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Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

I'm officially out of the closet...my scale that it. I have got to start weighing more. It keeps me on track. I put it up two weeks ago - and gained this past week. So it's coming back in the morning :-)

Mom - I like the crystal lite singles. I stir them in (glass of water) or shake them in with bottled. I usually stir and add lots of ice. I have to have ice to drink Water - warm Water is just nasty. I like the pink lemonade and fruit punch. I also have gotten into the habit of drinking more low fat milk. It has to be cold too.

Nurse - I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad to hear the scale is moving for you again.

I'm off to bed. Gotta get some rest to go running tomorrow morning. I feel like a glutton for not doing much this weekend. I'm sure it will kick my butt, but it'll be worth it!

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Thanks for all the support. I appreciate your kind words.

Mom- sorry to hear about your trouble. It must be the full moon or something! :thumbup: I'm all for a mommy break. Let's see, you guys are in GA and I'm in TX, what's half way? Girls weekend!! :wink2: I'm sorry also about the Breakfast trick. I can't do it either.

Nurse - sorry you are working nights. That stinks. My hubby has worked nights for 5 years. It's not conducive to normal life that's for sure. Congrats on the weight loss!

Leslie - way to go! Running! I've got to get back into the routine. I'm about to be forced since I'm starting classes next week. I had to take a P.E., but I also signed up for a weight training class. I figured since they were for a grade I wouldn't have a choice about going! I've got to get back to the treadmill this week so maybe these classes won't kill me the first week!

Have a great day everyone!!

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I'm officially out of the closet...my scale that it. I have got to start weighing more. It keeps me on track. I put it up two weeks ago - and gained this past week. So it's coming back in the morning :-)

Mom - I like the crystal lite singles. I stir them in (glass of water) or shake them in with bottled. I usually stir and add lots of ice. I have to have ice to drink Water - warm Water is just nasty. I like the pink lemonade and fruit punch. I also have gotten into the habit of drinking more low fat milk. It has to be cold too.

Nurse - I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad to hear the scale is moving for you again.

I'm off to bed. Gotta get some rest to go running tomorrow morning. I feel like a glutton for not doing much this weekend. I'm sure it will kick my butt, but it'll be worth it!

It makes my knees hurt to just think about running... :blink: I think I will stick to walking and the bike at the gym.

I do think I need to make an appointment for a fill though. Went to the cafeteria at work today with a friend. Hadnt been there in many months. Made my standard 'old days' salad (about 5 inches thick in the middle loaded with goodies) and sat there and ate the whole darn thing while chatting away and not thinking. After I realized what I had done, I couldnt believe I ate the whole thing (sounding like an old alkaseltzer commercial). Never did feel full.

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Thanks Bea for the Water idea...I am going to give it a try. I have actually been drinking hot tea and coffee more. Those seem to go down easier. Atleast I'm getting some liquids.

My eating is WAY down. Yesterday I had half a smartones quesadilla, 3 pringles and about 5 bites of dinner. But I read that every day is different and some days you'll be able to eat more than others. Anyone else going through this? I think its more of a brain issue. I've been so used to eating more that being full after so little is almost scary. My brain is telling me that I can't possibly be full with so little food. But the scales have moved again...down 2 more pounds so I guess it's working!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Bea - Where are you in TX? TX may be half way - LOL...maybe Biloxi or New Orleans? We could have a mommies weekend. I need a break too! I haven't had a me weekend, we ever since having the kids.

Dsk - it does sound like you need a fill - I ate way too much yesterday myself. I'm getting one thursday. I hope it'll help - don't want to be too full either though. I'm right on that border right now.

Mom - I'm battling head hunger right now too. You aren't alone. It's weird to only eat a little bit of something. My brain says keep going - that's not gonna fill you up. Other days I could eat a mac truck. I'm ready for some middle ground.

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I'm so ready for a weekend away. My hubby's been gone 4 weeks and he owes me big time!!! I'm in Fort Worth. Girl you are brave. I'd be scared to death to come to New Orleans by myself! :cool2: Let's go somewhere where there is a beach. I just want to lay in the sand with a drink that has a colorful umbrella! Somewhere that has a cabana boy to keep me in tropical drinks. :mellow: LOL!!!

I really need a fill also. Had 1/4 cc taken out a couple of weeks ago and am ready to have it put back. I go next Wed. I can't believe that just 1/4 cc could make that much difference, but it does. Now that my stomach is feeling normal again, I can eat just about anything!!! That 1/4 cc is pretty close to my sweet spot.

I'm ready to drop some more pounds. I've sort of been fine just rocking along. I feel better and look better so I haven't been too worried about it, but now I'm over it and ready to get the rest off!!! I turn 35 in December :thumbup: and I want to rock it!!! LOL!

You guys have a great day!

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Hello all! :cool2:

A weekend away? So, I'm not a mommy, but I enjoy tropical wonderful-ness too! :lol: I'm in Missouri, so it can't be THAT far!

Anyway - tomorrow I go get weighed in at Jenny Craig - I did really well this week, so I'm hoping that the scale moves in the right direction. Okay, so I KNOW it will, considering I'm on my scale multiple times per day. I'm hoping to be about 235.0 according to their scale. (Mine was 235.8 this morning.)

I have done SO well with working out this week - every day!!! Tomorrow I'm taking off, but I'm going to a spa to get a body wrap. They help you tighten up the extra skin - so it's not a permanent thing, but man, you feel so good during and afterwards! Plus, I'm dustin' off my singing chops and heading to karaoke tomorrow night with this guy I like - hopefully he'll see my singing prowess and be blown away! :clap:

Just as a side note (and more info than you guys probably need to know! haha) but today I was shopping with a friend and I found this fabulous red and black negligee - it was ridiculously sexy...but only in a 14/16. It was on sale from 50 to 20, so of course I bought it, thinking that it would be too tight to wear any time soon, but at least I would have something by the time I lose a few more sizes.

WELL... I came home, tried it on and IT LOOKS GREAT!!!!! :tongue2::w00t:

Talk about a NSV!:)

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Okay...I WANNA GO TOO!!!!!

L2L- Girl don't worry! I just have this feeling. I swear. Something big is coming for you. All this running and working out is going to pay off. Your body is probably just in shock and refusing to give it up! If you're not getting enough calories or Water, it(your body) won't let it go. Be sure you're eating enough. Seriously though. If you read the posts, and I know you do, you'll see that the biggest losers are the runners. Hands down.

Bea and Mom- Sounds like your hubby's owe you girls some spa time! Sheesh! It's been a little while since I've dealt with sick kids like that and you two have had a hard time. I think some pedicures, massages, hair cuts/high-lights are a few things in order for the two of you!

Nurse- I'm a nurse too. Nights are tough, but can be fun at your age. Makes staying up late on the weekends out with your friends easy! Good job on the pretty lingerie! Woo Hoo! I weigh around the same and I can't wear a 14!!!!

Ah, to be young and firm again! LOL


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Okay...I WANNA GO TOO!!!!!

L2L- Girl don't worry! I just have this feeling. I swear. Something big is coming for you. All this running and working out is going to pay off. Your body is probably just in shock and refusing to give it up! If you're not getting enough calories or Water, it(your body) won't let it go. Be sure you're eating enough. Seriously though. If you read the posts, and I know you do, you'll see that the biggest losers are the runners. Hands down.

Bea and Mom- Sounds like your hubby's owe you girls some spa time! Sheesh! It's been a little while since I've dealt with sick kids like that and you two have had a hard time. I think some pedicures, massages, hair cuts/high-lights are a few things in order for the two of you!

Nurse- I'm a nurse too. Nights are tough, but can be fun at your age. Makes staying up late on the weekends out with your friends easy! Good job on the pretty lingerie! Woo Hoo! I weigh around the same and I can't wear a 14!!!!

