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This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

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But you have to admit, there is kinda more to that story. With ANY WLS type you have to do your part, too. Even DSers have to watch carb intake or they stink and gain weight.

I think that is the biggest problem I have with DSers other than the obvious. They make it seem like they can eat anything and never gain a pound. They are just like RNY, LB, or sleeves, they have to watch what they put in their mouths.

I just think that the attitude here in lapland is the same as the attitude there in obesityland I don't see any difference between the two forums, there's a feeling of "mine is better than yours and mine works better than yours" in both forums so why attack each other, it seems silly and weird that the people here don't see the same thing in themselves IMHO.

Froggi went over and baited them anyway I saw her original post and came back here to share about it, what does that tell you? We're all drawn into WLS for a variety of reasons, some of us have had revisions and others, like myself have a daughter who had a different procedure than myself. We're also seeking out information and the pettiness that often goes on is not conducive to support, IMHO, Nancy:frown:

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You didn't really stick up for me. You were on the DS board asking why I was giving them shit, when you didn't know half of the story then you said I was weird and told them I was from LBT. Plus you were only on that forum to learn about DS. And they tried to convert you right away too.

You have half a memory Froggi, remember the book I sent you from Amazon because you couldn't afford to buy one and remember how people treated you meanly here on many an occasion and I went in to stick up for you, you have half a memory, I supported you from the beginning, I did not insult you I was trying to get you to not be baiting those people there just for the shits and giggles and have you attacked by THEM! I've given up on you, wish you well on your journey but that is all I have left to give! Nancy.

Edited by Nanook

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I just think that the attitude here in lapland is the same as the attitude there in obesityland I don't see any difference between the two forums, there's a feeling of "mine is better than yours and mine works better than yours" in both forums so why attack each other, it seems silly and weird that the people here don't see the same thing in themselves IMHO.

Froggi went over and baited them anyway I saw her original post and came back here to share about it, what does that tell you? We're all drawn into WLS for a variety of reasons, some of us have had revisions and others, like myself have a daughter who had a different procedure than myself. We're also seeking out information and the pettiness that often goes on is not conducive to support, IMHO, Nancy:frown:

This isn't a DS board, though. And nobody is going to the DS board and baiting them there or trying to convince them that they should have a Lap Band instead of DS. I saw the thread that Froggi posted on and she wasn't baiting them. She was seeking information, and as soon as she said she was getting a lap band, they sunk their teeth in and tore her apart. They do the same thing on their own boards for other procedures. Yesterday, someone over there started a thread specifically about this thread and many of them were saying they should invade LBT over it. Why do they care if we chose the Lap Band? Why do they care what anybody else chooses?

You know what they say...misery loves company. IMO, that's why they like to "recruit" for the DS.

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This isn't a DS board, though. And nobody is going to the DS board and baiting them there or trying to convince them that they should have a Lap Band instead of DS. I saw the thread that Froggi posted on and she wasn't baiting them. She was seeking information, and as soon as she said she was getting a lap band, they sunk their teeth in and tore her apart. They do the same thing on their own boards for other procedures. Yesterday, someone over there started a thread specifically about this thread and many of them were saying they should invade LBT over it. Why do they care if we chose the Lap Band? Why do they care what anybody else chooses?

You know what they say...misery loves company. IMO, that's why they like to "recruit" for the DS.

I read her posts there and here, I was there getting info actually and I really don't think she was there for that purpose do you really????? Come on:ohmy:. Anyway it's neither here nor there and it is here and there, they like to protect the surgery they had as well as people here who have been cracking jokes about them being smelly, gassy, shitting in their pants for many a page! I really don't care as I am not having the DS now neither do I plan too but you all are being very hypocritical and have a hard time seeing clearly IMHO, Nancy.

PS I'm not here for a fight and am not protecting OH but it at least affords people a place to get information if they choose to get revision surgery and are not only plugging one type. It may get heated in certain rooms just like it gets heated here and trust me I know personally how heated it can get here and try not to take it as personally as I once had as it's not really not worth it!

