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Update - I am back on track. Getting off the carbs was hard the first 2 days of the pouch test - but well worth it.

I am back to 1/2 cup -1 cup max!!!!!!!!

The Band is working AGAIN!~

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HI, You MUST go in to this thinking that this IS just a tool. It IS NOT a miracle worker. It's very different from gastric bypass. Suzie explains all of this in your 3 hour food meeting. She explains it well, by saying that with gastric you WILL pretty much lose all your weight. If you eat the sweets surgar, etc... you will get sick. Therefore, most don't eat it. We, with the band CAN eat it if we choose. She says with gastric you have to make good food choices later, not at first, cause you will lose it. With the band, you have to make good food choices right from the start, because we CAN eat the bad stuff. We don't have as much restriction from the start as the gastric folks do. I always wondered what they meant by this being just a tool, and I have now seen it. You MUST make the food choices. The deiting IS much easier with the band, as you don't get as hungry, and you fill up sooner. It is a tool that helps you in that way. A great one if I might say. Think about how difficult it was dieting with no band, and always feeling hungry. If you ate 1000 calories a day without the band, you would feel hungry constantly, therefore falling off the wagon much easier. But.. with the restriction of the band, it makes it much easier, but you still have to diet and eat the right foods, and exercise. It's NOT going to take the weight off without doing that. You can eat all the crap you want on the band, and you're not going to lose the weight, or you're going to put it back on later if you go back to your regular eating habits. Not to sound harsh, but it will happen. I've seen it happen with so many of my friends. I've also seen it happen with many gastric bypass patients. You have to make the commitment to not let it happen. Otherwise, don't have the surgery. I know that sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

I met a guy at one of my fills that said "If I could only stay away from the Milkshakes" EEEEEEK! You can eat candy and milkshakes with the band, just like you can without it. It doesn't limit the items you eat. But... if you do, you will not lose the weight, or you will gain it back. You have to make the decision from the start that you are willing to give these things up, or eat them in moderation. Not saying you'll never be able to have that milkshake again, but it you do it regularly like now, and eat the same things you do now, you wont lose the weight. I'm only 4 months out, so certainly not the pro., but have seen how this is just a tool, and you still have to make the right food choices. Just like a diet. Only you're not starving all the time while you're on it. That's the best way to describe it. A diet that you're not hungry on. Trust me, it does help. It's a great tool. But... the willpower also comes in to play. There is still cake, and candy, and milkshakes, and Pasta, etc... out there. You WILL want them. It doesn't take away your desire for them. You must push them away and say no. It's easier to do this if you're not starving. Sometimes I struggle. I love sweets. But.. I know if I eat them, this band will not work for me. I am petrified of gaining the weight back. I said this to Dr. T. He says it's good to feel scared. The more scared you are, the more you're willing to push the bad foods away, and the better care of yourself you'll take. But... if you go into this thinking it's a miracle and you're just going to lose weight automatically, its not going to happen. And.... I have seen, you may struggle for the first couple fills. I did. You may not. Everyone is different, and you may be hungry for awhile. You have to fight it. It does get better.

Gina... sometimes I feel like I don't get full too, and just stop myself when I think I had enough. I think I've discussed this with you. People say this will change as I get to my so called "sweet spot" with my fills. But.. I just keep thinking back to my husband saying "Is this as hard as dieting on 1000 calories or less without the band" I say "NO" I would be starving. I'm not starving. Sometimes I don't even get hungry and it's like 2:00 and I say "Wow, I need to eat" hahahh Can you imagine that happening without the band? So.. It does hlep. My second fill helped a lot. I don't get hungry in between meals at all. You will stray and have a few things you're not supposed to. But.. you'll get right back on if you see the scale not moving. Dr. T also says that those that weigh themselves regularly, do better. They stay more disciplined. Anyway, the band is great. You will love it, and you will do great. But... you also have to go into this thinking you will have to diet. It definitely is just a tool. It's a great one. Good Luck! You'll do fine. Those that have gained their weight back, I'm sure will tell you, they eat bad things again, and have changed some of their eating habits back to the old ways.

Hey, I'm not saying I'm always going to do great, I'm just saying I'm scared to gain it back, so I'm going to do my best not to, and follow the eating rules. :-) that's really all you can do.

