Martin1973 0 Posted February 24, 2008 i'm after help in making a decision i've been approved here in the uk for the lap band, but im scared to death of having it done. i have a couple of questions for you guys that have already been banded please. i am the person that eats when certain emotions happen, sadness, bordom, stress etc, how do you cope with this after banding? also i eat realy fast with large forkfulls of food how do you make the adjustments to the eating patterns after banding. thanks for your responses im sure that they will be helpfull. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebonie 0 Posted February 24, 2008 I do that too, eat with emotions, so now I find ways to do other things. I really noticed it with boredom. It also helps to keep my Water with me. Maybe take up a new hobby of some sort? With eating fast I find I have done that BUT I'm quickly reminded that the band won't let me do that. PBing is awful so its something that I keep in mind when I'm eating. My biggest fear is I'll PB when I'm at a restaurant! Yikes! Good Luck on your journey! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kacee 3 Posted February 24, 2008 I think many, if not MOST, of us are probably emotional eaters. Some eat when they are happy, some when they are sad. You sound like me....a face stuffer....lots of food, big bites, eat fast. Believe me, that WILL stop when you are banded (and have restriction....just being banded doesn't necessarily put you there). I sometimes think we are the folks who benefit the most and the fastest, as opposed to people whose weakness is sweets, or something specific. I just love ALL food, and LOTS of it. My pleasure came from stuffing myself and doing it FAST. That has come to a SCREECHING HALT!!!! (Thank God!). But if this band every was taken off, I know I would go right back to my old ways. This baby is here to stay and we have a great partnership!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martin1973 0 Posted February 24, 2008 sorry for my ignorance but what does PBing mean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martin1973 0 Posted February 24, 2008 its ok ive just seen the post about PBing. doesnt sound nice at all, if you following the diet correctly post op, do you still suffer these symtoms, as its these types of problems that scare me, im frightened that the band will slip or il get something stuck, and has anyone had problems with there body rejecting the foreign objects, the band and filler tube thing. as i have had a couple of body peircings in the past and neither time did my body accept these objects and did not heal, so they had to be removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steph_co 9 Posted February 25, 2008 First off, when you have good restriction, your stomach will adjust your pain level for you if you eat too fast. So that reminds ME to slow down and chew, chew, chew. I am a major boredom and emotional eater. When I'm being GOOD, I just try and find something else to do with my time. For boredom, I picked up a few hobbies (most recently has been this board and the Sims2). For emotions...I think the thing that has helped me the most is talking to my husband. He's my best friend and I can really share anything with him, so I share with him kind of like he's my "sponsor" like I'm in AA, or something. I tell him I'm wanting to eat Cookies, he gives me ideas of better things I could eat. But I also think it will help me to get in to see a counselor. I'll be working on that this week to find somebody...oh, the pain. I'll just have to make myself stay away from the fridge on this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steph_co 9 Posted February 25, 2008 its ok ive just seen the post about PBing. doesnt sound nice at all, if you following the diet correctly post op, do you still suffer these symtoms, as its these types of problems that scare me, im frightened that the band will slip or il get something stuck, and has anyone had problems with there body rejecting the foreign objects, the band and filler tube thing. as i have had a couple of body peircings in the past and neither time did my body accept these objects and did not heal, so they had to be removed. Metal piercing rejection by the body is not uncommon at all. But having your body reject the band...not as common. There ARE possible complications such as erosion that I guess would be like your body rejecting it...but the rate is low if you have a doc that knows what he/she's doing. Martin, I have not PB'd once. I have good restriction, I can eat a cup or less and be full for 4-6 hours. I have eaten too fast, I have taken too big of bites, and I have not PB'd. I have had the stuck feeling, but it goes away soon enough. Just never had anything come back up the hatch. So really, it depends on the person. But if you follow the rules of what foods to eat or not eat, chew until mush, and swallow small amounts...the likelihood of PBing is greatly decreased. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites