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My "seminar" yesterday - this will be long, sorry!

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Now I'm extra ticked since I typed this all out once and deleted it by mistake! :(

Ok, yesterday I had my required "seminar" with Dr. Kwon's office. Keep in mind this is the closest band doctor to me, and it's still about an hour from work, hour and 1/2 from home.

Just to set the stage: the "pre-surgery" consult requirements are weight loss, two support group meetings, psych consult, bloodwork, nutritional consult, cardiologist, gastro consult and EGD, seminar, Nurse practitioner physical.

There are a number of things that are not sitting well with me. First, the whole seminar was a Nurse Practitioner reading from an Inamed brochure, and another women who I named (silently of course) the scale nazi...since she was all over the "if you don't comply you are in trouble". (she's the nutrionist on staff I think...about a size 6 talking about how she just hates to exercize) Truthfully, I could have led this seminar based on all the research I've done in advance of making the decision.

Second, it's the whole diet thing...they require a loss of 5% of total body weight before surgery. I get this from a surgical standpoint. However, they spent most of their time talking about how they'll weigh us once, then again the day before surgery and if we've gained anything, they will cancel. They told us the diet to be on (shakes and small meal) and said it's to determine our "commitment" to the band. Most of this time was spent on how we should find a way to exercize, and how much a serving of Protein is. Um, no kidding....I'm not unaware of how much food I should be eating, I have a PROBLEM. Hence the reason I'm here!!

The next irritating thing was the nurse and the scale nazi told us they had "names" for certain patients who screwed up...like the "Steak Guy" who had to go in because he got a piece of steak lodged in his band, and the "Watermelon Woman" who ate so much watermelon she wasn't losing any weight. This was pretty offensive to me, although they assured us the patients knew they called them these names and they were ok with it. I just thought it was so unprofessional.

Ok, on to my next challenge. This is the second visit with this practice. It's far to get there. I haven't even met the surgeon yet...and I won't until all my pre-surgical testing is done. And, they won't contact my insurance until then either. So I haven't met the surgeon, don't know if I'll like him, and I won't know if my insurance will even cover until I've spent quite a few dollars (I have a deductible/co-insurance PPO). I've explained to them that my insurance advised the MD office to call themselves to the "doctor" line...but they won't, and the insurance won't tell me anything else.

I did schedule the testing, which won't be until April 5th, but I'm really having second thoughts here. It's also going to months before I even get a date because they want a committed patient...

I want to move forward. I want to feel good about my surgeon and the process I will need to go through. I just didn't get an overwhelming feeling of confidence yesterday.

I guess I'm looking for your reactions here - am I overreacting? Would you have looked for another surgeon or would you have sucked it up in order to get your band?

HELP. :cross-eye


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Hi Sharon. I am sorry to hear that you are frustrated. But, I did have the surgery with Dr. Kwon in Feb. I, too , had do go through all those requirements. My initial reaction was lose 5% of my body weight? Are you NUTS?!?! If it was that easy, I wouldn't be here inquiring about surgery. I learned that a lot of insurance companies require that before they will authorize payment, bc they want to be sure you are serious about this band. It sucks, but it is what it is. Also, I find that the staff at Dr. Kwon's office are wonderful and caring...maybe they were having a bad day. But, everyone is different and not all people clash with others. I, too, travel over an hour to meet with the Doc. I feel that it's well worth it! I have nothing but nice things to say about him. He's genuinely caring, strict, and that tells me that he's not out for my money. If he doesn't feel that it's safe to do the surgery he won't! I feel that it's a good thing. My insurance company wasn't contacted until 1 week prior to my surgery and they gave the OK immediately. If you decide to do all these Pre-op tests and then decide not to use Dr. Kwon, there are other doctors who also require pre-op testing and will honor those results. So it's not a waste if you go ahead with the testing. Also, if you do loose those per-op pounds and another MD doesn't require it, just think of yourself ahead of the game...now you won't have to loose as much after surgery, AND, you will be slightly adjusted to your new way of eating for life. Best of luck to you, may you find the doctor you truly connect with. Please let us know how you're doing.

Warm Regards :(

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Hi Sharon,

First, I don't think you're overreacting. Whether I would have decided to change surgeons based on such a negative impression is hard to say--there is a LOT to be said for having a doctor close enough for easy access. My first new-patient seminar was held in an auditorium with probably 500 people in it, all there for RNY. Needless to say I didn't get any good impression that day, either.

But it's medical care, not a social event. Doctors and nurses can give good care without being your best buddies. Of course their talking about other patients is totally unprofessional, and I probably would have made a comment about how I hope they'd respect my dignity and never talk about ME that way.

Their pre-op testing and requirements are not unusual. You'd have to jump through similar hoops with anyone else, I'm sure. So I guess when you ask if I'd stick it out, the fact that this is the closest band doctor would influence me more than anything. And I'd probably just stick it out. Good luck!

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I'm sitting here chuckling to myself that I'm complaining about the name calling of patients and I gave a not so nice name to the nutrionist who just rubbed me the wrong way. Thanks for the input - I have a lot to think about.

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I didn't have to jump through those hoops, and I met my dr AT the seminar, and there wasn't any disrespectful name calling there either. I think you should keep you appt. to go through the testing, but what could it hurt to explore how it is all done with another dr or two? You may find one that you like so much better. Remember, he's probably gonna be your dr for a very long time!

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Sorry to here it was such a bad experience. In Port Huron Mi. One of the 2 banding Drs speaks for about 1/2 hour. Take and answer questions afterwards. There nurse manager speaks also and tries to shed light on the preauthorization things and ins matters. Then at least one person who has been banded intros themselves and tells you of their journey. ALL are available afterward for questions. Then you need to call your ins for info, A letter from your PC. and a psych. consult. Then you set up a private consult with the DR.(This is where my dh and myself are at) and I believe that day talk to financial person and nutrition person. Give it one more chance and see if you feel better if not maybe you should look elsewhere. You really need to feel comfortable with these people.

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I don't blame you for feeling that way. Did you kinda feel like big dollar sign sitting there. I went to a seminar and it was pleasent, but heard the same thing "I'm not in it for the money". I would have felt better If he just left that out. How is it that some DR's can charge less, then?

I have to admit I have issues with American Dr's.

But, if you get a bad feeling, than maybe you should give it a second thought. Your going to have to deal with these people for atleast a year. And a DR, who couldn't be their?

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Hey Sharon, I'm sorry, but this doesn't sound right to me either. My DH doesn't think this sounds right either. Here is my DH's advice:

The surgeon should be available at the time of the seminar. If he isn't available now, will he be available when you need him?

Run, don't walk. You will have much better results from a good experienced laproscopic sergeon than one who is primarily a bariatric surgeon.

(DH has lost about 185 pounds with his band so far.)

Oh, and one more thing. About the whole "being commited" thing. I have gained weight since my original weigh in. I'd been on steroids for my asthma for most of January, and now I'm on them again. When I went for my final round of tests two weeks ago, they noted my weight gain. But they weren't judemental about it. No "Bad Crystal, no surgery!" They were more concerned that I was able to breathe than gaining weight.

They also know I'm on steroids again for my asthma, and know I will likely gain more weight between now and Monday. Again, there is no thought of "Bad Crystal, no surgery!" just, let's get you lthis surgey so you can loose weight so you can breathe better.

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Guest Lori Lou

Hi Sharon,

My husband I are in NE FLA and we went to a seminar by the Dr. in our area that was approved by my insurance and we were very dissapointed with the presentation. The doctor was there, but all he did was to read from a brochure and ask one time for questions and left and then a very inept young nutritionist took over and giggled her way through about 10 mins of info. There was one more nutritionist there that had the band and it was like digging for gold to get her to answer a question. As a result we left the seminar very frustrated but very sure of one thing... that was not the dr. we wanted to use and also the idea that we need to do further investitgation into the lap band....that seminar was primarily for the Gastric Bypass. In retrospect I now realize that was the best thing that could have happened.... as a result I got online at work the next day and typed in lapband and came up with a link that led me to LapBand.com and links that showed me another local dr. that specializes in the lap band only. As it turned out he was having a meeting at his office that night and DH and I drove the 40 miles to get there. What a blessing that turned out to be.

The meeting was small, informal and a wealth of information. Most of all Dr. Cywes was the most caring, genuine man we have ever met. I made my decision that night to continue this journey with him and his staff. His patient coordinator, Malissa, was his first lap band patient and she is 7 months out and 70 lbs down. I feel like I have a new family. The staff is all so wonderful and loving.

