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Thank you SingingInTheRain and Luv2Teech7! I have eaten my 8 oz of Soup, ff pudding and low fat milk, washed my make up off, put my PJs on, packed a couple of things, removed my nail polish, and am ready to go. Surgery tomorrow at 11:00 am at the Faulkner. Ready or not...here I come! Ciao all~

Good luck today. Send out an update when you feel up to it. :thumbdown:)

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So, I can't remember if I posted this or not, but when I went in last week for my "final" appt before surgery - I had gained 4 lbs. Dr. Robinson was not happy and told me I had to lose it by today or else my surgery would be postponed. I went today and I lost SEVEN!! So, I am a go for May 13th! yay!

K8 - the psych is a JOKE! make sure you leave yourself enough time because she schedules 3 appts at the same time and takes you in order of arrival. and luv2tch was right, answer yes, to everything, except of course "Do you hear voices?" and "Do you want to hurt yourself or others?" lol.

I've determined that I am one hell of an emotional eater. Since I have been doing the pre-op diet since last Wednesday, I have had some emotional battles and boy, what I wouldn't give for a cheesburger! But, I'm actually liking the shakes.

luc2tch - I think it was you who recommended Unjury. I got the chocolate, vanilla and raspberry sorbet. I also like the Atkins Advantage strawberry - yum! I don't like EAS carb control - they taste like bad Water. The Trader Joe's World Protein is good, if you pour it out of the can and then there is always my fav, Carnation Instant Breakfast..or CIB as I write in my food diary.

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So, I can't remember if I posted this or not, but when I went in last week for my "final" appt before surgery - I had gained 4 lbs. Dr. Robinson was not happy and told me I had to lose it by today or else my surgery would be postponed. I went today and I lost SEVEN!! So, I am a go for May 13th! yay!

K8 - the psych is a JOKE! make sure you leave yourself enough time because she schedules 3 appts at the same time and takes you in order of arrival. and luv2tch was right, answer yes, to everything, except of course "Do you hear voices?" and "Do you want to hurt yourself or others?" lol.

I've determined that I am one hell of an emotional eater. Since I have been doing the pre-op diet since last Wednesday, I have had some emotional battles and boy, what I wouldn't give for a cheesburger! But, I'm actually liking the shakes.

luc2tch - I think it was you who recommended Unjury. I got the chocolate, vanilla and raspberry sorbet. I also like the Atkins Advantage strawberry - yum! I don't like EAS carb control - they taste like bad Water. The Trader Joe's World Protein is good, if you pour it out of the can and then there is always my fav, Carnation Instant Breakfast..or CIB as I write in my food diary.

Congrats on the weightloss! I lost 11 in 4 months...so he gave me a fill...and now I'm thinking that--right before my 5K--wasn't a good idea. Hoping to get something down tonight, even water would be nice at this point. I called Jennifer 3 times today to see if I could get in for an unfill and she never returned any of my calls. I don't think it's an "emergency" because it's only been 24 hours without being able to eat/drink, so I'm not dehydrated or vomiting....

Regarding the protein powders---I found that mixing more than one in a shake gave me the protein I needed and didn't taste all that differently. I often added the Unjury unflavored with other stuff, but now I have the Designer whey and add that to the CIB shake......it adds an extra 18 grams of protein with only like 80-100 extra calories. FAR easier!

As far as the cheeseburger goes---you'll be able to have plenty of those in a few weeks. Don't stress over the foods you'll never eat again. You WILL eat them again. :thumbup:

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Thank you Paige and Mel! I actually have Harvard pilgrim ppo, hopefully I’ll find someone. I know this sounds odd but going through the website and seeing which doctors I can see, all of their names sound old. I don’t want an old person.

Anyways I currently have some kind of respiratory infection/cold/flu from an animal that’s supposed to be nice, or whatever, and I have found that the band seems tighter after a major coughing fit, and it just tighter in general as opposed to when I didn’t have a cold. So… for people who haven’t had a cold yet… keep that in your back pocket.

Paige, just as an aside, after the last meeting I reactivated my face book account and blame you for the time I spent at work on there. If I get fired, you better be able to support me.

