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March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

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My family went to Cedar Point in 2001 and I couldn't ride hardly any rides and I know I was that heavy for at least 4-5 years before that.

I am thinking about calling Monday for a fill - haven't seen my surgeon in forever. I am trying hard to eat healthy but I'm just eating too much of the healthy stuff I am eating and then I'm getting hungry quicker. I thought that adding exercise would stem this but its almost like I'm looking at those calories I burn are "extra" ones I can eat. Totally the wrong mindset. It will probably take a month to get in to see him. In the meantime, I'll just keep plugging along.

This boredom factor of being home so much due to being out of work is a tough one too. I am trying to stay busy but its way to convenient being able to walk into the kitchen for Snacks. I have had a couple phone interviews and 1 in person interview that I came in 3rd on it, and I keep hoping something will work itself out by the end of August at the latest.

I'm doing to get back in touch with my support groups more often as I really did my best when I was getting encouragement from others and giving it back too.

P.S. I'm wearing a "Silly Band" that is a shamrock to remind me visiby to keep on trying.

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Great NSV at Cedar Point, Special K! You're strong, and you can beat the eating from boredom thing while unemployed. Maybe dance around the house when that feeling comes over you? I know it's tough... just keep making good choices when you're eating.

Christine, I heard something interesting while at a consultation with another surgeon the other day. He and another doctor were discussing what sounded remarkably similar to your delayed gastric empyting thing, and one of the solutions they were looking at was first to try dilating the pylorus (the muscly opening at the bottom of the stomach, I think), and if that helped the patient, then Botox (!) that muscle to help keep the pylorus open and make the transiting of the food out of the stomach and down to the intestine easier. Does that make any sense in the context of your issues? Clearly I'm no doctor, but I immediately thought of you when I heard it. Maybe you can ask your doctor about the idea?

Fenton, I loved your "blowout" dinner -- yum! But I'm really amazed how you just drop weight! :cool:

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Okay, so here's my update. After 2-1/2 months, I'm almost back to my ticker weight (maybe just a pound or so still to go), and mostly it's because I'm working again. No more stress and boredom eating, just eating like a normal banded person while still enjoing some carb-y treats. Like what? My Starbucks Frappuccino Light with added Protein (in my mind, that's okay in spite of all the sugar in it -- clearly I'm delusional!), light ice cream, and oj plus fruit in my favorite Protein shake. Sounds not completely unreasonable, right? And from time to time, there's some Pasta. I can't be all that angelic... not in my nature! :tt2:

So, my doctor really doesn't want me to do the revision to a sleeve :scared2: -- because first, the risk involved, and second, I haven't had an adjustment to my band in 8 months and (with the exception of the last 2 months of unemployment) I've really maintained my weight with minimal effort. I've always complained that my band is too loose at this level and that I think I can eat too much, but I don't have many problems with it either. His way of thinking is: if you'd just quit at satisfied (not full), eat the hard Proteins and give up the softer ones, and really commit to giving up the carb-loaded treats when trying to lose weight (not just maintaining), then this band would be "working" as advertised at this fill level. He thinks it's been a mistake to try to get it any tighter and that's actually the source of all my problems with the band. I'm not quite ready to say he's completely correct, but I'm trying to have an open mind about what he said and give it some time. So for now, the surgery is off, but if I insist, he'll (reluctantly) do it.

I'm disappointed but trying to focus on the positive. As someone pointed out to me, by not having this surgery, I'll be saving lots of money!! :smile: Well, if this actually does work, I'll definitely need to splurge on some clothes at the very least.

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Thanks, Christine - yes, it does come off pretty easily when I try. Unfortunately, I had a couple of high calorie days last week because of various special events, so it was a (insert sad face emoticon) weight-stable week for me.

Nice work on the roller coasters, Special K! Those are one of my primary goals, too - I can't believe they were in sight, and then I threw it all away... Argh!!!

