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Finally getting it.....I'm a slow learner!

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Hi all!

For the past 6+ months, my wieght loss has been okay. Not amazing. Just okay. But, I've been happy with that. Yes, I've had moments of dissappointment. But, hey, after years of gaining weight as long as the scale is going down and NOT up....I've been okay with it. But, I had a light bulb moment this past weekend...:cursing:...I think I get it now! Here's what my light bulb moment said--- I'm NOT supposed to be a SAFE eater. I'm supposed to be a HEALTHY eater. Right? Up until the past few weeks, I have been proud of myself that I never PB'd, never had that horrible painful feeling that I ate too much. And, you know why? No, not because I had little to no restriction or because I've been eating oh so healthy. It was BECAUSE I ONLY ATE SAFE FOODS!!!! What I mean by that is that I never really went too far beyond a "relaxed mushy" diet. I cut my salads and other foods up into the most minute pieces. No bread. No Pasta. I ate alot of Soups, tuna, eggs, thin sliced cheeses, crab cakes, salmon cakes, etc. And, I pulverized everything!!!! So, what happened? In the past month, I had 2 bad PBing episodes....both at events where I did not have control over the menu that was served. Once on a steak salad and once on a Caprese salad. Both of them "normal" foods. After that....of course.....I went back to my usual relaxed mushy diet at home and at restaurants. But, this past weekend, out of desperation and needing something to eat while on a car trip through horrible snow and ice, I decided to take one of the BP&J sandwichs I packed for my daughter and my niece....it was made on a very grainy Panera wheat bread (not something I would have "planned" to eat). I took 2 reasonable size bites. And, guess what? I was full. I did not want to eat any more. That's it. That's what I was waiting for.....all this time.....the moment that I felt completely, utterly satisfied. And, it happened! I was eating and I stopped. BECAUSE I WAS FULL!!!!!


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That was so good to hear. I was banded 2/11/08 and feel like I'm just not getting it. I feel so bad after I eat something bad for me... I don't PB or anything, I just know it's unhealthy... and since I'm unrestricted, it's so hard! :angry:

Thank you for sharing that insight. I hope I learn soon.


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Hi Judi, that is an excellent insight, and so true. I think it's really easy to fall into the habit of eating "safe" food -- i.e., foods that go down easily, because we are afraid we might PB, or otherwise harm our band.

I was overly cautious for a time myself. Part of this was the result of my (mistaken) idea that there are certain things that "Bandsters" absolutely cannot eat, when in fact there don't seem to be any such foods because there is so much variation in what each individual is able to tolerate.

I finally decided to take the approach of (cautiously) trying anything once. By doing so I "learned" my band pretty quickly. I definitely did PB a few times in the beginning, but it has now been months since my last PB incident.

As result of my branching out and trying as many things as possible, I have managed to find a number of healthy, nutritious foods that I enjoy and that fill me up very quickly. I have also discovered a number of things that go down very easily and that I can eat in unlimited quantities, and those are things that I have learned to avoid.

Anyhow, that was a great point and a good thing for all of us to learn and know!

Have a great night!


Crazy Ates March Exercise Challenge

1/30 Exercise Sessions

(1 Cardio, 0 Core Strength & flexibility, 0 Weight training)


Banded 8/07/07 Dr. Miguel Zapata, Monterrey Mexico

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Don't you just love those "light bulb" moments...?

of course to have them means you're probably bumbling around in the dark like me! LOL

I had one a while back. I think I might've posted about it, but who knows where.

Anyhow, my BIG "finally getting it" moment came while DH was pressuring me to choose where we would go eat and then what to order. I was tired and cranky and hungry and I snapped, "I DON'T CARE -- IT DOESN'T MATTER, I'LL BE FULL AFTER 3 BITES ANYHOW!" (And yes, I said it in an ALL CAPS tone!!)

Then that danged light bulb went off!


