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Can you name 1, or 2 things you would love to do once you reach your goal?

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  • go to any amusement park and ride on the rides I was never able to fit comfortably in

  • shop at Victoria Secrets and all the stores for "small" people

  • tuck my shirt inside my pants with confidence not having to worry about my bubble butt or my extra stomach showing :wub:

  • take a photo shoot and post it on myspace(because dont take pics anymore)


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For me, the three things would be:

1) Looking forward to seeing what my woohaa looks like (haven't seen it from above in I don't know how long)...

2) Being a role model for my daughter (who also has over 100# to lose) so she will know SHE can do it too and get her life STARTED

3) Being able to get rid of my 'front butt' (as DH calls it) so when clothes fit me snugly, you don't see my panus hanging down without all the fat in it.

Simple things mean a lot!

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I want to be able to look my best friend in the eye and tell him that I've fallen for him.

I want to be comfortable in front of MYSELF naked.

I want to have sex for the first time.

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I want to be healthy and energetic!

I want to be a great Mom and set a good example for my daughters!

I want to buy cheap clothes at Target and Old Navy!

I want to like what I see in the mirror!

I want to LIVE my life instead of putting everything off until I lose weight...

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Fantastic thread.. I have so many "I wants" but I will stick with three...

1) I want to be comfortable in my clothes and my own skin and be able to shop at normal people stores.

2) I want to look astonishingly beautiful on my wedding day (may 2009) in my wedding dress that will look fantastic rather than just something that fits and turn the heads of all my family and friends and most importantly my DF.

3) I want to do so many activities and not feel tired and out of breath so early into them.

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I want to be able to walk without being winded. I want to buy cute clothes, unstead of drapes. I want to be the person I am on the inside, reflected on the outside:rolleyes:

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okay people, although i am about 80% comfortable with my fatness (i must admit my mindset is like, if they make it in my size,i'll wear it) but the other 20% is like...."ikkk girl, you're too fat to be wearing that!" with this said i can't wait to wear simple body hugging jeans with regular cutsie tops. nothing that costs me an arm & leg. now i spend about $180.00 for three tops and a pair of jeans. I do want at least one pair of GUESS jeans; that's my dream to fit into a pair. i'm more of a sneakers kind of chick, but i do have pairs of expensive shoes from when i was smaller...ALDOS are my fav and i do have several pairs of those i can't wait to rock those out! trips....i do travel to maui every year, and yes, my fellow big brothers & sisters are out there too, but i want to be comfortable knowing people might not be thinking,"oh look at the beached whale!" yes i do walk around with my head held high,pretending that it doesn't bother me to be in a swimsuit, but it does. i'm not fishing for compliments, but an occasional, "wow your body looks great," would be nice, instead of the 'ol "you have such a pretty face!" (gag me, i've heard that all my life!):angry: i would love to work up my exercising, jogging, to eventually keep up with my 50 y/o mom who jogs 10miles everyday nonstop...i think thats probably up there with top three. i think she's amazing for doing this (love my momma). i want to be able to go to magic mountain and get on all the rides; i haven't gone because i'm afraid they'll say, i'm too big. i want to feel comfortable around my hubby nekkid:wub: ! i want to go atv-ing with him and his friends; he's been trying to get me out to glamis FOREVER. there are so many things, but #1 priority, is to get pg in (*God willing/crosses fringers/hopefully/sprinkle baby dust*) the following 2-3yrs after... that's why im having this done to begin with, all the other things are perks

...thanks for listening sorry i wrote a lot :wink:...

p.s.LOVE this thread!!!!!

Edited by KikiVal315

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Thoughts of what I would do infiltrate my mind everyday. My biggest one -

1. Never having to realize I am the FAT girl in the room,

2. Great sex were I am confident my partner finds me attractive physically as well as mentally,

3. To not have my work associates always offer me the front seat when we travel by car, and thinking they are just polite until I realize it is because I am the fat one and two other people won't fit in the back seat with me.

4.Regular clothes,

5. Not having people look at you like you are a freak at a restaraunt (fat people get hungry too, why do they act like we should just quit eating?)