I have had my initial consult with Dr. Cywes, done my Psych and Nutrition evals...all within 2 weeks of that initial meeting. I see my PCP next Fri. for his letter of recomendation and the list of the other tests I have to get done. Then it is off to the Ins. Co. to wait. I will have to get a Pulmonary Function test and a sleep Study done as just a couple of the tests in front of me. No matter where you go... you are gonna have to meet lots of requirements. The only thing Dr. Cywes asked me to do was to commit to doing 10 mins. of exercise each night...nothing major, just some kind of exercise.

Follow your instincts.....most of the time they are right.... if you are not comfortable at this point, look at other drs. in the area. My dr. is primarily a pediatric/general surgeon who saw the need for obesity treatment in his teenage patients and furthered his education to specialize in the laproscopic surgery and obesity.

Bottom line is: I am now happy and at peace with my decision. Most importantly to me is that I feel confident that I am going to be safe and well taken care of. Your relationship with your dr. is a very important factor in this process. After all he is the one who will be guiding you through this journey.

BTW... I love the name you gave the "scale Nazi"...

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Since I was my doctor's first LB surgery, I too had to go to the various classes with people having the gastro bypass. During certain parts that didn't pertain, they would say, except for, bla bla bla.

But, they're working on that and my doctor is wonderful. He's making every effort to learn all the ins and outs of my surgery. I called his office Thursday because I couldn't keep any food down after a fill (7 days, thought it was swelling). He came in on Friday, his day off and said, that's the wonderful thing about this procedure, it's adjustable, we can fix the problem so easily. When I left there I had 1/2 lb of egg salad, then later I had 1/4 lb of tuna salad, it was sooo good.

Oh yea, a specialist from Ky. came and assisted, I was happy to be #1.

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I went to a seminar and not only was the surgeon there who explained both Gastric Bypass and LAp Band but also talked about the pluses and minuses. He also had his former patients talk about their experiences. He answered a ton of questions and he also had his nutritionist their also!

Dr. Spivak was the first person who examined and he wanted to make sure that I was making the right decision and that my expectations for the lap-band were in line with clinical results. Ok I lied to him - I told him I'd be happy with just a 50lb weight loss - hell no I'm going for the gold!!

Everyone has a different comfort level with their interactions with medical professionals. If you aren't comfortable or feel that it was very impersonal then perhaps you should "shop" around more.

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I just think you should go with your gut feeling. I, too, would have been upset with that kind of presentation. The thing I object to the most is the weight loss requirement. Many, many doctors require this, but I think it's absurd and shows a lack of understanding of the struggles we go through with food and weight. If you are like most of us, you have probably been through numerous diets and have lost and re-gained weight many times. I think that should be enough to demonstrate your commitment. I also don't like the idea of going through so many hoops before you can even meet the doctor. True, if you don't like him you can use your test results with another doctor. But it indicates to me a lack of commitment on his part and I would be afraid that it's a signal of how unavailable he would be after you get your band. That being said, having a doctor closer is better than having one farther away. Well, you've got a lot to think about and you've gotten a lot of good (if conflicting) opinions. Now it's up to you. Trust your instincts and your feelings.


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I do find it strange that the band surgeon couldn't be at the information seminar. Listen to your instincts, they're usually right. Like someone said earlier, possibly you can get your pretesting done through him, then transfer to another surgeon. But I'd double-check first (w/your ins. co.) and see if this is going to be a problem. Usually, to get a different surgeon, the information has to be resubmitted to the insurance company and you go through the wait process all over again. Does this guy have a website? That might be very informative.

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Hi Sharon T -- I'm with you on this one. If there are other options, turn your back on these bozos. They sound unprofessional and immature. I guess I'm not surprised that the staff members have nicknames for patients, but I was appalled to learn that they laughed at them during an informational seminar. On the other hand, Jasper seems to have had a good experience with this doc. Can you get an appointment for a consultation with the surgeon himself or will all of your pre-surgical dealings be with the staff? I think it's worth checking the Inamed web site to find other choices if you don't feel comfortable. Good luck.

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Sharon, If it were me I would find a new surgeon, My surgeon was at EVERY meeting and seminar I attended. We could ask any questions, and beleive me there were thousands of questions flying at him. He had to travel about 5 hours to one of the meetings but he was still there. We were all given his card also so that we could contact him if we had any other questions.

Just really think this through! (((((HUGS))))

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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