See, for months I'd stated over and over that "If I can only eat 3 oz, them by golly, they're gonna be three AWESOME ounces!" Suddenly I realized it didn't matter if I ate lobster, filet mignon, canned tuna or CARDBOARD, I was full after three bites. I'd actually been sort of accidentally sabotaging myself by trying to make so sure each bite was delectable....that led to more than one PBing incident because I was too busy paying attention to the deliciousness that I forgot to pay attention to my body that it was getting full and I'd try to slip in that "one more bite" before realizing that the bite before it should've been the last bite.

My AHA-MOMENT was to realize that that's been a large part of my problem all along -- letting the food dictate to me and pleasure me, instead of simply nourish and sustain me.

HUGE paradigm shift for me!

Now, I make DH decide what WE eat. Because he's going to take way more than three bites, it needs to be something satisfying to HIM. I'm happy with whatever, as long as I'm full.

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Judi - Isn't it great when we finally figure it out for ourselves. It doesn't matter how many times people tell us something it only sinks in when we figure it out on our own. My doctor stress from the beginning no soft foods and no liquids, so I never had that issue. I have had so many lightbulbs go on in the last 6 months that I don't even know where to begin. But I am so glad for you that you have found yours. This is such an individual journey, but one that I am glad that I have been able to share with others.

and one last thing.


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This is a GREAT thread! I'll have to re-read all your stories again, because I think there are a few "a-has" hiding in there ready to pop out at me.

Thank you for the sharing!

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Thanks everyone! So, I'm on a mission now......no more safe eating!

Last night.....I made Pasta aglio oilio. One of my family favorites. Hubby and I would down 1 lb of it ourselves every time I made it. So, last night....I made it....with asiago & feta. Yum. Three forks full later....all done. Absolutely wonderful!!!! Today, I went to lunch with a friend that I meet once a month......she said "do you want to go where they have Soup?" "Nope, I'll go anywhere...." I told her---much to her surprise. So, we ended up at a wonderful little Jewish deli "Look they have soup!" she said with great enthusiasm....since I've had Soup during every one of our monthly lunches. "Yes, and they also have grilled cheese!" I yelped with such excitement that the man behind the counter said "gee, I better not tell you the specials today, you might have a heart attack!" So, I ordered the grilled cheese......oh whole wheat bread with very sharp cheese. It was the best grilled cheese I ever had (honestly, it was!). After 3 bites.....I was full& satisfied. THIS is what my Lapband was meant to do!!!! It wasn't meant to doom me to soup and all things soft or pulverized the rest of my life!!!!

Wow.....I love you Lapband!!!!! (even more now!)

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Hey Judi,

Atta Girl! :thumbdown:

I could eat Soup all day long, as it passes through my band quickly and with no problems. Therefore, I don't eat soup very often, even though I love it. Like you I can still eat bread and Pasta, but it fills me up very quickly.

By the way thanks for telling us about your blog. I looked at it last night and it is so cute, I love it!

You are a very witty and excellent writer, Judi -- do you write professionally? If not, you certainly should.


Crazy Ates March Exercise Challenge

4/30 Exercise Sessions

(3 Cardio, 0 Core Strength & flexibility, 1 Weight training)


Banded 8/07/07 Dr. Miguel Zapata, Monterrey Mexico

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Thanks Frangapani for the compliment on my blog! No, I do not really write professionally. But, I do write a lot for my job and I have an undergraduate degree in communications and writing (yes, I was going to write the great American novel!). I'll be totally honest with everyone.....this Lapband has not only given me a way to beat my weight struggles....it has also given me back the great joy of writing. Who knew? Not me! Life is just the funniest thing!

Right before I went in to have my surgery, I found myself jumpy and anxious. I had been thinking about doing a blog about some of my creative endeavors and kept bugging my son (who is in a PhD program for Computer Science) to help me set one up. But, of course, he was waaaay to busy for that. So, on a whim, I decided to investigate doing a blog. Hey....I didn't need a computer whiz afterall!!! Old mom could do it herself!!! When I finally got it set up....I started out with my original plan. But, I never posted anything to it....it's still out there waiting for me. Then, on a whim, I thought I'd set up another blog just to document my Lapband progress. And, before I knew it....my blog became a very important piece of my Lapband journey. In the early days, it kept my focus and it continues to do that for me. It's the one part of the day when I sit down and focus completely on me.

