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For those who got banded this week and last

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Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds? Also, what are you guys drinking and how much. Are you all hungry yet? Do you have bandages over your incisions? When are you guys allowed to shower? How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side? TIA I look forward to reading your experiences thus far.

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I got banded on Feb 19th. I am going in for my post op dr appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much I've lost. I was only on pain meds for 4 days post op. I have stiches but they are the kind that disolve. No bandages. I am still on liguids mostly Protein Drinks, Soup, yogurt, Jello. I do eat 4oz of malt o meal for Breakfast and 4oz Protein Shake. I like Carnation Inst Breakfast and add a scoop of Protein Powder. lunch is soup and 4oz of Protein shake and dinner is mashed potatoes or soup and more protein shake. Jello, apple sause or yogert inbetween. Have you been banded yet?

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Hi, I had surgery on Friday! 2/29

was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds?

I am not taking my meds anymore. I was never really in a lot of pain, but the gas is still killing me…arg!

Also, what are you guys drinking and how much.

Water, hmm… I’m trying to drink about 4 bottles a day plus my Protein shake and a few glasses of juice.

Are you all hungry yet?

YES I am hungry, popsicles are not cutting it. I’m thinking about eating some Tomato Soup.< /span>

Do you have bandages over your incisions?

I have tape over the big incision and derma bond over the rest.

When are you guys allowed to shower?

Doctor told me to shower the first day

How do you guys sleep?

Doctor didn’t tell me anything about sleeping; I start out on my back and wake up on my stomach.

The only problems that I am having are the gas hurts but it’s getting way better, and I’m itchy but that’s because I am healing.

And I’m hungry and ready for week 2 when I can have Soup.< /span>

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Hi! I was re-banded on Feb 27 (a week ago today). I could eat the neighbor's toddler about now. :)

No pain meds, but I don't like taking them so I tend to avoid them even if I do need them. I removed the steri-strips today from the incisions. Still lots of bruising, but the swelling in my abdomen is way down from a week ago! LOL

I ended up with pneumonia and had to be re-admitted to the hospital on Friday, but overall I feel really strong and pretty darn good. I was on Soup and Jello until yesterday, but started mashed potatoes and applesauce today. I would give anything for popcorn, but I'll settle for mashed potatoes with chicken broth on top for supper. :)

I gained about 20 pounds post-op, so I have no idea how accurate my weight is today. IF it's accurate and I'm not still retaining Fluid, I've lost 5 or 6 pounds since surgery a week ago.

Good luck to you all! :)

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Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds? Also, what are you guys drinking and how much. Are you all hungry yet? Do you have bandages over your incisions? When are you guys allowed to shower? How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side? TIA I look forward to reading your experiences thus far.

I guess I'll just take your questions in the order they were asked...

I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds?

I take my prescription pain medicine as needed - which is about twice a day.

what are you guys drinking and how much

Decaf Iced Green Tea with Splenda, Kellog's Protein Water, Water - I sip those through out the day to stay hydrated.

I'm supposed to be taking in 200 calories per day and having 2oz of Fluid per hour other than the water/tea I mentioned above. So, every hour I have 2oz of: chicken brother, Jello, grape juice or apple juice.

Are you all hungry yet?

I have moments when I get a pang of hunger but I don't really feel hungry. I think it's more psychological then anything else. My stomach keeps growling but my Bariatric nurse said that is because the enzymes in my tummy are trying to figure out what the heck is going on. :)

Do you have bandages over your incisions?

We were told to remove my band-aids yesterday. (Surgery was on Monday). I still have tape over my incisions - we were told that these would dissolve/fall off on their own.

When are you guys allowed to shower?

I was told that I could shower the very next day if I wanted to. The water can not be aimed directly at my wounds, I must be very careful and I must pat them dry.

How do you guys sleep?

I sleep sitting up with a few pillows behind my back and head for support.

Do you know when we can sleep on our side?

I'm a side sleeper and when I had my gall bladder out, it was probably a good month or two before I felt comfortable enough to do it. I would say ask your surgeon and do what feels comfortable to you. Don't push it.

