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Introducing the May Bandsters

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Hi everyone,

My name is Kammi and I am in Everett, WA, just south of Seattle. I will be banded on May 27, 2008 by Dr. Kuri in Mexico, I am so excited!

I have had a lifelong battle with my weight since about 3 years old. I could never do all the things my friends could, was always embarrassed in swim suits (and I loved to swim!), dealt with rude remarks and being shunned at times, never finding clothes that fit right, not having a boyfriend until after college, blah blah blah.

However, in March of 1996 I met my now husband Tom. He is wonderful, even though I complain, he is really great! We actually met on AOL in a chat room for Portland, OR as he lived down there and I lived up here. We met in person a few days later and 28 days after that he proposed. We were engaged for a year and a half and were married the following August. Had a beautiful wedding, although I was so FAT in my dress! He thought I was beautiful anyhow. We tried to get pregnant for many years with no avail. In January 2002, our New Years Resolution was to eat right and work on our weight, as it is with so many people. We went on the low carb, high Protein diet and our blood sugars dropped in like two days. We lost 10 pounds like in the first week. Within a month, as a complete SHOCK, I was pregnant! I had a literall perfect pregnancy, no morning sickness, no complications, didn't have to take insulin, only remained on my low dose of medication and on November 16, 2002 my daughter Rylynn was born perfect! I had continued to lose weight during my pregnancy due to the fact that I watched everything that went in my mouth, never had sugar, no caffeine, etc... THEN.... after I was done breast feeding, only a month.... I went bizzerk! I had to have chocolate and everything under the sun that I went without for almost a year! The weight starting coming back of course and I couldn't get back on track with the high Protein low carb kick. I regained the 55 pounds I had lost plus another 10 pounds! Now after 5ish years of continuing to be at that weight and feeling pretty lousy physically, I started to think about weight loss surgery to assist in my Quest for losing weight to be healthy for my daughter and for myself! I want to have another child and I am about to turn 37, so I knew now was the time to have it done, make a life long committment for now possibly two children and myself and my family... so I hope before I am 40 I will have another baby, I know now that it's possible.

I am a natural health nut and have done so much reading and research on nutrition, but just couldn't apply it to myself consistently. Recently, I have been doing some spiritual growing (not religious) and know this is my path to go down and I will be successful! My husband and parents who also have significant weight issues as well are going down this path with me and we are all being banded at the end of May. I look forward to my journey and future good health and exciting life because of it!

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Welcome Kami! You truely sound like a totally blessed person and I know this will be successful for you! Congrats on all the successes in your life. I too met my DH online. We both played an online game. Some people think it sounds weird, but it worked for us and it sounds like it is working for you too. You are so lucky to have family going through this with you. My dh is very supportive, but only my mom knows in my family (and with her reaction I think it best not to tell the rest of them. )

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That's funny.... my parents knew what was happening.... but back in 1996 the world was stunned by situations like this.... now it is so common... I tell people now and most have a story to share about someone else they know who met that way as well. I didn't like bars... so that was the next best thing I suppose!

Kammi in Everett, WA

soon to be banded 5/27/08

Dr. Kuri

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Welcome everyone! Kammi - your daughter's name is beautiful! Molly, LOVE your blog.

It's so nice to meet other May Bandsters!! :regular_smile:

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Bizzy Bee and Kamicola - I met my husband on line as well. He IM'd me looking for dive buddy in the area, turns out we were both divemasters, and had been diving off of the same boat in Boynton Beach for a few years but had never talked... go figure. We met the next night, have been together ever since, we met in person on 9/28 and got married 19 days later underwater in Key Largo on 10/17/99.... haven't looked back!

I'm Sandy, I'm 55 the end of April, I was 2 lbs when I was born (my twin brother was 3 lbs), and small for my age until the age of 8, then I ballooned for some reason, and I've struggled with it ever since.... My date is set for 5 May, so I'm a cinco de mayo bandster... I've done the psychiatric, the nutritionist, the exercise physiologist, will do the rest of the consults and tests after I get back from my business trip on the 17th of April. I'm 5'0" and 240, my BMI is somewhere around 45ish (maybe 47). I'm looking forward to the changes...