Ah, to be young and firm again! LOL


Thanks! :) It's so freaking cute - too bad there's no one to check it out! hahaha I about died - I wear a size 20-22 jeans, why a 14 fit is beyond me, but I tell you, I'm not complaining! :tongue2:

I'm hoping that being young and firm will help me with the extra skin after surgery issue. I really REALLY want a cute body when I'm done - what's the point of being skinny and healthy in your twenties if you don't have good toning?? RIght now I'm really focusing on toning, so hopefully I won't have to worry about it. Tomorrow at JC I'm going to ahve them take my measurements so I'll have something to compare it to.

I do love working nights, but it's hard when I'm sick! That makes the 12 hours seem sooo sooo long. Usually I work Sat-day, Sun-day, Mon-night, but this week I switched with someone and did three nights in a row. I do love my job though! :cool2:

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Okay...I WANNA GO TOO!!!!!

L2L- Girl don't worry! I just have this feeling. I swear. Something big is coming for you. All this running and working out is going to pay off. Your body is probably just in shock and refusing to give it up! If you're not getting enough calories or Water, it(your body) won't let it go. Be sure you're eating enough. Seriously though. If you read the posts, and I know you do, you'll see that the biggest losers are the runners. Hands down.

Thanks Turler! I'm waiting for a loss...I'm needing one so bad. Getting discouraged. I'll take a pound - want more, but I'll take it. I just want the scale to move again. After re-reading my whining posts lately and taking a good look at what I've been doing, I don't think I've been getting enough Water. As much as I've been sweating and working out, I haven't increased that much. The food, yes - I get about 1,200 calories a day - but not enough water. I've upped it this week and am now counting my glasses and drinking rather than just sipping between meals. Are you doing any better? Find a new doctor?

Nurse - go buy you a measuring tape. You can find them in the materials/sewing section at Walmart/Kmart. They also have them at sewing and crafts stores (Joann's Fabrics/Hobby Lobby/Michaels). I have one at home just for my measurements. I've been on a plateau for a while, but it helps to see the inches drop. Measuring is a great re-inforcer.

Bea - I'm getting a fill tomorrow too. My last fill was 1.5 and she had to take .5 out within a week. I'm really close right now. I've been stressed and with TOM this week I've been tighter than normal. When everything returns to "normal" I'll be too loose. I'm thinking of adding .2 or .3 tomorrow - I'll leave it up to Leslie (my fill nurse). Hopefully it'll be my sweet spot!!!

Ya'll have a great great day! I'm in a good mood today and don't know why...I'm usually grouchy in the mornings. Maybe it's all the exercise? Could I be turning into a morning person???:thumbup:

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Turler - Thanks for the vote of necessity! My hubby has realized it too and is actually taking me off for the weekend of Labor Day, kid free!!! I can't wait!

L2L - Will be keeping fingers crossed for you. I have FINALLY seen the scales change this week. I really changed up my workout plan. Went from simple walking and yoga to M&F - aerobic/strength training, T&Th - 1 hour cardio (treadmill & bike) and W - circuit training/cardio. The scales have actually dropped!

Keep up your good work and don't get discouraged. Like you said, inches matter! Maybe with this additional fill, you'll get some weight results.

Bea - Have things brightened up for you?

Gotta ask....with the weight loss I now have the dreaded hanging tummy flab:( Have any of you guys found a good way to deal with this and tighten it up?

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Guest Leslie2Lose

mom - I am so dreading dealing with my apron. I've always had a tummy, even as a child. After two c-sections and carrying two big babies - okay let's add another 120 pounds to that...my tummy is awful!

I'll admit it is getting better. It is smaller - my abs/belly button area is lookin' pretty good, from there below - I hate it. I know I'm going to have to get PS. I hope by the time I get to goal (and a year later) I'll have the money for PS. I hate my bat wings too.