Oh! Here’s a fun story. When I was in college I was in a co-ed fraternity. I know, I know, I definitely seem the frat guy type don’t I? Well the point is I was in one. And I lost touch with the people I was in with, mainly because after college you don’t necessarily want to be reminded of all the stupid stuff you did in college (like joining a fraternity on a whim). So anyway I’m perusing face book and this girl that was in the frat I lost touch with after she moved to nyc to be a standup comedian. I’m watching her stuff on you tube and notice she has some more videos, I look them over and find out that she made these lap band videos documenting her process, much like the ones I watched before I had the surgery. So I immediately face book messaged her and then she called me and we talked for about an hour all about the band (she had hers last june) and that’s my fun story about the band. Ok, maybe this story wasn’t fun at all, but who cares, it was an entertaining read wasn’t it?

I know the month is young but is anyone going to either of the support groups this month?

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Thank you Paige and Mel! I actually have Harvard pilgrim ppo, hopefully I’ll find someone. I know this sounds odd but going through the website and seeing which doctors I can see, all of their names sound old. I don’t want an old person.

Anyways I currently have some kind of respiratory infection/cold/flu from an animal that’s supposed to be nice, or whatever, and I have found that the band seems tighter after a major coughing fit, and it just tighter in general as opposed to when I didn’t have a cold. So… for people who haven’t had a cold yet… keep that in your back pocket.

Paige, just as an aside, after the last meeting I reactivated my face book account and blame you for the time I spent at work on there. If I get fired, you better be able to support me.

Oh! Here’s a fun story. When I was in college I was in a co-ed fraternity. I know, I know, I definitely seem the frat guy type don’t I? Well the point is I was in one. And I lost touch with the people I was in with, mainly because after college you don’t necessarily want to be reminded of all the stupid stuff you did in college (like joining a fraternity on a whim). So anyway I’m perusing face book and this girl that was in the frat I lost touch with after she moved to nyc to be a standup comedian. I’m watching her stuff on you tube and notice she has some more videos, I look them over and find out that she made these lap band videos documenting her process, much like the ones I watched before I had the surgery. So I immediately face book messaged her and then she called me and we talked for about an hour all about the band (she had hers last june) and that’s my fun story about the band. Ok, maybe this story wasn’t fun at all, but who cares, it was an entertaining read wasn’t it?

I know the month is young but is anyone going to either of the support groups this month?

YES! I need support...and probably a Facebook users anonymous support group, too. I, on the other hand, have been trying to sign in on there maybe once or twice a day this week. More judicious with my time...focusing more on finding me a mate!!! :thumbup:

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msdollarz: where did you get your Unjury other than online?

Jay...not comical at all...I think it is 'romantic banding' !

l2t: it is very difficult to get through to the office and find live help these days. I never leave a message because I have Never had one returned yet. My plan of action is to call and leave my request, then call again 3-4 days later and then the ball STARTS rolling. It is not easy scheduling appointments.

I think the good dr could use another secretary part time these busy days. Jen IS busy.

I am going to the Faulkner meeting this month. I will be there sporting my little Canon digital to beg some brave soul to snap a few BEFORE photos for me.

I get banded at Faulk on the 28th. Hopefully will get an appt next week to see the good doc R and the anesthetist(or is it the anesthesiologist)? ANyway...running thru hoops to get these appts scheduled over the phone. But I am used to that.

My concern is..what if I have a serious 'stuck' problem or pain problem after banding(I don't do well with pain)?! Will I ever be able to reach the 'source of help' or will I end up dealing with a Resident in the ER who knows nothing about Banding? THAT thought troubles me..big time.

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Singin - I got the Unjury online.

So, I'm pissed. my employer just told me they are switching to Blue Cross on June 1. This doesn't effect my surgery because it is May 13 but what about the follow-ups? Does anyone have Blue Cross HMO Blue? How does it work with the fills? I LOVE Harvard Pilgrim and I am really bummed that we are switching. I'm also really nervous that this is going to cost me an arm and a leg!

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That can be upsetting when so close and a feeling of insecurity for the future.

Have you looked into the cost of a fill out of pocket? Anyone on the board know?

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Jay I do know what you mean about looking at the names and not wanting and old person...that was part of the problem with the lady I started seeing. She was older and I dont think could relate to me at all.

I am really hooked on Facebook (just ask Paige) but the problem is the doodlebop (idiot in my office) was on it so much that they did ban it....now I have to access it from my cell phone. :)

fyi I am in a National sorority and Im still involved as a board memeber. We arent co-ed but we do have brothers....actually we have a chapter at your BSC. We'll have to talk more. :unsure:

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That can be upsetting when so close and a feeling of insecurity for the future.

