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How often do you vomit/PB?

How often do you vomit/PB?  

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Kyoto, That story sounds like mine and I just had to have my band removed because it slipped and my stomach was prolasped. If you're vomiting every day, can't get anything down other than liquid and yet that liquid is still kinda coming up or you're burping the liquid shakes for hours.....yes you do need to get a swallow study. Perhaps you can get your PCP to order the test not as a bandrelation but, perhaps from reflux. I'm assuming if you're throwing up you've got some reflux too. Then at least you'd know if your band slipped and maybe then the insurance would pay to have it taken out, elective or not. Good luck.

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thanks for your reply, sherry.

after i made that post, i had a decent food day - well, i ate Soup and some cheese but i didn't have any problems. i had also taken some liquid childrens motrin but that was only one dose and haven't had any since.

today i waited a while this morning before eating anything (had juice that went down okay) and i had some cheese and then a little later a few almonds and raisins. no problems, really? i mean, i burped a bit and tasted it for a while but chewed a papaya enzyme and then about an hour and 1/2 had some orange juice (though i had a bit of pain with it going down at first). i've had some more soup and a pudding since...things are okay.

could this just have gotten so bad because of stress (losing my job) and then my period is coming up (i think? it should if it's going to be regular??).


i really don't want to have this band out! it cost so much money and it's the first time in my life that i've lost more than 10 lbs (because of the PCOS) and ugh :thumbup: :thumbup: :ohmy:

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This can be so frustrating! It seems like I'm vomiting after dinner almost nightly. I do fine during the day, most days my Breakfast is yogurt with some granola and my lunch is a salad with some grilled chicken. I do fine with that, but for some reason in the evening I almost always bring up my dinner. Whether it's meat or just steamed veggies, if it's solid and not liquid or "mushy" for dinner it seems to come back up. Very frustrating. I'm thinking I might need to go in for an unfill. I wouldn't be quite as frustrated if I were actually losing weight, but the scale isn't budging and I'm startinig to get a sore throat from throwing up so much. :thumbup:

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Kyoto...this far out you shouldn't have to stick with such liquidy foods in order to keep them down dear and to still be having slight issues with those tells me something isn't right.

Bridgette - you should also be able to eat solids without having issues and having "a sore throat from throwing up so much" is also a sign you're throwing up ALOT.

Damage can be done to your esphogus. Be careful folks! What I can't stress enough is a simple swallow study that takes 15-30 min will allow you peace of mind or at least to know IF something is wrong with your band. BELIEVE ME......I've been there. I too was surviving on Soup, soft cheeses, liquid Protein Drinks and a tell tale sign something is wrong is if it's been 2-3 hours later or more and you're still burping or tasting whatever it is you put in your stomach. NOT GOOD! I had my first band in 2/2006 and a revision surgery because of a slip in 12/2008 and my band removed in 2/2010 because of yet another slip and prolasp. I know all too well what can happen. This last time was a doozy in that my band that was placed inside me in the position of looking at my left shoulder was looking at my left foot by the time it was removed. PLEASE.....just get yourself a swallow study. As I said before whats the worse that can happen...1. you're ok and have peace of mind or 2. something is wrong and now you know why you're burping, throwing up and can't get healthy Protein down.

When folks have the band all that should be happening is that you can eat smaller portions and feel full...not feel pain, not throw up and you should be able to eat just about any healthy food you want other than foods that group or bloat when in your stomach like bread, rice and Pasta. Any meat, veggie or fruit should be able to be eaten without too many issues or getting sick. Sure you'll have some foods that just won't agree with you but for the most part you should still be able to eat, exercise and be comfortable. If you're not then your band is either too tight or something is wrong.

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kyoto...this far out you shouldn't have to stick with such liquidy foods in order to keep them down dear and to still be having slight issues with those tells me something isn't right.

Bridgette - you should also be able to eat solids without having issues and having "a sore throat from throwing up so much" is also a sign you're throwing up alot.

