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Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

mom - lol! I also love Fleetwood Mac, Led Zepplin, 70's disco (It's Raining Men! - love that one)...I'm with you there. I was never into Wham, but I can rock to George Michael (circa 1988). Hey, you aren't too much older than I am and no you aren't showing your age. That would mean I am too. I refuse to do that! LOL

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Hey - where's Turler?

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Hey - where's Turler?

Here I am. I've worked so much this weekend. I was on call and then scheduled yesterday (12 hour shift). I've worked 24 hours straight between Sunday and Monday. UGH. So tired. And in school today. I'm on a break right now and trying to get some homework done for my next class but can't focus.

I'm tired of being on this 'plateau' already. I've gotten greedy. I finally got to feel like I was losing weight and making progress and then I had those problems. I gained back a few pounds and now I'm stuck. I'm at 48 pounds lost instead of 50 (totally NOT adjusting my signature either). I am bummed as we are quickly approaching our 6 month bandiversary and I will not have lost a SINGLE pound this month (only gained). That is gonna be a huge set back for me and my goals.

I don't want to adjust my goals as I think I already had them low and very attainable. I'm an over-achiever so this is stressing me out. And I don't run like you guys and I feel bad about that. I wish I could, but I'm not confident that I even can. So apparently I'm feeling sorry for myself---AGAIN! I'm such a complainer. I need to work on this! LOL


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Guest Leslie2Lose

Turler _ I haven't lost anything in a month either - only gained. I'm right there with you! Minus the long hours and extra stress of school. ((hugs))...I'm here if you need me girl! I do however have the job from hell right now; angry confused clients calling and yelling at me all day - I have no answers either...I'm ready to quit. I know it will turn around and get better. When will that be?

I too am an overachiever. I wanted to be 50 pounds down by our six month bandiversary, but I've decided that if I'm not that is okay too. Now if I'm not down to 199 by January 1st - I won't be happy...that is my short-term goal...It is only 15 pounds, but time is ticking away and I have a dreadful feeling I'm not going to get there.

I started over completely on Friday....I'm back to being a "newbie" again...let's pretend I don't know how to cheat, I'm afraid to injure my newly banded body and I'm full of hope and excitement. Actually getting in some form of exercise....come on, join me....I really need the support.

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Thanks so much...I knew you'd understand. I AM exercising! LOL I am seeing changes in my clothing. I suppose you could say it's a NSV, but get this! I had to buy new jeans about 3 weeks ago (when I hit the big 5-0). They were size 20. Well, Saturday, I had to buy the exact same brand in a size 18 because the 20's were too big!! YAY! It felt awesome, and I know it's something to be grateful for. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally happy about it.

It's the goal thing. Like you said. I made big plans, and a promise to myself. I was on a roll a last month and was really feeling great. It was actually FUN to get on the scale everyday and watch that number go down. Amazing how quickly that feeling has passed! I too want to see 199 by Jan 1. I am serious. Like you, I don't have far to go, but still. I am starting to worry. Maybe it's premature. Do you think we're stressing unnecessarily?

OMG...this post makes me sound manic! LOL Maybe I'm so emotional because I'm so tired. Maybe I can't lose because I'm so stressed. HA! That's what it is! (granted, I know I was completly unfilled for 3 weeks out of the month, so that didn't help, but I am pretty critical of myself these days!)


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Turler - glad to hear from you! You and L2L are doing so good! Going down clothes sizes is such a good feeling.

I had actually signed on to whine but I guess things are ok. Since having my band completely emptied, I have been a royal "witch" as well as worrywart. I haven't been able to eat bread, Pasta, pizza, etc... since being banded but I can now:0 I ate a whole hamburger, bun and all, the other night and was still hungry. I have been eating like crazy SO I cried it out last night and called the Dr first thing this morning. He agreed that most people who have issues and have removals take a week or two to get back to eating normally but since I have been able to so quickly, he agreed to give me a fill next week so I don't go completely backward or drive myself (and family) crazy. I was so glad he understood!!!! I don't know what I would have done if I had to wait longer. Ok - whining is over and I have a new outlook. Thanks for letting me vent!

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Hey guys!