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Hi all! My name is Brenda and I live in Lexington, SC. I just truned 40 yesterday so the LB is my b-day present!!! I'm self-pay so guess it will also be my Mother's day present too-HA!!

I'm married of 15yrs to a wonderful man, 4yrs younger. He's a true supporter. We have 2 children, Rachel, 13 and Carter, 11.

I will be banded May 13th by Dr. Antonetti thru SC Bariatric Center here in Lexington. I seriously got to deciding this route a yr ago but was hoping I could do without it.

My history...well, you look at my 6mos old pics of me trying to walk and you would see how big I was then. I remember having to wear boy's Levi jeans in waist size 36 back in 5th grade. Then got excited when Sears started selling "plus-size" clothes for young ladies. No more blacking out the size tag on the Levi's!! Although I had to submit to wearing Holly Hobbie dresses...all from Sears. I carried my wgt on thru life. Guess I weighed 185'ish around 14-15yrs old. I was already in size 20 at age 18.

I pretty much stayed within 230-250 up til now. My highest was 283 before the birth of my son due to depression (living with in-laws at the time-ha!)

I always lost 30lbs during my pregnancies so that was fine until in 2003. I decided to try Weight Watchers for the 1st time. I lost down to 188 by 2004. But that lasted what?? about 5mos? Long enough for me to wear my first ever pair of knee-high boots during the Winter. Right now I'm 5'6" at 245.

I still have those boots...plan on wearing them again this coming winter---whoa-hooo!!!!

Good luck to all us May bandsters!! what an exciting time for us.

Edited by neverB4

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Hi, everyone! My name is Tonya. I live in East Texas, on the Louisiana line. I am the mother to two beautiful daughters, and one granddaughter. My story is a little different than most here...I didn't have any problems with my weight until after the birth of my second daughter, almost 16 years ago. About two months after her birth, I stepped on one of those scales that you drop a quarter in, and weighing 155. That was the last time I saw that number. Within a year, I had gained 30 pounds...over the next ten years, my weight climbed to 240. My husband also struggled with his weight, but we were a happy couple and had each other. In 2000, he became extremely ill. He almost died due to a clotting episode that they were never able to explain. He had been perfectly healthy to this point, and one day began developing blood clots. This led to the need for open heart surgery to correct a birth defect that had previously been unknown. We were 30 years old when this happened. Over the next years, our household revolved around him and his health because he never seemed to recover his good health. In 2004, he was hospitalized for chest pain, and had to have a stent placed due to a blockage in his heart. He was 35. He also weighed 330 pounds. He had another clotting episode six months later and we almost lost him then. In February of 2006, he had a heart attack while driving and was killed in a wreck. In the months following his death, I lost down to 220. I worked at losing that weight, and any little setback would see the scale shooting up. I have come to terms with his death...probably faster than most people can understand, because they did not live through what we had lived through...The constant trips to the doctor, his remorse over the fact we couldn't live a "normal" life, we weren't living, we were just surviving. Well, last summer, I became involved with someone...he was actually a friend of my husbands...and I fell hard. I loved him. Love him. When he walked out of my life and my girls lives, we were devestated. The fact that he walked out of our lives with a 24 year old cute little blonde thing has been the worst part...I have had a pity party for the last six months. My weight is up to 240. There are a multitude of reasons why I have decided to take this step. I want to live. I want to make my husband proud. I have a six month old grandaughter who's face lights up everytime she see her MiMi. I want to learn how to scuba dive. I am going on a cruise in February 09 and want to be HOT. and lastly REVENGE. Am I being shallow...maybe...but this "break-up" has been harder to accept than losing my husband.

Anyway...May 31st is my date. I wish everyone well..I am so ready for this change.