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I was banded on 2/28 so I'm 6 days out today.

Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds?

No. My last dose was Sunday.

Also, what are you guys drinking and how much.

Water, Propel, broth, Jello, popsicles, Protein shakes. I'm supposed to get 50-60 g of Protein a day. I wasn't given a set number of calories, just told I could drink/eat what I needed/wanted. I haven't really been hungry up until today. I'm adding full liquids (cream Soups and such) tonight.

Are you all hungry yet?

Yesterday, a little. Today, a lot more. I think increasing to full liquids will help that. I should get to go to mushies after my follow up on Monday (well, I can now if I feel like I need it).

Do you have bandages over your incisions?

Not anymore. I had bandages when I came out of surgery and I was told that I could take them off after 48 hours. I don't have visible stitches, but I do have dermabond.

When are you guys allowed to shower?

I was allowed to shower after 48 hours.

How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side?

I slept on my side from the first night. I only sleep on my side so I'm lucky that wasn't an issue. It was a little painful and I sort of tilted to my back the first night and I've been sleeping holding onto a pillow so my husband doesn't roll into me (after putting him on the couch the first few nights).

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Hi -

I was banded 2/28. These are some good questions you ask! No, I am not on pain meds, anymore. I am one that does not like the way they make me feel. I went back to work yesterday. Am I hungry? Yes, but the Protein shakes do help a bit. I have had creamy Tomato Soup and that helps, too, that and really, really runny mashed potatoes (actually it looks more like cream of potato Soup. I took a shower in the hospital the second day and that feels good. I have one bandage on the incision covering the port, but all my other incisions look great. Two are completely healed already. I haven't ventured to bed yet, but am sleeping on my lazy boy chair, which I did a lot before surgery, so its no big deal. I don't think I could sleep on my side yet.

Hope this helps ya!

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I was banded on Monday. I am feeling nauseous throughout the day. I have med for it. I was wondering if anybody else has had problems with nausea and how long it took before it subsided.

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Let's see....I was banded yesterday! Still on pain meds...in a lot more pain today than I was yesterday...hurts to sit up, get up, bend down, etc. Definitely hungry but doing well with slimfast blended shakes, Tomato Soup, apple juice, lemon yogurt, etc. I have "tape" over my incisions. I noticed today that they are bleeding a bit so I put an extra bandaid on a couple of them. I'm allowed to shower now...but I prefer sponge baths from the husband (which he *thinks* are part of the recovery)! I don't know about sleeping on the side...I'm paranoid I will disrupt the port. Checkout my blog for the step-by-step of my experience so far: Lise The Loser’s Weblog

Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds? Also, what are you guys drinking and how much. Are you all hungry yet? Do you have bandages over your incisions? When are you guys allowed to shower? How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side? TIA I look forward to reading your experiences thus far.

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Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds? Also, what are you guys drinking and how much. Are you all hungry yet? Do you have bandages over your incisions? When are you guys allowed to shower? How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side? TIA I look forward to reading your experiences thus far.

I was banded on 2/27. I only took my pain meds 2x, other than the day I came home (it was done outpatient, so I took it 2x that day).

Drinking is hard for me because we have to sip and I just forget to sip! I'm mostly drinking Water and Protein drinks. I get in a few glasses of Water and so far 1 Protein Drink a day. My doctor said this was normal at first and just try to build up from there.

I had dissovable stitches covered by the glue stuff. The glue stuff is flaking off now and is nearly off of the incisions on my tummy. The incision in my bra strap area is looking better too. My doctor puts the port in your upper chest so that it is easier to find for fills. Just started using my scar cream today!

I was allowed to shower the very next day. No problems at all in that sense! I'm just ready to be completely healed so I can have a long soak in the tub again!

The first night or so, I slept in the bed propped up with several pillows. By the 3rd night, I was comfortable on my side. I was never told to wait to do this, so I guess it didn't matter. I'm a stomach sleeper and can't wait until that is comfortable again!

