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Well Grace65, I hope I follow your lead. It has been 2 weeks since my 3rd fill. I can say it is better than before surgery...I just wish it was a bit tighter. As with you, I can eat just about anything if I take my time. I keep waiting for the restriction everyone talks about.:confused2:

My confession is I love oatmeal. I know it is good for me. The problem is I love it with sugar and whipping cream.:) I have purchased small bowls I can fill to the top so I don't feel so "hard done by". It's just that it tastes sooo goood with cream on it. The small bowl does fill me up now (thank goodness).:thumbup: Now I just have to quit having whipping cream in the house. (I'm making 12qts of homamade ice cream for staff appreciation at my daughter's school Tuesday. :rolleyes:) Good luck to everyonewith their eating.

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I thought I would check out the posts of people that were banded the same time as me.

I will not be returning to this one as your posts are really scary. count your food, and get off your butt

we all have the urge to eat, not just you, we all got to be obese by stuffing our mouths. I am very sick to read your posts. does it make you feel better to have other loosers rate as you do. I hope you are self pay, and not under insurance.

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I thought I would check out the posts of people that were banded the same time as me.

I will not be returning to this one as your posts are really scary. count your food, and get off your butt

we all have the urge to eat, not just you, we all got to be obese by stuffing our mouths. I am very sick to read your posts. does it make you feel better to have other loosers rate as you do. I hope you are self pay, and not under insurance.

Is this a joke? I would hope so! I can't imagine having a thread to help us encourage each other to get back on the wagon after a fall, and then being belittled about it. I personally am happy that this thread exsist! It is nice to know that other people make mistakes and have setbacks just as I do.

I guess if I were able to count my food and get off my butt, I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place!

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I thought I would check out the posts of people that were banded the same time as me.

I will not be returning to this one as your posts are really scary. count your food, and get off your butt

we all have the urge to eat, not just you, we all got to be obese by stuffing our mouths. I am very sick to read your posts. does it make you feel better to have other loosers rate as you do. I hope you are self pay, and not under insurance.

You know, you probably shouldn't read this thread anymore, since you are soo perfect as to never mess up or falter from your plan.

Most of us, on the other hand, are human. Obesity is something that we have dealt with for many years. We are not perfect, yet we are fighting hard and winning the battle of obesity. Take a look at my ticker, I would say that it is pretty obvious that I have counted my calories and gotten off my butt. Yesterday I took in 800 calories and burnned 2800. But I also have days that I drink some Starbuck's coffee or a lemon slush. Sometimes I carb out for a few days, then, with the help of my band, I get back on track. No, my journey is not perfect, but it is mine. I am VERY offended that you would dare judge us.

Enjoy your perfect journey. As for me, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments and very willing to be real with my successes as well as my faults.

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You know, you probably shouldn't read this thread anymore, since you are soo perfect as to never mess up or falter from your plan.

Most of us, on the other hand, are human. Obesity is something that we have dealt with for many years. We are not perfect, yet we are fighting hard and winning the battle of obesity. Take a look at my ticker, I would say that it is pretty obvious that I have counted my calories and gotten off my butt. Yesterday I took in 800 calories and burnned 2800. But I also have days that I drink some Starbuck's coffee or a lemon slush. Sometimes I carb out for a few days, then, with the help of my band, I get back on track. No, my journey is not perfect, but it is mine. I am VERY offended that you would dare judge us.

Enjoy your perfect journey. As for me, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments and very willing to be real with my successes as well as my faults.

Amen, Renewedhope! I couldn't have said it better myself. Actually, this thread helps keep me on track. I come here to "fess up" when I have a not so great day. I always feel better afterward and usually get right back on the bandwagon the next day. And donnabarney, if reading this thread "makes you sick", perhaps it would be better if you didn't read it!

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Forgive me fellow banders for I have sinned..........

I have realized that I really enjoy chewing and having food in my mouth. For the most part I have stuck to the liquid diet. I have been having Soups and sugar free ice pops, my Protein shakes. blah blah blah.

However, I have a job where I have to eat out a lot... not by choice, but actually take people out to lunch. So, the other day I ordered a small cup of broth and an order of chili cheese fries. I really thought that they would be wet and mushie. I was banded on 4/22, so I am still on full liquids. Anywho..... I drank half the cup of broth and took 3 very small bites of the chili cheese fries. I was very full and could feel it in my chest. I took it home and my hubby gladly finished it.