6. Walking through a crowd and knowing I turned at least a few heads :wink:

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Hello Everyone:

I found this list when I was searching the net for lord knows what.

Before anyone comments, I do realize a LOT of the items on this list are superficial. However, as superficial as they are..they are things that smaller sized people take for granted and are more than significant issues for larger sized people (well I am at least soeaking for myself). I actually have this list printed out on my fridge. I think this lady was either peeking through my window or had a hidden cam on me for the majority of my life. Nearly everything on this list applies to me.

The bright side is that I am looking to change that.

Home Page

Neat Reasons to lose weight!

1. To feel better about myself.

2. To increase my feelings of self worth.

3. To be able to run and jump without worrying about hurting myself.

4. To look good in a tight dress.

5. To be able to wear shorts in the summer.

6. To be able to go swimming without being self-conscious.

7. To feel I can go swimming at all!

8. To be able to run with my grandchildren

9. To be healthier.

10. To not have fear going to the doctors, because he'll make me get on a scale.

11. To be able to wear a bra that actually fits.

12. To not worry about lawn chairs breaking.

13. To not worry about where to sit at a picnic or on an airplane.

14. To not get "those looks" at a restaurant, even when eating normal food.

15. So my ankles don't puff up and look like there's half a tennis ball on each side.

16. To be able to use a public washroom comfortably.

17. To be able to go into any store, and buy the clothes I like, not just the ones that fit.

18. To not feel awkward about going clothes shopping, or shoe shopping.

19. To be able to order clothes from a catalogue without worrying if they will fit.

20. To be able to wear something that doesn’t say PLUS on it.

21. To reduce my blood pressure.

22. So I can feel comfortable.

23. So I can run on the beach in a bathing suit and feel proud.

24. So taking a bath is a luxurious thing, instead of taking a shower so I won't risk overflowing the tub.

25. So my pants won't wear out between my legs while the rest of them are still in good shape.

26. I want to be able to read the scale by just looking down, straight down.

27. I don't ever want to feel my fat jiggle again!

28. So I can look in the mirror from the neck down and like what I see.

29. To feel strong and fit again.

30. So I can show off my muscles, instead of just feeling fat.

31. So I can play with my dog again!

32. So I can drive my car and feel comfortable.

33. So I don't feel like I'm always leaning back while sitting in a chair, because of my butt.

34. So I can walk up a flight of stairs and not feel winded.

35. So I can wear tight jeans.

36. So I can get up and dance and not feel weird.

37. So I can go on rides at amusement parks again, without stuffing myself into the seat shamefully.

38. So I don't have to worry about the maximum weight an exercise machine can take before I use it.

39. I want to deprive my cats of a perching spot on my chest because it’s too small.

40. So I don't get that pitying look when I go to a gym to work out.

41. So I can lay outside and suntan on my front lawn if I want.

42. I want to wear underwear that looks cute and dainty, not something industrial.

43. So I can buy lingerie that fits, and looks good.

44. So I can buy lingerie without getting weird looks from store clerks or other customers.

45. I want to be able to at least consider entering a triathlon and have it be a possibility.

46. So getting dressed every morning is a joy and not a dreaded chore.

47. So I can pick the haircut I really want and not just one that is for fat people.

48. So I'm when people start talking about weight loss, I don't feel they mean me.

49. So no one ever calls me "a big girl" ever again.

50. So I'm not embarrassed to have my picture taken.

51. So when my photo is taken with my family I don't have to groan inside myself as I know how terrible I am going to make the family picture look.

52. So I don't get those indents on my thighs from the arms of the chair I'm sitting in.

53. So I can cross my legs.

54. So I can walk in heels without fear.

55. So I can put my jeans in the dryer, have a shower, get out of the shower, walk to the dryer and just pull my jeans on, instead of waiting to really, really dry off and then fight to get the zipper up.