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Sandy - Welcome! Nice to meet you!

Brenda - Happy Birthday! This procedure is my birthday present, and every other present for the next year too. I am self pay and it is a financial strain. As far as weight, I remember my 6th grade weight the most. I know I was the heaviest but tallest 6th grader at my school. I weighed well over 100 pounds and couldn't teeter totter with anyone, they just wouldn't go down. Light weights. OY

Welcome Tonya. I am so sorry for the termoil and loss you have experienced. I hope this surgery is very success for YOU. Where God closes a door, he opens a window. This surgery may just be your window.

Edited by Bizzy Bee

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Hi, I am Mae. My real name is Chris and I am from Kalamazoo, MI. My surgery is on May 8th and am so excited. I have been thinking of this for years and was too shy to say anything, but finally I am almost there. My husband is very supportive and said he will help every way that I need him to.

I was in gymnastics and swimming in high school. I was 120 lbs. After giving birth two times my weight just crawled up. It wasn't too bad as I was in exercise classes and loved to country line dance three times a week. By Nov. 2001, I weighed 200 lbs. Now I weigh 274 lbs. I tried WW

for years, TOPS for 3 years, Diet Center for 1 year, Nutri-system for three months. I know this is just a TOOL also, but I feel this in my gut. This is the last resort for me, for all of us. I have to make it this time. I am so high on life right now and know that I can do this.

Good luck to all of us, MAY FLOWERS.

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Welcome to all of the May Bandsters.... !!!! It is truly great to hear about all of the people who will embark on this journey along with me! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I don't even know what it will be like to be able to buy clothing in a regular store... I haven't done that in YEARS! I am at 335 now and hope to get to at least 225 in a year or so. I want to have another child and being almost 37, I better hurry, so you better believe I am going to work as hard as I can to get my weight down so I can get going on that baby!

Kammi in Everett,WA

soon to be banded 5/27/08

Dr. Kuri - Mexico

335 Current

52 Current BMI

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Hi my name is Sharon I had my band surgery on March 17th. before having it I was not feeling real good. I found out through my Primary MD about lapband surgery. I went to the seminar and immediately signed up for the surgery. I went to the seminar in Boise Idaho. I really like the surgeon I have.

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My name is Stacy and I am 41. My surgery is sched for 1 May. I just found out today. I am 5'5 and 230. I have struggled with my weight ever since I had my kids but, it has gotten much worse in the last 2 years after I retired from the Air Force. Everyone in my family has health issues with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease etc.... I currently have high blood pressure and am on the brink of diabetes. So, this surgery I'm hoping will help save my life along with prolong it. I have had to watch my parents and brothers suffer from so many ailments because of there weight and health. I do not want that. I have a 17 yr old daughter and a 13 year old son. I want to see them graduate from h.s. and college and be at their weddings and be their for their children. I want to be healthy again and feel good. So, I am very excited about this surgery. I live in TX. I am a retired veteren of the USAF. I am so happy that there is a forum we can all support eachother! I am excited and proud to be a May Flower!

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Hello All-

My name is Melissa and I live in Salem, MA. My surgery date is May 13th and I start my liquid diet next week (eeek). I was a fat kid and got disgusted by myself my senior year of high school and lost about 50 pounds. I maintained a relatively healthy weight for about ten years. After getting married in 1997, my DH and I ate and ate and ate our way to morbid obesity. I am very excited about the surgery and the whole process.

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hello, everyone i have been on this journery since nov 06, but i have finally been approved. i start my pre op diet on may 1st. I have 2 kids a boy 15, and a girl 6 we are from buffalo but moved to tx with my job about 2yrs ago my husband is supportive, but of course he loves me the way iam. i am excited and scared, why don't kno but i am looking forward to taking this journery with all of you!

starting weight 260 nov 06' BMI 41

weight 240 today BMI 38 :rolleyes2:

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wow ladie that's a really long time...i guess i shouldn't complain! much congrats to you on your date!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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