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Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

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Hello ladies,

I talked to my nutritionist today and she wants me to come in on friday. So it looks like I'm going to get another unfill which scares me because I don't all the wieght I've just lost to come back and that usally happens when you lose it fast like I did. They also want to do some test on me, I'm guessing blood work, I will keep you guys updated. Any advise on how to keep my weight from ballooning back up??????

Edited by tyme4change

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Hello ladies,

I talked to my nutritionist today and she wants me to come in on friday. So it looks like I'm going to get another unfill which scares me because I don't all the wieght I've just lost to come back and that usally happens when you lose it fast like I did. They also want to do some test on me, I'm guessing blood work, I will keep you guys updated. Any advise on how to keep my weight from ballooning back up??????

I am sorry to hear that you may have to have an unfill. I don't have alot of wise words for you other than willpower. That of which I have none of. If you're unfilled though you porbably will be on liquids and such until any swelling you might have goes down. Just hang in there. I have my fingers crossed for you!

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I am sorry to hear that you may have to have an unfill. I don't have alot of wise words for you other than willpower. That of which I have none of. If you're unfilled though you porbably will be on liquids and such until any swelling you might have goes down. Just hang in there. I have my fingers crossed for you!

Thank you Brandy, I guess I'm going to have to practice some serious will power. :sneaky:

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Oh boy. Exercise. Hard to believe that in my 20s and 30s I was a gym and dance rat. Living back in NY I walked everywhere. Now in LA, I work longer hours, do more chores (got married) and have become lazier. Need to work on that one.

I saw a 2 sneak in my number today- 232.4, but I'm waiting a day or two to see if I can get it to 230 and then I'll post it.

Tonight I thought I could go from sole or roughy with mashed potato to trout and sweet potato, but obviously not easily. I've got a piece stuck and I really don't want to bring it up. So, it will eventually go down. I guess I'll put the rest away and try again later. I was hungry but now I'm not. I actually could have gone the entire day without eating today...it was busy at work. But my SPECIAL alarm went off at 1PM- the left shoulder pain I get if I'm on empty.

Okay, I feel so sad about Natasha Richardson dying. She's always been one of my favorite actresses.

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CONFREAKING-GRADULATIONS! That must have made your day, your life, your everything to see that. It's totally amazing I am sure.

I am gonna try not to streak nakey through my neighborood when I hit goal.

Thanks Brandy!! You've been such a big help to me through this process. When my step-son goes to his moms house, the door barely closes before I'm sitting on the couch naked!! My husband is loving it, but has requested I at least lock the door before commencing the undressing!

CUBS GIRL: that is FABULOUS FABULOUS FABULOUS!! I hope you'll stick around even though you're at goal. I'm setting mini-goals instead, as I don't really know what this old body will be capable of doing.

Thank you for talking about what worked for you. I've never counted calories before being banded, but now I almost enjoy it. I use myfooddiary.com. Even though it's not free, I like it and am comfortable so I'm staying there. I've got some of my recipes in and also lots of foods I use that I've entered into the system. What's good about calorie counting is that one eventually gets an idea of what a portion is- what will be added or subtracted. And its a good lesson on choices. I think many of us never made a choice. Never said "mashed potato with dinner, or a dessert later". We ate both. I feel a strong sense of satisfaction when I accomplish the goals for the day.

Thanks Gwenn! I'm not going anywhere, you all help keep my spirits up and keep me reaching for my goal. I agree that setting mini-goals is a huge incententive. For the first month or so, I wrote down all my calories. Now that I eat pretty much the same variations of foods, I don't write it down. I figure if I go a week or two with a plateau or if I gain a pound or two, I'll start writing down the calories again to figure out what I'm doing wrong. You're doing a great job!

Cub Girl,

Thank you so much for all your help. I have started to count calories last week and I feel I can only eat between 800 to 900 calories at the most. I feel like this is not enough. From the time I ha my surgery I walked about 2 miles a day and tried to start jogging up until last November, so I can see why things could have stopped. And you are right about drink Water I don't enough. Days i go to the gym I drink enough because I drink abut 32oz there. I actually love going to the gym. I have doing at least 3- 1 hour classes a week and working out with weights twice a week. I started walking this morning again and that's another 1.5 miles a day. I am healthier and that is the main reason I had the surgery. i'm off of all my meds and all my counts are down so that is something to be happy about. However, I would like that scale to move.

I will keep on and the fomula you gave me.