Sorry for the book girls! hee hee

Hope everyone is doing well. Janice

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Geez, why the heck can't I get rid of one of these tickers. I'm showing two. I'm always having issues with these things. hahahahha:tongue2:

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There... I fixed it. Just one ticker. lol

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Gina, as you know I have been banded over 4 years and I have to admit, your post(s) blew me away, I've never heard of a pouch test, the thingy at the top of the stomach that says you're full? Yikes, where have I been for four years.

As for the signal our tummy is full, well, personally, I think all of us have that issue, or we wouldn't be banders, just my opinion. I always ate because I like the taste of food and it always seems the last bite is the best, which then required another bite, the band does help me avoid that now.

Bottom line is you realized you had a problem and you addressed it before you regained ALL of your weight. You should really be proud of yourself, that's a lot of weight to lose in a year, you did awesome, which means, you can do it again... you go girl!

When was your last fill? What size is your band and how much is in it? I have the 4cc and it's got 2cc. and a smidgen.

I'm scheduled for a fill on Thursday, but I think I'm going to pass for another month, although, I would like to be sure my band is still where Dr. T put it, haha. I haven't been to see him in almost 2 years, so I guess I'm due...ya think.

Janice, just tell your hostess in advance you're on a diet and you're avoiding bread and Pasta or what ever your food difficulties are. For instance, I don't eat bread or steak, or Pasta, except for angel hair pasta. I do find myself in a food rut, same old stuff, chili, Soup, salads, more salads, and more salads, my weakness is too many cocktails. My hubby and I travel quite a bit and we tend to enjoy life a little extreme, so if you hear of diet Vodka, please let me know, :laugh:. Also, I made it known I had the lapband, it helps me be more attentive to my band, because there is always someone out there who wants you to be as heavy and unhappy as they are. So if it makes sense, it helps me to focus....at least when it comes to food, LOL.

Janice I liked your book post, I think it's special when people take the time and share their feelings..you never know when just one remark could be an inspiration for someone else!

Carla, the band was slow for me too, it took me 4 years to do what Gina did in a year, and still not 100 lbs, but we're all different, plus, I don't exercise, I'm not bragging, and I know I really need to, if not for weight, for my general health, after all I'm old and need the exercise. I always laugh and tell ppl I didn't spend $16,750.00 to exercise :ohmy:. I did by the Wii fit in August or Sept and think of opening the box quite often.

Sweetz, I'm in Yorktown, Carla's in Gloucester, Signgirl's in Wmsbg, Gina Chesapeake..so we're sort of from all over, welcome aboard.


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Hi Pat, Great to hear from you. Do you not eat steak because you can't or because you choose not to. So far, I don't have any problem eating anything. Nothing gets stuck.

As far as telling the hostess I'm dieting, I did that. Sometimes that doesn't work. They said "Oh, you can cheat one day, etc" I just ignored it and ate the amount I should have. Also, I do eat breat, but only whole grain. I have one piece of wheat bread with Peanut Butter for Breakfast every single morning. I think everyone is different. I also think the new realize band is a little more forgiving with that. I hear things don't get stuck quite as much. But.. who knows, just what I hear. I think everyone is just different. I try to never eat white breads, Pasta, etc... I really try to stick to the food I should eat, and avoid the ones I shouldn't. I do also have wine now and again, so... :-)

Oh, I do have a question. I had a fellow bandster tell me we shouldnt' drink milk, because it's a liquid calorie. What are your thoughts on this? I drink a glass of milk every evening. Skim of course, but I drink it. Dr. T never told me I couldn't have milk. What do you guys think?

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I know I should just tell everyone I had the band, but I guess I just don't think it's everyones business. I don't want to hear "Oh, you took the easy way out" because this is certainly NOT the easy way. I have struggled eating the right things, and giving up the bad things I love. I certainly have not found it easy. So, I'm afraid if someone said that, I might punch them out. hehheeee

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Janice, I sometimes cut a tiny bite from my hubby's steak, but I'm too impatient to do all that chewing and the thought of a piece of steak getting stuck, well I'm not pushing my luck.

It sounds like you and your band are doing very well, I admire you for being able to eat anything, I think my issue is more of a mental block than an actual band block. I think I more-so try to avoid eating things that could be a potential bad habit for me, like Cheetos are.

I forgot to mention I eat out most of the time or I do takeout, actually, hubby was fussing last night, because our fridge is empty, he said he was going shopping today, oh my! He keeps reminding me he doesn't have a rubber band around his stomach, haha.

