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Paige- I do believe different things make me tighter too (stress & pms). I'm still confused to how many calories I should eat. Does anyone here count cals? I'm looking over the packets we got waaaaay back in the beggining w/ food listings, cals, ect. I'm making a food list to bring to the grocery store. Who new weightloss could be so complicated lol!

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I counted calories in the beginning but like a lot of people I end up deviating from that based on work and life getting in the way. I journaled last week and counted calories because I wanted to center myself. I was only hitting the gym once a week for the prior 3-4 weeks all due to a heavy work schedule. I decided that I had endured enough of putting myself last and went back to journaling in myfooddiary.com (love this site) only $9/month and getting to the gym. It felt great putting myself first for a change...of course...that was last week and this week has proved to be a challenge. I did get my hair, nails and eyebrows done today :thumbup: but didn't make it to the gym! I am determined to stick it out though...

I highly recommend myfooddiary.com. It counts the calories, factors in your exercise and gives you a run down of your nutrition i.e. Protein, carbs, sodium et. It makes it easy and they now have a mobile site so you can enter the info from your blackberry or phone.

I would like to say to everyone give yourself a break emotionally please....! Each day will always bring it's own anxieties but try to live in the moment. Stop beating yourselves up for past behavior. Work to do better right now...Give yourself credit for the things you accomplish each day. I bet if you write down everything you do in a day you'll be surprised at how much it truly is!!! Remember we have years of experience putting ourselves last so we need to find ways to change that just a little at a time.:thumbdown:

We can do this!

I hope to see everyone at the meeting in November!

Take Care,


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:thumbdown: Hi everyone. I wanted to stop by and share, since there are probably newbies, as well as experienced bandsters who can use some encouragement in their Journey.

My last fill, in mid-September, found my sweet spot. The first weeks were pretty rough, and I was sick once, or twice, a week. I absolutely cannot eat any leftovers. Phyllis (Faulkner dietitian) told me this is because refrigeration dries the food out. While I have avoided everything bandsters say are troublesome, since I absolutely do not want to lose my band by eating all wrong, there were adjustments to be made.

So, once I got a handle on what to avoid, and found the amount of food I could eat, and not overdo it, the weight just started to fly off. When I walk down the street, fat cells are dropping off me onto the sidewalk!!! :thumbup:

I have 7+ cc now in 14 cc Allergan, and since surgery, on June 4th, I have dropped from 278 to 252. Much of it in the past 6 weeks! So 3 fills got me to this point and I am working it. People are noticing. Men are noticing me again, mainly they are looking twice when they see my face. I have had to start telling my girlfriends, as they want to know my secret. Initially I tell them how I have not had carbs (Pasta bread etc) since May - and they wonder how I have the willpower, a they do not, and I cannot hold back, and I let them know I have some help. Everyone knows an obese person or two who could benefit from our stories.

I hope all goes well for all of you, and me too, as we continue on our journey to normalcy!!!:thumbup:

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yeah! its so great to see all the post esp to hear from FMSlim.:thumbdown:

Glad you got to restriction FMS...whats your fill level now.? Ive read that its usually around the 1/2 point of the band (ie 5ccs for the 10cc band and 7 for the 14cc). Im around 8.1 and I dont think I can go over 8.5ccs.

L2TI kinda like B+W for my appts bc I seem to get more face time with Dr. V....dont ask me why

Great weight lost ibelieve!, it takes a while to get used to how people react to your wieght loss.

When I dont journal or put myself first (thats usually bc of work) and skip the gym....I dont loose. Been using the dailyplate.com bc its free for about a year and from that Ive determined that "I" need to have my intake around 1,000 calories. Sometimes I go over but I keep that as my target. Most helpful thing of journaling is looking back and seeing and where the weight loss occurred and what I was doing during the most successful times

The diet they provided us pre-op says 1200-1500 I think,

I cant say it ever gets easier but I know if I didn't have this band I would have never been able to do this.

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Great to "see" you, Tanya!!! Wondered where you've been. I hope you guys will come out to the Faulkner for a meeting. I just can't deal with parking issues......Please?

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Hello Everyone!

I got a friendly reminder from Mel to come back and post or she'd hunt me down like a dog in the streets.