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I read her posts there and here, I was there getting info actually and I really don't think she was there for that purpose do you really????? Come on:ohmy:. Anyway it's neither here nor there and it is here and there, they like to protect the surgery they had as well as people here who have been cracking jokes about them being smelly, gassy, shitting in their pants for many a page! I really don't care as I am not having the DS now neither do I plan too but you all are being very hypocritical and have a hard time seeing clearly IMHO, Nancy.

Whether Froggi was really there to get information or not, she didn't start off attacking them. I also find it amazing that people would actually choose a surgery with such, IMO, horrific side effects when there are other successful surgeries available. It isn't something that was made up on this thread--awful smelling gas and poop is a documented side effect. It really amazes me the lengths people will go to in order to continue eating like crap.

Edited by JaimeSTL

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I just think that the attitude here in lapland is the same as the attitude there in obesityland I don't see any difference between the two forums, there's a feeling of "mine is better than yours and mine works better than yours" in both forums so why attack each other, it seems silly and weird that the people here don't see the same thing in themselves IMHO.

Froggi went over and baited them anyway I saw her original post and came back here to share about it, what does that tell you? We're all drawn into WLS for a variety of reasons, some of us have had revisions and others, like myself have a daughter who had a different procedure than myself. We're also seeking out information and the pettiness that often goes on is not conducive to support, IMHO, Nancy:frown:

Apples and oranges. You were whining about the thread where you were confronted on your own behaviors and you redirected your response to the above.

If you don't like what we are doing here, feel free to leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay. This is R&R, this is not a support board. If you want a support board feel free to go and find one.

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Oh, I don't know. What you say is true yet it isn't. You have to understand the history and been a member of OH band boards where banding couldn't even be discussed on the band boards because the stinky ones were taking over the threads. Every newbie was attacked and slam dunked for daring to consider a band. Those at goal were told they were liars and couldn't possibly be at goal. Others were telling at goal folks that there is no way they would stay at goal with a band. They still use old studies that were "completed" in the late 90s as today's results. There was a different surgical technique used then and people were indeed slipping and eroding left and right. They present these studies to today's noobs and tell them there is no way they can lose weight with a band.

They call it the laugh band, choke chain, leash, etc. You really had to see one of these threads where they were attacking banded folks in a banded forum for being so stupid, naive, and ignorant to get a band. They were like Fred Phelps recruiting newbies.

It was so bad OH banned a few of them, moderated many of them, and moved legit newbie threads to their R&R forum. Their R&R forum is NOTHING like this forum. Here you attack the idea and not the person. There, you attack the person and have fun doing it. These were newbies that were just trying to learn about their options that were attacked left and right. They still try to take over the band boards here and there but now people are fighting for their own board. It's a pity they have to fight to just discuss banding without the harassment of the stinky ones.

To imply we are doing the same is a bit of a stretch. Well, it's a hell of a stretch.

Oh give me a break, Wasa! Are you really going to try the "Awww...but Mom, they started it!!" line as an excuse for this thread? I guess it is on par for the maturity level shown in this thread. So they've called our band a "laugh band, choke chain" etc...so what? Are the responses in here of "stinky britches" or "farty pants" any better? All it needs now is for someone to say "you're a poopyhead" for the kindergarten repertoire of insults to be complete.

I understand that many of them seem to be attacking the band and bandsters, and agree that they seem incredibly judgemental, convinced that their own choice was the only right option and eager to point fingers at others and laugh... but I also see exactly that behaviour in here - almost 500 posts of it. "But they're doing it tooooo!! And they're meaner than me!! *whine*" is not much of an excuse really.

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Exactly Fanny!!!!!

And Wasa, you don't know anything about me physically, emotionally, or mentally. People can takes bits and pieces of anything they want from prior posts but when it comes down to it I have had problems with my lap band and came to this forum seven months post-op to get some information and figure out what was wrong.

