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Ugh I need a fill!

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Hey guys,

i too am stuck and i just got a fill 2 weeks ago....i have restriction and have had a couple of violent pb episodes...so much so that i'm on liquids today...i know that i'm having a no poop issue right now even though i take Fiber supplement every day.

any suggestions

and jax angie and crystal have you ever been able to lose weight this fast before...it looks like ya'll are doing a phenomenal job......gotta give yourselves credit.....but boy do i look ever so forward to fill apt.s when i lose that filled feeling.

hang in there you bunch of "losers"

happy to be a loser and a double VV


I lost pretty fast on the Three Hour Diet a few years back. Lost 60 lbs in eight months before I fell off the wagon and started eating like there was no tomorrow again. That is why I got the band. I am a very successful dieter. I just always go back to my old ways of eating and gain everything back! Thanks for the compliment on the weight loss. It has been pretty quick so far but I lost a great deal on the low carb pre-op diet (20 lbs), the rest is post op and now is down to a crawl. Trying to figure out what I can do to get it moving down like it was before, but maybe I'm just being too impatient.

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I can identify with everyone on this post. Banded 2/29. First fill was 3 weeks postop on 3/20. Before the fill I had already progressed to a cheeseburger. I could only eat half but I ate it! I was so upset with myself. So I looked forward to the fill. Followed directions with liquids but on the day I was supposed to do mushies it was Easter and I cooked for the family and ate what they ate. I did cook a healthy dinner but I ate big portions and felt nothing. I am working at home this week and I seem to be getting back to old habits... a handful of pringles here and there, ice cream for dessert last night... UGH! Yesterday I got stuck with nothing to eat at lunch and went right for Whataburger and ate a whataburger jr. minus the top bun and had no problem wolfing the small fries.

I am hating myself right now. I paid for my surgery on my own and one would think that would be motivation to do well...??? Yep, I stink at this. Then I get the looks from the husband while I eat. Then the comments, "Wow, you can still eat a lot. I thought this would mean you couldn't eat as much?" Yeah, well doesn't he think those same thoughts are in my mind??? I have another fill in 2 more weeks. The scale hasn't changed much... 2 lbs up, 2 lbs down. No loss or gain really. But for $13,000 it would be nice to see it go down. So, while I put on the happy face for hubby and tell him that my fill just isn't right yet (which is the correct explanation) I still feel depressed.

I felt restriction the first day of the fill. I could barely eat 1/4 cup of potato Soup. And I was not hungry. I still am wondering what it feels like to have restriction for more than a day. I am just going on will power for now. I am also trying to remember not to drink with my food. I do it unconsciously it seems. I am in the habit of fixing something to drink for everyone when I set the table so now I am trying to drink a lot of Water before I sit down to the table. This is ok isn't it???

Sorry to go on and on... I just need to get these yucky things out so I can perk up and try to move forward with a good attitude.

My new goal is to write down and praise myself every time I make a good choice. I am also going to write down bad choices. My hope is at the end of everyday I see my good choices out weighing my bad ones.

Can someone tell me how long does it take to get rid of head hunger? I try so hard to tell myself ... You are not hungry but I still go to the pantry when I walk in the door and reach for something. Even if it is a small nibble of nuts or 3 chips or a piece of fruit. I have issues of eating when I know I can't possibly be hungry!

Too bad they don't do lobotomies (isn't that the surgery on your brain?) when they do your lap band! :thumbup:

Trudging onward for two more weeks till next fill,



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I can identify with everyone on this post. Banded 2/29. First fill was 3 weeks postop on 3/20. Before the fill I had already progressed to a cheeseburger. I could only eat half but I ate it! I was so upset with myself. So I looked forward to the fill. Followed directions with liquids but on the day I was supposed to do mushies it was Easter and I cooked for the family and ate what they ate. I did cook a healthy dinner but I ate big portions and felt nothing. I am working at home this week and I seem to be getting back to old habits... a handful of pringles here and there, ice cream for dessert last night... UGH! Yesterday I got stuck with nothing to eat at lunch and went right for Whataburger and ate a whataburger jr. minus the top bun and had no problem wolfing the small fries.

I am hating myself right now. I paid for my surgery on my own and one would think that would be motivation to do well...??? Yep, I stink at this. Then I get the looks from the husband while I eat. Then the comments, "Wow, you can still eat a lot. I thought this would mean you couldn't eat as much?" Yeah, well doesn't he think those same thoughts are in my mind??? I have another fill in 2 more weeks. The scale hasn't changed much... 2 lbs up, 2 lbs down. No loss or gain really. But for $13,000 it would be nice to see it go down. So, while I put on the happy face for hubby and tell him that my fill just isn't right yet (which is the correct explanation) I still feel depressed.

