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NJ March 2008 Chat

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Eileenie, sorry you had a bumpy day yesterday, hugs!

Betty and Sherry, time changes, pain in the a$$, LOL. How's the UT today Betty?

Sherry, you keeping everyone straight? I'm so disappointed I waited too late to sign reply to Alex. The site has been pretty good of late don't ya think?

Kat, how was dinner?

Well, gotta go work on DS computer again, apparently, I didn't get it done last week. I know he's waiting on me to buy him a laptop. Did i mention he's back with bipolar woman....just a little over 5 weeks ago she had him locked up, WTH is wrong with him? Even if it's lined with gold, when is enough enough? He called the other day and said he needed to pick up the video of the birth of gson, to get a copy made for her, I told him she could kiss my a$$, after keepin my gson from his dad and gparents for over a month, using him as a pawn, hellll no! I think he was shocked, bcause I'm usually the peace maker...call me DONE!

OK I'm done venting, see Eileenie, I just get mad, heaven forbid I should start crying, talk about a flood, I've got enough tears saved up to float a boat. I've turned into a real hard ass I guess. SS, too much info, later girlies....hugs!

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Hi girls---

Yep Betty you guessed it! I went in just before the meal, and took out my tooth!! I figured we would be eating and talking, and if I talked with my mouth a little more closed they would think it was the food!!! It was a great night, we really like the people we were with. Rick got good news about an upcoming promotion, likely---hopefully his last before retirement---he is not interested in going further--not in his personality! Then when they were offering dessert, I excused myself, and slipped it back in, which made it hurt so bad dessert did not even appeal!!

So Eileenie----was it a hairy bakery or what???

Have you tried the glass of Cranberry each day Betty--or the pills? It is supposed to keep the walls of the bladder, and urinary tract slick, so the infectious germs do not adhere so easily. My Mom had a fall not long after her hysterectomy, and it caused the bladder to drop on one side---it usually rests on the uterus--so where it is tipped, she has to be VERY cautious or there will be urine remain in the dropped portion, and she will get an infection everytime. She has great luck, if she drinks it or takes the pills faithfully. She too drinks non stop. A bottle of Water is with her at all times.

Hi Gina------see you here at the same time I am!!!

Sherry---taking any time for you? How did your session go with the poor man with brain cancer?

Pat, Jessica--where you girls hiding????

Talk to me!!!


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WTH is up with my LBT--Pats post was not there until mine posted??!!

Anyway---good for you Pat----hold your ground, maybe someday if DS sees you do he will be able to as well. And I doubt it is lined with gold----but she does hold the child as collateral I would seriously imagine that works in her favor mostly. I am sorry, but support you 100% in not participating in her games!

I am the same way, I can get furious, but there is a fine line, and then the tears start! Then better be ready!



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HelloooooOOOOooooOOO!!!! :smile2:

Hey there everybody! First thing's first:

Mandy, so glad to hear that Abi is doing alright, 'cept for maybe a runny nose :( , Still, sounds like all went well!!! Good deal!

Kat....So sorry to hear about all the pain and difficulties with the new tooth. I had dental problems my whole life. Always brushing & flossing and still not being able to hold onto my molars! When I was in my early 20's (and broke) I had needed many root canals (that I counln't afford!) so I kept telling the dentist to ..."just pull it!" then I almost ran out of molars to pull. No lower molars left on the right side. Was thinking about getting some implants. I would have to have at least ONE implant anyway to anchor a bridge.... I really don't want a bridge.........BUT, I digress!!! Hope your'e doing better today!

Betty, man that UTI sure did sound mean!!!! It sounded like you were already on the mend. I hope this finds you much better!!!

Jessica, I do seem to be "shedding" maybe a little more than usual. I have very,very baby fine hair....so when I start to loose hair, it'll probably be pretty noticeable!!! GRRRRRR! I was taking Biotin (for hair and nails) from the get-go. And I have really tried to get the daily Protein in. I'm s'posed to have 90 grms. a day! Geeze, somedays it's all I can do to get 50 grms. Anyway, I figure if I'm gonna loose the hair, nothing I can do about it. I knew about that probability going into this band thing, and still decided to get the band. And I'm still happy with that decision. No sense in stressin' over it tho' 'cause I hear that may make it worse (I'm sure easier said than done:unsure:) And anyway, if it falls out for 2 months or 10 months, I've read that it does stop! and it does come back!!!! Hang in there...I'm right there with ya!!!! :eek:

Cozumel was GREAT!!!!! No missed flights, no lost luggage! Absolutely wonderful people there. Anything you wanted or needed they'd try to help you with it. Fabulous staff, and a good place to stay. I guess the highlight for me was the "drift snorkle" I did with my SIL. It was sooooooo relaxing! Just get in the Water with snorkle gear and the current did the rest! We would walk way down the beach, then get in the Water and the current would take us right to our hotel!!!! :Dancing_sorry: There were a couple of other "firsts" for me: first time ever doing a NIGHT snorkle....(kinda freaky but fun! Almost as freaky as a waxed coochie! :lol: :tt2: :lol:) First time ever walking up 6 flights of stairs (my choice, was too impatient to wait for the elevator) and being able to do it!!!!!! (huff puff puff :blink:). First time, on vacation, that Breakfast was NOT the biggest meal of the day! (OK, that one was kinda tough!...kept getting stuck,

slime, UGH!).

