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Slow Users-Banded a year or more

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I think I found the correct board! Most of the people that were banded the same month as I are getting plastic surgery. That is so far off my radar at this point!

My current goal is to get under 200. I'm really closer to it than I have been in a long time. I would like to get there by the holidays.

I agree with the other posts. I figure if it takes me this long, I should have some seriously ingrained habits about eating! I still have a brain that wants me to eat. At this point I am not sure that will go away. But, the good news is that I eat fairly well and the times I don't, the band is really helpful!

I'm glad the scale is gradually moving downward. I keep hoping that my skin will not sag much! LOL! I didn't tell too many folks that I got the band. Good thing, because not many would believe I had WLS. (just like the other poster said!)

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I don't even want to think about my skin! I'm just pleased with the loss I've had so far.

And I wanted to share my NSV of this weekend. It is a first for me.

I went with my DH to buy a suit for an upcoming wedding. After we did that (and a lot poorer) I asked him if he'd come to the local "fat lady store" with me and see if there was anything I could find for my outfit. We went in and walked around and it was just so depressing. Everything was either grunge outfits (trying to capture the youth market) or for the over 60 set. And anything in between had big bows, big patterns or was just plain ugly.

I suggested we try the Reitman's store that was across the parking lot. It said they had some "Plus Sizes". I walked in and asked to see what they had in suit jackets for a wedding. She showed me a lovely jacket and asked me my size. I said I wasn't sure, what did they have? They had 22, 20 and 18. I said "I'll try the 22". The woman said, "oh dear, that will be far too large for you, try the 18" I laughed and said I'd meet her in the middle at 20. Well, it was too big! I tried on the 18 and it was perfect. I felt brave enough to ask to see some dress pants, we went through the same routine and I ended up with a great fitting pair in 18.


For the first time in almost 20 years. I was so happy, my husband said I looked great in my outfit and I will be comfortable in my size 18 suit in Scotland at the end of the month. His family haven't seen me for a couple of years, and I was 293 then. I'm now 226 and I feel like I weigh 150.

I had to share. I've been on this plateau for seven months. I've lost only 10 more pounds since it started to come off again, but this is proof that our bodies are shifting that weight around and we are getting thinner.

Thanks for listening, and keep up your hard work everyone. We are getting there!


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18 WOW, well done Marivan. I remember you earlier post of setting the goal of "being comfortable on the airplane" when you went to Scotland. You will be very comfortable and should be very proud when you meet everyone at the wedding. What a trememdous achievement.


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Thanks Doddie,

You've been a big help in my being happy with the achievements that I've had, rather than upset while comparing myself to others. We turtles end up winning our own race in the end.

You are doing pretty good yourself, I see. Well done to you too!

I'll let you all know how I get on with my airplane, and the wedding.

take care,


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How awesome! I am in between a 20 and 18. It will be so nice to shop in a normal store. Actually, I have been hitting the re-sale shops and size 18 is a tough find there! LOL, I will have to go and buy some stuff.

Have you noticed there is some serious variance in sizes? I have several pairs of pants in size 18. It's like the 3 little bears, one pair is too loose, one pair is too tight and one pair is just right...LOL

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Hi Hope,

That is funny, I'm going to have to remember that one. And it is so true. I have been shopping a few times since then to get some other clothes that fit for our holiday (leave on Saturday), and I must have tried on ten pairs of jeans in one store. One pair was actually great, right length and high enough of a waist and not bell bottoms (that seems to be the style at the moment). But the 18s were quite snug, so I ended up getting a pair that were a bit too long in a 20. Well, now I've worn them two days and I'm swimming in them! I'm tempted to go back tomorrow and see if the 18s are still there. I can't take back the 20s as I washed them before I wore them.

But yes, I walk into shops and have absolutely no idea what size I am. It doesn't help that the sizing is so different from store to store.

I went into a Zellers store last Friday as a friend had recommended fruit of the Loom as a nice type of underwear. They were all in packets so I couldn't tell what the sizes meant in reality. So I bought two packs of six and brought them home and when I opened the first one I burst out laughing. They were bigger than the pairs that I started with two years ago! I carefully folded them up and re-sealed the pack. I had to go somewhere I could actually look at underwear and try to judge whether they'd fit.

Aw, it's a fun dilemma though. I've managed to not buy any clothes for the past two years. I even wore my winter coat last year even though it was way too big. I got a few comments (kind ones) but with a sweater it was fine. I may actually try to get one more year out of it. Silly to buy a winter coat this year only to hopefully need another smaller one next year. But I've found some lovely stuff and I'm looking forward to strutting my stuff for the next two weeks in my new duds!:mad:

Take care!


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Slow, slow, slow, but, steady...I am finally buying clothes in the regular Misses section. It is really terrific - just hard not to get discouraged when seeing the tremendous weight loss of others on this board - and usually in less time than myself.

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Slow, slow, slow, but, steady...I am finally buying clothes in the regular Misses section. It is really terrific - just hard not to get discouraged when seeing the tremendous weight loss of others on this board - and usually in less time than myself.

Great post.....It is encouraging to read of your success but more in your determination not to be swayed by what others are doing. I had a "3.5 lb" weight loss in 2009 and although disappointed I am more determined to loose more in 2010.

I hope you and all other slow loosers keep your spirits up and have a Great New Year.


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Hello fellow slow losers.

I haven't posted for ages, but I'm happy that you are all still working towards your goals.

I went on my trip to Scotland and not only did I not gain weight, but for some unexplained reason came home 7 pounds lighter. I was amazed, but know that I didn't eat any more than normal. I think part of it was the portions that my in laws were eating and putting on my plate! They must have thought I had gotten some bug or something, as I left food (a lot) at every meal. Managed to catch a bad cold at the end of the holiday too and ended up home sick for two weeks. Turned out it was pneumonia. That helped me lose a few more pounds.

