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Some can live like that..I can't. That's why I am getting banded...to HELP me control my hunger in a SANE way.

I hear you loud and clear on that!

I gained all of this weight because all of the weight I lost on Phen-Fen, and then Phen, and then nothing but starvation to be 150 lbs. I just got tired of the weight battle and starving myself, and I was emotionally drained after a divorce... and I had a boyfriend who I know now was sadistic and cruel... but long story short, I just gave up. And then severe asthma and prednisone really made me amenable to packing on the pounds. I am trying to look at food as a life giving blessing and gift that can also be unhealthy for most anyone, based on what we now know.

I was referred to the book Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes, and he has brought together all of the information, starting in the 1800's, of the effects of simple carbs on health and weight. If we have the simple carbs in moderation, mindfully, then those yummy goodies will not get to our asses, even with the band. So my goal is to find a healthy medium, depriving myself of the defeatist "I am a loser anyway I might as well eat all the sweets I can stomach, instead of dinner" attitudes.

And you are right, one slip is not the diet killer, it is a defeated attitude that takes you back to square one.

Right now, the band is my hope for a normal life. Everyone deserves a shot, even those who do not think they deserve it.

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I want to hear all about this appointment! Jay, I love reading your postings. They always make me laugh so hard!! Hope you had a super dinner! :)

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Hey just wanted to post, I have my first consult with Dr. Robinson today! So excited and yet nervous. I was looking at pictures and other posts on this website last night. Very inspirational and also a bit emotional too.

Have a great day everyone!

woooo whoooo!!!! This is your first step in the right direction!!!! :w00t: I LOVE my band!!!!!

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Have you had hour thyroid checked? I know mine needs to be regulated when I can see my scalp. Other things affect this, too, not just protein---seasonal changes, hormonal changes, etc. Even with the band, you should be getting adequate nutrition. Are you taking a Multivitamin? ??

I have had my thyroid checked many times in my life & it has always been normal before. I take 2 Flinstones daily. I could be doing better at getting a more balanced diet. :w00t: I'll talk to Dr. Vernon about it next time. I got my app. rescheduled for monday.

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The mental battles during this pre-op dieting phase come and go... some days are better than others. Some days I am wicked hungry, literally my cells are screaming for carbs.

I am a little proud of myself because yesterday I went to see two different movies at two different theaters, and of course I am assaulted by the smells, hot dogs, popcorn with butter, pizza, candy etc etc etc. Not to mention the Chili's restaurant next to the theater in Burlington. I resisted all of it. I took my 4 o'clock Liquid Protein at 4 while I watched Kate Winslet in The Reader, and also ate my pre-peeled and sectioned 2 pm orange to get me past everyone snacking on popcorn and candy all around me.

I had chicken breast and some carb neutral vegetables for dinner before going to the second movie, and gum during the movie. Of course the thoughts constantly surfaced, picture a devil on my shoulder "go ahead, have a small popcorn with butter, you can make up for it tomorrow" and the angel popping up on the other shoulder saying "yeah, go ahead, and have something and make it up later". That is when I realize that I am on my own, and this struggle will carry on all of my life, and the band will be a tool to help me win the little battles it takes to actually win the war. But the biggest tool I am finding is the mind, and learning to fight it out, and do without is making me a stronger person, better prepared.

Dr. R. will be surprised at the scale reading when I come in on the 10th for a weigh in. I am determined to get my surgery date, especially with this economic uncertainty. The sooner I get this done, the better, while I am fortunate to have the insurance that has been approved already...

WTG!!! You should be proud for holding your ground & not giving in! Believe ME I've been there MANY times myself....we all have. I don't always go the right way either. Glad your doing well.

As for me, I'm getting a bit frustrated w/ myself. I have been going up & down w/ the same 2-3 lbs for ages now :w00t:!!! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I really wish I could of gotten my fill today but now I gotta wait another week & I can really feel the hunger coming back. :frown:

On a higher note.....I DID go to the gym again today :thumbup:.

Luvs2~ I could not bring myself to RUN on the tredmil YET. All I could picture was me flying off it lol!!! :)

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Had my appointment today, and i'm on mushy foods! I'd write more but I have to go have dinner, actual food, I'm so excited!

Hey Jay, 38.2 pounds. Way to go. We must have just missed each other yesterday. My appt. was @ 1:30 and then I met with the Nutritionist. I was there till about 3:15.

Anywho! I have to go back in 4 weeks. Lose 15 -20lbs, plan a damn sleep study. (I'm so nervous about that, don't sleep well and other places, but that's another story) Think I can request some ativan or just take a sleeping pill? LOL

I also have to have the upper gi and meet with the head doc.

