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Post Op Pain and Stuff?

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I'm doing my pre-op consultations now and I was wondering about post-op pain. How bad is it? What does it feel like? Like a stomach ache or worse? How long were you out of work? I have a busy high stress job and I'm on my feet all day and lift heavy bags. I asked my doctor and he said to take about a week off and try not to lift anything heavy for 3 weeks. I'm worried about being in pain and being weak after surgery. Should I take more time off? I guess I'm just not sure what to expect. I've had lots of surgery in my life and I've always been in bed for a few days after. Will it be the same this time around?

Did you start your post op diet before surgery to get used to not being able to eat certain foods? Or did you just start after sugery?

How did your family and friends deal with your decision? Have you found anyone in a support group that you could relate to? I'm having a very difficult time getting my family and friends to understand and support my decision. I guess it doesn't help that I'm only 23 and most of my family and friends are overweight themselves. They get very quiet whenever I talk about it and say things like "Wouldn't it just be easier to do it the old fashion way?" But I've been on diet after diet since I was 5 and I joined 2 gyms and bought a bunch of home equipment and I still haven't gotten the results I need or want. This was not a easy decision or something I came to lightly. Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. :thumbup:

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I'm doing my pre-op consultations now and I was wondering about post-op pain. How bad is it? What does it feel like? Like a stomach ache or worse? How long were you out of work?

Hi I am 4 days post op and feel like I have been kicked by a horse. It gets better each day and the pain meds are good. I am in a very active job and expected to be able to go back after a week, there is no way I will be able to do this and have had to change arrangements. The pain did not start until 12 hours after the surgery for some reason. It doesn't feel like a 'there is something wrong' type pain. More like a 'been knocked about and healing' type pain if you understand me. Bargain for 2 weeks of rest, especially if you will be lifting and busy.

Did you start your post op diet before surgery to get used to not being able to eat certain foods? Or did you just start after sugery?

I don't know how far in you are, but my doc gave me sheets of information about the different diets pre and post op. I was on a yoghurt and milk diet for a week pre op to shrink the liver. I was told if my liver was too big he couldn't do the op and I would lose my money. I lost 15lbs over that week before the op. It was not easy but I stuck with it.

How did your family and friends deal with your decision? Have you found anyone in a support group that you could relate to? I'm having a very difficult time getting my family and friends to understand and support my decision. I guess it doesn't help that I'm only 23 and most of my family and friends are overweight themselves. They get very quiet whenever I talk about it and say things like "Wouldn't it just be easier to do it the old fashion way?" But I've been on diet after diet since I was 5 and I joined 2 gyms and bought a bunch of home equipment and I still haven't gotten the results I need or want. This was not a easy decision or something I came to lightly. Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. :thumbup:

This is for YOU not them. My wife was the only person who knew. We have decided to tell a couple of very close family members and no-one else. Not even life long friends, simply because it is such a personal thing for me. I have had incredible support from my wife without whom I couldn't have got through it.

I am 48 and have struggled with a weight issue since I was about 20. I became about 140lbs over by the time I was 37, got divorced and lost it all 'the old fashioned way'. Re-married and over the last 8 years it has gone back on. Thats how I know that I must do this. I climbed Everest and lost it all and still put it back. You sound like you know that you must do it too. When I was 23 Had I been able to forsee the years to come, of struggling with diets and yo-yoing up and down, I would have done it too. Do it and ask them to help you through it. You will need support. This forum is an excellent source for support. Ask your doctor where you can find a support group if you want face to face help. I am on here most days at the moment and there are hundreds of others around as well.

Good luck, Graham.:crying:

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I had my surgery on Monday... so I'm 4/5 days post op. The pain the first couple days were so bad. I couldn't even get up from a chair without my husband pulling me up gently. I don't want to scare you, but the first couple days were very painful. I couldn't take the pain medications because it made me so nauseous, but I recommend liquid tylenol, extra strength. It is my best friend! Yesterday I felt good enough that my sister took me to a store to buy my husband a VDay cake. I have a sit down office job, so I took a week off and go back to work on Tuesday. Lifting things is difficult, I would take more time than that if your job is stressful. Do you have FMLA or short term disability?

