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Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

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Hi Ladies! Sorry for missing last week. I'm going to get caught up with the thread and fill you in on my trials. I'm slammed at work, so will sign on tonight. So good to hear from everybody!

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Well if anyone needs some size 16/18 I will send them! I need 12/14 right now.

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Hi Ladies. Here's a brief (?) summary of last week. I had a follow up appointment on Wednesday to get a fill. Remember - I had a complete unfill about 2 weeks prior to my follow up. The nutritionist talked to the doctor just before my appointment. They were very concerned about 3 areas of my blood work.

1 - my Iron is critically low. This isn't uncommon, I've been borderline anemic most of my life. When I'm sick it can dip pretty low.

2 - Protein levels are low. Primarily because I wasn't able to eat enough food because the band was too tight.

3 - Vitamin D is insanely, critically low. I'm at 12. They said an 80 year old woman should be at 30 minimum. An active woman my age should be closer to 80 minimum. Apparently Vitamin D is what helps you get better if you're sick. That explains why I had bronchitis for 4 months! And why I keep getting every sneeze and sniffle working their way through the office.

So, with all that in mind, he decided to put off my fill for at least 3 more weeks. I told him I'm able to work out longer now that I can eat enough to fuel my body. He said he's okay with me gaining 3 - 5 pounds during the next few weeks. He told me to pay attention to what I'm eating, but don't stress out. If I gain a few pounds, we'll work on taking them off in a healthy way.

So, that's my tale of woe. I know Carol went through a lot recently and she's been helping me get through this - even though she doesn't know it! I keep telling myself "If she can do it, I can do it!"

In addition to a Multi-Vitamin twice a day, I'm taking Vit. D twice day. So, every 6 hours I'm chewing a delicious :biggrin: Vitamin. On a good note - my cholesterol (sp) went from 280 to 188!!!

Does anybody else have low levels of anything? I know the Protein is already better, and I can manage the Iron. Just trying to figure out how to improve Vitamin D so I don't have to stay on the vitamin forever.

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I finally made my way through last week's thread! Here's some replies, I tried to keep it short but I just really enjoy you guys and wanted to follow up on your journey!

Gwenn: I love how you set mini-goals for yourself. I did the same thing and will continue to do so. It helped keep me sane when the scale didn't move, or I got sad over the whole process (why can't I do it on my own - what's wrong with me that I had to have surgery to get control - etc). It's great to see everybody reach their goals and share their successes. It really encourages me to keep moving forward, even though I'm close to my weight goal you gals help me keep other things in view.

Number: After my second fill in July, I had acid reflux. I didn't think much of it and I didn't tell my doctor. Two reasons - I was finally losing weight at a quick pace and I was afraid he would take some of the fill out. I'm paying the piper now, as one thing led to another. I didn't connect the bronchitis I developed with the reflux soon enough. My body is clearly ran down at this point, but quickly improving since my unfill. I know others who have acid reflux, take medicine and can either contain it or it disappears. I recommend trying the medicine for 2 weeks or so. If it continues, maybe do one more cycle. If it lasts much more than 1 month phone your doctor. They may tell you to continue the medicine, but at least they know what's going on. Believe me, if it didn't happen to me I would think it's okay to let it go. I'm an extreme case, but had no idea the harm that could have come my way. Luckily just a few low readings in my blood work, but others have major esophagus problems. Good luck, please keep us posted. I need to know what medicines work in the future!

Colorado: It's so good to hear from you again! I'm glad you're back - you helped a lot with your postings when I first started lurking on this thread. I never had a chance to say thanks! Congrats on getting back on the horse. I'm glad you're able to move forward from here and you're excited to see the results you know will come. Regarding clothes - I cleaned out my closet, dresser and "rubber-maid" containers in the basement over the weekend. I dropped 3 large leaf bags off at charity this morning on my way to work. I haven't done it for over a year. I had clothes divided in to three sections. Too big, too little, sentimental. I kept all the sentimental. Got rid of all the too big. Most of the too little is now too big so they're gone also. About 25% of the too little fits a big baggy now but they'll work just fine for now. My husband was excited to see all the extra space. That is until I let him know I would be filling it up as stores put spring and summer clothes on sale! He's so excited for me, he keeps telling me to go get a new wardrobe. I'd rather do it a bit at a time. Like when I eat a Milky Way now - it will take me 2 or 3 hours because I realllllllly want to savor it!

Brandy: I checked out your blog. Your puppy is just about the cutest thing ever! Way to go losing 90# pounds - that's awesome!! How's the new job? Thanks for the advice on Crystal Light. I love the orange flavor - it's my new addiction. Much fewer calories than my orange sherbert ice cream on a stick!!