I'm glad I got all your opinions on Dr. Robinson before I met him face to face.. LOL I went in expecting the worst and my B/P and heart rate were through the roof. He was actually nice, looked me in the eye and smiled! :smile:

So, now I just need to book these appointments and I'm on my way!

Do I have to lose the 15-20 lbs before I get a date scheduled, he is telling me it's about a 2 month wait as it is, so I'm looking at May or June, if he schedules me at my next appt. :cursing:

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I knew you would not be flustered at your initial consult.

I had mine about 3 weeks ago with Dr Robinson.

I called several times because I had not heard from his office for 2 weeks and this week I made sure I called again to schedule SOMETHING , at least.

Anyway I did get my study dates for the end of March. I requested that they be on the same day(except for the sleep study, of course). It saves on parking there at the Brigh. or the Faulk.

Then I go back in April to see him. He told me to lose 10-15 lbs between the initial cons. and the time I return to him on April 14th.

Eight of those are gone. I don;t want to lose it all and then regain it as is the usual story, so I am doing it slowly.

I have a past history of blitzing off weight and then regaining..PLUS MORE. Doing it too fast and in a frenzy. Not a lifestyle, but a race to get into a certain outfit for a certain occaission type of thing. We have all been there, I know.

Anyway...just wanted to say that I had to call and call in order to get things rolling. Otherwise, I think I'd still be waiting for the dates.

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Sorry for the lack of posting everyone, but I am exhausted. I went back to work on tuesday and boy has it taken a lot out of me. However, since no one knows that I had the band everyone has been really nice as they all think I had this really invasive surgery.

the appointment the other day was fine, I was excited to learn that there was no co-pay for the first appointment after surgery. The trouble starts when I go to get weighed. I get on the scale and see the number and the nurse goes "ok you're up 2lbs. not bad." And... I'm actually down 18lbs since I last officially weighed. So I ask, "Are you sure, what was the last weight you had for me." and she repeats it back to me and I look down on the scale and it's clearly 18lbs less than what she said. So then she says. "It's not a big deal, it's difficult to lose weight especially in the winter, you'll do better next time." At this point, I'm looking for the candid camera and thinking what a mean joke this is, especially for an overweight person and then she says "Oh, I did that math wrong, I'm sorry you lost 18lbs!" and she's so apparently happy for me and I'm not liking her anymore at this point but I have to fake being happy with her anyways.

So I go back into the exam room and the nurse is taking my vitals, and here's the thing... I know they try to make small talk to calm people down and to make things just run smoother, but if you haven't read up on the patient, don't discuss their surgery with them. Let's just go ahead and make that a rule. I go in and the nurse starts taking my blood pressure and making me put my finger in that that thing that tells you your pulse and oxygen percentage, and she's talking and goes "So are you excited for surgery? You're having the bypass right?" and I say, "No, I had the band put in on the 12th" To which she replies, "Oh, ok so you're here for a fill today!" and I honestly didn't know if I was, I didn't think I was, but who knows maybe if you're really overweight like I am you get a fill 10 days out. Who knows? So I'm sitting there now confused and she's preparing the room for something, (what? I don't know) and she leaves and comes back with a cup of Water and says "After the fill Dr.Robinson might want you to swallow some water, if he does it's right here." And now I'm getting worried because I had had my liquids for the day and I'm not sure if you're supposed to eat before a fill or what.

So Dr. Robinson comes in and says "how are you feeling?" I say "I feel ok." He nods and sits at the computer and does some data entry while I sit there and watch wondering if I should try to make small talk. I decide against it. After a long silent five minutes pass he looks over at me and says "Ok let's see the scars." He looks at them and pokes around and says "these look good, they should heal nicely as long as you don't pick at them." I don't know why he would assume my new pasttime would be picking at my surgery wounds but ok, thanks for the information. And then he tells me to make an appointment for four weeks from now and have a good day. So March 17th will be my first fill. That day was exhausting.

But since i have returned to work I have found the soreness of the port area has grown exponentially. Is this normal, when you move more you get more sore? I think it's the getting in and out of the car, the up and down from my desk, and other motions I go through and forget to take it easy on that area.

I don't like this mushy food diet. I'm really ready to start trying regular foods again. Did anyone not stick to the post-op diet? I don't mean that I'm going to have a 32 oz. steak or anything like that anytime soon but this diet plan they have me on now is like 8:oo a.m. have 2 oz. eggs, 10 have pudding, 12 have 2 oz. chicken for lunch.... all the way through the day I'd like some variety or something. I think I'm starting to worry that this will be the rest of my life, 2 oz of chicken for lunch every day forever. And I don't think i can handle that because I have to cook that the night before and heat it up at work and it doesn't taste that good. Hopefully I can make it through.