I tried to be good though! A couple of times I did manage to get a Protein shake in. Yeah, on vacation no less!!!! It was pretty funny though, I finished the shake in one of those "GNC live well" shakers, then tried to get the mexican staff member to understand that I needed it rinsed out, and that I would also like a screwdriver. Instead of getting a small cocktail glass and a clean empty shaker...they filled that HUGE container with a screwdriver!!!!!!! Hmmmmm, that must've been the day I dropped you all a line....IN THE FEB. NJ CHAT! :Dancing_wub:

Eileen, Hairy Buns? ??? Sure that was a child's party you were at! LOL. Happy belated B-day to your DD!!!!

All in all, terriffic! did get a tan too! But the photos of me,:sad:....well, let's just say, I got a long way ta go , baby!

Pat, thanks for snaggin' my note from Feb. and posting here. I'll be talkin' to ya real soon. Til then.....see ya later!!! :wub:

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welcome back Diane!!! Your talk of snorkling has got me thinking that i must try it again when I go on vacation in July. I did it many years ago in Japan but have not since and I remember having a blast even though they scared the crap out of me about getting to close to the coral and if you get cut you can die or something like that. who tells that to an 18 year old?!?!?!

did you bring Protein powder with you or did you actually find it there? I will be away for 3 weeks so I am still trying to figure out how to get all my Protein in down there. hmmm I guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

I also new going into this that I would most likely lose some hair so I am not surprised at all. if I have to cut it a LITTLE shorter I will or there is always extentions!!!! :-)

have a great day ladies!!!!

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Jessica, I brought some packets of "Wheybolic" (60 grms.per approx. 6"x6" pk.), bought at the local GNC store. I decided I wanted to pack the potein, so that I wouldn't have to think about where to get it once I got there! And also because when I scooped out my Protein, to put it into food saver bags, it made me think that getting me and my luggage through would probably be much easier without those clear premeasured bags of whitish powder!!!!!

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haha diane when I first booked my vacation I too thought about just putting some Protein Powder in a baggie or some sort of container and then I thought about it hmmm...a powder substance is sure to get me noticed in the airport and not in a good way. my one problem now is that i get my Protein through slim fast shakes and I have yet to find a protein powder that I like. I have 3 jugs sitting in my kitchen just collecting dust. but I will have to come up with something because I will be gone 3 weeks and I dont think I can take 3 weeks of slim fast cans with me the suitcase may be just a bit heavy :-) and I am sure it wont be easy to find it on the island and if I do Im sure it will cost a fortune. phewy I will need to start looking for something now...any suggestions ladies????

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Jetti, I didn't start using Protein powder until recently, well the last year, I use the Rice Protein, vanilla, I just use larger scoops, because I don't think the grams of protein is as high as soy or whey. It doesn't have that Vitamin smell. I get it from the Vitamine Shoppe.

Oh yeah, a 3 week vacation....I couldn't imagine. I had a hard time being gone 10 days, LOL. I wonder if you could ship an unopened container to your destination. Not sure of customs laws and rules.

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Hey Jessica, try posting on trip advisor, DR forum. Maybe sombody could tell you what stores are there.

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Im not sure if it will help my hair loss but I bought some Biotin today...cant hurt to try it for a bit.

oh and I had a NSV...well not quite sure what to call it but I have not weighed myself in 2 days and I am proud of myself. I was addicted to weighing myself. I didnt let it affect me or anything but I wanted/needed to know what that dumb number was. Oh and a girl that I see every day at the gym tapped me on the arm yesterday and told me I was doing really good. We have never spoken before and this is the person I look at to find my footing when I am tripping over my step and trying to keep up so I was shocked and excited when she said that. Its the little things in life that mean so much :-)

I hope everyone is doing great.

how is abi doing?

kat how is that mouth of yours?? Im off to the dentist today...there is so much work to be done in my mouth that I wish I could just start all over again. and if I had the money I surely would!!!