I don't know what state you live in, but if you are serious about the jeans, I would love them. I'm sure I'm like everyone else I have been buying only a few items so I'm not wasting money.

Here is my email address and I will give you my address.




Dear Darla - You're doing a great job at the gym!! You've motivated me to move my tookus and get back in the gym on a regular basis. If you're looking for some ideas, you might try adding in one more Protein Drink. The one I use is 300 calories, so that would get you to 1100 or so. Try that for a week and see if the scale starts moving. When I was low on calories for the day, I'd add in a Protein drink. That way when the scale moved, I wasn't craving another meal or snack. It was easy for me to take the drink out again and not miss it. I live in Washington and will email you this morning. I'm off tomorrow, so will get the package in Monday's mail. I found two other pair of pants that are in good shape so I'll also throw those in.

I think I may be experiencing some "survivor mode" as well. With all my exercise - I have been stuck at the 90 lb mark for a week and when the momentum slows down it is a real bummer!!! Being that I still have a large amount to go - I just want to see the numbers start moving again!!! I have tried to add more protein but most days I just don't have an appetite so it is a challenge. Not that I am complaining!!

I am finally past the point of being overly tight. Right now I would describe the restriction as absolutely perfect. Too bad it cannot remain that way forever. But no more fills for a while!!!

Number - You're doing great. I know it's not easy to continue to exercise when you're not seeing the results. But, you're doing it! You're a better woman than me:smile:

Hello ladies,

I talked to my nutritionist today and she wants me to come in on friday. So it looks like I'm going to get another unfill which scares me because I don't all the wieght I've just lost to come back and that usally happens when you lose it fast like I did. They also want to do some test on me, I'm guessing blood work, I will keep you guys updated. Any advise on how to keep my weight from ballooning back up??????

Hi Tyme. I had a complete unfill on March 12. I go back in March 25 to see about starting the fill process again. My pouch is okay, but my esophagus (spelling - sorry - I try a different way each time!) was swollen. I have been eating a bit more than usual. However, I've kept the meal sizes the same as before. I just need a snack after about two hours. Before I didn't snack between meals. I figure by keeping the meal portions the same size, it will be easier for me to get back on board when the fill is done. I know it's only been a week, but I've been able to maintain my weight. One bonus - I can drink more liquid now, so I try that before eating a snack. The liquid and a bit of an increase in exercise has been working well. Keep your eye on the prize - I think it's good that we're "afraid" of gaining back even one or two pounds. I think that helps us make better choices when we're hungry. I also started going to bed at 9. I read until 10:30 or so, but I'm not sitting on the sofa eating an ice cream bar!!

Glad to hear everybody is doing well.

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Hi Tyme. I had a complete unfill on March 12. I go back in March 25 to see about starting the fill process again. My pouch is okay, but my esophagus (spelling - sorry - I try a different way each time!) was swollen. I have been eating a bit more than usual. However, I've kept the meal sizes the same as before. I just need a snack after about two hours. Before I didn't snack between meals. I figure by keeping the meal portions the same size, it will be easier for me to get back on board when the fill is done. I know it's only been a week, but I've been able to maintain my weight. One bonus - I can drink more liquid now, so I try that before eating a snack. The liquid and a bit of an increase in exercise has been working well. Keep your eye on the prize - I think it's good that we're "afraid" of gaining back even one or two pounds. I think that helps us make better choices when we're hungry. I also started going to bed at 9. I read until 10:30 or so, but I'm not sitting on the sofa eating an ice cream bar!!

Glad to hear everybody is doing well.

Thank you Cubs Girl,

I know I need an unfill, I have not felt like myself since my last fill and the rapid loss of weight. My energy has been nonexistent. I am just going to do like you said keep my portion sizes the same and I may need to add in between Snacks too. Thanks for the advise. I'll let you guys know what happened when I come back from the hospital tomorrow.

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I will try Protein Drinks. I haven't found any I like yet but I will keep trying. With everything else I have found that I am lactose intolerance now since my surgery. I could not figure out why I was had so much gas and stomach cramping, I never relized how much stuff has dairy in it. I weigh myself every Monday so we will see if the scales move with more calories. I go back to the doctor on my anniverary date of April 2nd. I know the doctor was expecting me to lose atleast 52 lbs for 1 lb a week but maybe slower is better.

I would like to say thank you to everyone on this thread. Everyone has been so nice and understanding. I stopped coming online because I didn't think it was helping me, but I guess I was just on the wrong thread.