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I got banded on the 4th. I didn't think it would be this rough because everyone acted like they didn't need their pain meds but I definitely do. Of course, I'm 8 weeks post partum too so it's an extra strain.

I drink Water, crystal light, chicken broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello. I can't wait to have things like Tomato Soup.. and I hate tomato soup! lol.

I sleep propped up on the couch which I've been doing for a while anyway b/c I can't sleep in the same room as the baby so he stays in the bedroom with my husband.

I don't feel hungry. I only drink b/c my mouth gets dry. My doctor said not to force liquids or food if you don't need it. Hopefully I don't get too hungry before my first fill.

I still have my bandages on, obviously.. I'm nervous to even touch them.

I can't wait to be able to hold my baby again!

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Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds?
I'm on Day 8 and no, not for 3 days now
Also, what are you guys drinking and how much. .
Water and Protein Shakes mainly
Are you all hungry yet? .
Yeah, that came back big time on day 5, I'm eating about 1000 cal a day now and am fine with that, I was under 400 calories the first few days - while ok then, wouldn't do it after day 5. I've even added in some more solid foods not on my 5 week post op mushy list (Scrambled egg, mashed potatoes)
Do you have bandages over your incisions? .
They used some kind of liquid or spray on bandages for me
When are you guys allowed to shower? .
I was told I could shower day 2 if I wanted to - I waited til day 3
How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side? TIA I look forward to reading your experiences thus far.
sleeping is a problem, I am a side sleeper have had too much pain when laying down to do so currently. I have been using my recliner so far. To be fair I also weigh over 400 lbs, so there's a considerable amount of muscle and fat that gets shifted when I lay down - lighter persons may or may not have a problem. I was told that they stitch the port to muscle on the inside and it needs to heal better before I can lay down. This is the only part I do not like about the whole thing.

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Thank you guys so much! I'm glad I'm not the only one who still takes pain meds. As of now I might not need it anymore though, I feel ok. I can't believe I'm only 3 days post op. It feels like so long ago I had the surgery, lol. The only think I am eating/drinking is Water, very little SF (sugar free) juice, 2 sf Jello cups a day and 1-2 SF popsicles. Oh and last night had a cup of chicken broth. LAst night (tonight) was the fisrt night I slept on my side in my bed. It was great! I can't wait to sleep on my tummy again. Thanks again :)

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Hi, I was wondering if you guys are still on pain meds? Also, what are you guys drinking and how much. Are you all hungry yet? Do you have bandages over your incisions? When are you guys allowed to shower? How do you guys sleep? Do you know when we can sleep on our side? TIA I look forward to reading your experiences thus far.

Banded 2/25/08 and was sent home with an OnQpainbuster pump. It supplied local anesthetic to the wound site by a tube implanted under the skin and lasted 2 1/2 days. The pump would have lasted five days but I accidently pulled the tubing out on day 2 1/2. I never had to take my oral pain meds.

I was already drinkig a lot of fluids due to diabeties and dry mouth. I drink 60 to 80 oz of Water a day.

Yes, I had a problem with hunger only during the Liquid phase. I really had an issue with needing something with texture more than hunger. I only had 5 days of liquid (2 full and 3 clear) pre op and the same post op. Every 2-3 days something new is added to the diet. I am 10 days post op tomorrow and can add: fresh fruits.

Steri strips that were removed on day five from my incisions. No staples or stitches visible. My Nurse said I had internal stitches and glue used to close the incisions. I had 4 incisions approx half inch long (3 in the front and 1 on my left side) and 1 two inches long in the front. I was able to shower on day 2. No baths allowed yet, my follow up is next Tuesday 3/11/08.

I have always slept on my side and was able to do so the 2nd night only if I carefully laid in the position I wanted to sleep. I did wake myself up trying to turn over thru the night. I only experienced pain moving around not because I laid on my port incision.

I talked to a friend of mine who had LBS done and she had alot more problems with pain than I did. I have a high tolerance for pain so this may be why I had less problems than my friend.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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