I had a preop diet for two weeks, but it did help with post op because throughout the pre op I was craving things. Now I'm used to not eating how I normally do. I would recommend trying out Protein shakes. Some of them are truly disgusting and you wouldn't want to be stuck with them post op. (Believe me, you'll want something tasty by day 5!) :thumbup:

I'm only 25 and have been battling with weight since about age 5. Last year on this day my uncle died of weight related issues (very young) and that's when I started thinking about this surgery. I told my mom and two sisters and two close friends, who were all very supportive. When I told my dad, he had the same reaction you've been faced with, saying I just shouldn't eat so much and exercise (as if I hadn't thought about that the past 20 years). He was upset... but I think mostly he was ignorant about THIS particular type of surgery and scared for his baby girl. I talked to him at length about it, showed him a video of the surgery. Think about taking them to an information session. I don't think he realized how little cutting and less intrusive it actually was. Going into surgery I know my dad didn't agree with what I was doing- I realized I didn't need him to give his okay. He's been here several times since my surgery and is supportive now. I think all in all my dad was just worried. I don't know your family, but I would guess they just love you and are scared for you. But to be honest, they're scared for you overweight too. Good luck at your PreOp consults!

Sorry this post is so long!!


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Hi! I was just banded on 2/13/08 and I am not feeling one bit hungry. Just a bit dizzy this morning. I am on clear liquid only for 1 week then 2 weeks of Protein Shakes and 1 week of mushies then on to full solids. I am feeling very little discomfort and really just feel a bit of abdominal soreness. Thats all! I lost 15.5 lbs pre-op by cutting out all carbs except for those in veggies and the wt came off rather quickly (3 weeks). Even though they say this is the hardest stage of the post op I dont regret this decision one bit! Do it now while you are young! You dont want to waste one second of life being unhealthy. My only regret is that I should have done this sooner!

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I took 10 days off after surgery. But everyone is different. About getting support from family and friends. Thats why I only told my husband. I just did not want to deal with opinion's of others.


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I never took the pain pills my doctor gave me because I didn't need them. I did have soreness around the main incision and it hurt to lie on my left side or to twist. Yes, getting up from a chair was hard the first day or two. I guess it is all how we perceive things: I knew I had just been cut open and expected it to hurt a bit, so I didn't perceive it as a lot of pain, just soreness as you would have after a minor injury.

Lifting, however, puts a lot of strain on your abdominal muscles. The band is stitched into your stomach and the port is stitched into your abdominal wall, so any straining of those muscles will cause pain, and excessive straining may cause tears and hematoma. You do need to avoid lifting for several weeks after surgery until everything has healed thoroughly.

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I was banded Aug. 15. I had very little pain. I was walking a mile 3 days post op. I got rid of the pain meds they caused a rash. I went back to work in a week. Good luck.


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I'm doing my pre-op consultations now and I was wondering about post-op pain. How bad is it? What does it feel like? Like a stomach ache or worse? How long were you out of work? I have a busy high stress job and I'm on my feet all day and lift heavy bags. I asked my doctor and he said to take about a week off and try not to lift anything heavy for 3 weeks. I'm worried about being in pain and being weak after surgery. Should I take more time off? I guess I'm just not sure what to expect. I've had lots of surgery in my life and I've always been in bed for a few days after. Will it be the same this time around?

Did you start your post op diet before surgery to get used to not being able to eat certain foods? Or did you just start after sugery?