Yesterday we went to a Latin Cafe and they had no broth based Soup so I ended up ordering a hamburger with no bun or sides. I asked that it be cooked medium rare. I only hate 1/3 of that in very very small bites, chewing until there was nothing left in my mouth to chew. On that meal I stayed full until today.

Now, today...... I had my Protein shake this morning, cream of broccoli Soup for lunch, cream of broccoli soup for dinner (6 ounces each time) and about two hours ago I decided that I really wanted some chicken breast in a balsamic vinegar dressing with tomatoes and cucumbers. All left over from my families meal last night. Read on for the ultimate eating sin......... I mixed it all up in a bowl. I then got an empty bowl. I took a bite and chewed and chewed and chewed. I then spit it all out in the empty bowl. I did this for the whole serving. So, possibly 1/2 ounce of food slipped down my throat, very liquefied. I am ashamed, but I really wanted to chew some food. It took me over an hour to do that. The juice from the food was better than I could have imagined. I don't know what made me do this except pure desperation. I needed to have that sensation in my mouth.

I just finished 6 ounces of a Protein Drink. I guess I feel better.

Has anyone else done this? Or am I plain strange?

Good luck to everyone !!!!


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I rarely have to confess and I'm not sure I'm confessing now! LOL I stick to my meal plan religiously. I rarely eat during the day just because I forget or am too lazy to cook anything so I drink a lot of Water. At night I try to keep my portions small (don't always succeed), eat mostly meat and veggies and very little in the way of carbs. My doctor requires me to stay below 30 gms of carbs a day and I almost always am well below that.

Last week I started having some major sweet cravings. It's been four months since I indulged my sweet tooth. I may have stolen a bite or two of a dessert my husband was having, but have yet to have a full blown decadent sweet fix. Well this weekend my daughter made these huge icing covered sugar Cookies. (I'm talking 5" across!) I decided that now was the time I was going to allow myself to indulge without guilt and I did. It was unbelievably yummy. Took me 20 minutes to eat it as I ate the icing first and then the cookie! LOL By the time I was done I actually couldn't finish the last bite because I just couldn't eat anything else sweet! I gave it to the dog. Yesterday we went to a baseball game and after having a hamburger patty and a salad with no fat ranch dressing on it I splurged once more and had an ice cream bar. (another one of my weaknesses). It is now Monday, I have gotten it out of my system, I don't have a sweet craving any more and I don't feel I need to forgive myself because I made a conscious decision to satisfy my sweet tooth. I'm back on track and ready to move forward again. It only appears to have cost me a pound, maybe two as I was in the process of dropping weight over the weekend but that's okay. I'll lose it. I'm not racing and I'm still on track to reach my goal well before the end of the year which was my timeline when I started.

So, I can eat what I want in moderate amounts, indulge my sweet tooth once in a while so I don't feel deprived and I can still lose weight.

I love my band!!!!!!!

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I think that is awesome. There is no point in beating ourselves up over a little indulgence. I think that making the conscience decision to "cheat" is very healthy. It is something that I might have done before, but not been able to stop. That is what makes this band a great tool.

I never thought to map out what I wanted out of the band. I am going pretty slow, but I think that this is how it works for me. You are more than half way to your goal!!! I only have a few more pounds until I am there too!

We CAN do this!!

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Awww crap. I haven't had to come here in so long! I've been doing so well! Here's the confession...

During the work week I always have a Protein shake for lunch. It gives me more calories free for dinner. But today, when a friend came to my desk and asked if I wanted to go out for Mexican food, suddenly the vanilla Creme Muscle Milk looked boring.

The good news: grilled tilapia with steamed broccoli and poblano peppers

The bad news: chips, salsa, caramel flan AND (drumroll please....) I drank 2 whole glasses of Water with the meal just so I wouldn't get stuck.

In order to feel better about this, the Protein Shake that was in my purse is destined to be my dinner.

I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow's scale visit will not be sad. I love saying, "yes, I've lost 60 lbs!". It won't be nearly as fun to say, "I've lost 59 lbs.

Oh well - back up on the wagon.

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In the grand scheme of things you probably didn't do so bad. I mean, what you ate was extremely healthy. Yes you indulged a bit, but I know you are like me and 99% of the time you are always watching what you eat carefully. I have already lost the pound I gained from my cookie binge, so if you do gain a pound back just behave for the next couple of days and it will be gone again. I think it is important to not feel extreme guilt when indulging occasionally. I think it is okay to indulge as long as we realize what we are doing and immediately make plans to get back on track, just like you did with the Protein shake. Otherwise, like I mentioned in my confession above, you eventually begin to feel deprived and that will eventually lead to sabotaging your diet or feelings of depression. I want to know that if I feel strongly that I want to indulge, I can. Just like anyone else who eats "normally". The way we ate before wasn't normal, but now we do and normal people splurge every once in a while. They just don't splurge every day like we used to!

