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Are you heading for the Marathon?

As for Unjury..it was mentioned, but somehow I 'heard' Glucerna as it was supermarket -available. I want the best..even if I have to pay for shipping . I will be looking forward to hearing your reviews of Unjury products, gals.(and guys)

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So far all I have found is ways to make Protein Powder and drinks more palatable….none I can actually say I like. Like I mentioning in group…. coco powder, s.f pudding mix, and sugar free coffee syrups by Torani (found on line http://www.torani.com AND in supermarkets) for me help to mask the taste and smell of Protein powers. You can also add dry fat free powered milk, that will add about 9grams of protein and it won’t taste bad.

I did like Unjury better than what I found on store shelves. It lasted me a while and the shipping was fast. Just been lazy about ordering more as Ive been using Aktins ready to drink and CIB sf packs now.It is really trial and error bc everyone seems to have different favorites.

I tried Isopure once and gagged but I’ve read a lot of folks on this board like it. I also tried some kind of a gel in a test tube from http://www.bariatricadvantage.com which wasn’t bad but $ for daily use. Also Bariatric Advantage offers sample kits of their Vitamins and protein powers if you are interested. I’ve been able to find chewable at Trader Joes that I like for cheaper

Anyone try the Protein Drinks they offer at Starbucks? starbucks They have 2 flavors Orange Mango and banana chocolate both with protein powder that has 21grams. I LOVE the Banana Chocolate with non-fat milk, total cals are 250, cost is $4.00. For me it’s a great treat that I don’t feel guilty about.

There is a lot of controversy on how much protein your body can process at once….it’s been said here that unless you are an athlete your body can only process about 35grams of protein at a time. Guess that’s a question for the nutritionists out there.

As you move along in your WLS you will be able to supplement your diet with more solid Proteins. Yes I still do a CIB in the morning and when I get fills but that’s more bc I LIKE it. :confused:

Edited by tinywishes123

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Ok..so here's my initial impression about Unflavored Unjury....it has a very fluffy appearance, much lighter than others I've seen. It doesn't have a strong smell..The container says to mix it in any beverage, so I tried OJ. It just says not to put it into hot beverages. It mixed in well, but definitely thickened the oj. It was all absorbed, unlike the benefiber I typically mix in my OJ. It smelled kinda funky, though, and I can't even describe it.....it's very......unique. It didn't taste bad, but something about it made me gag. :thumbup: Again, it may have been the smell because while it dulled the taste of the OJ, it didn't change it really....

So....next time I'm thinking I'll try mixing it in food, which is why I got the unflavored. I wanted more versatility. I didn't do it in the blender yet, either, which usually makes everything more palatable. It came with a packet of information that suggests that you use 3-5 scoops PER DAY! Not what my good doc would want me to do, no doubt. He wants me to obtain Protein predominantly from the foods I'm eating. Not to mention, it reminds me of telling you to wash your hair twice when shampooing. You're just using more of a product and not necessarily reaping any benefits from that. Stay tuned.....this could get interesting. :scared2:

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Ok, so again it’s been a couple days since I checked in. My life has been crazy and stressful (which means food was consumed) but things are going alright. I was sure when I went in for my first fill I would have gained, scientifically it was obvious it was going to happen. I had gone crazy with food. Once I realized I could eat anything, well I did. But when I got there, I found out I hadn’t gained anything. I hadn’t lost anything either, but I hadn’t gained, so small victory there. Although if I had gained I think it would have been more of a kick in the pants motivation starter. I want to try going to the gym early in the morning. Waking up at 5:30 a.m. going to the gym from 6 to 7 and then back home to shower and be at work at 8:45. Now, on paper, simple. I cannot get my body to actually accomplish this goal. I want to make it my routine. Hopefully it won’t be bitterly cold when I wake up because that will be the kiss of death.

