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ssdown...when you get to the area with the codes. Highlight the first one--the top one. Highlight everything within that box, then click to copy---usually a right click or ctrl c. Then come back here to LBT, and go to Edit Signature. You can find it in the column of options under Members area on the upper right hand part of this page. Click edit signature. It will show you 2 boxes, the one on top shows what the signature is like now. The one on the bottom is the one that will allow you to "edit". Go into that box, pick the area you want your ticker to be, and click---then right click and click on paste--or ctrl v. The code should show up. Go to the bottom under the window, and click on preview signature. They should change to show the actual ticker. If you want to add anything go into the lower window and type it in---for instance your banding date....then click save signature. It should be there. I'm hoping it is there!!!!

I created mine back before many of the changes, and now just update the weight....hope these work for you!!!


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Jaime - I like that you used the word demon. food is an addiction for alot of us. It is the demon that has controlled us and given us a life less than we deserved. You are so right, the band is a tool to help us fight the demon. Finally, we have something to help us to do this successfully. But like any addiction, we will have days of battle to contend with. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just get back up, move on and have a better day tomorrow.

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Lonestar--I too smiled when I read the word demons, in Jaime's post---many times I see the little angel vs. the little devil--like they used to have on the Flintstones, when comparing what I should eat, to what I ought to eat!!!

Oddly enough over time, many of my tastes have changed to where I prefer the healthy items now--who woulda ever thought that would happen???

Some of the stuff I used to eat all the time, is literally gag inducing now. Not too long ago I had my granddaughter here, and she come in with one of the little Debbies oatmeal cream snack Cookies, she held it up for me to take a bite. So I did. I chew as a habit now, no matter what it is, it gets chewed well. By the time I chewed that--probably no more than 10 times, it began feeling like I just had a mouth full of grease, it felt like it was coating my teeth, and my tongue, it was nasty!!!! I imagine the numbers of those things I ate----instant cholesterol!!! Now the smell of them turns my stomach. And I no longer buy them! We make Cookies together, that I can control. Now if I could keep her Mom from buying them!!!


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Janeth, I am in awe of what you have done in the past with yourself and your outlook right now! Our demons come in many shapes and you have tackled yours with amazing grace and insight.

I am absolutely positive that you will use this tool to its best advantage! And I know that you will have temptations but will not succumb to them--I know myself that I didn't come all this way just to be my own worse enemy. It IS tough, but with severe fortitude and proper life changes, we can make it through.

Good luck on your journey, m'dear... :lol:

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Kat...if your intention for cutting and pasting my deleted post was really just to help ME...then why didn't you email me personally or send me a private message. Apparently you enjoy stirring the pot.....................................:lol:

I hate being in the kitchen and I'm going against my better judgement on this post, but I am going to "stir this pot".

I have read many of your posts Janet. You started posting about two weeks ago and in that time you have vascilated between two WLS procedures, once stated you'd lose 100 pounds in 6 months, have since revised that to 100 pounds by christmas and will not "cheat" on your post op diet.

You had a hard time figuring out the "ticker". No one criticized, they just kept offering help, until you finally "got it".

I don't like to see people "cheat" either, especially in early post op phases and have several times offered "tough love" to those that have, as maybe they weren't just looking for support but a kick in the butt, to get back on track.

I have not been perfect (pretty good but not perfect) during my post op days. What comprises the post op period anyway? From surgery to goal?

You have a starting BMI higher than some of the people you chastise for cheating. You "are so tired of being fat and eating" but then say you went to Wendy's (or some fast food place). If you feel that way, why wait until being banded to stop eating at places you criticized others for going to.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand how someone not yet banded, with their own severe issues with food, can be so critical when you have not yet been in their post op shoes. You, more than some others, should understand their situation even more. You lost over 160 pounds, kept it off and then regained it all back.

Let's not forget that when some people post they have "cheated" it might to them mean they sucked on something they shouldn't have and then spit it out. Hardly a huge offense, but they felt guilty and "confessed" on the forum.