To be honest, It would seem I've almost given up on the band. I haven't been to a dr's appointment in 2 months when Dr. R. told me he wanted to take some of my fill out. He thought I was overfilled and was eating softer foods that are higher in calories, which would account for me not losing weight. He might be right, because I typically get food stuck once a day, at least. But I don't want my fill taken out. I know i'm not losing weight, but if I have some taken out what if I gain weight? I know that the band is adjustable and we could just put it back in, but for some reason the thought scares me. I don't want to gain weight!

I haven't been keeping track of my calories, my portions of making sure I get to the gym. Working at a college september and october are very busy months, but I'm hoping that I can try to get back on track, probably starting with going to a meeting at faulkner... when is it in november?

The things I have the most trouble with are gauging portion size. I eat at restaurants a lot (I know, I shouldn't. Not only are the portions sizes huge, the calories through the roof, but it's also really expensive.) I have got to be firmer with my friends that not everything we do needs to include a meal. Typically when we're making plans everyone is very busy so we'll agree to meet for dinner or lunch, but that has to stop. What do you guys bring to work for your lunches? I've tried the smart ones/lean cuisines, but most of those (that I like anyways) are Pasta based and I have a real problem with pasta when it's microwaved. If it's boiled pasta or made fresh I can handle it as long as I chew well.

I'm just a mess and didn't want to bother the board with my inability to make it work. I thought I would bring down the people who are going through the process of trying to get the band or make it work. I should probably make an appointment with Phyllis.

But good to "see" everyone again!

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Jay---it's so go to "see" you! You absolutely NEED to make it to a support group. When I was at wit's end, going really helped. We've all been in your situation, some of us longer than others.

The reason Dr. R wants to take fill out is because he's concerned that you're eating foods that slide, rather than those that make you feel full faster---with more bulk. If that's not the case, and it's not to tight, but you're making bad food choices, just tell him that. I did in my last visit. This is when his odd personality is truly a benefit---he's not at all judgmental and didn't give me a hard time. He's not there to judge. He's there to make the band work for you.

In the end, the band is there for you when you're ready to use it. I have had months on end when I haven't been able to give it the time and attention it needs. BUT, I know it's there for me when I'm ready to start focusing on it again. I hope you'll come to realize the same.

Eating out can be really hard. Working out is even harder. I really enjoy the Smart Ones turkey and mashed potatoes. I can't tolerate any veggies, so I don't buy meals that have them. I also can't eat any Pasta. If you at least order meals out that have some kind of meat and try to avoid the pastas....then eat the meat first, you will be better off. Another thing I do when eating out is ordering only an appetizer. Just a warning, though---I can't do sliders. The meat gets tougher than would a larger burger. I just can't tolerate the meat like that. If you can tolerate veggies, try something bulky, like a salad. Even if you don't count calories or exercise, if you at least follow the "rules" of Protein first, followed by veggies, then carbs, you'll get closer to making sure you're not eating around the band.

Let's be honest----none of us has had any success with Portion Control in the past, but calories do count. Try focusing on one aspect a month and working with making that change. I think far too often we've all tried to go from eating like the morbidly obese we have been and then tried to move to 1200-1500 calories. That's just setting yourself up for failure. Make small changes and they'll add up. Don't get down on yourself. If it were easy, Oprah would have done it first.....

Hope to see you in November. The meeting at the Faulkner is on the 9th (I will be in Aruba....) and the Brigham is November 17th. I guess I'll be at the Brigham this month after all! :sad:

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Jay Im glad you came and posted and dont feel like you are bring us down. This is why this thread exists.

Everything that L2t posted is exactly what I would say. Listen to her, she is a wise women.

I have a really hard time eating out with friends and family too. I try to avoid it. Seem to do better on the weekdays at the office when I can bring my lunch and control it. I dont do most frozen dinners either, they get tough when heated. Things for lunch:yogurt, cheese sticks, oatmeal, cottage cheese with marinara, chicken pot pie (bad I know), tunafish, chicken salad, green salads, Fiber one or yogurt bars, mini rice cakes, granola dry, and a TON of Campbells Soup at hand. Im not sure what I can tolerate now but I dont do well with fruits but canned veggies are fine.

Go back to Dr R and see about taking some of that fill out.Ik know it feels like your degressing but you're not.

If what you are doing isnt working then why keep on doing it?

hahah guess what? I cant make the B+W meeting on the 17th bc of a work meeting in NY.


Edited by tinywishes123

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since my fill on Tuesday I really dont feel all that hungry. Yesterday I forgot to eat lunch. Um what? Reminds me of what it felt like after surgery.

I know it may not last, and actually I expect it to go away. I mean Ive had a band for 2 years now and its still a learning process.

