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Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Ya'll I vote for a Avenger's Cruise! We'd get all kinds of cabana boys, shows, pools, beaches...it'd be awesome! I didn't mention the food - but food (ah, my weakness in life).

Bea - I'm like you, big boobs, small waist and big hips. I was blessed with an hourglass (nothing like tootin' my own horn, when you got it flaunt it baby!). I'll never ever be skinny. I'd kill to have a Sophia Loren figure - or something close. I hope you enjoy your girls night out! I agree with mom - don't worry about the blowup. DH and I had a HUGE fight Monday night. He decided I couldn't go to the gym in the mornings. HE DECIDED!! Hell no. I'm not anybodys puppet. For 8 years I got the girls up, made Breakfast, got ready, got them ready for the bus, double checked everything...well, it is now an inconvenience for him. They dress themselves, eat breakfast at school. All he has to do is get them up and out the door. URRGGHH I was so mad at him! He said that EVERYONE was happy when I went at night to the gym. I wouldn't get home until 8:00. I then had to cook dinner, help with homework, do some laundry, give the girls their baths, get them to bed. All of this by 9:00. NO WAY!!! Then of course I had to clean the house, dry the laundry, fold it, get my lunch ready for the next day, have sex with him and try to go to sleep. OK I'm ranting now...sorry. It seems to him I was happy with this arrangement. WTH??? I'm not superwoman! Mornings are so much better...for obvious reasons. He has since changed his mind. I haven't been that mad in a LONG time.

Mom - go to Walmart and try a couple of things on to find out your size (just the tops - I wouldn't try on the bottoms, no telling what you might catch). Then go online and order you something! DH loves cut-offs and tight T-Shirts (You can tell we're southern - lol)...he likes those more than anything fancy. Of course he loves high heels too!

Nurse - that's an AWESOME NSV!! You go with your sexy self!

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Hi everyone!

Okay, last night I took this 'Sexy Dance' class! Oh Lordie! All I can say is that I did NOT look sexy! It was a room full of skinny girls and they looked pretty hot "rolling their hips and crawling on the floor" !! Good grief. Once I got the hang of the moves and was able to look in the gigantic mirror in front of me, I saw the God awful truth!!! The class was fun and absolutely hilarious really, but not much of a workout. I think I'll return when I'm skinnier and you can actually tell what it is I'm trying to do with my body! LOL I could feel that I was moving right, but it just looked like I was standing still!!! OMG. There was a "chair" dance and I can honestly tell you that if these girls were to go home and do this dance for their husband/significant other they would fall out of their chairs and jump them. If I did that dance for MY husband, he would fall out of his chair laughing!!!! LOL

Just thought I'd share!


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Guest Leslie2Lose

Turler!! ROFL!!! Oh the visuals. Not at you honey, but the thought of ME doing that. I'm sure hubby would still love it. It really surprises me what turns on DH and what doesn't. All I have to do is show up and bring a beer and/or food - he'd good to go...LOL

I bet you burned a TON of calories. I think getting up from the floor would burn at least 20 for me!! You rock!!

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I'm back baby!! I finally got my butt back on the treadmill and it felt great!! Ran for 30 minutes. Gotta work on that, but hey it's a start!! I've forgotten how great it feels. I've been playing softball once a week, but really other than running the bases or back and forth from outfield, it really isn't that great of a workout. Now I feel it!!! :eek:

I love it Turler!!! You are a better woman than me!!! I wouldn't have had the guts. You go girl!!! Keep it up, those kinds of moves work out areas that you don't normally get to. :) I've always wondered about those classes, but am too scared to actually go. I salute you!! :cool2:

Leslie - Amen sister!! A cruise. I never thought of that!! I liked the Vegas idea too, but on a cruise we wouldn't have to go far to have fun!! Oh hell yeah!!! Okay, so here's the question....do we get unfilled so we can eat all the great food or do we stay filled and just drink our calories?!? LOL!

You go girl!! Men!! I swear! Sometimes I would love to take a week and just disappear so he can see what it's all about. Of course he would just feed the kids PB&J or eat out. He would make it so easy for himself. Now I will say one thing about my hubby, he will clean the kitchen and do laundry and straighten up. But he doesn't sweep, clean the toilets, etc. But I'll take what I can get. You rant all you want girlfriend, we're here for you!