I have to say that it has been two years November since I got my band and I used to be really upset at the slowing of the weight loss, but I am so happy with how I am doing, and the progress I have made that I am not stressed about it any longer. I have a little more than 10 pounds before I reach that magic number of 200 pounds, and then seven more when I've lost 100. There was a time when I would be depressed to be so close and so far, but I'm not really worried. I know now that I will get there, and the when will take care of itself. I was on a seven month plateau this year and in the past I would have given up and started eating crap and then gained back all of what I have lost. I just stopped weighing myself for a while and when I finally got on the scale again I thought I had gained weight and realised that I lost six pounds and was in another number group! (I mean I said 227!!! oh shit. then I realised that I was 234 last time I looked)

I'm thrilled now that I am wearing clothes in 18 in most shops. XL in some still, but they aren't "fat lady" shops. And recently I went to a midnight madness sale with my husband to buy a warm winter coat. The one I wanted only had one in my size and it was red. I thought "darn, not any black or brown ones" My husband said "try on the red one" and I did and you know what, colour suits me! I have had so many compliments about this coat. It's just a down jacket, but I think it is such a change for me to be wearing colours that it makes me look and feel so much better!

I hope any slow losers can get some hope that it does happen, and we just put one foot in front of the other and we will eventually get to the end of our journey. We just have to keep walking.

Happy New Year everyone!


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Hello fellow slow losers.

I haven't posted for ages, but I'm happy that you are all still working towards your goals.

I went on my trip to Scotland and not only did I not gain weight, but for some unexplained reason came home 7 pounds lighter. I was amazed, but know that I didn't eat any more than normal. I think part of it was the portions that my in laws were eating and putting on my plate! They must have thought I had gotten some bug or something, as I left food (a lot) at every meal. Managed to catch a bad cold at the end of the holiday too and ended up home sick for two weeks. Turned out it was pneumonia. That helped me lose a few more pounds.

I have to say that it has been two years November since I got my band and I used to be really upset at the slowing of the weight loss, but I am so happy with how I am doing, and the progress I have made that I am not stressed about it any longer. I have a little more than 10 pounds before I reach that magic number of 200 pounds, and then seven more when I've lost 100. There was a time when I would be depressed to be so close and so far, but I'm not really worried. I know now that I will get there, and the when will take care of itself. I was on a seven month plateau this year and in the past I would have given up and started eating crap and then gained back all of what I have lost. I just stopped weighing myself for a while and when I finally got on the scale again I thought I had gained weight and realised that I lost six pounds and was in another number group! (I mean I said 227!!! oh shit. then I realised that I was 234 last time I looked)

I'm thrilled now that I am wearing clothes in 18 in most shops. XL in some still, but they aren't "fat lady" shops. And recently I went to a midnight madness sale with my husband to buy a warm winter coat. The one I wanted only had one in my size and it was red. I thought "darn, not any black or brown ones" My husband said "try on the red one" and I did and you know what, colour suits me! I have had so many compliments about this coat. It's just a down jacket, but I think it is such a change for me to be wearing colours that it makes me look and feel so much better!

I hope any slow losers can get some hope that it does happen, and we just put one foot in front of the other and we will eventually get to the end of our journey. We just have to keep walking.

Happy New Year everyone!


Congratulations Mary. Glad your trip was successful and the band helped you have a good holiday.

Happy New Year.

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thanks for the suggestions to this reply. I just got an unfill because I was too tight. I couldnt eat anything and pb'd a;; the time. they took out .25 cc's and now I can eat but I am overeating. It is in the mind. I need some additional help. I have lost 70 lbs a year ago but none since. too frustrated. I work out on the wii sometimes but not consistent.

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Hi Unshackled.

I read your profile, and you should be proud that you have lost what you have so far. Take heart that you are still going in the positive direction. As many have said, the band is a tool to help us when will power can't. But we still need that a bit.

Does your hospital not have any after care programs to support you? It sounds like you need some pep talks and help in moving forward. It's a New Year again, and often a time that feels like a clean slate. Don't promise yourself anything but that you will eat healthily and make an effort to use your Wii at least three days a week to start. Once you get it as a habit, you won't want to stop.

I would also find a support group in your area to make yourself more accountable. Maybe the hospital, or a separate group that has formed. It's worth a try. They could give you some ideas of how they cope.

I know when I get down I come on these forums and read other people's stories and ideas, and I get a renewed surge to succeed. Don't compare yourself, but do your best.

Take care and post again!


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thanks for the suggestions to this reply. I just got an unfill because I was too tight. I couldnt eat anything and pb'd a;; the time. they took out .25 cc's and now I can eat but I am overeating. It is in the mind. I need some additional help. I have lost 70 lbs a year ago but none since. too frustrated. I work out on the wii sometimes but not consistent.

Unshackled, you "have" done extremely well, but the secret is to look forward not behind. Make small goals and work toward them. I have not lost weight since July but my recording of what I eat is consistant with 1500 calories daily. Analyzing this information I realized that my lower weight requires less calories to maintain. So now my goal plan is to reduce my calories to 1200 a day with exercise at least 20 minutes daily. Exercise is the issue with me and I need to work on that. The NewYear is a great time to set new goals.

Keep posting and I am sure someone will be able to help you be positive. This site is for slow losers and we all know the suffering we go though as we see the scale staying the same after a lot of effort.

Happy and successful New Year.

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Please tell me how it is different, going to the sleeve.I am considering it as i have not lost much weight Thnx.laura

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Hi all,

Talking about loosing slow........I am the poster child. I have finally hit the 100+ mark for weight loss and am finally in onederland for the first time in 20+ years. It only took 2 years. Now I need to keep going and finish the job.

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