I felt restriction the first day of the fill. I could barely eat 1/4 cup of potato Soup. And I was not hungry. I still am wondering what it feels like to have restriction for more than a day. I am just going on will power for now. I am also trying to remember not to drink with my food. I do it unconsciously it seems. I am in the habit of fixing something to drink for everyone when I set the table so now I am trying to drink a lot of Water before I sit down to the table. This is ok isn't it???

Sorry to go on and on... I just need to get these yucky things out so I can perk up and try to move forward with a good attitude.

My new goal is to write down and praise myself every time I make a good choice. I am also going to write down bad choices. My hope is at the end of everyday I see my good choices out weighing my bad ones.

Can someone tell me how long does it take to get rid of head hunger? I try so hard to tell myself ... You are not hungry but I still go to the pantry when I walk in the door and reach for something. Even if it is a small nibble of nuts or 3 chips or a piece of fruit. I have issues of eating when I know I can't possibly be hungry!

Too bad they don't do lobotomies (isn't that the surgery on your brain?) when they do your lap band! :thumbup:

Trudging onward for two more weeks till next fill,



Grace, I just wanted to say, don't hate yourself.. Before I got my fill on tuesday I had also fallen into a state of depression because I wasnt' losing anymore weight either. I would go up two... lose two.. go up two.. lose two.. but one thing I realized was that I hadn't gained 10! Because I really could eat whatever I wanted to eat, and I had gotten addicted to chocolate shakes from Chic-fil-a. I would have one every two days. I would also go to pantry and look for stuff.. these are all signs of bandster hell and not having that restriction. Just since my fill on tuesday I have dropped three pounds, but I refuse to put it on my ticker becuase the last time I did that I gained it back. LOL. This time I'm going to wait until I get to the 260's and then I'll change my ticker! I don't want to jinx myself.

I also wanted to say, that I also have problems with not drinking while I eat. I definitely don't drink as much Water as I use to before getting banded, but I still drink about 4 sips during a meal. My doctor told me to drink ALL i wanted right before eating, so you are fine there. He also said that wherever I'm eating to put my cup in the next room, so that I have to get up to get a drink if I want it. I tried this last night and it helped. I only drank one sip.

Do you have head hunger when you have restriction? if not, then you probably aren't suffering from that.. because when I have proper restriction I don't go to pantry looking for food. But, when I didn't have restriction I was, but I wasn't "starving" so to speak. Just wait till your next fill, I bet things will be differnet. :crying:

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Hey guys,

and jax angie and crystal have you ever been able to lose weight this fast before...it looks like ya'll are doing a phenomenal job......gotta give yourselves credit.....but boy do i look ever so forward to fill apt.s when i lose that filled feeling.



Back in the days I lost like 20 pounds in a month from taking diet pills and exercise every single day. Then I gained it back like a month later. LOL. I've lost a little more weight since tuesday from my fill, but I haven't put it on my ticker yet and won't for a while due to what happened last time I changed my ticker. lol. But, my weightloss includes what I lost pre-op on that South Beach diet. I dropped 11 or 12 pounds on that. So, I've lost this much since Feb. 16th - the day I started the SB diet. The best thing about this whole thing is that for two weeks I had no restriction and I could have eaten whatever like pizzas and burgers, but I didn't. I ate more than I probably should have of other things like potatoes.. but, in the end, I maintained (up and down the same two pounds) and that's what I'm most proud of myself for. You see, in the past I could easily gain 10 pounds in two weeks .. and did it MANY times. So, this is a victory for me. :thumbup: A small victory, but a victory.

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Thank you, Crystal for the kind words and advice. Everyone said this would not be easy and that the band was a tool to help. This is soooo true! I need to practice patience! Well, I am off to walk my dogs before it rains. Gotta get two miles in so I can put that on the "good" list!


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Talk about depressed!!!!!! I've only lost 8 lbs since Jan 14. I've been eating like crap I'm having trouble saying no to soda and I just need some positive feedback! HEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

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Can someone tell me how long does it take to get rid of head hunger? I try so hard to tell myself ... You are not hungry but I still go to the pantry when I walk in the door and reach for something. Even if it is a small nibble of nuts or 3 chips or a piece of fruit. I have issues of eating when I know I can't possibly be hungry!



hey grace - they head hunger will likely last till ya get to a good restriction level. it took over 6 fills & 5 months for me to stop opening the fridge when i knew i wasn't hungry. i keep a variety of flavored waters, and typically grab one when "trolling" for food. i made a LOT of "small" deals w/myself, like - can't have some raw almonds till i drank this bottle of Water - can't have XXX for diner if i didn't work out,... stupid things, but sorta kept myself accountable - also tracking food each day in calorie counter for the first 3 months.

hope you get to the right fill for yourself soon!!! it's a bit annoying the wait game!!!

ps - dr felts patient myself:)

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Have you had a fill yet? Why are you eating like crap? Do you mean you are making bad choices? Eating too much? Both?

