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I am almost to a milestone goal...I guess??? I have tracking my calories and walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes, and walked at work on breaks. Since I am just starting back, I have made my goal right now to go 3 times a week, with my preteen daughters. The first week, I started counting my calories (1200), walking on break (2 @ 15mins) and I was only able to go to the Y once. But I am at least walking 30 minutes a day whether I go to the Y or not. I lost 3 pounds. I have weighed myself 3 times since then and have not had a loss. I am really starting to get discouraged. I have been banded for almost 5 years. ( I have had a pregnancy in between) but I sometimes feel that I will never make it to goal. I would like to be 150 pounds, but my mini goal is 20 pounds right now. I know that I am well restricted....I can barely drink in the AM. Still tight by lunch but able to eat, by dinner I can get down a reasonable sized meal. I am almost thinking that maybe I need to be on diet pills to boost my metabolism. I am not sure what to do. I am calling out to anyone that has set the same 20 pound goal and have achieved it. What did you eat? What was your exercise regiment? I am also drinking more Water that I have in FOREVER...at least 4-6 cups a day. I know that may not be a lot for some, but for me that is A LOT!!!! I would sometimes go days without water....

I am open and willing to take any advice!!!


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When I stopped losing weight, I found out that I was not eating enough, believe it or not. And, I wasn't eating enough Protein. Are you getting enough protein? If not, my doctor recommends the Atkins shakes. I like the chocolate ones. Good Luck! keep up the good work

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Unlike my friend Marla in the other post, I don't have a problem under eating! HAHA. When I was stuck on the scale, I was eating TOO much! If you eat a "reasonable" meal at night, how many calories do you think it is? I suggest you log all your calories every day for a while and check it out. Also, what is the intensity of your walking> Are you sweating like crazy or is it a "stroll"? That makes a HUGE difference. I think you should also do some weight training to build muscle and get that metabolism going. One more thing....make an effort to double your Water. SO MANY PEOPLE say they stop losing when their water is low. Shoot for a quart and then two quarts a day and so on...I'll bet you are dehydrated, too! That can really stop the loss.

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Unlike my friend Marla in the other post, I don't have a problem under eating! HAHA. When I was stuck on the scale, I was eating TOO much! If you eat a "reasonable" meal at night, how many calories do you think it is? I suggest you log all your calories every day for a while and check it out. Also, what is the intensity of your walking> Are you sweating like crazy or is it a "stroll"? That makes a HUGE difference. I think you should also do some weight training to build muscle and get that metabolism going. One more thing....make an effort to double your Water. SO MANY PEOPLE say they stop losing when their Water is low. Shoot for a quart and then two quarts a day and so on...I'll bet you are dehydrated, too! That can really stop the loss.

I have been tracking my calories (1200 or Less)....My Protein is way low...what should it be? I hear so many opinions on what it should be.....I will work on increasing Protein. Reality is, meat is hard on me......as far as water...I am drinking 7 servings or more a day. That is A LOT for me. I am not a big drinker. When I did drink, it would be juices and sweet tea. I have cut almost all of that out of my diet. When I walk on the treadmill....I am sweating. I am doing over 2 miles in a 45 minute time frame......So I guess I will purchase the Protein shakes. Try to get in a little more water...I would have thought my body would have responded to the water that I have been drinking....because it is A LOT compared to my normal consumption.

Thanks for the advice....

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When I stopped losing weight, I found out that I was not eating enough, believe it or not. And, I wasn't eating enough Protein. Are you getting enough Protein? If not, my doctor recommends the Atkins shakes. I like the chocolate ones. Good Luck! keep up the good work

What is the recommended amount for protein? I found so many variations....


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I was told 60 to 80 gms of Protein a day. You might be consuming too many calories at one time. If your meals ( and calories) are not space throughout the day and most are consumed in one big meal later in the day, your body can't work off that meal.

Bob Green ( Oprah's trainer) told a story in one of his books about a woman with the last 10 pounds to lose. He didn't change the amount of calories she consumed in a day, but he spaced the same calories out differently in the day, with more earlier in the day and fewer later in the day and she lost the weight.