56. So I can put my clothes in the dryer and forget to check the timer, and not worry about them fitting.

57. So my bras don't stretch on the sides, or get pulled seams.

58. So I can crawl around on the floor hooking up computer cables without wondering how bad I look.

59. So I can look in a full-length mirror with pride, instead of despair.

60. So I can get up from the floor in one Smooth Move and not a grab and hold on to something move.

61. So I can get on with my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

62. So those stupid gowns at the doctors or chiropractors not only fit, but also are too big.

63. So I can show off my legs, instead of monster ham thighs.

64. So I can look good in a business suit or a short skirt, instead of always wearing loose clothing.

65. So my back doesn't hurt so much.

66. So I can lie in bed, look down and see my toes without lifting my head off the pillow.

67. So I don't have to worry about what fits in the closet and what doesn't.

68. So I don't have to worry about the seasons changing, and will my summer/winter clothes still fit.

69. So I don't fear the onset of summer and light clothing.

70. So I don't crave wintertime, so I can hide under big jackets and sweaters.

71. So I don't think mean thoughts when I see skinny women.

72. So my doctor will never say, "you really need to lose some weight" to me ever again, but instead says nothing more than "see you next year".

73. So no one will ever again ask me "when is your baby due", and I'm not pregnant.

74. So people in the supermarket don't look in my cart when they think I'm not looking, to see what a "fat person" eats.

75. So I look lean, mean and powerful.

76. So I can say my weight out loud with pride.

77. So the old pictures of the fat lady at the circus don't look like me.

78. So I can say to other people who are overweight, hey, I was there once too, and maybe help them get to where they want to be.

79. So I don't wonder if people are saying, "what is HE doing with HER "? (My honey is skinny and can eat anything)

80. So I don't have to worry about my bathroom scales breaking.

81. So I am in control of what exercise I choose and not what I am able to do as of being so over weight.

82. So I don't have to give excuses for being over weight.

83. So I can shave my legs in a shower without gashing myself because I can't see around my fat.

84. So I can ride a horse again!

85. So I can go out fishing with friends, and not be scared to walk inside the boat because I'm so heavy I will tip it.

86. To be able to go canoeing, and my end doesn't sink real low while the other person is almost in the air.

87. So my Grandchildren never remember me as fat.

88. So I can stand up in a boat again, with balance and grace, instead of hanging onto the sides and wondering how I'll get back in if I fall out.

89. So I can boat out to the middle of a lake and go swimming, and be able to pull myself back in the boat.

90. No more "beached whale" comments, anywhere.

91. So I can go into public and not care what type of looks I get.

92. So I can sit on a bar stool and I'm actually sitting ON it, not on it and around it too.

93. So a regular towel goes all the way around me, and maybe even looks cute.

94. So my socks pull all the way up.

95. So I can hug my knees to my chest again, and it’s comfortable.

96. So I can sit on a chair, and have my feet on that chair too, and not be sitting on them.

97. So I can wear a low cut sweater and my collarbones show.

98. So I can wear a light blouse or sweater, and there aren't dents where my bra straps are.

99. So I don't have to worry about arthritis or joint replacement when I get older.

100. So furniture doesn't groan when I sit on it, or wear out long before it should because I'm too heavy.

101. So I never have to look at someone else with envy again, thinking, "Wow, I wish I was that thin".

102. I want to lose weight so that my breasts stick out more than my stomach and not the other way around.

103. I can sit comfortably in the lawn chair all the way instead of sitting on the edge and the arms

pinching me.

104. I can fit into the theatre seats comfortably.

105. I can sit at the booth OR table in the restaurant. I don't have to be embarrassed because I need a


106. I can look straight down and see my toes instead of bending over to see them.

107. I can bend over comfortably to tie my shoes.

To give credit where credit is due, i got this list from Wildkat's Weight Loss Adventure

Edited by Brinabrina77

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Love this thread!

I can't wait to wear shirts tucked into my jeans and run a 10K race. I don't want to be invisible anymore. I have spent so much of my life trying not to be the center of attention because any attention you get when you're fat is humiliating. I'm ready to embrace life and be so active that my 10 year old son has to struggle to keep up with his 40 year old mom.

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Oh man, this is the greatest thread, it reminds me of some of the reasons we are all going through this. I am actually getting teary eyed.

-I want to be able to fit into the desks at school. Right now I have to suck in all class and my stomach still cuts into them so that there is half my stomach fat, hanging over the desk.