I truly hope that you will be as successful as you feel you will be. It's terrible to feel out of control with our lives and I wish the best for anyone that has had to have surgery to get their live back.

I'm sure you will find support from those on the forum, if you ever need it. I know I have both received and given encouragement and support here.

Sorry, but I just couldn't keep my two cents out.

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KAT817 - First, you have done so well, congratulations. I hope my journey can be as successful as yours. That is interesting that over time you have lost taste for some of the old food. That is very encouraging. Working on the mind and then realizing that the taste buds will cooperate too is very encouraging for me. The hope and encouragement and support here is wonderful!!!

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You are obviously very passionate about this. I hope you are able to meet your goals, although it is important to remember that the band is not like gastric bypass. The band is designed for us to lose a healthy 1-2 pounds per week.

The reason we are all here is because we have an addiction to food. We gather here to seek comfort, support, advice and friendship from others who share our addiction. As with all addictions, it is not something that just goes away over night. Yes, we have our band and it is a wonderful tool. I believe every one of us made the commitment that we were not going to cheat post-op or pre-op when we made the decision to get the band. However, despite our best intentions, those old demons do come back to haunt us. If we were able to control them, we would not have needed the band in the first place.

The great thing about LBT is, if we do cheat, or feel the need to we have a place to come to and share our thoughts and issues with others. We offer and gain the support we need here. We help each other get back on track.

Obviously, as you have lost all the weight once before and then regained it, you must understand what a battle it can be. Life does happen and stress does happen and those little unplanned things can cause us to turn to our old comforting friend, food. I believe every bandster will have times when they eat something they probably shouldn't have. What is important is that we do not beat ourselves or each other up over it. Instead, lets offer the support and comfort we all seek to help get us back on track.

I look forward to seeing your before and after pictures once you have had the band for six months. With your determination, I am sure there will be an amazing difference. However, if you should find it to not be as easy as you had hoped, we will all be here to help and support you.

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Nice post Susan. I hope she is as successful as she plans, also. Going through bandster hell is not easy. I was on a liquid diet for 4 weeks.

the only thing that saved me is that I live alone, and I didn't go anywhere

that I felt any kind of temptation would be around.

I lost 22 lbs during that 4 weeks, and that helped keep me motivated too.

Kat, I am glad you are explaining the reason for the post op diet. Every doctor has a different opinion on how long it take for things to heal inside. They all do agree though that not following a post op diet can cause complications later on down the road.

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I cannot say whether you did or you did not hurt your band. The biggest issue is dependent upon what stage of food you are supposed to be eating. And the serious fact it, it might not be "damaged" in a way you see today, it might however keep your band from being settled into the best possible position, which in turn may be problematic down the road.

I have a very juvenile way of looking at my band I have been told! I ignored them! I listened to my Dr. He explained in great detail WHY the pre op diet is important, he explained why the post op diet is the most important time of being banded, and then he tried to explain to me how the band is intended to work.

I understood the pre op ---shrinking the liver, getting things prepared for invasion---------so I used the visual in my mind to get that accomplished!

Then the post op, when I realized WHY I was not supposed to eat...WHY it could hurt the positioning of the band...I was able to make myself follow the post op diet.

When I found an analogy that put a picture in my mind of how I wanted to eat, and why, I can follow it. I have to be able to wrap my mind around it....

I do not do well with just being told to do it! I try----but it is similar to telling me I cannot have something---then I really want it!!! I need a reason! When presented with the reason--I can do it!

They told me to chew my food well, so it remained in the pouch longer, but I didn't get stuck. OK.....so I pictured it like this. If any of you have ever used a cake decorating bag, picture it to be your stomach pouch. You want to eat small bites, very well chewed --- and not drink with your meal because you want the food to sit in the pouch without running right out, like the frosting would in the decorating bag. But when digestion starts squeezing the food to pass it, it is like squeezing the decorating bag....and out goes the food. BUT if you do not chew well----it all plugs up.