So I should probably explain what I said in the previous posts about being on my own. I don’t discount you guys at all, I love the support the site and particularly this post offers. I just heard over and over again that the band was a tool (and I’m not saying it’s not) but I feel that it hadn’t been pulling it’s weight lately. And I had started talking to it in my head (I might be certifiably crazy at this point) it’s kind of like this

Me: So…. I just ate like 4 slices of pizza with no objection from you.. What gives?

Band: Oh? Oh I have to do this alone? You can’t look at 4 slices of pizza and know it’s too much?

Me: I just thought you’d help out.

Band: I’m 2 months old, jackass, you expect me to undo everything it took you 26 years to do in 2 months? Unrealistic expectations my friend.

Me: I really don’t need this.

Band: You really didn’t need 4 slices of pizza either.

It always gets the last word.

But Dr. R put in 4 cc’s and unfortunately I didn’t even feel restriction at all. I thought that it would probably take one or two more fills, but I heard some people have a little restriction the first day or so and it eventually tapers off. Well, I didn’t seem to have any at all. Which makes me a little nervous that it might take 4 or 5 fills until I actually feel it.

On the plus side, I bought a new car this weekend, so so long crapbox I was driving!

Did someone say they were going to the Faulkner support group this month? Who? And when is it? Maybe I’ll try to drop by that one.

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You really kill me, Jay. I'm so glad you checked in to give me my daily laugh. THANK YOU. As I've said before, but will remind you, I didn't really start to lose weight until about 2 1/2 to 3 months in---after 3 fills...so sit tight, my friend. You may be in for a long ride.

I am going to the Faulkner a week from tomorrow night--it's the 2nd Monday of the month, which I think figures to be the 13th. If I'm wrong, I'll let you know. Otherwise, assume I'm right. If you've never been, it's right up in the suite where they have appointments, in the waiting room. It's far smaller than the one at the Brigham...but I can't go to our usual Tuesday group this month. (Truth be told, I might be able to, but it's my birthday and I expect to make plans...though, being single, not sure what or with whom...I just know I'll do something!) I may be a little late as I have class from 4-7 in South Boston. I'm obviously leaving class early, but would at least like to go from 4-5 to make my appearance...but then again, I may bag out entirely. Who knows...

PUT DOWN THE pizza. Buy A slice if you must, but seriously, you have to make the mental changes. If you rely on the band to do this for you, you're going to be disappointed. It's time to face it....you have to make changes!! You don't have to give up everything you love, but you do have to make concessions. Buy only one slice and be sure to get it to go. Leave the restaurant. Don't sit there and look at more or you'll want more. If you're out, be social. (Not a stretch for you...) Let everyone else chow while you're talking. If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten....eating the same and trying to exercise won't help you either. It will make you healthier, but your diet has got to change. Stick with it, Jay...you'll get there. It isn't easy, but if you wanted easy, you wouldn't have had this thing surgically implanted in your body. You would have stayed fat. Move on and make a full commitment. Do it for yourself!! Hope to see you a week from Monday. :thumbup: Paige

Edited by notateechanow
wrong date for the meeting!

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very good advice l2t7- "If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten". this is so true.

Jay I know you've read that SOME people have restriction at the first fill but the reality is that MOST people do not. The reality is it may take a while and there may even be a time that you are too tight and have to get an unfill.

IMO the learning curve is very difficult with the band (and I sometimes think I will never get it) so you do need to be open and seek support and communicate with your surgical team.

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I have a date! Dr. R's Jennifer called me today and we tentatively booked May 13th!! She just has to process through insurance (Harvard Pilgrim) and I go in to see him again on 4/14 to go over ugi and pych appt. and then I should be on my way!

After reading Jay's post and the responses, I have a question, people don't loose wait on the two week pre & post op diet? I feel like that is changing my eating habits so drasitcally I'm bound to lose some weight. And then as far as the fills go, are you on a schedule or how do you know when to get a fill?

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I am THRILLED for you!