-I want to go on a cruise. My mother is planning on taking my whole family on one after I graduate from college, but I have always sworn I would never go on a cruise unless I was slim, now maybe I might have that chance.

-I want to go to Disney World again, and walk around!!! The last time I went, about three years ago, my thighs chaffed so bad and my knees and ankles were so sore my family had to rent me a wheelchair. I was 17 years old.

-I want my boyfriend to pick me up when he hugs me, and if I lay on top of him, I want him to be able to breathe!!

-I want my father to stop being so embarrassed by his "fat daughter" and love me as much as he loves my 16 year old, size 2 little sister.

-I don't want to be always sick! My immune system sucks because I eat so bad.

-I don't want to have to waste my money going to physical therapy for my back problems with a bunch of elderly people, I'm not even old enough to drink yet!!!

-I want to get a lead in a play that isn't supposed to be a fat, old mother; I am just as talented if not more than all those skinny girls who always get the lead...

There are so many more, I might go make a list for myself, just for some personal motivation. Thanks for the great topic OP!

Edited by Allison

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I was thinking about this and have actually thought about this most of my like. Like hmmm what will i do once i loose the weight, where will i go to show off..lol.. etc.. If i could have my own way. I would throw a fashion party, and invite everyone that has ever called me fat in life, treated me bad, denied me a promotion, those that did not want to be my friend...(when i was younger), my x-boyfriends, and x husband..Oh not to forget my son's father...lol.. and i would do a Tyra Banks and walk down a runway in diffrent outfits i mean dressed to kill... prehaps im feeling this way because there is a ANTM marathon on now... but I want them all to C-ME-NOW (then) I can just hear it now omg u look soo good.. how did u do it? And the guys saying so r u seeing anyone... can i get your number to call u later... uhhhh nope..lol.. I want to be able to go into any store and pick up a pair of shorts,mini skirt or jeans and know that it will fit. I want to be able to catch a clearance sale and only pay $3-$5 bucks for clothes vs $9.99-$19.99 being my clearance price because of my size.. I want to buy a pair of Guess jeans, and a pair of Girbaud jeans, and strut my stuff.

OMG!! I hear you girl... I LOVE designer clothes and when I was thinner many moons ago, I used to be crazy over Guess?! I check the Vogue magazines every month and they usually have a good spread in there and the clothes are still just as cute today.

I tell you, your idea sounds great with the runway! :angry: No doubt the guys will try to get the digits, but you're not having that... Or maybe you might, who knows! If they are cute enough!! :wink:

What will I do or want to do? Spend every waking moment at the mall picking out cute clothes for my new cute but not so flat booty!! lol I also want to just go out and have more fun. I spent too much time not doing things because I didn't feel good about myself. Those days are over now.

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Brinabrina77, I was just reading the rest of the long list you posted and one stuck out, the inner thigh of my pants ALWAYS blows out a month or so after I buy them, my favorite jeans just did yesterday and I had to go buy new ones, and of course it cost me more than $100 for two pairs of jeans at Torrid... My mom is always like, how does this happen? What are you doing to your clothes?? At least someone else understands..

Edited by Allison

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I actually made a list of things that I'm excited about after surgery....

Crossing my Legs

Wearing shoes with buckles (I'll be able to reach them)

Getting a cute baseball jersey for the season (And not a men's style)

Shopping the regular sizes/ department

Fitting in the shower/tub with my hubby

Going to Victoria Secret if I want

wearing thongs

having more energy

Not being out of breath

My husband being able to buy me clothes (without worrying :-)

Wearing dresses/skirts again

Feeling good and adventurous in my body

No more "too tight" clothing

Wearing belts

Shopping with my mom

Halter tops and tube tops

Going to the river or a pool or a wateride park

No worries about seats or seatbelts

being able to reach around my body

finding/wearing cute shorts

being more active with hubby

holding my knees to my chin/chest

no more lifting my gut when I sit

a two piece bathing suit on my anniversary in July

a Sexy (even slutty!) halloween costume

no more underwire cutting into my belly

finding my collar bone and shoulder blades

my legs not rubbing together anymore!

I'm scheduled for surgery on 4/14 and will be using this list as inspiration during my pre-op and recovery.

Good luck to all!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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