Chica, if your surgeon's encouraging you not to get more surgery, listen to him. I think we're all aware of the problem of eating when bored - an Achilles heel for every over-eater, I think; your maintenance shows you can do it, and implies that if you really try, you can pound away at the rest of your loss target.

And Special K, on the subject of eating while bored - can you get out of the house more? Go to the library or something? It's either that, or find something to do that occupies you while at home, or stop storing treats at home. Or, of course, find that job! I hope you find something even better than your last position very soon...

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I am making some progress but you are right, I need to keep getting out of the house and not keeping things at home is helping. I also called and made a fill appointment for next Tuesday as I'm convinced I am not at the right restriction level. I am eating more quantity than I should of the right kinds of things, like a huge salad or double the portion of meat/protein that I used to eat and not staying full long enough.

Okay, off to get in some outdoor time!

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I've been a little slippy of late - there have been several Major Dinners, at which I've not restrained myself. But I've continued losing, which is nice, but kind of a double-edged sword. If I'm eating too much, and still going down, that doesn't help to reinforce the calorie-controlling thing.

I'm rarely hungry, though, which is helpful. At the moment, my nemesis is the various dried fruit and nut trail mixes that various people in my office keep around - no matter where I am in the building, I can hear the Trader Joe's Macadamia Delight Trail Mix (macadamias, cashews, dried pineapple, almonds, dried cranberries) calling out my name...

Thank God for Hale & Hearty, though! It's an easy way for me to keep my meals varied while controlling my calorie intake and monitoring my Protein.

I hope you all have a fun, healthy weekend!

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Hi Fenton, usually it helps me to know the Calorie content of those tempting things and 1/4 cup of that trail mix is 170 Calories -- I would be able to munch down 1/4 cup in a single handful grabbing off one desk let alone the damage I'd do from others. Think of what else you could have for 170 calories -- 3 healthy oranges for example.

Calories in Trader Joe's Omega Trail Mix - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives | LIVESTRONG.COM

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I'm afraid I'm beyond the "three healthy oranges" approach, SpecialK!

But yes, I cheat on this - in fact, I looked up the calorie content, and it wasn't quite tht bad, but then again, those "1/4 cup" servings I'm grabbing? They're not really quarter cups.

I shall just have to avoid that particular temptation...

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Okay, I had an ice cream splurge last night and now I'm off to the lapband surgeon this a.m. for a fill. I've got the house with lapband friendly things so I'm hopeful this will help me both physically to stay full longer and not want Snacks as well as mentally recommitting by acknowledging again I do have this tool and I shouldn't undo the progress with it but 'treating' myself to things I shouldn't eat.

Again, a lifetime of discipline is taking longer than I thought!

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I got a .4 cc fill and was on the liquids thing for that day and boy, was I ever hungry - Protein shakes and the unjury chicken Soup to get my Protein in liquid form. Yesterday I went up to soft foods and did fine. By dinner I thought I'd try some grapes and that was evidently too much Fiber with the skins. Two eggs went down (over medium with some yolk to help moisten the whites) for Breakfast today and now I'm trying to do a simple lettuce salad with finely chopped chicken and that is taking some time and I'm probably not going to get much of this down. Interesting that chicken nuggets from Wendy's went down with the ranch dipping sauce as my lunch yesterday okay. I don't recommend a repeat of that as the dipping sauce was as many calories as the chicken nuggets were! Not sure I could have got the chicken nuggets down now without the dipping sauce.

Anyway, I still could use some good thoughts aimed my way on the job front. I've applied for so many now and was so hopeful early on but I've barely had any nibbles now in a few weeks. One recruiter is interested and tried to call me today and I missed the call because I didn't have my cell phone back in the computer room with me. That was dumb on my part. Anyway, I called him back and then he wasn't available so I'm hoping he'll call again this afternoon. Financially things are getting pretty tight and I am trying my best to keep my spirits up and not let eating be my stress outlet. I will take a walk later today if he hasn't called by 5pm.