Mom - some day drive the hour and treat yourself to a day out. Buy a sexy number and get your nails done, etc. Leslie - I had to laugh at your husband's idea of sexy clothes because my hubby's the same way. We have a favorite hang out where they have a live band on the weekends. The tanks the waitresse wear are adorable. Of course they are all about as big around as my pinky. Anyway, I wanted one so I got a large. Let me just tell you, their larges are not for normal women. It was tiny which made my boobs look ever bigger! Needless to say, hubby was happy. I could never wear it anywhere but to bed. LOL! Yeah, I'll never be "skinny" either which is okay with me.

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Never thought of a cruise either but I'm there! We'll keep each other pumped and when we make goals....we'll sail away! And I vote for loosening the bands, atleast for the trip. If we're all skinny minnies, we can afford a little food for a couple days!

Turler - you have more guts than me! I'm proud of you. I probably wouldn't have even stayed for the class!

Bea - WAY TO GO! Running 30 minutes is MAJOR! Especially coming from someone who couldn't even do 5 minutes. Keep it up girl!!!

Don't ya'll worry about me...after my last post I told my hubby that I needed to do some shopping for our trip and he agreed! So, I am off this weekend for a me day! Nails, hair and buying a little treat for him - somewhere other than Walmart. He won't know what to think...I could pretty much get anything since he'll just be happy seeing me come to bed in something other than my Barry Mannilow T-shirt!

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Hi everyone,

Slipped away again. Just too busy at work, and then I come home to my bathroom renovation and I'm too tired and cranky to write much. What a year to start a renovation. Bad news- business is bad. Good news- the housing market is slow so it's a good year to get workers to give a good price. Everything has a balance.

SO, Leslie, Carol and all- I'm catching up with those of you who have had trouble eating and I'm bringing up slime a lot these days. All of a sudden. My fill was two weeks ago and I'd swear it's getting tighter and tighter as time goes on. I'm at 158.5 today, and that's great. But two weeks ago I could still eat a little bread, and it's gotten stuck twice over two days. Guess I'll be a toast girl now. Lots of things are getting stuck that didn't before. I don't like bending over a toilet, ladies. ARGGGH! I told my DH that this is the strongest behavioral therapy one could find. After two sliming sessions, I'm not very interested in bread for a while! I'm on self-imposed liquids today and maybe tomorrow too.

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LOL Well, if my other friend hadn't gone with me, I don't know that I would've had the guts to stay either! I'm glad I did. Gives me something to look forward to later on. Like I said, I don't think I'll go again until I'm further along in my weight loss. Too funny. My DH laughed so hard last night when I told him!

Another funny fat story...I rode my bike in a parade on Sunday. The parade was so cute and awesome and I had such a good time. I was a little apprehensive about being the only 'fat girl', but I got over it and decided to ride anyway. Well, it wasn't until we were talking about it today and looking through pictures that I realized that not only was I a fat girl on a bike, but the shirt I wore said "GOT OXYGEN?" Omg. LOL We have laughed and laughed about this. What was I thinking????? Holy crap. It's been a weird last few days. Good times!

Well kids, I'm off to try a Hip Hop class with my teenagers!!! Wish me luck!! LOL

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It's strange...when I drink Water, it seems to have a hard time going down. I burp alot, it is just uncomfortable. But this morning while on the treadmill, I drank some while walking and had no issues. Then, when I got in the car to come home and continued to drink the same water, it felt that it would not go down. I can drink hot tea, coffee and even iced coffee but there is something with water that doesn't do me right.

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Thanks for explaining your experience with Water. I experience that right after surgery. I use to burp a whole lot, but I am not experience the burping thing as much anymore. Go figure!!!

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I had my surgery 4/24. I was 212 before surgery and have had 2 fills, currently at 178. I noticed several people have had at least 4 fills since their April surgery. Does it just vary, because my dr suggest every 12 wks although I could tell I needed a fill before the 2nd one was scheduled.

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Hey all! I should be sleeping - I have a huge certification exam in 9 hours, but I can't sleep! Life has been very stressful lately - lots of boy issues, etc, etc, etc.