So I would guess Im in the "green zone" right? Ive been getting stuck and pbing for months when I ate too much or the wrong thing (chips are my downfall). Thats restriction right? So you can have restriction but still not be in the green zone????

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Appreciate the restriction you have today and stop worrying about what might happen, Tiny!!! If you're not going to the Brigham, I'll likely skip this month---unless I know others who will be there....anyone? anyone??

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Hi Everyone,

I'm like 6 weeks post-op now and scheduled for my first fill tomorrow (monday) I'm terrified and am thinking of canceling. I am having such anxiety over getting stuck. I can eat anything and this weekend I've been enjoying left over halloween candy and birthday cake. I've lost 32 lbs and I know I'll gain from this weekend and I feel ok about it, cuz I know I haven't been good this weekend. Part of the reason is I'm very hungry the past few days. I have a week every month (girl thing) where I am just ravenous and I think this is the week.

I'm still having pain in my port area and sometimes the pain is so piercing, it takes my breath away. I sometimes feel when I'm at work or just on my feet alot, it bulges out and it's just so tender. Very weird, but also part of the reason I don't want to get it poked tomorrow. The other part and I'll be honest is that I am going out to eat at a restaurant friday night, for a belated b-day dinner with family, which is very rare with working evenings and having 2 kids. I NEVER go out to eat I just want to go and enjoy it and not stress. Know what I mean? I would like to say I will be at the meeting this month, but we'll see. I work in Boston and hate driving in when I don't have to, but I know I should go!

Jay welcome back, good to hear from you. Hang in there, you can do this. You didn't have surgery for nothing right? For the record, I don't feel like you are bringing me down, since I'm a newbie. It's one day and one meal at a time.


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I hope you'll still go for your first fill. First, K8 had a bad experience with her fill, but I don't know anyone else who had an experience like that. It's not nearly as bad as I anticipated, and I think many will agree.

Regarding being able to eat on Friday---it's HIGHLY unlikely that you'll have a fill that will be noticeable for your first fill. I was able to eat just about anything until my 3rd or 4th fill. Don't let fear hold you back. I still get funky port pain every once in a while and I was banded nearly 2 years ago. (Yes, some are sharp and pretty painful, too!) Hope you decide to go. Even if you did have a lot of restriction from your fill (and I doubt you will....) you have had years of excuses for not doing what you should do. Don't let this be another one. You've taken the first step by getting the band. Work it. There will be many, many other parties. The food will eventually come second to the socializing. I was at a surprise birthday party tonight and spent so much time talking that I didn't bother to eat. Congrats on your weight loss thus far. Keep up the good work!! :scared2:

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I hope you'll still go for your first fill. First, K8 had a bad experience with her fill, but I don't know anyone else who had an experience like that. It's not nearly as bad as I anticipated, and I think many will agree.

Regarding being able to eat on Friday---it's HIGHLY unlikely that you'll have a fill that will be noticeable for your first fill. I was able to eat just about anything until my 3rd or 4th fill. Don't let fear hold you back. I still get funky port pain every once in a while and I was banded nearly 2 years ago. (Yes, some are sharp and pretty painful, too!) Hope you decide to go. Even if you did have a lot of restriction from your fill (and I doubt you will....) you have had years of excuses for not doing what you should do. Don't let this be another one. You've taken the first step by getting the band. Work it. There will be many, many other parties. The food will eventually come second to the socializing. I was at a surprise birthday party tonight and spent so much time talking that I didn't bother to eat. Congrats on your weight loss thus far. Keep up the good work!! :)

Thanks Paige,

Ok so I listened to you and I went for my fill, It really wasn't as bad, still tender and you really can feel my port so I think it would be hard to not get it the first try.

He put in 4 cc's, so I'm on liquids for 2 days and slowly back into food. I go back again in 4 weeks for another, but thanks for saying it, I needed to hear it and yes it was another excuse. I've gained about 4 lbs over the past week, but back on it today and i'm sure the shakes over the next 2 days will help get me back. He said I'm doing very well and is pleased with my progress so far. I think I'm gonna just do the faulkner from now on, all my appointements there have been much less chaotic!

Hope everyone is well!

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I'm so glad you decided to go! I think you'll realize that you really wanted someone to say that to you, or you wouldn't have put it out here for us. :) Wasn't trying to be mean, just supportive and I hope it came off that way.

How was your fill? How did it feel? Do you feel any different?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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