Carol and L2L, I know what you guys mean. I had an idea in my head about how things would go, but they aren't going that way. I know that I'm loosing inches (and yes, that's what really matters to me) and I know that in the long run all of this exercise will pay off big time! However, I am so close to onderland I can taste it, but I keep going up a pound and down two, up 1 down .5, etc for weeks. I totally feel stuck. If I could just get to 199, I'd be happy for a long time!! And it obviously doesn't matter what you do because I run about 5 days a week, do yoga one day, and lift weights twice a week. And yes I know I'm getting stronger and gaining muscle, blah, blah, blah!! I think I need to re-evaluate my diet again. Something is not right!! So anyway, long story short...I understand the frustration!!

Mom - glad you are getting a fill next week. I know that must be scary to be totally unfilled. And you are not alone, if I were to be unfilled all the way I know I'd run to the nearest burger place without a doubt! Don't feel bad about yourself. Look at it as an oportunity. You got to eat something maybe you've missed all this time. You'll be back to loosing in no time! Don't sweat it! It's done and over. You've lost so much weight and have so great!! Congrats!

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Thanks for the encouragment. I needed it. I know it isn't that big of deal in the scheme of things but the security being gone, its scary!

You have been doing so good too! Keep it up. Tweeking things here and there do make a difference and as long as the weight continues to come off, you're doing it right. It's so aggrevating that it took us so long to get ourselves into the shapes we're in only to expect it to fly off in a matter of months. I keep reminding myself that slower is better because then it stays off!

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Thanks for the encouragment. I needed it. I know it isn't that big of deal in the scheme of things but the security being gone, its scary!

You have been doing so good too! Keep it up. Tweeking things here and there do make a difference and as long as the weight continues to come off, you're doing it right. It's so aggrevating that it took us so long to get ourselves into the shapes we're in only to expect it to fly off in a matter of months. I keep reminding myself that slower is better because then it stays off!

Amen sister! I know you are right, but telling myself that when I'm trying (still!!!!) to get into my favorite pair of jeans isn't working! LOL!

I've been meaning to ask you what you are doing to accomplish your great loss? Do you mind sharing your routine and eating habits? You don't have to share every detail, but just a synopsis of how you are doing it would be great. Of course if you have any secrets to weight loss feel free to throw those in as well! HA!

I know this is going to sound ridiculous considering why we are all here, but I'm wondering if maybe I'm not eating enough or the right combo of things. There are days when I have a negative number for calories for about half the day because I'm getting so much exercise (I have to log in everything on mydailyplate.com for my PE class). So, my caloric intake might look something like this:

Total calories eaten: 1100

Calories Burned: 539

Net Calories: 561

I'm drinking at least 2 liters of Water a day, but try to get in three. I get in all the recommended Protein grams with no probs. I try to eat at least one salad per day and I always get in at least one serving of fruit if not two. I always have at least one yogurt per day. If I have anything like rice, bread, Pasta, etc it is always whole grain or whole wheat. I eat very few "bad" carbs or refined carbs. I almost never eat anything white, i.e. white bread, white rice, white crackers, etc.

So what do you guys think? Do you guys think I need to change anything up? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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You're asking me for advice??? LOL:)

No really, the thing that has worked for me is keeping things COMPLETELY changed up.

I excercise 5 days a week then on weekends keep myself really busy with kids and housework. But I don't ever have the same workout week twice. I might do two or three days of aerobics with weights, the other days, I do cardio. Sometimes it might be the treadmill for 30 minutes with either 1 minute running/3 minutes walking or gradually climbing hills changing the intensity every 3-4 minutes. Then 30 minutes on the elliptical with 4 minutes forward/1 minutes backward. I also do 15-20 minutes of yoga on these days too. I just get really bored and my trainer, as well as several magazines, have said the more you change it up, the less likely your body it to get too used to one certain thing and it has to compensate.

Now with eating, that has been a battle. I don't do Pasta, bread, pizza, chicken, etc...anything that is too dry or I have a hard time chewing I don't eat. Actually, I can't eat it so I don't bother (excpet now that my band is empty I can eat anything:0) Each morning I have a bottle of Caribou Iced coffee. When Working out, I have G2 (low calorie gatorade-it is so good) then lunch is usually Soup, refried Beans and cheese, or something high in Protein. I do snack on chocolate. It is my weakness but I limit it to 3-4 of the Hershey's Bliss almond candies. dinner is whatever my family is having just really scaled back. Using a salad plate for Portion Control is great! I eat more Protein than anything. I have never been a big veggie or fruit eater so getting in protein is easy for me. I do keep up with my calories and if I don't get atleast 1000 for the day, even with excercise added in, I eat a treat after dinner. Not giving your body enough calories, especially when working out, is a NO NO! Your body will train itself to hang on to everything it gets for fear of not getting enough. So, eat!!! Just make sure what you eat matters. Also, I only eat one BIG meal a day. If I have a big lunch then I scale down for dinner and little lunch, bigger dinner. Just don't deprive yourself.