Anyway. I didn't check in after my JC appointment, but the verdict was - 235.8, just like my home scale. I thought about it after I left and remember I weighed naked before I went, so my tee and shorts probably made up the extra .8 of an pound. Now that I'm consistantly losing, I've decided my long term goal is to hit my goal of 160 by Valentine's Day. Yes, I know that's in 6 months, but I think it'll give me good motivation to keep on moving. If I'm honest with myself, I'd LOVE to be 140 in the end, but I'm afraid if I drop that low, I'll have to deal with the extra skin. I got down to 218 last year, and I didn't notice skin, so I don't have to stress quite yet, but I've always been overweight and I do have a lot of stretch marks, so I know the skin there is damaged pretty badly. But, hopefully my age and genetics and good skin care will make a difference and it won't be there? Any thoughts, anyone?

I went to the Gyn today and we talked about my girls...one has always been smaller than the other, but now that I'm losing weight, I think she's shrinking at a more alarming rate. I asked the MD if she thought that it would continue that way and she basically said that there is no way to tell, but the option of having an enhancement on one of them is always there. I say...hell, if I get one done, I may as well get 'em both done! I already started a PS fund, just in case. If I don't need it when I'm done, I'll just take my lump sum and pay a good portion of my surgery, seeing that I'll be paying on that for five years!

This week my goal is to step up my workouts from 30 minutes 5/week to 30 minutes 3 days this week and 60 minutes two days. Today I jogged/walked in place during an entire episode of Lost (40 minutes) and did toning exercises for 25 minutes. I'm really busting butt on the toning. I can actually feel the muscles a little bit under my chubb now! :cursing: Now if I could just LOSE the chubb! hahaha

Alright ladies - I vote for a cruise next August! And you can take this now and remember it: NURSE WILL ROCK A BIKINI ON THE CRUISE.

So it's up to you all to keep my exercisin' self in line so I can meet my goal of losing 15 lbs this month. (10 is my usual goal, but I'm already at 10.8 this month with 10 days to go, and I was at 235.4 this morning!)

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Forneygal - looks like you're losing just fine without worrying about more fills! Congrats!

Anyway, some doctors fill every 4 weeks as needed. Mine is a good and trusts me to listen to my body so if I haven't been losing in 3 weeks and can eat too much, he'd do a fill. I'm so glad since I would get stalled and need more. So, it really is more between you and your Dr. and what the two of you feel you need.

Nurse - keep it up! Looks like you're on track and moving to lose!

I think August is a good time for the cruise. My goal is 8-10lbs per month. The doctor says with the right eating and excercise, that's not asking too much but that it will get harder the closer to goal I get. So, I am looking to be at goal by March. Giving ourselves enough time to get there helps by not putting too much stress on ourselves nor setting ourselves up for failure!

I hope that I can rock that bikini with you! I haven't even tried on a bikini since college!!! Scary!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Nurse - those are some great and attainable goals. Sorry to hear about your girls. Mine are shrinking too - much to DH's dismay. LOL

Cruise in August! Ya'll know we can book and pay a year in advance (making payments). We need to look ahead at dates. I think if we book we get the rate we book at - it may end up going up closer to the time. I used to work for a travel agency. I guess taking years to settle into a career has it's perks - LOL

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I don't know how serious you all are about it - but I'm off today and would be happy to start looking around! I vote somewhere fabulous like the Virgin Islands! What are we thinking - 5 days?

Well, I'm eating a yummy breakfast of string cheese and egg salad - I'm really trying to increase my Protein. I do well eating healthy (Jenny Craig), but I lack on the protein end. So, this week at JC I'm going to do just the breakfasts and some lunches, and the rest on my own. I'd like to eat the breakfasts for dinner and my protein early on.

Alright - time to finish breakfast and head to my exam! Cross your fingers for me! I'll check back when I get home and see what the general consensus is for where to cruise to!


This is a cruise I found on vacationstogo.com:

ARRIVE DEPART MonAug3Galveston, TX 4:00pmTueAug4At SeaWedAug5Merida (Progreso), Mexico 7:00am3:00pmThuAug6Cozumel, Mexico 8:00am4:00pmFriAug7At SeaSatAug8Galveston, TX 8:00am

Edited by nurse7263

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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