I guess we all have areas of our bodies we can't stand - those are mine.

Now for the positive - I'm starting to like my butt. I always thought it was too big (bubble butt), it's lookin' pretty good. I love my biceps (they are nice and defined), colarbones and calves. My feet are cute too - no more fat ankles (mainly from swelling). The triple chin is gone too. As for the "girls" - I'm divided...not sure how I feel about them right now.

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Don't get me started on likes and dislikes...I have to say I like my legs. They've always been good, even in bad times. The twins, well, them along with the flab I think will have to be repositioned once goal is met, but hubby said he'd gladly pay for it if I keep up my end and keep going. So I can look forward to that. I do have to say my butt is losing its dimples and I have lost my chins:) It will be a work in progress. I think of it like I'm molding a lump of clay and it will turn out right if I work it the right way. It so helps to know that others are dealing with the same!!!

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Hey all!! Of course you all can go on our weekend getaway! Instead of a "mommies getaway" we'll call it the Amazing April Avengers Superhot Chicks getaway or something equally corny! LOL!

PS is definitely in my future as well. I've already told my hubby that's the first thing I'm doing when I get done with nursing school. I won't be able to stand it. It already drives me nuts and I've still got a long way to go. It's mostly my lower abdomen. I'll need help with my arms and maybe a little bit on my upper inner thighs. I'm definitely doing something to the girls. I at least want them put back up where they belong. Okay, this is going to be so very TMI, but I also want something done to the pubes. I don't care how thin I get, I still have a lot of fat right there. I saw on one of the PS shows where they removed the fat and it was amazing. Okay, that's just vanity talking, but like nurse said if I'm working this hard to look hot, I want it all done right!!!

I'm like you Leslie, I love my calves and my arse! :sneaky: I also have a small waist and that's what friends have been noticing, which is nice. Mostly it's an illusion, but I'm not telling. I have wide hips and big boobs so it naturally makes my waist look even smaller especially if I wear black pants. Anyway, I am happy with myself for right now, but it's time to start kicking it!!

Mom and Turler - yes, things are okay for now. Thanks for asking. I'm just ready for the kids to go back to school and to get back in a routine on Monday. My hubby comes back Friday night. I'm having my youngest's b-day party Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Then I'm thinking of getting a few girlfriends together for dinner out or something. I so wish all of you guys were closer. We'd have a blast!!! I really just need a break!! I sort of lost it the other night and ripped my hubby a new one long distance! :thumbup: I think he'll be very appreciative and willing to do whatever I ask of him for a while. I hated that I got so upset. He's normally the sweetest, best guy but he was complaining that he wasn't having any fun and poor him. I just lost it. He's lucky he wasn't actually here and he could just put the phone down! LOL!!! He apologized and all's fine, but sheesh!!!!

Nurse- way to go on the sexy nightie!! I haven't treated myself to something like that for a long time. I'm having a sitter come over tomorrow so I can go get my textbooks. Maybe I'll stop by the mall and see what I can find.

You guys have a great day!! I've got to get busy. My house is a nightmare and I can't take it another second!!!

P.S. Sorry this is so long, I guess I'm feeling chatty today. I've been alone with the kids too long. :thumbup:

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I agree that we can have an all out April Banders outing!

Maybe that needs to be our goal for when we get to our goals and have one major celebration. What a party that would be!!! Las Vegas here we come:)

Bea - glad to hear things are going better. You have definitely got alot on your plate!

Don't worry about blowing up at your hubby every now and then. They don't get what it's like around the house with them gone and you dealing with it all...I keep threatening my hubby that I'm gonna take off one weekend to let him see what it's all about:)

Let me know how the nightie shopping goes. I need something too and haven't shopped for one in so long, wouldn't even know where to look! Living in small town USA, there aren't many options. It's either Walmart or drive an hour. Maybe I'll have a look there.

Good luck with the party too. Know it'll be fun!

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