After I get through this, I am going to be even more sensitive and caring to others in this same position in terms of a job loss that was no fault of their own, just corporate America doing its thing. I feel the same about being continued kind and respectful of people regardless of their size no matter what size I am.

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Okay, this fill thing may be starting to kick in. I tried to eat salad with chopped chicken breast for lunch and that wasn't going down too easy so I switched over and had a yogurt (like 100 calories) and before I knew it, dinner time was here and I was thinking, what the heck did I eat for lunch? I had to go to the refrigerator and look at what was in there before I hit the realization I had gone from 2 eggs at Breakfast, 1 yogurt for lunch and it was 6pm and I was allowed to be hungry. I was able to eat the salad with chopped chicken breast as my dinner. Then followed up with a nice long walk. I am hoping this keeps going strong in terms of me not looking for food for snacking and meals. I think I will even have some Unjury Protein Drink to get more Protein in and maybe that is what is kicking in too, upping my protein like the doc said.

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Any word back from the recruiter, Special K? Hang in there! Things *are* getting better...

It sounds like you had quite a lot of restriction there - have you settled into it?

I had a bad week. A series of Special Events half-morphed into a week long binge. It was a low grade binge (I think I have enough restriction now that I limit myself, and things seem less appealing to me), and I think I went up a pound or two, which will rapidly go now that I'm back on the wagon.

I'm just going to have to try to remember during times of temptation that I don't love my Sinful Choice Foods all that much while I'm overeating them.

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Hello everyone! The little sign on said I last signed on in January! Hard to believe it has been that long.

I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I'm not actually at my ticker weight, but should be able to get there in a few weeks.

I've been reading about this Sensa stuff. Has anyone tried it? I have adequate restriction, any more and I wouldn't be able to eat solids....

Nice to see this group is still posting!

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HopeinApril -- welcome back. We never stray too far but we always have lots of second chances with our band. Stay in touch.

I had a phone interview with McGraw-Hill for a contractor Project Manager "PM" position and I have a phone interview today with Tween Brands Justice today for a PM job and I have an in-person interview tomorrow for a PM job with a big local bank. At least getting interviews gives me some hope something is going to break open and pour out blessings on me big time! Pretty much the market is paying less than what I was earning but I'd be glad to just get back to work and enjoy what I do professionally again.

Doing okay with eating - keeping my hands out of things I shouldn't is a challenge when you are bored, lonely, depressed, etc. so I'm doing what I can to stay busy, reading, working some puzzles, doing yard work, anything other than sit around and have a food pity party!

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Welcome back, Hope! Did you end up trying that Sensa stuff? What exactly is it??

Congratulations, Special K! It sounds like you're really on a roll with the interviews, and I hope that one of them works out for you shortly. Also, you're latest fill appears to be working -- yay!

Fenton, Are your Special Events over for a little while? You still manage to do pretty well even with the minor league binges.

On the subject of trail mix (from a couple of weeks ago already), I was eating my own almond, dried cranberries, and M&Ms for a late afternoon snack. When we hit that "no more ridiculous carbs" point, I eliminated all but the almonds. Not as tasty, to be sure, but I'm doing whatever I can to reduce the carbs without too much suffering. Also, I've switched from 1% milk to that Hood Calorie Countdown fat-free milk which is WAY lower in carbs. I'm not a plain milk drinker -- it's only in my coffee and some Protein shakes, so it's not too terrible. And I gave up my boyfriends, Ben & Jerry, for Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Not the same thing by a long shot, but it satisfies my need for something sweet at the end of the day.

Here's the big news, I finally got to move my ticker down by a couple of pounds!! :) All this re-focusing on weight loss is working, albeit not quickly -- it's been a month since I re-started. But I'm committed to working on this, and I really hope that I can reach my next milestone (no longer obese, merely overweight!) in another month. It's only 3 pounds away, but at the rate I'm going, I don't know that it'll happen any sooner. I'm happy just to have finally made some form of progress. :)

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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