So, I hope that you really enjoyed your chips and salsa and the flan. I hope you savored every bite and now are ready to resume eating like a bandster!

You're doing great my fellow bandster buddy!


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I guess I'm somewhat confused.. I do love this thread, but I don't see anything wrong with every now and again having chips and salsa, a small piece of pie, or an enchilada here and there. For me, it triggers my system back into weight loss mode and even my doctor says that if you deny things like these, it just makes the cravings worse.

I didn't get the lap band to count calories and be scared for the rest of my life, I got it to eat less and stay away from breads and pastas as those were my biggest downfalls. I work out every day and for the most part I eat very healthy.. chicken, tuna, Protein shakes, veggies, etc.. but sometimes I might have half a chocolate shake or one of those mini twix candies... For me, by having this little treat every now and again isn't going to send me off on an eating binge to get back up to almost 300 lbs. My life has forever changed and so is my way of thinking.

Don't let that mean person from earlier make anybody feel guilty about what they eat.. but it also saddens me when I see people saying "get back to being a lap bandster".. dont' we all just want to live pretty normally? How can you live a normal life when your whole life is about logging your food intake every stinkin day and feeling guilty over an icecream.. we are all doing fabulous!!

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I guess I'm somewhat confused.. I do love this thread, but I don't see anything wrong with every now and again having chips and salsa, a small piece of pie, or an enchilada here and there. For me, it triggers my system back into weight loss mode and even my doctor says that if you deny things like these, it just makes the cravings worse.

I didn't get the lap band to count calories and be scared for the rest of my life, I got it to eat less and stay away from breads and pastas as those were my biggest downfalls. I work out every day and for the most part I eat very healthy.. chicken, tuna, Protein shakes, veggies, etc.. but sometimes I might have half a chocolate shake or one of those mini twix candies... For me, by having this little treat every now and again isn't going to send me off on an eating binge to get back up to almost 300 lbs. My life has forever changed and so is my way of thinking.

Don't let that mean person from earlier make anybody feel guilty about what they eat.. but it also saddens me when I see people saying "get back to being a lap bandster".. dont' we all just want to live pretty normally? How can you live a normal life when your whole life is about logging your food intake every stinkin day and feeling guilty over an icecream.. we are all doing fabulous!!

Great post crystal! If you want to enjoy a little bit, no problem. As long as you are losing, even if it is only a pound a week, then you are doing a very good job.

Let's not beat ourselves up over such minimal things.

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Crystal - Thank you!

I came here to confess about my last few days. I've been feeling horrible and even though I was under 1200 calories a day I managed to put on 3 pounds in the last 4 days. My eating hasn't been so much about bad things but more about portions that were too large. Compared to pre-band they are still much smaller but they had crept back to the look of a normal person's plate. After reading the last several posts I've been feeling a bit better about it and ready to be dedicated again. I know I definately need a fill and it's less than a week away. So in that time I'm going to see if I can't take off the 3 I gained and maybe a couple more. Either way it's back to smaller size portions and a better attitude. Guilt is not a good friend of mine, it makes me say "WTF, who cares.".

Thanks guys for being here.

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Ezma - you brought up another great point that I didn't mention! When somebody is eating a lot more than they should, I would guess that 90% of that is because they need a fill! many of us are not at our proper restriction.. I'm just now reaching it after three fills.

When you are wide open you will eat more... and going up and down 2-4 pounds is totally normal. I usually play with the same 4 pounds for a good two weeks and then bam, I will go down 4 pounds and play with those 4 pounds.. and so forth.. so it's like I will lose 4 pounds every two weeks. I think that's perfect weightloss for me.. as I'm not looking to lose more than 8 pounds a month... heck, I'd be happy with 4 pounds a month.. I have a banded friend who is so discouraged right now because she has no restriction and she's hardly lost anything... but once she gets that restriction, everything will change.

And once you get that restriction you need Ezma, you will see that 3 pounds fly off! Don't dare feel guilty! we have all come too far to get this surgery to get discouraged .:biggrin:

PS: women can gain 2-5 pounds on their T.O.M. last month I gained 3 ..and as soon as it was over, bam, I was right back down... so make sure that's not what it is as well.

Edited by coolcrystal

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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