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Twenties NSVs

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Ordered a T-shirt from One of my fav bands, Usually when you order a "large" it's like a 14 year old girl large. I figured o.k it's gonna be small I'll be lucky to get my left arm in it, but it's something to look forward to.

It comes yesterday, I take it out of the box, examine it and then attempt to put it on..... IT FIT. and it fits perfectly, I am not bulging out all over the place and the image on the front doesn't look like it's gasping for air. it fit comfortably. That is a real NSV.

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Hey everyone! Your Ive been reading your NSV's and am so happy for everyone. Ive thought about posting my NSV's but until now I really didnt feel that they were important. I dont really like to toot my own horn, but sometimes we all deserve to pat ourselves on the back.

Anywho! My latest and greatest NSV's are:

My bestie and fellow bandster said that I now have "skinny girl" weight problems. My left over stomach just looks like a pudgy belly not a hugely fat monster gut. SCORE!

People at my LB surgeon's office have asked me disbelievingly if I had surgery.

My Dr refers to me as his "LapBand Allstar" and wants me to attend their LapBand support groups as an example of what hard work and the LB can do. He says that my weightloss is comparable to that of RNY patients.

People refer to me as "the tall girl". Ive been asked how tall I am more now more than ever. I guess being skinnier makes me look all of my 73 inches.

Best of all!

I feel attractive! Whats funny is that I know that I am more attractive to men, but I never felt it inwardly (where it matters). BUT I DO NOW! Wow!

Everyone you are doing great, keep the NSV's coming!

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I moved to Texas 2 ½ years ago from the north because I am a cowgirl and I wanted to fit in better. Well, actually I pretty much came here to try meet a cowboy. I have had NO LUCK at all, and it’s very frustrating & depressing. Last week I was telling my friend that I’m “giving up on cowboys” because if I won’t settle for anything but a cowboy then I might be alone forever! Lol

Well anyway, I was working at a rodeo on Saturday night and I met a bullrider. He was the most handsome cowboy there, I couldn’t believe he actually wanted to talk to ME! We all went to the bar after the rodeo and my girlfriends were hitting on him but he wasn’t interested in anyone but me. He was so sweet, I was just about falling in love with him right then and there!

He lives in Oklahoma so I will probably never see him again, but that’s ok. The night was perfect, it was just what I needed. Lately I have been thinking I will never find a good guy to date, that no one will ever want me. But interacting with him that night showed me that I AM beautiful and that I am worth it. I can get a good cowboy, I shouldn’t have to settle for less because I think a guy is out of my league. They’re ALL in my league now. I feel so good.

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Today, for the first time, I was able to shop in a normal store! I went to Jones New York and was able to buy a XL top. I was thrilled. I'm so sick of Lane Bryant and women's departments and their ugly/expensive clothes.

It felt really great to not just be in the fitting room, watching other people try stuff on and telling them what I thought, but trying things on for myself and having them tell me I looked great!

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been awhile since i posted a NSV!

so the last post in here i said that i got a personal trainer for the summer. i have seen CRAZY improvements with him this past month, but with him i mostly just weight train. on my own, i have been doing more cardio, something similar to the couch to 5k program. well yesterday i finished my first 5k! and today i did it AGAIN! never thought i would be a runner but i definitely feel like one now. last year i could hardly run for 20 seconds straight.

oh and the best improvement ive seen since last year in my workouts: i used to get SO red when i got hot-- like a splotchy bright red, but i never really sweat, and it was really embarrassing for me. now i dont get red so much, but i kind of GLOW and GLISTEN (you know, like the women in those workout DVDs that look gorgeous when they work out? well, i dont look quite that good, but its a HUGE improvement!) funny how the body works.

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I went into Kohl's yesterday, went into the Juniors even...and got a dress size L! Not an XL a L! Yay! lol


sadly though, just went to go swimsuit shopping...had to get a 2X top...stupid boobs! (On a side note, any big chested ladies out there know where to find swimsuits...I think I'm a 36G)

Edited by blackcherry2002

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I didn't have the surgery yet but have been watching what I eat better and..