And unfortunately you don't always get the proper back up with problems from your original surgical team once you've gone through the procedure and must be proactive and search elsewhere. Often you must involve a variety of doctors and in my case an endocrinologist who I couldn't even get to see until almost a year post-surgery as there seem to be only a handful of them in my location.

If I had the proper treatment with an endocrinologist prior to surgery I never would have needed to be banded in the first place and I did not know this until I had the surgery.

Anyway don't give me that BS that I had behavior problems with the band, it's just such a typical flippant remark that you people tend to dish out here. Just go over to Obsesityhelp.com and see how many people have revisions due to problems with the band and every single WLS out there!

Do you have the band or have you had revision surgery? Have I judged you because you had a problem? No, so why so judgmental here, as I stated earlier people in glass houses........................Nancy

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you all are being very hypocritical and have a hard time seeing clearly IMHO, Nancy.

All? I think I see pretty clearly, Nanook. I have never, ever belittled somebody for choosing something other than the band, nor do I believe that the band is the only sensible solution. I type out to newbs all the time (in the intro section and general question section) that the band won't work for everybody. In Mac's terms, I don't think I've drank the Kool-Aide....but.....can I find humor in some of the DS poop stories? Yup. Do I think there are some looney tunes in that DS forum on OH? Yup.

So, I'm here (specifically in the R&R section) for entertainment, some debate / arguement, and to just shoot the shit with some folks because I work nights. I don't see the need to get all serious here and proclaim that we're all hypocrits. Lighten up, man.

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whewww i missed a lot LOL

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Oh give me a break, Wasa! Are you really going to try the "Awww...but Mom, they started it!!" line as an excuse for this thread? I guess it is on par for the maturity level shown in this thread. So they've called our band a "laugh band, choke chain" etc...so what? Are the responses in here of "stinky britches" or "farty pants" any better? All it needs now is for someone to say "you're a poopyhead" for the kindergarten repertoire of insults to be complete.

I understand that many of them seem to be attacking the band and bandsters, and agree that they seem incredibly judgemental, convinced that their own choice was the only right option and eager to point fingers at others and laugh... but I also see exactly that behaviour in here - almost 500 posts of it. "But they're doing it tooooo!! And they're meaner than me!! *whine*" is not much of an excuse really.

Are you serious? Of what I wrote you seriously only get "Aww Mom they started it!" For real?

Well, I don't know how to explain it to you in detail you will comprehend so believe what you wish. In the whole scheme of things it makes no difference.

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Exactly Fanny!!!!!

And Wasa, you don't know anything about me physically, emotionally, or mentally. People can takes bits and pieces of anything they want from prior posts but when it comes down to it I have had problems with my lap band and came to this forum seven months post-op to get some information and figure out what was wrong.

And unfortunately you don't always get the proper back up with problems from your original surgical team once you've gone through the procedure and must be proactive and search elsewhere. Often you must involve a variety of doctors and in my case an endocrinologist who I couldn't even get to see until almost a year post-surgery as there seem to be only a handful of them in my location.

If I had the proper treatment with an endocrinologist prior to surgery I never would have needed to be banded in the first place and I did not know this until I had the surgery.

Anyway don't give me that BS that I had behavior problems with the band, it's just such a typical flippant remark that you people tend to dish out here. Just go over to Obsesityhelp.com and see how many people have revisions due to problems with the band and every single WLS out there!

Do you have the band or have you had revision surgery? Have I judged you because you had a problem? No, so why so judgmental here, as I stated earlier people in glass houses........................Nancy

I think you and Fanny are in the wrong thread. If you want to talk about stinky DSers, feel free. But you had your chance in your own thread and you had it closed. I'm not going to start this with you again in this thread. You are the one that did not want to discuss it and I honored your request. Don't drag that nonsense over here.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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