target with my calories because I REFUSE to remain in this 10 pound plateau that I've been on since surgery!

I'm choosing to remain positive and optomistic, there are way worse complications that could have come up, so I'm grateful it's "nothing serious." I just hope that this additional surgery doesn't affect my upcoming vacation in May. I don't want to have any problems with being able to go on an airplane, go swimming at the beach, or go on amusement park rides!:blink:

Looks like I'm staying in Bandster Hell for awhile longer. Most people just pass on through, I appear to be building a summer home here.:thumbup:

I wish I knew what I did, what combination of movments allowed it to flip over, cause you'd think if it flipped over that easily once I could maybe do it again and have it flip back!:lol:

Anyone else have this experience?

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i'm sorry to hear this setback, glad you have a possitive attitude on it. seems weird they can flip over if they are stitched in place? never heard of that one.

i can't believe he put a needle in without numbing the place in the first place! ow!:) my port area is still a little tender and i get my first fill this tuesday. i'm making sure they use something. :blink:

Good luck and keep us posted on what happens now.

keep that working out. :lol:


Dr. Kuri



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I'm really sorry to hear that you are having this setback, but I definitely admire your attitude. A year from now, when you look back, it will be a distant memory. When I asked my doctor about what he does in the event of a flipped port, he told me that they fix it right there in the office under local anesthesia so it doesn't appear to be a major fix. Please keep us posted what all is involved in the event any of us find ourselves in a similar predicament.

Good luck and we'll be pulling for you. Hopefully they won't wait too long to fix it. I would ask them if they will do a fill at the same time they are fixing it. (just for giggles and grins)

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Thanks for the encouragement and support...I definitely needed it today, and it means a lot. It's most certainly a very frustrating setback, but it's one of the risks so what can ya do? I don't think the actual port gets anchored down, from what I understood they anchor the band to the stomach, but the port just sits under the skin.

I was a little surprised too when he starting attempting to do the fill without anything to numb the area! It wouldn't have been too bad if it had been quick like it's supposed to be...but I will definitely remember to ask for it from now on!

The whole situation sucks, but I'm trying not to let myself get too upset about it...I figure being upset won't change the situation or make it go away so what would the point be? Better to just accept it as one of those things that happen sometimes, even though it REALLY sucks, and just do what needs to be done to fix it and move forward. (These are the truths that I know, today I'm just focusing on making my mind believe them! I refuse to let myself throw a "why me" pity party...even though there have been moments today where that has been very tempting lol!)

I believe the procedure is going to be done under general anesthesia, he said it's quick and even less invasive than the first surgery. Supposedly less pain, and maybe only out of work for that day. *fingers crossed*

My surgeon DID say that while he is doing the procedure to flip the port back the right way, he WILL do a fill at the same time. At least that's one thing to look forward to about it!

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It is my understanding that the port is sutured to the muscle in your stomach but that sometimes those sutures come undone and that is why the port flips. You may want to verify this elsewhere on the site or with your doctor though.

Definitely glad to hear that your doctor is going to do a fill at the same time! Have you heard from them yet??? LOL I'd be chomping at the bit.

My doctor doesn't numb the area when he does a fill. No need to as the area is already numb from the nerves being cut from surgery. I can pinch that area and can't feel anything. When he did my fill all I felt was him pressing on my stomach.

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No, no word from the surgeon's office yet...they have my cell phone number and know to call the cell to reach me as I'm at work during the day...I hope I hear back from them today, but I won't be surprised if I don't find out what's going on until next week. I'm not sure if they have to talk to my insurance company first or what, so we'll see.

The next time I see my surgeon I'm definitely going to ask him about whether or not the port was anchored down to begin with, and what steps he is going to take during surgery this time to prevent this from happening again. I don't even want to think about the possibility of this happening more than once!

After the whole ordeal yesterday, I have a HUGE nasty looking bruise on my stomach from all the poking and prodding with the needle for so long...it literally looks like I got punched REALLY hard in the stomach lol. I woke up this morning and thought "Did that really happen yesterday or did I just dream it?" Then I looked at my stomach, saw the huge black and blue makr and was reminded it really did happen!

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NewCreation413, I sorry to hear of your troubles. I am glad to hear though that it will be a quick surgery and you will still get your fill at the same time.

I'm just wondering however, did you experience any pains in your port site, or did it last a long time? Could you feel your port sticking out? I only ask, because I can feel mine and it has been sore today. I would like to consider myself a minor hypochondriac... :smile:

Again, I wish you the best and a fast healing!

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When ports flip it often makes me wonder if the doctor didn't sew it correctly. Two weeks before my surgery I asked my doctor about this and he said that he sews it a different way than most doctors do and he's never had one of his patients have a port flip before. Then the day of my surgery he had just gotten back from a bariactrics conference and I asked him what he learned and he said that they were asking surgeons to start sewing the port differently.. then he smiled briefly and said, "the way I've been doing it for a few years now". Also, which band do you have? the realize band? or allergan.. i think the realize band is like self anchoring.