When it plugs up, the bodies natural response is to lube it up--which is when we slime. The body produces huge amounts of this thick, gooey slime----overly heavy saliva---trying to help things go through. Unfortunately a big part of the time, the problem is we have eaten too much so there is nowhere for all the slime to go. Spitting is the best option if it is possible. And incidentally sliming is not limited to banded patients. My DH who is not banded, choked on a piece of chicken---and he slimed as bad as I ever have!

So---if the sliming does not ease the problem---it usually comes up---in a PB. This can be as simple as a hiccup, while it repositions, or it can be a full force violent throwing up type of thing. Most fall somewhere between the 2. There is nothing in the PB except saliva/slime and chewed food, no stomach acids. It is not always pleasant--food is not always the same....milk products for instance will curdle just the same as if they had been in contact with acids in the stomach.

The pressure required to PB or vomit is discouraged for the same reasons you do not eat ahead of the Dr.'s orders, it is hard on the placement of the band.

I am not saying all of you are as "juvenile" in your band as I am----but you are welcome to my immature view of things!!!! LOL!!!

I may get older, but I refuse to grow up!!!



Bless you, bless you, BLESS YOU for your descriptive explanations. As "juvenile" as some might view them, they are perfect for those of us that need to "see" to understand the "why".

I'm currently in my full liquids phase and will be for the next 5 weeks. Knowing the reasons for my doctor's conservative instructions will help to keep me on track.

Thank you for being so creative and helpful! I'm tempted to kidnap you and put you in my back pocket!

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I'm trying to figure this out! I feel so stupid!


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Hi there Bandsters.

I have just had my surgery on 2/25. I am in the "Mushy" food stage and I have my first follow up 3/11. I have to admit that I am getting more hungry too. I am suppose to have 1/2 cup of mushy per meal and I am finding that I am still a little hungry when I am finished. This just started. I am hoping that when I go to the dr, the dietician will tell me I can move on to the solid stage and have a little more. Does anyone remember if that is the next stage or is it different depending on your Dr?

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Whimsy my dear, you may just be starting your band journey, but it is gonna take a lot bigger pocket than you got to fit me in!!!! LOL

I too had a very restrictive diet as compared to some, but I stuck it out! I actually moved on to mushies one day early with my Fill Dr.'s approval!! Due to timing, he wanted me to see how my eating would progress in relation to when we were traveling to see him. There were days if I had waited one more second to get out of the house, I would have been licking Doritos!! I was banded in the early Spring, so I was able to get out of the house and go for a walk when it got really bad. Not long after that my DH had some health issues, and as part of his recovery he had to take 3 walks a day----so we ended up walking A LOT, and had good tans too!

Hang in there---you are off to a good start!!

Everfriend/Melissa----in my case, my Dr.took us from mushies onto a regular diet after 2 weeks. He told us to use common sense, and slowly add things, that had a bit more texture, and work our way back to a full diet, but to of course be VERY careful and chew well especially the hard Proteins. He would not do a first fill until we could eat hard Protein without issue. I keep saying we---my SIL and I were banded together, and went for our appt.'s together as the Dr. is 6 hours away.

The amount of food you eat really won't change much---or shouldn't, the biggest difference is the heavier food will remain in the pouch for a longer period of time, and keep the hunger at bay for a longer time. Harder Protein, will keep you feeling full a lot longer than say mushy carrots. You will notice a difference I bet!

Are you losing the 1-2 pounds per week? It might be one of the guidelines your Dr. uses to guage when to begin the fill process---most (but not all) require 6 weeks post op anyway.

ssdown----like I say---everytime I figured out the ticker they changed it---now it is there and I just update it!!! Nothing to feel stupid about! Now you got 'er whipped!

Susan---kind and eloquent as always!


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Caryn---you are entering bandster hell. Where your body has healed enough from surgery to be hungry, but not have any fill in the band to help control that hunger.