I didn't mean to go on and on about my blog but.....well.....it's really been a great experience for me! A very happy accident.

I invite everyone to visit my blog....if they so desire. And, please feel free to post to it or email me. And, I also encourage anyone who enjoys writing to consider doing a blog....it's very rewarding....in more ways that you can imagine. Even if no one reads it.....for me, it's just a joy.


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Judi, this is exactly what I love so much about my band. I can eat almost anything in small quantities. I never feel deprived because I usually eat what everyone else is having or whatever I want - just in very small portions. Portion Control has always been my issue and now it is not. Like everyone else, I was fearful and skeptical before being banded, but now I feel like I've finally found a permanent answer for my lifelong struggle with weight. Don't get me wrong, I still have to stay away from junk and exercise regularly. It is not a miracle, but it is a dream come true for me.

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Oh, I almost forgot, I enjoy your blog too. I try to check it regularly. Your neighbor woud make me lose more than just weight. I'd lose my mind!

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Thanks Becky for reading my blog! I always love to know who reads it! As for my neighbor.....well...it's winter....so I don't see her as much. Come summer...she'll be sunning herself, gardening, mowing the lawn and just hanging out in that darn bikini or hers!!! My only revenge these past 5 years (that I've lived here) is that my garden definitely beats hers any day!!! But.....this year....I might just have to wear some shorts......!!!!

Thanks for sharing your experiences about living and eating with your band. Yes, it's taken me awhile to get to this point. Better late than never!!!


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Hi JudiM,

I read your blog too. I love it! Talk about a slow learner...I had surgery 8/27/07 and only had my 2nd fill on 2/12/08 due to Dr rules and insurance rules and I finally PB'd!! I just now have restriction so I feel like I have just been banded! I am in the experimental phase with food. Some things work and some things don't. I do know that the scale is working the right way now though!! Again, great job on your blog!

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Wow Jody....Thanks so much for reading my blog and for telling me that you enjoy it! Honestly, I just love doing it. Today (I took the day off) and this weekend, I'm on a bit of a hiatus from writing it. We're doing a dining room re-do that has had our entire house in a pig-pen state since after the holidays. I'm loosing my mind over it. And, because I love doing my blog so much, I can spend hours on it. And I do!!! So, in order to focus myself on all of this house stuff, I have to forgo blogging for a few days. I promised myself that I would!

I am one of those people who can become consumed with things!!!! So, I'm "trying" to get consumed with housework (I've been taking multiple internet breaks but I haven't touched my blog....). It's not going all that quickly, though!!!! Oh well...at least I haven't been eating like a crazy woman!!!

Again, thanks for reading my blog and for letting me know you enjoy it. Even though I write it for me.....who am I kidding? I love it when people read it and tell me they enjoy it!!!!

Keep up your good work!!! Judi

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As for my neighbor.....well...it's winter....so I don't see her as much. Come summer...she'll be sunning herself, gardening, mowing the lawn and just hanging out in that darn bikini or hers!!!

Judi, regarding your neighbor, take heart. She just sounds like a person who has a very needy ego. When I lived in the suburbs, we had a neighbor like that -- she was an attractive lady with a stunning figure, but honestly everyone thought gardening out on the front lawn in a bikini was just well......weird.

Don't get me wrong all the men on the block, including my husband, would spend about the first 10 minutes of every summer checking her out, but they got bored with it pretty quickly (as of course, men will), and moved on to their more important concerns like grubs and crabgrass.

Furthermore, the general consensus among everyone was that this was a person who was desperate for attention, and we all just felt a little sorry for her..............

Well, I better go. I'm procrastinating a bit myself today. I am planning a two hour hike and I always enjoy it once I get out there, but some days the challenge is getting myself out there.

Have a great day everyone!


Crazy Ates March Exercise Challenge

7/30 Exercise Sessions

(3 Cardio, 2 Core Strength & flexibility, 2 Weight training)


Banded 8/07/07 Dr. Miguel Zapata, Monterrey Mexico

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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