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LilMissBand-Aid---thanks for your encouragement!! No, I haven't had any kind of pain at my port site, and it's not sticking out at all. It appears to have flipped completely over, so it's still lying flat like it's supposed to, just with the wrong side facing up.

coolcrystal---I have no idea what kind of band I have lol! I realized that my surgeon never told me the exact one he used, and I had planned on asking him when I went for the fill, but then all the drama of the port flipping happened and I completely forgot to ask, but it's on my list of questions for the next time I see him. I will also be asking about the whole port-anchoring thing to find out why this happened, and how he's going to make sure it stays put this time around! :cursing:

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Good luck to you. I have heard from several people this is fairly common. Hang in there. Look forward to the restriction and a lot less pain postop.Everything will work out and be ok:thumbup:

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LilMissBand-Aid---thanks for your encouragement!! No, I haven't had any kind of pain at my port site, and it's not sticking out at all. It appears to have flipped completely over, so it's still lying flat like it's supposed to, just with the wrong side facing up.

coolcrystal---I have no idea what kind of band I have lol! I realized that my surgeon never told me the exact one he used, and I had planned on asking him when I went for the fill, but then all the drama of the port flipping happened and I completely forgot to ask, but it's on my list of questions for the next time I see him. I will also be asking about the whole port-anchoring thing to find out why this happened, and how he's going to make sure it stays put this time around! :thumbup:

Ah, thanks for clarifying. It turns out my stomach feels better, and I suspect the pain was from all the sodium I had eaten the day or so before. I will still ask my doctor if this is pretty normal though.

Don't feel bad about not having had asked your doc what type of band you have. I didn't ask either and it didn't eved dawn on me until about a week ago. I do plan to ask at my appointment on the 11th.

Take care of yourself and keep us updated on how things go for you!

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Good luck to you. I have heard from several people this is fairly common. Hang in there. Look forward to the restriction and a lot less pain postop.Everything will work out and be ok:thumbup:

Thanks...I've found several people on this site who have had this happen as well, so it's helped knowing that this is isn't an uncommon complication to have. I only know a couple of people who have a LB and none of them have ever had any kind of complication or problem with it, so it seems like a big deal to them...just like it was to me when I first found out. Being on LBT and seeing so many with similar stories has kept me sane lol.

LilMissBand-Aid---I'm so glad you're feeling better!! :puke:

I wish I had some kind of an update to give...unfortunately I'm still waiting to hear back from the surgeon's office regarding what's going on. I hate waiting!!

Edited by NewCreation413

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If i were you I would ask you surgeon about changing the site of your port. I thought my port would be in my stomach too, but I found out after surgery that was not so. My port is right on the crease under my left breast. At first I thought this was a weird place due to the tenderness when a bra touched it, but my surgeon assured me after it healed it wouldnt be sore and I would be glad it was in that pklace when it was time for a fill. HE WAS RIGHT. I had my first fill on march 19 and it was sooooooo easy. No flouroscopy, no xrays. My port is easy to feel right though the skin. I had no restriction prior to he fill (my girlfriend got 2cc during surgery itself). My surgeon just found the insertion point and injected 3cc and that was it. No anesthesia no bleeding no pain. It was no different than getting blood drawn. It hurt more with him pushing on it than the needle itself. Good luck to you. I'm sure you will do well.

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If i were you I would ask you surgeon about changing the site of your port. I thought my port would be in my stomach too, but I found out after surgery that was not so. My port is right on the crease under my left breast. At first I thought this was a weird place due to the tenderness when a bra touched it, but my surgeon assured me after it healed it wouldnt be sore and I would be glad it was in that pklace when it was time for a fill. HE WAS RIGHT. I had my first fill on march 19 and it was sooooooo easy. No flouroscopy, no xrays. My port is easy to feel right though the skin. I had no restriction prior to he fill (my girlfriend got 2cc during surgery itself). My surgeon just found the insertion point and injected 3cc and that was it. No anesthesia no bleeding no pain. It was no different than getting blood drawn. It hurt more with him pushing on it than the needle itself. Good luck to you. I'm sure you will do well.

Thanks for the advice...I'll make sure to bring that up at my next appointment! I'm sure relocating it to somewhere where it's less likely to move is probably already on his agenda, but I'll be asking about it just to be sure!:biggrin:

This is getting a little frustrating...STILL haven't heard back from the surgeon's office yet....it's been a WEEK! If I don't hear anything from them today, I think I'm going to call them tomorrow to try and find out what the holdup is!

On the plus side, even with no restriction I've managed to keep my self-control and lose a few more pounds, and finally broke through the plateau I've been stuck at for a month!! 12 pounds lost since surgery, 62 total!:biggrin2:

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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