I was on vacation and was looking for a beach coverup dress and they had tons of cute ones in xl and under and the xl looked like it would fit my sister who is a size 0. Anyway we went to this one place that had bigger sizes and I got the 24 and it was too big, so I got the 22 too big, and then they didn't have a 20 but an 18!! and it fit!! Haha it was the best. I think they ran big because my other clothes still fit and I haven't really lost that much weight maybe a couple pounds but whatever it was so nice!! Definitely the boost up I need since my surgery is coming up soon :thumbup:.

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Haven't posted in a while, let alone an NSV. There haven't been any particular moments, but I am a lot more comfortable with myself. I can go swimming without worrying about being the fattest guy there, I can ride rides without worrying if I'm gonna fit and the biggest one for me is I don't have to worry about weight limits for ANYTHING anymore! I love my band :thumbup:

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it seems like whenever i post in this thread i get new NSVs immediately after-- but not complaining here!

so today i went to work out with my trainer at his gym. i was warming up on the elliptical while he was finishing up with a new client of his, who is older but had about my body type from last year. she was really struggling on the machine next to me while i was going fast, even though it was just for my warmup. out of breath, she told my trainer-- "well, she just makes it look so easy!" i laughed and kind of mentioned that i was slower than her last year and that she would get better in time, just wanted to encourage her but not get in her business or anything because i know how i felt a year ago when people tried to tell me what to do or not do.

after my warmup i went to jog a few laps while i was still waiting for my trainer, and i came back over to them a few minutes later and the woman goes "i have to congratulate you on your weightloss! damon (my trainer) told me-- and you look incredible!!" i got a little embarrassed but my trainer was just like, "yeah, jane's my poster child!"

made me feel so proud. like, yeah, i can see the results when i look at my before/after pics, but when you see me on a regular basis the improvements are harder to see, and this was the first time my trainer acknowledged that i'm his super star... and that he was bragging about me to other people! this random lady probably has no idea how happy she made me, because in actuality, she is the first person i have seen face-to-face that told me i was inspiring her.

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I was banded 10 days ago but also lost weight pre-op. So since losing a total of 21 lbs, my NSV's are:

*Down from size 22 to size 20!

*Shirts down from 2x to 1x (xl) some brands!

*Panties actually went down from size 9 to 8, no more saggy butt!

*Had the courage to talk to a new hot guy at work and he was super friendly and flirty!!!

*Lost 21.75 inches so far!

*Can reach all the way to the far end of my trunk! hehe! 5 inches of belly gone!

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Hi everyone,

Haven't been on here in a while and thought I'd check in to say hi. I've been having a wonderful summer, and although my weight is pretty stalled right now (finally getting my fill tomorrow) I have experienced a lot of wicked Non-Scale-Victories in the past few weeks and thought I'd share!

The first round happened at my cousins wedding which was on June 21st. It was a huge wedding - over 400 guests and I was a bridesmaid. I saw a lot of extended family and friends who hadn't seen me at this low a weight in at least 5 or so years... it was a great feeling and I got tons of really sweet supportive feedback, as well as some of the annoying - "good work, but don't stop now," or "I'm so glad you're finally doing it!" UGH. But the sweetest feedback I got that night was from my friend Danger Dave (this is VT -all the boys have funny nicknames.) Towards the end of the night, we were sitting outside, taking a dance break, and he said something about "you look great Ange." I said thanks - mentioned the professional hair and makeup. He said no, it was more than that... I can tell you lost weight. This was definitely a bold move on his part - asking a girl about that, even mentioning that elephant in the room. It was super sweet though, because he just acknowledged how hard that must have been, and how impressed and proud he was. Definite warm fuzzies.