DSK: Congrats on exceeding your anniversary goal. That is such great news!

Jamd1: 80# loss is incredible. I'm running out of adjectives for you guys. Everybody has done so well this past year.

Tawanda: Congrats on your surgery date. Mine was April 11, 2008. I hope you'll stay with us and let us know how you're doing.

Carol: I'm glad you got a fill, even if you're not quite filling the restriction yet. Hang in there!

Mom: You are amazing. I love my mom so much, and I imagine your daughter realizes the treasure she has in you. I'm glad you had a better appointment last week. I know a lot of people have said it, but I think it's important for her to check out a few threads. Even if she just "lurks" around like I did for 4 months, she will come up with a few things to try, make a few adjustments, come up with new questions for her doctor, etc. It sounds like she's not used to rocking the boat, so she may get some confidence for talking with the doc by reading other folks stories.

I lost minimal weight for the first 4 months (I can only imagine her agony at 11 months). I'm one of the lucky ones who reached my sweet spot on the second fill. The absolute, number one thing that helped me was to journalize my food. I realized early on I would not keep a journal for longer than 2 weeks at a time. I simply get tired of doing it, so I figure there's no reason to start something I won't follow through with. I kept a journal for nearly two weeks in August. I haven't done it since then. I realized the foods I was eating, the drinks that added calories to my day, and set a menu based on that. If you can help her journal her food and calories for a few weeks, she may be surprised to see she's getting calories in places she wasn't expecting. It's tedious and boring and a pain in the butt, but she should be able to do it for a short period of time. I tried a few websites, but that was even worse for me because I had to add foods when I first started and it seemed like too much trouble. I know others have a lot of success using online journals, because once you set up the food it's really simple. I hope this helps. Please stay with us and let us know how she's doing. We'll try to help her through you while she gains confidence to check stuff out!

Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts. I'm back at work this week, so I won't disappear for long periods of time again!

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Sounds like you are getting it under control Cubs.

I am not a doctor but to coincide with your supplements I would also eat alot of fish. You will bring those lvls up super fast and feel alot better.

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Thanks for the advice Brandy. I'm allergic to Seafood, so haven't eat a lot of fish in my life. Mostly stick to tuna in a can. I know there's a ton of good stuff in fish, but don't know where to start.

I picked up some salmon over the weekend, but really have no idea how to prepare it. Any ideas from anyone? I figure I'd check out a few recipe websites, but tried and true are always better!

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Cubs- Wow! Whew! I don't even know where to start! It sounds like you have a lot going on right now. Be sure you are getting some sunlight! It's an easy way to tell your body to make Vit D. You only need 15 minutes a day, and try not to wear dark sunglasses. We are told to wear sunscreen all the time, but for a few minutes, it wouldn't hurt to let the sun in...not block it! Besides, it will just plain feel good. Some doctors will tell you that a few minutes in a tanning bed can help too.

I am feeling much like CC these days. My trials and tribulations with my slip and no weight loss for so long now...I'm frustrated. I don't feel as energetic as I used to and I really miss it. I hate hate HATE being hungry!!! It's the worst! I am trying to stay positive, but I'm losing this battle! I know I can do this, I just need to reset myself and get back on it...or something.


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It's April 1st and we are all going to Celebrate our bandiversary!!! April 18th is my day. I can't believe it has been a year since I made the choice that has changed my life. and even though I have not reached my goal yet I am so stinkin happy with myself!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for the advice Brandy. I'm allergic to Seafood, so haven't eat a lot of fish in my life. Mostly stick to tuna in a can. I know there's a ton of good stuff in fish, but don't know where to start.

I picked up some salmon over the weekend, but really have no idea how to prepare it. Any ideas from anyone? I figure I'd check out a few recipe websites, but tried and true are always better!

My FAVORITE (and my husband's) way to have salmon!

Not the healthiest, but I don't eat enough of it for it to matter and I figure the benefits of the fish outweigh the butter!

Take a salmon filet (however much you want for yourself and your family). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and spread a thin layer of dijon mustard over the top of it and then sprinkle the top with Italian flavored breadcrumbs. I use that kind that you buy in the can. Bake it at 350 until it's almost done (18-20 minutes depending upon the thickness) then turn your oven to broil and move it up to the top shelf. Broil for about 5 minutes or until it's nice and browned on top. While it's broiling, melt half a stick of butter on the stovetop and pour in one shot of Amaretto. Then pour that Amaretto butter sauce over the fish and serve. I usually serve with some buttered herbed noodles and asparagus or sometimes rice. Since I mainly only eat the fish, the rest is really for my family, but it's a wonderful meal and SUPER easy!