If you are making bad choices, you need to look into the reasons why you are making these choices. If you are a carb addict, you need to figure out a way to battle that demon. If that means therapy then find a therapist. If you are hungry, you have to make the decision to eat Protein and not carbs. Nobody, not even the band, can make that decision for you. While the band is a wonderful tool that will help you will hunger (once you get good restriction) only you can determine if you are going to make it work.

I hope I'm not coming across too harsh, I'm just trying to state reality. Half of your progress will come from the band, but the other half is completely and entirely up to you. You can absolutely eat around the band and even gain weight with it. Having the band doesn't give anyone carte blanche to eat anything they want. It is up to you to make good choices and not eat crap.

I hear that the Beck Diet Solution is a very good book for changing your outlook about food. It might be worth a look to see if it can help you with your food choices and your outlook in living with the band.

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I'm with everybody in here. I'm not looking for sympathy, I guess I'm using this as a "confessional booth". LOL

I have been banded since August and I'm on the 5th fill. I have had somewhat restriction, too tight, unfill, and now no restriction at all. I can eat a "elephant dinner" and still look for more. I have made some bad choices in my food, so now I keep ALL unheathy Snacks away from my house (except when DH brings them). I exercise 5 days a week and the scales has not changed, albeit, I have not gained nor lost. I have been depressed about this, but at the same time I'm grateful for what I have lost. I think I'm losing inches, which my dr says is good. The dr is not very aggressive with the fill while the other one is, but that one was the one that made me too tight, so I think they are careful with my fills. Fills are 6wks apart and I'll have another one 4/14 and I'm going to ask for a little more. I have read about being too tight and how some are denying that fact just to lose the weight, but some are not even losing and risking their health and the band. So, I guess we have to deal with the hand that's being dealt and talk with the dr and let them know what's going on.

WE can do it. Remember the race is not given to the swift, but to the one that endures.

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I'm here in this group too! (Thanks for posting this Angie!) :tt2: Although I'm able to resist what I'm not supposed to eat (didn't touch that Cadbury egg I was gonna save from my son's Easter basket) I am eating more than I should' date=' I'm eating too much of the things I'm allowed . . . just to darn HUNGRY! :blink: I get my first fill in 3 days, I can't wait! I know it probably won't be much restriction, but hopefully it'll give me back some more incentive to eat less. I'm gonna be a very slow loser until I get rid of this hunger with some better restriction (although I have made the scales move finally! :lol:). A grumpy stomach is so hard for me to ignore, and always my downfall of other diets . . . I just want to feel full after a meal! The junk I can resist, it's the hunger that's gotta go.

(And Amy, since when do you swim alone girlfriend! :))[/quote']

How do you feel now that you've had your first adjustment? Still hungry? My first adjustment is 4/18 and I can't wait!

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I think it's better to go slow with the fills to be honest. There is less of a chance of becoming so tight that you can't swallow your own spit. I don't want to be one of those people who practically have to stay on a liquid diet because they are so tight they can't get anything down. I know it's probably a delicate balance. I don't mind being hungry every once in a while or even fairly often. But when I eat, I want to fill up fairly quickly while still being able to enjoy eating. Does that make any sense?

I know one guy on another group I'm on that is so tight he can't drink for three hours before or after he goes to sleep. He can barely eat anything. He has even has the professionals on the board tell him that he's too tight and runs the risk of slippage. But that is the way he feels he needs to be to be successful. I'm quite the opposite. I wouldn't want to live life that way. I'd rather take it nice and slow, as frustrating as that sometimes is.

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I too am a standstill with my weight loss. I have my first fill next week on the 3rd. My Doctor says he's quite aggressive with the fills so I'm hoping I will get a good restriction with 1 or 2 fills. I'm anxious and counting the days until my fill. I'm staying positive and on track with my meals and my running is going well.

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I think it's better to go slow with the fills to be honest. There is less of a chance of becoming so tight that you can't swallow your own spit. I don't want to be one of those people who practically have to stay on a liquid diet because they are so tight they can't get anything down. I know it's probably a delicate balance. I don't mind being hungry every once in a while or even fairly often. But when I eat, I want to fill up fairly quickly while still being able to enjoy eating. Does that make any sense?

I know one guy on another group I'm on that is so tight he can't drink for three hours before or after he goes to sleep. He can barely eat anything. He has even has the professionals on the board tell him that he's too tight and runs the risk of slippage. But that is the way he feels he needs to be to be successful. I'm quite the opposite. I wouldn't want to live life that way. I'd rather take it nice and slow, as frustrating as that sometimes is.

Yes, Jaxbandster, you make good sense. You said it so simple, yet so eloquent.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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