A lot of food at one meal can also make extra insulin release, instead of less insulin at each smaller meal.

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My surgeon wants me getting around 60 grams of Protein and 64 oz Water every day.

You said that meats are hard for you. What is your restriction like? Hard Proteins are ideal, and if you can't get them down, it might be that you're just a bit too restricted, which can hinder weight loss. A SLIGHT unfill might do the trick.

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My surgeon wants me getting around 60 grams of Protein and 64 oz Water every day.

You said that meats are hard for you. What is your restriction like? Hard Proteins are ideal, and if you can't get them down, it might be that you're just a bit too restricted, which can hinder weight loss. A SLIGHT unfill might do the trick.

My restriction is fickle...That;s why I am so afraid of an unfill....One day I can hardly eat anything and the next day I can eat more than I would like to.....so it low carb the way???? I am eating less than 1200 calories on most days, I would have thought that would be enough with Water and exercise....


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I was told 60 to 80 gms of Protein a day. You might be consuming too many calories at one time. If your meals ( and calories) are not space throughout the day and most are consumed in one big meal later in the day, your body can't work off that meal.

Bob Green ( Oprah's trainer) told a story in one of his books about a woman with the last 10 pounds to lose. He didn't change the amount of calories she consumed in a day, but he spaced the same calories out differently in the day, with more earlier in the day and fewer later in the day and she lost the weight.

A lot of food at one meal can also make extra insulin release, instead of less insulin at each smaller meal.

Thanks! See that's what makes all of this so complicated!!!!:embaressed_smile: I was thinking about drinking Protein for Breakfast and dinner and just eating one meal a day....I am not sure that's the right thing to do...but I did not want to think about food/portions/menus...that's why I got the band...but I am learning slowly but surely this is the only way??!!??

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Is that the way you plan to eat when you reach goal? shouldn't we learn (to be succesful long term after reaching goal) to eat two to three "normal" meals? That's the way most of the "normal" people I know eat and my goal is to be normal.

If you eat one large meal, then later will your body still crave that amount at that meal, but then you'll start adding additional meals as well, right?

Counting and measuring IS a pain, but the more I do it and retrain my eye and stomach to recognize a regular portion, the easier it is to know when I'm away from home, how much a regular portion is.

My way is not necessarily the right way or the only way, just wanted to offer what I am doing, since you wanted suggestions.

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Is that the way you plan to eat when you reach goal? shouldn't we learn (to be succesful long term after reaching goal) to eat two to three "normal" meals? That's the way most of the "normal" people I know eat and my goal is to be normal.

If you eat one large meal, then later will your body still crave that amount at that meal, but then you'll start adding additional meals as well, right?

Counting and measuring IS a pain, but the more I do it and retrain my eye and stomach to recognize a regular portion, the easier it is to know when I'm away from home, how much a regular portion is.

My way is not necessarily the right way or the only way, just wanted to offer what I am doing, since you wanted suggestions.

Eating one meal a day is not what I want to do forever, I was just trying to jump start my weight loss. The one meal that I would eat would be a sensible lapband meal. Long term, I want to be normal and eat 3 meals a day...I think that is what all of us bandsters would like to acheive...I thought about the shakes because of the Protein. I figure that would take the guess work out of my Protein intake.

I am not knocking anyones way of how they are eating..If it's measuring, weight watchers, south beach, or whatever the case may be. You are right, I am looking for all suggestions. I would just prefer not to measure....I am not a self maintenance person....That is not good at all...but that is the truth.

I have been counting calories...so I have it in me to watch my intake to a certain point....I would like to start with maybe 2 Protein Shakes and 1 meal for 2 weeks and then 2 meals one shake.....The shakes are not neccessarily Meal Replacements...they are just a way of me making sure I get in the 60 grams of protein a day.....

We'll see how it goes....

Thanks for all the suggestions!