Just really listen to your body. Hungry - eat, not hungry - don't eat.

I am a food addict BIG TIME! I had been seeing a therapist prior to surgery that helped alot. She helped me learn my food triggers and weaknesses. She also helped me acknowledge that there are no "Bad" foods just bad amounts. So, if you've had a great day of eating right and excercising and that calorie counter shows only +600 calories. Treat yourself with a cup of ice cream, 1 or 2 Cookies, etc...this way you are in control of it all and it will give you such power!!!

Keep me posted on if this helps!!!

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I had actually signed on to whine but I guess things are ok. I ate a whole hamburger, bun and all, the other night and was still hungry. I have been eating like crazy... Ok - whining is over and I have a new outlook. Thanks for letting me vent!


I know EXACTLY how you feel! I was unfilled all month and could just eat and eat! I have finally lost the few I gained during that time and am starting back at my posted current weight as of yesterday morning. I am still pretty frustrated, but it will come along.

I'm so glad your doctor is gonna give you back your fill. It is amazing to me how much I actually LIKE the restriction. I thought maybe I would miss 'eating' as we knew it. I ate, but I didn't feel good about it. I wanted the restriction back! Crazy isn't it? I can't believe how attached to my band I am in such a short time.

Carol and L2L, I know what you guys mean. I had an idea in my head about how things would go, but they aren't going that way. I know that I'm loosing inches (and yes, that's what really matters to me) and I know that in the long run all of this exercise will pay off big time! However, I am so close to onderland I can taste it, but I keep going up a pound and down two, up 1 down .5, etc for weeks. I totally feel stuck. If I could just get to 199, I'd be happy for a long time!! And it obviously doesn't matter what you do because I run about 5 days a week, do yoga one day, and lift weights twice a week. And yes I know I'm getting stronger and gaining muscle, blah, blah, blah!! I think I need to re-evaluate my diet again. Something is not right!!


See this whole thing just kills me! I am working out more than ever before. I change it up so that everyday is different. I am actually lifting weights twice a week (blech) and the scale doesn't budge. Now I am a reasonable person, but this is getting the best of me. Of course I feel better; of course I'm probably losing inches; of course I will maybe sleep better someday, and blah blah blah, but I really want to see the numbers change! LOL I've gotten greedy and impatient. I want to lose 100 pounds by my 1 year mark and so far it's iffy that I will make it.

My doctor says that the majority of the weight comes off in the first 6 months, so that has me down. But then I get on here and see all the amazing results of most of the posters here on LBT and they are often exceeding their goals. So WTH? I definitely would NOT be happy at this weight if this is the best I could do. I know I look better and feel better, but it's only a small improvement in the big picture, ya know?

Okay...so there is more whining. How is everyone? Leslie? Where are you? How is your running going?


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Oh...and by the way....that is the first time I've ever been able to use the Multiquote feature as I didn't know how until Plain asked about it on another thread!! LOL

I am so proud of my work.

Apparently I'm feeling colorful today!


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Guest Leslie2Lose

Ya'll - I am right there with you. I'm really struggling right now. I've buckled back down - but I have been around 220 for over three months now. It is the same freakin 5-6 pounds I lose and gain over and over again. I'd gotten down to 214 - then gained 8 pounds in a little over a week. Our six month bandiversary is this month. I was really hoping to be down more than 40 something pounds...I know we have all had setbacks, but I am discouraged as well.

So what am I doing to get myself out of this? What are we all going to do? I'm trying to start over. Protein first, Water & Exercise...I've been really good the last two weeks. I hope to see some results soon. It seems I lose and do good for a couple of weeks then get a setback (port flipped, medical issues, or I just plain screw up). Why can't I stay consistant - consistantly????

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Maybe we should start a Struggling Avengers Thread? Write down at the end of the day what we have had to eat, our exercise that day and how we feel that day - like a "journal" of sorts...maybe ya'll can help me figure out what I may be doing and change something that could help me and vice-versa??? what do you think?

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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