It's kind of awkward to mention, haha, but Dave's not the only boy who's noticed a difference in me. A lot of them seem to be noticing me, period. It's funny - I'm still hanging out at around 230lbs, I've still got a long way to go weight wise, so what I think what these boys are responding to is the change in confidence I'm going through. I feel prettier, sure, but more so, I feel empowered, accomplished. It's wicked.

My third, and my most favourite kind, was my shopping NSV. I was in California last week and got to pop in to one of my favourite stores, J Crew. I love this store. Once I can fit into all their clothes, I'll probably be completely broke with a completely beautiful preppy wardrobe. I saw this cute high-waisted skirt, and thought I'm not 100% a 14 these days, but eh, might as well try. I looked, but alas, they didn't have a 14 in the colour I wanted. I asked a sales associate for help, and she told me they didn't have any. I decided to just grab the 12 to take in with me while I was trying on some tees. And guess what... The 12 fit great. GREAT. And although it is a pretty flattering and forgiving cut, I still can't believe it's only a 12. And as I was coming out to show my friends, the sales associate said "I knew it would fit... You don't look much like a 14 anyways!" I couldn't believe it. So of course I bought it even though I totally can't afford it. I pretty much wanna sleep with it on I love it so much!

Here's a pic of me wearing it for my nephew's first bday party - 96476776.jpg

Well that turned into a long long entry. Hope everyone's doing well and enjoying the sunshine!


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you look awesome angie, what a cute skirt/outfit! and you definitely look like a 12, at least in that picture, so go YOU! i love reading long NSV posts, reminds me of things in my life that i didnt even think about as being a NSV but totally are!

i was in new york this weekend for the 4th staying with friends.... and lets just say i got a LOT more male attention this time around than on previous times out with all the girls. haha, ill leave it at that! going to a cousins wedding in september and will be seeing a ton of family i havent seen in awhile, looking forward to (but also sort of dreading) that night!

oh and, i'm calling it... im definitely a size 10 and not a sort-of 10 sort-of 12 now! cant wait until i am officially a size EIGHT! single digits baby! i think i can definitely get there by the end of the summer..

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Thanks Jane! I can't wait to be where you are weight and size wise, you're doing so so well! I do have skirt/fluke confirmation - I just got the new catalogue and the model is not wearing it high like me but lower on her hips. But whateves. It's a 12. On my body. I'll take it.

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haha seriously you have the right attitude!

okay.... new HUGE size victory..... drumroll please.... today i bought two size 10 jeans from express (that weren't even tight!) and, get this.... i picked up a t-shirt that is an ADULT SMALL!!!!!!

OH MY FREAKING GOD! I AM WEARING A SIZE SMALL?!?!? i don't care that its just cotton and an adult size, it is clothing that is saying that my body is SMALL, and it eve nfits kind of loose in some parts. i'm gonna keep saying that out loud though.... small small small. i'm small! haha looove it!

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I haven't been on in a while, life got a little crazy, and is only going to get crazier since I've decided to start graduate school in the fall, while working full time. I need my head examined.

Lately though, I've been kind of down because even though I see the numbers on the scale going down, I don't see much change in myself. My mom tells me I'm crazy routinely. Part of it has to do with the fact that while I am losing weight, my boobs have not gotten smaller. It's making it really hard to fit into clothes because XL fits my boobs, but no where else. So either I look like a slob or a hooker. This gets better, I promise.

I had a tiny fill yesterday, and my mom could see I was not in a good mood. So she drags out these jeans that she swears will fit me. They were a size 16.

Well these must be some Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants friggen magic jeans, because lo and behold I didn't even have to struggle into them. I almost cried I was so happy. Yes, they are stretch-ish and yes, they are not the slim-est of cuts (they're actually "Not Your Daughter's Jeans", if that means anything to you). But they were a size 16. I can't remember the last time I was a size 16. Probably 8 years ago.

I still wear a size 18 in majority of pants, and I'm still rocking size XL clothes (thanks boobs). But I have one pair of super flattering jeans that say size 16 on them.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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