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I had prime rib for Christmas Dinner....surgery was on December 12th. :tt2: I know I wasn't supposed to...but I had pretty much full food after 2 weeks....no issues, but that was my experience. YOU might have issues. Don't take my experience as what will happen to you. I wouldn't want you to have to visit Dr. Robinson to have something removed and have you tell him it was because I suggested it!!! :thumbup:

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Oh Jay, I'm sorry you had a crappy post op visit. People are stupid. I feel the same way about my doctor sometimes. I think she has NO idea who I am because she has soooo many people she see's. I'm always in & out no convo or anything & I have to drive atleast

1- 1/2 hrs to get there. The day of my surgery I saw her for one second right before & then after I didn't see her AT ALL while I was in the hospitol! It just makes me feel like a number KWIM?

As for the port question YES mine was fine then did get worse after a bit. When I bent over it felt like the incision was going to rip open! DON'T BEND OVER!!!!! :tt2:

I did cheat a bit on my post op diet too. I had soft food I could really chew up. Like luvs2 said don't do what I did. You don't want to start a downward spiral. :lol:

Awesome job w/ the weightloss!!!! :tongue:

Don't feel like this is the rest of your life. You will change your eating & eating habits but it will get somewhat back to "Nornal" for you. I can basically eat want I want now. Sometimes this is NOT a good thing. :thumbup: Hang in there! Be happy about your weight loss! You will feel better as you lose more! :wink2:

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Although I haven't been Banded yet, Jay, I am rooting for you. Hang in there. You may be hungry, but look at the weight you have lost! My day is coming. Actually. I wish it were closer.

Again...just look at all the weight you have lost. Get ready to go shopping! This summer you are going to feel so much more confident in the summer clothes. I find that time of year is a challenge to Amples such as myself.

One day I went in to see my PC doc and as usual, the assistant came in to take my blood pressure. This was a new gal. When I asked her how it read , she almost knocked me over with the numbers!

It was so low I should have been 2 breaths away from death! Really!...and she nonchalantly jotted the numbers down and went on her merry way...not a clue!

The doctor came back in and took it 5 min later..the usual procedure..and it was my usual reading. Needless to say, she didn't last long there at the clinic.

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New to this thread..I can't tell you HOW excited I am. I have wanted the lapband for a little over a year - but my dh was very opposed. Then one day in Jan. he was like "if you want it - get it" I ran to the phone and made an appt with Dr. Robinson. I liked him the best from the orientation.

So, I have my first appointment with him on March 17th. I am seeing the nutrionist first at 8am and then Dr. R at 9am. I have Harvard Pilgrim and Jennifer said they have a really quick approval time, so I am hoping I can get the surgery in April. Although, I know some people have to lose weight - can someone tell me how often that occurs? Or does it solely depend on your current weight? I'm just nervous that if he makes me loose weight I won't qualify. I am at a 41 B.M.I.

I want this so bad..I'm also nervous that I am going to say something wrong and he is going to say I don't qualify. If you have acid reflux does that mean you won't qualify? I read that somewhere on the boards. I do have crohn's (mild case) but my GI doc would do the surgery for me if she could - she is a big supporter of me getting this.

ohhhh...I wish I could have the surgery tomorrow..there will be no cold feet for me!

P.S. I love this board!!

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yes it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and feel like a number. So the burden is on YOU . If you are unsure of something ASK, they cannot read your mind. I know it feels like you wait and wait and then the Drs seem so rushed but it’s still your responsibility to get the most out of YOUR office visit. The Drs are there to serve you so make sure you leave that office a satisfied customer. I’ve had too many problems with Drs not listening to me in the past...not anymore.

Jay I DO not recommend that you stray from the diet at all. I did slightly and who knows if is contributed to my slip. Maybe you can be creative? I bought a food strainer to strain foods like canned beef Soup, so all I was eating was the liquid (more like a gravy) but just the change was enough to satisfy me. As you move more you may feel your port and be sore, remember you are still healing there.

Hello and welcome msdollaz

***Also before I forget you should NOT have to pay a co-pay for 90 days from the day of your operation***

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msdollaz this was the only question I had prior to surgery bc I had learned so much from this website.

The weight at your consultation is the one they will submit to the insurance. So any weight you lose prior to surgery but after they submit paper work, is not part of your insurance approval.

Edited by tinywishes123

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