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Hi Ladies,

Just a quickie post as I'm as dizzy as anything. Went home Friday with the nastiest stomach pains. So from Friday up until now, I've have the most intense ummmmmmmmm how shall I say this.... hershey squirts ... so bad I'm bleeding CAN YOU SAY FLU ??? and on top of it all, Auntie Flo is here, so now I need two corks uggggh... I'm weak, tired, dizzy, hungry..yes hungry haaaaaaaa and prob 5 lbs lighter LOL. I gotta go to work tomorrow to.... how in the world I'm gonna do it? dunno... just hopefully pucker my cheeks and wish for the best. Just what you all wanted to hear huh LOL.

I can't believe next week is Easter.... where does the time fly?

Well girlies, my head is pounding, its good to see you all and I wish I could stay on longer to do personals... until next weekend :rolleyes:

God Bless !!

Eileen :tt2:

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i can't even believe I've been gone this long geesh! I'm that busy at work. They let my boss go this past Tuesday so I've been busy covering for the account manager that quit about 3 weeks ago and now my boss as well as my usual job. You can only imagine how pooped I am from the stress :rolleyes: One good thing was I taught a Reiki class yesterday so that rejuvinated me for a bit. Now just getting ready for work again UGH. SEems the weekends fly by...doing laundry, grocery shopping, putting it away, cleaning, cooking......yeap gotta go attend to the laundry now actually. I miss you folks...and hope you're all doing well.

Eileen - so sorry to hear your sick. That has been going around here like crazy..people get the flu...then a week later the intestinal thing..yeap squirts. DH had it but, thankfully it didn't hit me. I hope you feel better soon.

kat - I hope you're mouth is doing better and not so sore.

Howdy everyone else...gotta go fold clothes ...can I tell ya how much I just hate that chore? It's up there with cleaning bathrooms. If I could get a maid for just those two things I'd be in heaven!

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Eileenie--- feel better!!! You poor thing. Best advice I can give you is---TUCKS! Sorry Hon!

Sherry---I know it makes your workload crazy--but DO NOT let them work you to death! I cannot believe they just keep adding to your list of work, and nothing is changing--but it getting worse! Poor you!!!

My mouth is semi-better. The socket is slowly healing, and the partial is less painful than in the beginning, it is still not something I can do more than a couple hours running.

We took off yesterday, and went to Albuquerque---which is 185 miles away. We hit a couple of casinos and we went to a Motorcycle Expo show, and we went to the Body Human exhibit---where they have several bodies on display in different manners, showing the entire skeletal make up, circulatory systems, all the organs---muscles, tendons---incredible, they are preserved through a form called plastication. They had healthy organs, as well as diseased on display. Had a human head, sliced in 1/2 inch wedges, so you could see it like an MRI, in person, and then one done up and down, so there was a slice that showed the shoulder, another with segments of heart, and stomach.....absolutely amazing!!!!

Very graphic, nude human form---but so detailed! We are totally incredible us humans!!!

Today, we spent the mid part of the day branding cows--------my FIL is selling off all of his, and we are getting rid of last seasons calves....waiting to start calfing again.

Still no word from insurance on my surgery.....keep thinking I will call this week! Not sure I have nerve---I want them to approve it soooo bad!!!

Well just wanted to touch base----miss you guys!!!

Jessica--when is it you are leaving?

Pat--how's the healing? And the son/BFHIL (my own new acronym for B*#ch From Hell In Law!!)?

Check in girls----monkeys are gonna be working over time, Cindy? Betty? Heeeellllloooooooo????


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Hey everyone! Just wanted to jump in for a quick moment to say Hi to y'all!

Sherry, you poor thing :rolleyes: !!!! sounds like you're being run ragged! Thank goodness you have the opportunity to teach others to relax, heal, revive (forces you to unwind when you need it most!).

Kat, glad to hear you're doing alright.

Eileen....ooooooooooo oooooooowwwwwwwww! maybe imodium and advil? gotta be better than corks and ...um? Duct tape :tt2: really tho', hope youre feeling better soon. :thumbup:

I got a little craving today for a cheesburger...so I rented one from micky D's (just didn't return the rental) LOL

Pat, I've been trying to play catch up since vacation. busy bee! Can't wait to get together again! Just gotta get a handle on things again!

Jessica, GREAT WORK at the gym! Me, well, um....yeah. If it counts for anything, I bought a pair of biking shorts....havn't actually ridden the bike yet!Just hoping that spending that kind of money on a pair of shorts will inspire me! lol!!

See y'all later

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Hi I've had a really tought time. Thats why I've been MIA for so long. I have my second leg surgery done and the got DVT and put back into the hosp. Had been throwing up a lot and had to get a complete unfill! Now there is something going on with my thyroid. Besides that everything is wonderful.

There is a huge band conference coming up in Charlotte the first weekend in May. People are coming in from all over the place. There are details on Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin If any of you can come it would be great and will be great!

So where is everyone? If I'm not back soon it's just because I am so tired after work that I can't do it, it's not cause I don't care about our Jersey crew!

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