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Eating one meal a day is not what I want to do forever, I was just trying to jump start my weight loss. The one meal that I would eat would be a sensible lapband meal. Long term, I want to be normal and eat 3 meals a day...I think that is what all of us bandsters would like to acheive...I thought about the shakes because of the Protein. I figure that would take the guess work out of my Protein intake.

I am not knocking anyones way of how they are eating..If it's measuring, weight watchers, south beach, or whatever the case may be. You are right, I am looking for all suggestions. I would just prefer not to measure....I am not a self maintenance person....That is not good at all...but that is the truth.

I have been counting calories...so I have it in me to watch my intake to a certain point....I would like to start with maybe 2 Protein Shakes and 1 meal for 2 weeks and then 2 meals one shake.....The shakes are not neccessarily meal replacements...they are just a way of me making sure I get in the 60 grams of protein a day.....

We'll see how it goes....

Thanks for all the suggestions!

Shakes would take the guess work out, but the lap band doesn't work with liquid calories. A Protein Shake won't help your band work because it won't stay in the banded upper pouch of your stomach. So you might be getting the protein you want, but you'll still be hungry and may end up eating more calories. A better way would be to eat solid protein that stays in your pouch longer. Then you can keep the calories down, be satisfied, and get your protein. It doesn't have to be meat if that gives you trouble. There are lots of options. Fish is a good one, tofu and soy products, a lot of the vegetarian meat substitues are very good, and eggs (egg whites) are good lean protein.

I would encourage you to try measuring what you eat for a few days. You may be surprised by the actual size of your portions. This of course affects how many calories you are eating and how much nutrition you are getting from them. Part of the banding journey is learning how to eat like "normal" people...but we have to learn, and the best way to learn is to train your eyes to recognize an appropriate portion. Don't forget, "normal" people aren't banded and they aren't as restricted in how much they can eat as we are now. You shouldn't have to measure forever, but it is important to do it so you learn what the right sizes are, and to periodically go back and "remind" ourselves when things aren't going the way it seems they should.

I would also suggest increasing your exercise a lot more. 30 minutes a day is a good starting point, but as you continue on, your body gets used to that activity and it no longer stimulates your metabolism like it used to. Whenever the weight loss stops, it's time to shake something up so your body doesn't get stuck in its rut. Increase your speed, or try a different, more challenging exercise. Do some sprints, where you go as fast as you can for a minute and then walk your normal pace for a few minutes. Are you doing strength training? This will help a lot. Muscle is more active than fat and helps you burn more calories. The thing about exercise is that our bodies adapt to it very quickly, so we have to keep changing things and challenging ourselves to keep the scale moving the right direction, and keep getting healthier!

Good luck, I hope things get moving for you again!

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My suggestion is to spread out your meals in the morning on the table. Make sure you are getting in no more than 1000 Cal's. Eat five times and drink at least 3 quarts of water.. Make sure you are getting 40 to 60 grams of Protein. I start with a large cup of tea and add 20 grams of Protein Powder then as I drink it I add another 20 grams and so on till its all gone THEN I EAT...I do not go to bed till I have finished all the recommended Water. I stop eating by five pm. WATER WATER WATER.

Again works for me. Matt

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Everyone has hit everything as far as food goes.

30 minutes a day of walking isn't going to get you to your goal. Change your exercise routine every 4 weeks. Make goals that stretch you. Walk faster, walk on incline, get a jump rope, shoot for 45 minutes, run, cycle, weight train.

If you want different results you need to act differently.

Good luck.

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My suggestion is to spread out your meals in the morning on the table. Make sure you are getting in no more than 1000 Cal's. Eat five times and drink at least 3 quarts of Water.. Make sure you are getting 40 to 60 grams of Protein. I start with a large cup of tea and add 20 grams of Protein powder then as I drink it I add another 20 grams and so on till its all gone THEN I EAT...I do not go to bed till I have finished all the recommended Water. I stop eating by five pm. WATER WATER WATER.

Again works for me. Matt

Hi Matt...

Do you monitor your intake as far as Fat, Sodium, carbs? I know with 1000 calories, it should not be that much of an issue...just curious. Thanks for the advice!!!


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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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