It is amazing how our "friends" hate to see us on a diet, LOL. You did the right thing standing your ground.


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I had a small problem with ham at Christmas. I think I swallowed too big of a piece. It didn't get completely stuck, but was really painful going down. The other night I had leftover pork tenderloin, and thought I could have the same problem because it was dry, so chewed it to death. When I eat steak I only eat filet, so that's probably why I'm ok with it. I bet my next fill will limit me even more. We'll have to see. I still don't full restriction yet. I should with 7cc I think, but I don't. I can still eat waaaay more than the 1/2 cup of food they say I should eat with full restriciton. So.. I'm guessing I don't. I could eat a whole plate of food if I wanted. ???

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I received a call today from WLSC and they have scheduled my surgery for Feb. 3rd. with Dr. Terracina. I have not met with him yet other than the seminar but everyone seems to like him that I have read. I am so excited and I feel that I'm going into this process with a lot more knowledge after reading the forum for the past 6 months. That is how long it has taken me to make up my mind. Any advise?

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Welp...I went to the seminar last night and I am ready. I am a little frustrated with the Tricare thing though. I did call the WLSC before I switched my Tricare to ask if there was anything that I should get done before doing that and was told that they would do everything. I find out last night that I would need bloodwork and a psych eval done. These are things that I could have done still on Prime and not cost me a thing. Now I will have to go somewhere else and pay some out-of-pocket. Yes, it is still worth it, but I could have saved a little money. I am going to call my old PCM and see if I can still get these done through a MTF (military treatment facility). If I can, then all is good. If there is someone here that has Tricare standard that has egone through this, it would be wonderful if you could fill me in on how you went about this. I also need to get a hold of a copy of my medical records. It is almost ridiculous the hoops that Tricare makes you go through. I have to show proof of my weight in my medical records at least one time a year for the last five years. I am hoping that I visited the doctor at least once a year...I know I did for 4 of those years. Oh well. It isn't called a journey for nothing, eh?

I am soooo looking forward to just getting everything done and over with. Yes, I know it is only a tool, but I am ready to make the changes. I have lost 4 pounds by myself in the last 2 weeks. I am already implementing staying away from my no-no foods. Yes, I am scared, but who isn't scared of surgery and change? The seminar was done by Dr Terracina. I really liked him. He made sure all questioned were answered. He seemed to care. Anyway, here's to hoping that I can be done and banded by the end of February. OK Time to get off of here and get those phone calls done.

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Beth, I remember you from wayyyy back, glad to hear you're finally getting closer.

JimmieLou, Dr. T is great, he will make you feel very comfortable and relaxed and yes he does care.

You both will do fine. I wish you both the very best.


Edited by HarleyNana

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I went and saw Dr. T yesterday for my 10 month check up. I get down sometimes on my slow loss but he actually said I am doing better than the "national average". He wanted me to lose 55 lbs. in the first year and I am at 66 lbs. down at 10 months. He said if I keep going at this rate, I will surpass the goal he set for me which is fine since it is still considered overweight.

The sad thing is, if I lose to his goal for my height I will still be considered obese. If I lose 20 more which will be a total loss of 132 lbs. I am still overweight by 20 lbs.

I do have to say though, last night I got up out of the recliner and walked across the room towards my husband. I was wearing the smallest pair of jeans I have and a misses size shirt (yahoo!) that accentuated my chest (LOL) and he was in tears (yes, he's a cryer). He said he is just so proud of what I have accomplished and how great I look. He said I am not a skinny minny, but I look "normal" and beautiful.

That has made all the adjustments and hard work worth it.

So to everybody else who is considering Lapband...believe me, even self pay, I would do it all over again. :wink:

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Beth and Jimmie, good luck to you both. You will do great. You will love Dr. T. He's a great doc.

Carla, you're doing fabulous!

I'm only 4 months out, but the band is the best thing I ever did for ME! If I never lost another pound (hopefully that doesn't happen) it would still be worth it. It's amazing what this 45 lbs has done for my asthma.

Now if this weather would just get warmer so I can go outside. I'm tired of indoor exercisie I want to WALK!

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Carla, I can't believe it's been 10 months already. It sounds like you're not only doing great, you're looking great. I love the fact your hubby is a cryer, that just shows how proud he is of you!

Keep up the good work, who cares what the scales say, it's more of how you feel and how you look. Like I said before, my goal was not related to the scale, but what size I would wear...:(.

Take Care.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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