How did your family and friends deal with your decision? Have you found anyone in a support group that you could relate to? I'm having a very difficult time getting my family and friends to understand and support my decision. I guess it doesn't help that I'm only 23 and most of my family and friends are overweight themselves. They get very quiet whenever I talk about it and say things like "Wouldn't it just be easier to do it the old fashion way?" But I've been on diet after diet since I was 5 and I joined 2 gyms and bought a bunch of home equipment and I still haven't gotten the results I need or want. This was not a easy decision or something I came to lightly. Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. :eek:

The pain from surgery wasn't that bad. To me the worst part was the port pain - the port is 'installed' by attaching it to a stomach muscle (in most cases) and that hurts. Nothing unbearable, just discomfort. The port site was what bothered me the longest and is what you need to care for the most as it really needs to heal so your port is safely attached for a good long time (like forever!) If you need to do that much lifting on your job I would suggest maybe taking more than a week off. I was instructed not to life anything over 10 pounds for 2 months. If I forgot (I lifted my grandson once) I felt it the next day in added soreness at the port sight.

AFter surgery I was not in a lot of pain, other than maybe the first day.It got progressively better each day after that. But there was still soreness and discomfort (It's major surgery~) and I didn't feel 100% normal for about a month. Certain things bothered me - bending, wearing anything that rubbed on or even touched the port incision,turning certain ways. Again,not excruciating, just sore.

I didn't feel weak after surgery. The worst I felt was the last day of Clear liquids, and I was able to start on food on day four after surgery and could eat soft Proteins so I was back to feeling normal by day four. (surgery day was day one)

As far as dealing with people around you, that is an ongoing issue that you will have to deal with the rest of your life. There are always going to be those people who think it is wrong to have weight loss surgery,or won't understand why you felt the need to do it, but it is something that is very personal and only you know when it is time for it and why.I just politely tell them that this was what I felt I needed to insure myself a long happy life. If they don't like it they can disagree all they want but it won't change the fact that I had the surgery!!!

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I took 10 days off after surgery. But everyone is different. About getting support from family and friends. Thats why I only told my husband. I just did not want to deal with opinion's of others.


I agree with the last statement. I told only those who were closest to me and who I knew would be a support to me if I was having a bad day. You dont need to tell anyone who will not support you especially in the beginning when you are dealing so much with "brain hunger". Stay away from the "downers" in the beginning. When you start looking really thin you will be shocked to notice who really are your true friends!

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I actually expected to feel a lot worse and I'm surprised. Now granted, everyone is different. I'm 53 years old and my 11 year old son is helping me. I had no problem getting upstairs when I got home (3 story townhouse). I didn't feel week at all. My incisions are a bit sore, but NOTHING like when I had a c-section. I can do everything on my own really. Up/down toilet, bed. etc. Personally, I don't like being doped up on pain meds, so I had that stopped after a few hours and went over to regular liquid tylenol. Frankly, I don't even think I need that. The hardest part is the coordination of all the liquids. Between all the Water, Protein shakes, Soup etc. they want you to have it's hard (believe it or not) to get it all in. When one is just sipping, it takes a really long time. Anyway, I sure hope this helps. It's always tough when we don't know what to expect.


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The pain is minimal. However, the fatigue is worse than the pain. I was exhausted for about 6 weeks. But, that was just me. Try to plan to "baby" yourself for a couple of months while your body is adjusting. Go to bed early, take Vitamins, get the nutrition that you need to sustain.

I started a modified weight watchers type diet 3 months before surgery and lost 38 pounds before my surgery.

I walk alot.

My family was very supportive. I was so big I think they were just happy that I was doing something about it instead of slowly eating myself to death.

I think it's the best thing I've done since I had my baby twenty years ago.

I hope all goes well for you.


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I only stayed in the hospital for the day of surgery and was released the same day. I didn't have any pain after I woke up only very dry mouthed. I didn't really have any pain when I got home either. I had the liquid tylenal and the prescribe pain medacine, but didn't need to use it after the second day. I had my surgery on Thursday and was back at work on Tuesday. I chose not to tell coworkers and friends because I didn't want to hear the negative comments they always say. I have experienced their words before on my yo-yo diets.