It is not uncommon to cheat. The issue is how you cheat and when. Post op is VERY, VERY important....and can lead to future problems if you do not follow the Dr.'s eating plan.

When they place your band, they bring the lower stomach up and stitch it in place over the band, then they want you on liquids only for a period of time. The reason for this is that scar tissue is forming to hold your band in proper position. When you eat any food, no matter how much---your stomach has to help it pass through, by digesting it. To digest your food your stomach moves, it kneads, and when it moves, the scar tissue cannot form. Or it allows for wiggle room with the band--which can cause you problems later on.

While our stitches outside heal quickly the inside stitches are in a moist, dark environment, and take longer to heal.

If you are hungry and still supposed to be on liquids, just drink them more frequently---if you are onto mushies now, then, stick to that texture. If you have been progressed by your Dr. to a full diet, then you have passed the time line of causing damage to the seat of your band, it is strictly for weight control.

Keeping that in mind during bandster hell, the best thing I have found to do, is clear the house of "off limits" foods----and stock up on healthy, safe Snacks.....cheese, nuts, SF items such as pudding and jello--even SF ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, lean meats, pickles---things you can snack on regularly without sabotaging the weight loss.

When you get them home, break them up, prepare them, have them ready to eat in small convenient packages, and you will be less likely to overindulge yourself.

We all have food issues, or we would not be here!!

You do not have to have diet food forever, once you begin your fills, and have the bands help in controlling portion size etc, it will be a whole new ball game! Meanwhile, if you can be satisfied with just eating less of normal food, yes you can do that. I eat the same things my family eats.....I do concentrate my meal on Protein, and veggies as my primary filler, and only add starches in small amounts--only because I cannot eat a whole lot, so I try to get as much nutrition out of the smaller amounts as I can.

Do you have an appointment set to begin your fills?

Welcome to LBT! Sorry to be such a spoilsport on your first post!!!


Wow, Kat thanks so much for this. I don't think it ever occurred to me that the stomach has to move to digest. It really brings home the importance of the post-op diet.

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AKA Janeth5

I did all my pre-op stuff today and paid my money for the lap band. T minus 6 days and counting. Monday is the day and I am stoked and ready! I appreciate the kindness you all have shown even though I am hard headed and still cannot believe that people can "cheat" or give in to temptation so early on in this process. I've researched this procedure and I am aware that the weight loss is slow and steady. However: mine will be steady but not slow. The reason being is because I'll be doing cardio exercises for several hours a day because I have the time. My husband is a health nut who runs and works out every day. My children are grown and my husband eats healthy. We won't have junk food around for temptation but even if we did I wouldn't eat it because I have made a decision to change my life....not just be on a diet and lose weight. As a former health nut myself...I know what's it's like to be on an adrenalin high from being in shape and body building. I know how good it feels to be in great shape because I've been there and stayed there for several years. Yes, I gained the weight back because I lost sight of what was important which was taking care of myself so that I could be there to take care of the one's I love. Instead I neglected myself until I was out of control. I'm at an important place in my life. My son who is in prison is HIV positive and has been for 2 years. He went into prison at 15 and has been there almost 15 years. He recently had labwork drawn and must start on HIV meds. I have faith that he will be released someday even though he is serving 2 consecutive life sentences. I WILL be alive and healthy when he comes home to me. For those of you who think I am full of it.....oh well.....I can't control how you feel nor does it really matter to me.

I guess what I'm trying to convey is that we all have reasons and motivation for doing what we do. Some of us want it and some of us want it bad enough to do everything we have to do to achieve it. I think you know by now which type I am. I just spoke to my sweet son Jason awhile ago. He calls me from the Louisiana State Penitentairy at Angola almost every night like he has for the past 15 years. He is probably the most excited for me. That alone is worth the moments of weakness and the hunger pangs I may have to endure. Thank you again for being around to read this long dramatic emails.



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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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