Thanks and good luck to everyone.

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Sometimes it's hit or miss on the threads honestly. But I think that if you frequent a group enough and you get to know one another ... You get to see more and more.

We don't judge each other but we do have to pick each other apart to get to know them so we know where to help them... One of us might be weak in the sweets dept others like me might just wanna eat like 5 large pizzas in a sitting lol.

Either way we just have to be honest with ourselves and those trying to help us and we almost always find a solution or a happy medium.

I love the avenger thread and if I never went anywhere else within LBT I would be ok with that.

I would miss lulu tho haha

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Hi gang!

I hate that I'm so busy that I can't even take the time to write a short note most days! It looks like everyone is doing well or at least getting back on track.

I am going for my "first" fill tomorrow. Weird to be saying that after almost a year! I have been eating pretty crappy over the last few weeks and am definitlely ready for a fill. The doctor told me he was gonna be aggressive since I already know how this works. I really hope that's the case since I'm eager to get this thing going!

Darla--This thread ROCKS! We are a very supportive bunch. We all pop in and out and no matter what, we always try to offer up a few ideas and help each other along. I get so much from everyone on here. Sometimes I think I couldn't have made it without this group.

I see you're from Columbus. Have you gone to the meetings at Polaris? I think I remember seeing your name on the C-bus thread. Have we met? I have only been to 2 meetings in this year...PM me if you wanna talk. I'm on my way to C-bus in the AM for my fill.


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DRH - I suggest Muscle Milk. I think it is very good and it is lactose free. They offer a light version that only has 100 calories, no sugar added and 15 grams of Protein per carton. It has really been a mainstay for me.

I can relate to being too busy - tax season in full swing.....ugh........

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Hi All,

Been using a new drink I found at the supermarket. Called "LEAN BODY" it's in Choc or vanilla Ice Cream and is 17oz container- 260 calories for the container. 40 grams of Protein. It's sooooo delicious. I used to like Atkins but the new formula is not as good. This is very creamy. I sit it on and off during the day because I am one of those people who can't get food down in the AM.

Carol, it's good to see you getting your fill. You've really been a champ.

Brandy, you're absolutely correct. This is a wonderful, accepting place and I'm really trying to keep up now. I'm so sorry I stopped coming by for a while.

See ya tomorrow! Night all.

I agree with Brandy...it's good to

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WOO HOO. Down one more. This last fill has made a big difference. So has being back here. Thank you all for your companionship and sisterhood!

I'm going into the Sabbath so I'm not back until late Saturday or on Sunday. Hope everyone's doing well.

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I GOT MY FILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay...I've never had a fill under fluoro before. What a fun experience. I like seeing the band and my bones! hee hee

I am an RN, understand the whole process very well, blah blah blah, BUT!--I almost passed out! I suddenly felt this wave of nausea and could "feel" it inside. Oh, man! At first I was just like "hey, I could feel that and I'm a little nauseous" then all of a sudden I felt shakey and sweaty and weak....oh my! I held it together and got through it without her noticing! Thank goodness. I was scared I wouldn't get my fill if I had passed out! LOL

Well, so get this! I have 8 cc's!!! Holy crap! We both watched the Fluid and the fill was totally based on seeing the restriction begin on the monitor. She said she'd never put so much in before at once! I have a 14 cc band so it's little more than half full, but she said, and I quote "Wow, I'm surprised he put such a big band in you. You're so little"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ohmy:

Anyway, I survived! I'm definitely feeling a difference and of course have been on liquids and mushies all day and for tomorrow as well. I am not hungry either!!! YAY! I'm loving that. Sorry this is so long...just wanted to share!


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Fantastic! Banded again! And you didn't pass out... another fantastic for you. I'm so happy for you. When I just came on (I had a little more time so I came back) I accidentally went to the first post on the thread- your's Carol. You were being banded on April 10th -it was so cool reading it and thinking about your journey and everyone's to get to today.

I know what you mean about the fluroscope! I love it too. It's fun to watch and diverts me from what's happening with the needle. After all the anxiety and waiting, you may have been a bit over-anxious, hence the nausea etc. And you're fine now, right?

Great good news and now the numbers are gonna fly as well. YAY.

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Way to go Turler - do you feel a lot of restriction now?

How interesting to see your insides and watch the liquid go down.. a little strange.......... but whatever brings about the best result!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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