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Day of the surgery I was still pretty drugged so the pain didn't bother me at all (and they got me up every 2 hrs to walk to help with the gas). Next day (still in hosp) I was getting shots of pain killer & pain was bearable although the incisions definitely made themselves known. Kinda like when I cut my knee as a kid - a cut's gonna hurt for awhile, but not crazy hurt. Went home the afternoon after surgery & did this with no pain killer (doc took forever to come to the room, nurse woulda had to keep me another half hour if I had more & I chose to go without it). The ride home was rough, but I got through it without screaming. Doctor's office also gave me a Teddy Bear to hold on my stomach which helped a lot. Have a pillow in the car so you can hold it against your stomach. This will avoid any jiggling from the bumps in the road & help avoid pain. I suggest keeping a pillow or nice thick stuffed animal close by to hold in case of a sneeze or cough. That night & next day was rough getting out of bed or up from a lying position on the couch. Two days post op - I'm much better. Wounds don't hurt as much. Walking was never really a problem; stair no problem either. My surprises were that I can't drive for a week. My surgery was Thurs & planned to go back to work on Tues so the driving thing is causing me a problem. Other thing is the doctor wants me in the office on Wed for post op care & seminars with him, the dietician & another staff member. Now I guess I'm out of work till next Thursday & doc's office said I'd be back to work in 2 days. Don't appreciate their lack of honesty there and not sure my employer will appreciate it either. Other surprise is after the surgery one of the doctor's associates told me I'll need to have GI series in the future to make sure my esophagus, stomach & I don't know what else is o.k. I'm still looking into this 'cause like I said yesterday was the first I heard about that.

I was supposed to be on a diet for 1 week consisting of 3 Protein drinks, 1 Protein (both bought at the doctor's center), a salad, dinner of lein meat & vegetables and all the sugar free Jello & broth I wanted. The 2nd week consisted of the 3 Protein Drinks & all the Jello & broth I wanted. 2 days after I started week 1's diet, I got a call from dr's office & they moved my date up to 3 days later. So I was only on the all liquid diet for 2 days. The day of surgery I ate nothing - not even Water. Day after surgery I got little thing of jello & broth & 3 bottles of Water. But then was able to drink the 3 Protein Drinks later when I went home & have all the jello & broth I wanted. BYW - the broth helped to satisfy me a lot - I got the packets of dry powder stuff that mixes with water. I found the ready made ones really gross. The powder ones have a salty flavor.

Told pretty few people I was doing this. Not 'cause of embarrassment (I could really care less what anyone else thinks). I thought it 'cause me too much stress because everyone would be watching to see how much weight I was losing & I have enough stress in my life.

Good luck to you!!

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I guess I am a bit unusual. I was banded Feb 8. THe day after I felt pretty good. Two days out I felt worse but thought I'd just overdone it. Third day was horrible. It felt like I was being constantly stabbed in my stomach. I couldn't get out of bed or a chair without help it hurt so bad. If I did it over I would be calling for more meds. Iam now 8 days out and still hurting but not as bad. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. One thing I can say ... I haven't been very hungry yet.

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I went back to work at the post office after 1 week. I was feeling really good, had overdone it a little walking, even tried a little real food, pain was all but gone. I still slept a little elevated, it seemed more comfortable. I went back to work, trying to take it easy on the twisting and lifting. My stomach is hurting right where the band must be, so I know I've overdone it at work. Take as much time off from work as you can, probably 2 weeks or more. Get a lot of rest, resist the temptation to eat any solid food, and concentrate on healing. I was doing great til I went back to work, now I'm feeling like I've been punched in the stomach and have more swelling than right after surgery. A tip for the gas pain you get after surgery. They tell you to walk to relieve it, but rocking helps, and so does the vibrating cushions or seats you can buy. My husband has a vibrating recliner, and it was great for helping to relieve the gas pain. If you've ever had surgery before and know that anesthesia makes you really nauseous, get the doc to give you meds for that before you go home. I heaved every time I changed position for 16 hours after surgery. Didn't throw up, but it hurt around my incisions. I don't regret surgery, but should have taken more time off. You'll heal quicker. Good luck.

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