I thought we were scheduled to have our 2nd consult on the same day..the 14th ? How did you luck out and get a date already? I am envious!

Another glitch. I got a call yesterday and I have to attend a funeral on the 14th, same time as my long awaited appt.(whine, moan, groan) So today I rescheduled for 1 week later. Ugh!

Sometimes I do believe in that thing called Murphy's Law.

I am happy for you that you have come this far and are on your way! YAY!

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That's awesome Msdollaz. Very happy for you! Singing, sorry you have to push out your date, it's only 1 more week :sad:)

Jay I'm sorry you are having a hard time. They say it gets easier. Hang in there!

L2T7 I love hearing what you have to say, you are so postive and very encouraging! great job on your training!

I tenatively have my surgery date for June. I may try to get it done a little earlier. I feel like I'm starting to chicken out. I'm terrifed that I won't be able to do this and I will fail once again, like so many other things in my life. I'm having a hard time right now as I have a lot of things going on in my life and I almost feel emotionally drained don't know if having surgery right now will be a good thing or a bad thing. I'll keep ya posted :thumbup:)


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Thanks, thinking.

When I have hesitations(and I believe we all have them as well as doubts afterwards at times) I just look in my mirror or feel the fit of my slacks or feel my stomach behaving like a brat screaming for ''MORE" ....I get back on track real fast and wish the date would come sooner! LOL

....to change the things I CAN......is my thought at such times.

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That's awesome Msdollaz. Very happy for you! Singing, sorry you have to push out your date, it's only 1 more week :sad:)

Jay I'm sorry you are having a hard time. They say it gets easier. Hang in there!

L2T7 I love hearing what you have to say, you are so postive and very encouraging! great job on your training!

I tenatively have my surgery date for June. I may try to get it done a little earlier. I feel like I'm starting to chicken out. I'm terrifed that I won't be able to do this and I will fail once again, like so many other things in my life. I'm having a hard time right now as I have a lot of things going on in my life and I almost feel emotionally drained don't know if having surgery right now will be a good thing or a bad thing. I'll keep ya posted :thumbup:)



Let's face it...we all fear failure. We deal with it differently. I had my surgery less than 6 weeks after going to the info session. I knew NOTHING about this. I had never been on this site, never read any of the information they gave me and didn't want to know what could go wrong. I barely listened when they released me from the hospital. Bottom line? I didn't want to know about issues. I figured if I didn't know, it wouldn't matter. I was afraid that if I knew what was going on, I'd back out and I simply couldn't afford to be a failure at one more attempt. This was my last ditch effort. I think I single-handedly supported the campaign with Fergie with Weight Watchers--by paying and never going. I know I helped put many kids through college by frequenting all of the area take out restaurants! I needed a way out---to give myself control of this and I finally have it. I'm still not where I want to be. I workout completely out of fear---fear that if I don't, I'll fail at this, too. I think it's that fear that keeps me motivated. If the fear is paralyzing, then maybe you should listen to it. If it's just the nervousness type, it's all healthy. You have to do what's right for you, and when the time comes, you'll make the decision! Good luck! :tt2: Paige

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Well the support group is tomorrow, no?

I don't think I can go. I get out of work at 5 and have to use the time after work to call and have a talk with my cell phone company who thinks it's ok to treat me like crap and then demand money at the end of the month. I can find people to treat me like crap for free!

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yes the Faulkner group meets tomorrow. Sorry you cant make it Jay: hang in there.

I should be there and as usually late depending on traffic. Been having some problems with keeping solids down since my last fill (currenlty 8.9 in a 14cc band). Some days okay other not.Thankfully today I did a bit better, must go easy and pay attention to those signs that Im full. Will prob get a slight bit out at my next appt which isnt until the 21st :thumbdown:

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what time is the meeting tomorrow night, do u have to sign up to go? I have a fill appt on the 21st @ 420 what time is yours?

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