Damage can be done to your esphogus. Be careful folks! What i can't stress enough is a simple swallow study that takes 15-30 min will allow you peace of mind or at least to know if something is wrong with your band. Believe me......i've been there. I too was surviving on Soup, soft cheeses, Liquid Protein drinks and a tell tale sign something is wrong is if it's been 2-3 hours later or more and you're still burping or tasting whatever it is you put in your stomach. Not good! I had my first band in 2/2006 and a revision surgery because of a slip in 12/2008 and my band removed in 2/2010 because of yet another slip and prolasp. I know all too well what can happen. This last time was a doozy in that my band that was placed inside me in the position of looking at my left shoulder was looking at my left foot by the time it was removed. Please.....just get yourself a swallow study. As i said before whats the worse that can happen...1. You're ok and have peace of mind or 2. Something is wrong and now you know why you're burping, throwing up and can't get healthy Protein down.

When folks have the band all that should be happening is that you can eat smaller portions and feel full...not feel pain, not throw up and you should be able to eat just about any healthy food you want other than foods that group or bloat when in your stomach like bread, rice and Pasta. Any meat, veggie or fruit should be able to be eaten without too many issues or getting sick. Sure you'll have some foods that just won't agree with you but for the most part you should still be able to eat, exercise and be comfortable. If you're not then your band is either too tight or something is wrong.

listen to her!!!!

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I am scheduled to go in on Weds for a slight unfill. Ironically, since scheduling the appt on Tuesday, I've only thrown up once. LOL Figures, right?

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sherry - your post scares me so much. gosh, i hope that i don't have any issue with my band other than i'm too tight. :laugh:

i called my surgeon's office 2 days in a row to let them know i've been having issues and what they think i should do - someone was supposed to call me back but no one did. i did get an email saying the NP wanted me to go on Clear Liquids for the weekend and schedule an appointment for an unfill...

it doesn't seem as though they're as worried as i am...

i'm nervous about having an unfill because i don't want to gain any weight. at all. but i think i'd rather gain a few than to have a slipped band?

i only threw up once (i think) this past week and it was thanks to a (homemade) smoothie and drinking too much - i just got annoyed and i wasn't able to focus at work. nothing solid came up (duh, didn't eat anything solid) but it did help.


i was able to eat things like tuna salad and turkey breast (with gravy) for lunch this week and had no problems keeping it down, so that's good, right??

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Kyoto it is good that you've been able to eat but, there were times I could too. Basically what I'm saying is IF you've never had a swallow study except for right after the surgery and you've been having issues with throwing up AND you've chewed well, making the right choices and not over doing it then get a swallow study. Better safe than sorry. My doctor never thought I was having a big issue...the famous...UNFILL to solve it worked during the early issues but, every time I got refilled again it would start back up a week or two after. When my stomach was prolaspsed it could still hold food. I'd have an unfill and it open the passage a bit more so I could "tolerate" the not really feeling good so the signs were still there. I would talk myself into I was ok. But from what I know now...I know my band was slipped for a long time and because it was slipped it would kinda move around. Some days I could eat, what I thought was reasonably and other days where two spoonfuls of yogurt would make that ball in my chest and I'd throw up. Throwing up is a tell tale sign that you...have eaten too much, took too big of a bite or something is wrong in there. If you're eating mushies or liquids and it's happening it's not good. The safest bet, and I so highly recommend it, is to have a swallow study. It's quick, easy (taste gross but, only lasts a few minutes) and then you've got your peace of mind and your health. Wondering....doubting....throwing up...not being able to eat properly will only cause more damage in the long run. So look back at the last time you've had one, keep track of when you do have issues eating & throwing up or just being so tight you feel you can't eat and track the amount and what you're eating. I think you'd be surprised how often you have issues and for how long. I know I was. I do wish you the best with you band and your journey. Good luck and it's great that youv'e got the ball rolling by calling your docs office. Never let them go too long without getting a return call! It's your health so don't feel like you're being a pain, it's worth it to be safe.