Have you looked into the cost of a fill out of pocket? Anyone on the board know?

sorry I didnt reply before....this is a question you need to ask your new insurance.. Bc you will not have a break in insurance coverage I do not think they can deny you.

From what I know surgical follow up co-pays post op are usually at no charge for 90 days....if you arent certain then ask when you check in bc they will take your money regardless.

I asked my Dr what would I do if I didnt have insurance and she said we would work something out and it would work out to be similar to an the cost of an office exam

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Jay I do know what you mean about looking at the names and not wanting and old person...that was part of the problem with the lady I started seeing. She was older and I dont think could relate to me at all.

I am really hooked on Facebook (just ask Paige) but the problem is the doodlebop (idiot in my office) was on it so much that they did ban it....now I have to access it from my cell phone. :glare:

fyi I am in a National sorority and Im still involved as a board memeber. We arent co-ed but we do have brothers....actually we have a chapter at your BSC. We'll have to talk more. :eek:

We will definitely have to! Are you going to the brig support group this month? I don't even know when it is, but I hope to be there.

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We will definitely have to! Are you going to the brig support group this month? I don't even know when it is, but I hope to be there.

I'm pretty sure it's not this coming week, but the following week....

Ok...In just two and a half hours I'll start my first 5 K. I'm not usually a nervous person, but I'm seriously shi***ng bricks....this was never one of my goals after surgery, but who'd have thought? A year and a half ago I weighed 314 and this was never even a fantasy for me!!!! Say a prayer for me around 10 this morning.... :glare:

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Vivid...how are you doing?

Hi Singingintherain and Friends,

Yeah, home and banded! Alas, I have my tale of woe to share, just this once and will look only forward from this time on.... So I get my band and now it's time for the Upper GI to be sure liquid is getting through the band and nothing! Arghhh... Then it's the waiting game... will they have to go in again and expand the band? A few hours later my doctor orders a steroid shot to reduce swelling around the band and they xrayed my abdomen in two views to see if they can spot liquid in my stomach and they did! Phew..home free but it meant staying an extra night so I could begin stage 2 again in the morning, so be it but of course the dollar signs start appearing in my head. (The insurance company will not be pleased). But not so fast...I threw up my first Stage 2 meal the next morning and had to stay in the hospital another night until I could keep stage 2 down. Good news, I came home yesterday. Staying the extra couple of days I am sure is a blessing since I was pampered and monitored more than if sent home next day. I came home to a huge bill from B and W from preop- thought everything was paid. Must sort that out. My surgery was at Faulkners...kudos to the staff there...they were wonderful! Ok so on to how I feel. Taking pain reliever every 4 hours. Have a little pain around the port as expected. Learning how to sip and am recognizing "over sips" and the need to be aware of everything I put in my mouth. My belly is full of gas...the noises coming out are comical. My Yorkies enjoy listening to it and sometimes bark at it! On a personal note, I am afraid to simply go with the flow less I experience a pudding surprise if you know what I mean. My husband will clear off the treadmill today (my clothes hanger) and I will try to walk 5 minutes every couple of hours to walk some of the gas out. I certainly haven't lost any weight over the last couple of days that I can see. I think I am bloated like a balloon. I feel serene though. I feel like I had a problem for so many years and have finally dealt with it in a mature way that will get me results. I don't feel anxious about food. My husband feels like he has to eat in secret so as not to tempt me. I assure him that I have no desire for it. I know that I will have my cravings but I also imagine my tiny little opening in my stomach and think I might have a little but I won't have a lot (when I can eat). I am certain I will go through many feelings and emotions over the next few months. If you don't mind, I will share them with all of you...get them out in print and decide if they are simply felings in the moment or representative of something more serious that must be faced and dealt with if I am to become that strong, healthy person I so want to be.

I will say that this was the right thing to do for me. Finally I feel a sense of control and hope for a better future. I am proud of myself for sticking to it and getting to this point. It is quite an accomplishment and I am in the self-congratulating stage of my adventure!!!

This was sort of a stream of conciousness post. I hope you will all forgive me for rambling. I can and will be more concise from now on. I swear I am still feeling residual anesthesia fuzziness even after all these days.

Best wishes to all for a lovely weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms and Grandmoms.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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