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Oh and YES!!! Happy Bandiversary to all of us! Mine's the 25th. I am still 20 pounds away from goal, too, but we'll all get there. I am just thrilled to be 75 pounds less than I was last year!!

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Thanks Tammy - that sounds like a great recipe. I'll make it tomorrow night. We're having steaks tonight. I'll let you know how I did :smile2:

Carol - Sorry to hear you've been frustrated. Being hungry is the worst for me at this point. I think it's been a year - why am I going through this again? But, I remember I've lost 82 pounds. Even though my energy is getting better, it's still lower than it usually is. It's frustrating, but we're all improving. Even if we take a few steps backward from time to time, we eventually get turned back around and headed in the right direction. Hang in there! Restriction is coming!!!

My date is April 11. Just a few days away. I've gained two pounds, but the doctor said it would be closer to five pounds before he gives me a fill. Darn these low levels of necessary nutrition!

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I think we are having steak tonight, too. We had baked catfish earlier this week. I browned it in some butter and olive oil and then spread some homemade basil pesto sauce over it and baked it. Really good. Served it with bowtie Pasta that had sauteed squash, mushrooms and capers in it and mixed some of the pesto in with it. Excellent meal.

Dang... this talk of food is making me hungry!

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Colorado: It's so good to hear from you again! I'm glad you're back - you helped a lot with your postings when I first started lurking on this thread. I never had a chance to say thanks! Congrats on getting back on the horse. I'm glad you're able to move forward from here and you're excited to see the results you know will come. Regarding clothes - I cleaned out my closet, dresser and "rubber-maid" containers in the basement over the weekend. I dropped 3 large leaf bags off at charity this morning on my way to work. I haven't done it for over a year. I had clothes divided in to three sections. Too big, too little, sentimental. I kept all the sentimental. Got rid of all the too big. Most of the too little is now too big so they're gone also. About 25% of the too little fits a big baggy now but they'll work just fine for now. My husband was excited to see all the extra space. That is until I let him know I would be filling it up as stores put spring and summer clothes on sale! He's so excited for me, he keeps telling me to go get a new wardrobe. I'd rather do it a bit at a time. Like when I eat a Milky Way now - it will take me 2 or 3 hours because I realllllllly want to savor it!

Thanks Cubs! That is so nice of you to say! I finally broke down and went to the store to purchase some new pants. Size 12! I hope they do not remain at my house for long but it is sure nice to wear them today! Yay!!

It's April 1st and we are all going to Celebrate our bandiversary!!! April 18th is my day. I can't believe it has been a year since I made the choice that has changed my life. and even though I have not reached my goal yet I am so stinkin happy with myself!!!!!!!!!

My banaversary is the 4th. I cannot beleive it has been a year! I am looking freakin good as compared to last year! ha!

My FAVORITE (and my husband's) way to have salmon!

Not the healthiest, but I don't eat enough of it for it to matter and I figure the benefits of the fish outweigh the butter!

Take a salmon filet (however much you want for yourself and your family). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and spread a thin layer of dijon mustard over the top of it and then sprinkle the top with Italian flavored breadcrumbs. I use that kind that you buy in the can. Bake it at 350 until it's almost done (18-20 minutes depending upon the thickness) then turn your oven to broil and move it up to the top shelf. Broil for about 5 minutes or until it's nice and browned on top. While it's broiling, melt half a stick of butter on the stovetop and pour in one shot of Amaretto. Then pour that Amaretto butter sauce over the fish and serve. I usually serve with some buttered herbed noodles and asparagus or sometimes rice. Since I mainly only eat the fish, the rest is really for my family, but it's a wonderful meal and SUPER easy!

Your salmon sounds sooo good! I am so hungry now!

I think we are having steak tonight, too. We had baked catfish earlier this week. I browned it in some butter and olive oil and then spread some homemade basil pesto sauce over it and baked it. Really good. Served it with bowtie Pasta that had sauteed squash, mushrooms and capers in it and mixed some of the pesto in with it. Excellent meal.

Dang... this talk of food is making me hungry!

When can I come over for dinner? I sure hope you live close so I do not have to drive very far! hahahaha

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my 1 year bandiversary is coming up April 21st.

i'm still having problems with my band and acid reflux. i'm about ready to throw in the towel and just be happy with the 40 pounds i have lost and move on with my life. maybe i wasn't meant to lose more than that?

i think i'm filled with 4cc in a 10cc band. each time i try to get .5cc added my acid reflux gets so bad i throw up almost every meal and sometimes in my sleep.< /p>

my surgeon now thinks i may have a hiatal hernia that has happened after the surgery and that's why the reflux is so bad. i go see him this saturday... a fun 4 hour drive there and a fun 4 hour drive back home.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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