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Bridgette....I think it's a good move. So much damage can be done to your band and esphogus from throwing up repeatedly. There is no harm in talking to your doc and getting a slight unfill. If the slight unfill doesn't work or if it's been a long time since you've had a swallow study definitely take that route.

Good luck and keep us updated how you make out.


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I can't agree enough!

I was having problems but thought in the long run it would be worth it since I was practically throwing everything up & not consuming calories...

Thank godness I had a slight infill, it's like magic all the uncomfortness went away!!! No slipage, might have streatched my pouch a little, but I was told it would return to normal after the swelling goes down.

I can eat anything & still feel full after a normal portion.

I will return next month for maybe .1 cc or .15

end the end, listen to your body. It tells you when something is NOT NORMAL.

Good luck to all!!!

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If I eat to fast and don't chew or if I overeat I can BP. It happens maybe once a week or less. I just had en Endoscopy of my throat and found out that because of this my esophogas has eroded. Please be careful because this is a very serious condition that is common with lap band patients. The doctors discovered this by running tests on me while looking for a blocked intestine from my tubing wrapping around them. I really have to remember to chew chew chew. I can't replace the tissue that has deteriorated and I have already had surgery before for tubing problems. What's next??

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Thank you Redbone and ForMyBoys for letting folks know of the issues you've had and were found by testing. I think way too often people push aside what their bodies are telling them and that will take a toll!

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well, a couple weeks ago, i went in and had an unfill. they took 2 ccs out of my band. while i was in the waiting room, i was only drinking Water and was having really annoying heartburn (not normal for me) but after the unfill, it was instantly gone.

since then, it's like i don't even have a band - which is very frustrating! i've gained about 5 lbs but i think some of that is fluids and most of it is probably because my metabolism slowed due to my very small intake of food for a couple months. so frustrating!

i'm going for an upper gi this week to check the placement of the band. they're thinking it was just way too tight but of course, have to make sure there isn't any slippage or other problems. i'm hoping for the best, as i've had ZERO problems since the unfill. i think i remember my surgeon telling me they do something like stitch something (part of the stomach?) over the band to reduce the chance of slipping. but i could be mistaken! unfortunately, dr. sprunger is no longer with scottsdale bariatric since scottsdale healthcare took over the practice. :( so i can't ask him... but dr. blackstone is still there and she is great bariatric surgeon, highly regarded here. (i would've had her do my surgery but she was booked farther out and i wanted it done asap after i was approved.)

anyway, yeah. no pb-ing/vomiting since the unfill. no heartburn or reflux either. but also, more of an appetite and the ability to easily eat much more. :( luckily, i'm not a binge eater but i have tended to graze, and with no restriction from the band... :smile2:

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Kyota, Good Luck, I ,too, had been subsisting on any liquid i could tolerate, after a sinus infectin left me vomiting in my sleep (sinus drainage) I ended up barely able to swallow; had a deflate on my band.Your weight will stablize ( just a bit higher than before) I hope you are all right.

I recently had my gall bladder out (found, that made me PB and vomit a lot.) Other than the sinuses, really have not had as many problems since recovering from the gall bladder surgery. I feel SSOO much better. I no longer measure success by the length of time between vomitting.

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Kyoto you won't regret having the swallow study. I'm glad you got help with your reflux. Yes...they do stitch the band in place by folding part of your stomach over the band and making a small flap (so to speak). That is then stitched so it almost makes like a belt loop that holds your band in place however, slippage can still happen or more so prolasps. The rest of the band is still free so your stomach can prolasps up above it or the band can slip slightly. It's almost as if it's hinged in place by the flap they stitched. They do this because in the beginning they did have issues with people slipping their bands and found this technique helped reduce that by a great amount. Weight gain stinks for everyone, no doubt...heck we got the band for a reason but, it's still best to know for sure and stay healthy. Throwing up and reflux are not healthy and can actually cause more health issues in the long run. So good luck with your swallow study....I hope it works out for the best and you can start getting slight fills again. Good luck!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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