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March 3rd - Anyone Else?

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Hi Darla,

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Good Luck,


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I'm going in bright and early Wednesday morning for a battery of pre-op tests: Upper GI, Chest X-Ray, EKG and some other ones I'm forgetting. I go in for my pre-op consult on the 28th.

My surgeon has not asked me to go on any special diet but I am adjusting my intake on my own. I'm doing mainly liquids during the day (Protein shakes, yogurt, etc, broth, etc) and usually a sensible dinner.

March 3rd seems SO far away. I'm glad I've found others to share this journey with - especially those of you with the same date or dates close to ours. :cursing:

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Hello Whimsy! I am a 3/3/08 bander as well! I can't wait to get the surgery behind me and start losing this GOD AWFUL weight I've been lugging around for 26 years. Since my first baby. Dang I use to have the cutest shape ever! LOL I hope to find that girl and shape again someday. Or close to her. I'm a bit ansy but the excitement of what's to come out weighs (no pun intended...lol) the nerves. You know? I am just so ready!!! I've been looking at smaller size clothes and thinner girls faces just to keep me excited. I'm so tired of the fat around my neck! : ) I scoured this site when I first got my date but have been so busy since then I haven't had a chance to log on. I'll check back though and see how you and the other MARCH 3rd well and March Banders are doing. This is such a great resource of information. Also, my doctor is only making me do one day of liquid diet prior to my surgery. WAHOO! : ) That makes me happy! Take care all of you and hope to compare stories as we go through this journey together!!! Happy Weight Loss!!!

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Hi Evansmom! I see you are a March 3rd Bander too! I also read that you are being banded with the Relaize Band? That sounds really cool. I have not heard of that band before but will ask my doctor about it on my pre-op appointment, Feb. 28th. I hope he is using that type already. Good luck with your upcoming surgery and hope to share our stories soon! Happy Weight Loss!!!

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Hi Terrisioux,

Welcome! I am happy to hear we have another March 3rd bandster! I have a question to throw out there and maybe some of you can ask at your pre-op appt, but do any of you know whether or not Lap Band patients can drink alcohol in the future (after surgery)? I got conflicting information from two different dieticians that I met with. One said yes, and the other said no- not ever again! I understand that we will be at higher risk for getting ulcers, but do any of you know for sure? I don't drink a lot, but would like to have the option to do so in the future if I want to...



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Hi Evansmom again! : ) My doctor told me no more beer as it was to fizzy and would back up on me and that it was to high in calories. I like my beersies when out with friends. But I have a friend that had the lap band surgery done and he has found that he can drink like cranberry and vodka just fine but has a lower tolerance for alcohol now. For me I think a drink like that in moderation will be fine. But then again, everyone seems to be different on what they can tolerate or not tolerate so I guess I'll know after the surgery. : ) Hope this helps, I would be interested to see others replies as well on what their docs advised. ONE thing I definitely have noticed, a lot fo inconsistency from one doctor to the next.

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Hi Terri! Great to have another March 3rd on board!

Girl, I so know what you mean! I haven't had any children but my PCOS just made it possible to maintain that cute shape!

I've not really heard either way about alcohol but I'll be sure to ask when I go for my pre-op consult. I'm a social drinker, so I won't miss it if I can't have it but, like you said, it's nice to have the option.

As goofy as it sounds, I'm wondering if I can have a small Coca-Cola slurpee on occasion. I know it's not the healthiest treat but I can't imagine it has that much carbonation in it. I guess I'll have to ask about that, too.

I don't know if any of you have had your pre-op tests but I figured I'd share my experience just in case.

I did my pre-op tests early this morning. The Upper GI/Barium Swallow was SO not pleasant. The staff was great, though and really cheered me on with each nasty swallow. They teased me by reminding me that I'd have to do it all over again after the surgery - but then cheered me up by letting me know I wouldn't have to drink quite as much.

*shudders* Blech!

They said it was called something like Smooth berry. More like Wicked Nasty.

I went to my surgeon's office afterward and they ran a test to check my metabolism. Basically, they pinched my nose closed and had me breath into a device for 10 minutes. I'll get the results of that at my pre-op consult on the 28th.

How are you guys doing? Hanging in there? Nervous? Excited?

Have you bought a new "skinny" outfit yet? I'm so goofy because my first thought was to buy a CUTE pair of underwear. I'm also looking for different outfits for milestone sizes. I currently wear between a 2x and a 3x, so I'm looking for 1x, XL and L sizes to start.

I can't wait until clothes shopping is FUN again. :)

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Hi Whimsy! You seem to me in your posts to have the best sense of humor. I like that and as well get through this life via my sense of humor. We are going to so be shopping for fun very, very soon! Right now I don't want to buy a lot of new stuff as I am hoping to go from one size to other rather quickly. I mean months of course but that's fast to buy new ward robes for each size. SO my daughters, GOD LOVE EM, have taken me to Vintage Clothes stores. There is one here in KC called Ditto. They only sell gently used name brand clothes that are so cute. So I plan on shopping there a lot during my first year after surgery.

OK, you got me a little nervous about this Upper GI/Barium Swallow tests. I don't think I have to do that. My doctor has said nothing about that one and I am so OK with skipping it. LOL

I as well have my pre-op on Feb 28th. Let's compare notes after that date. Good luck on this whole process and I'll chat with you soon!


OH BOY!!! :)

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Terri - you know, I was thinking last night that I came across so negative about the barium swallow/upper GI. Truth be told, it wasn't as bad as I thought it could be.

I'm usually one with a sensitve stomach and taste buds and I did alright. As long as I didn't sniff what I was drinking, I did just fine. Don't be nervous! It's over before you know it, honest!

While it wasn't the most pleasant experience it certainly was far from traumatic. The barium is chalky - kinda like drinking pepto bismol or mylanta. The flavor is mild. Honestly, the worst part was the smell if you stick your nose in the cup. I just told myself that it wasn't any worse than some of the medicines I've had to take over the years and it helped. :tongue2:

And yes, I try my best to find humor in most every situation. Life is too short to take every little thing seriously. There's a time and place for it but over all, I truly think laughter is the best medicine.

I'm definitely excited to keep in touch with all of you late February and early March band-its! It really makes me feel like I'm not going through this process alone. I've got a great support group around me but knowing others who are actually having the band is really keeping me motivated, too.

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Hi there,

Andi, it sounds like you had to go through a LOT of pre-op tests...I only had to have an EKG and have some blood drawn. The rest of the day was behavioral stuff- like meeting with the dietician, RN, and surgeon. Well at least you know all of your bases are covered. I'm with you on the coca-cola slurpee...I think it would be occasionally ok, because they use flavored Syrup to make those right? (no carbonation)

I haven't yet ventured into thinking about shopping for cute clothes because deep down, I still have reserved thoughts like, maybe this won't work because nothing else has worked. I have been obese since I was a child, so I have never known cute clothes and never been able to wear them. I am currently a 3x in tops so anything is going to be an improvement for me....I just have to stay optimistic...

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Hi there,

Andi, it sounds like you had to go through a LOT of pre-op tests...I only had to have an EKG and have some blood drawn. The rest of the day was behavioral stuff- like meeting with the dietician, RN, and surgeon. Well at least you know all of your bases are covered. I'm with you on the coca-cola slurpee...I think it would be occasionally ok, because they use flavored Syrup to make those right? (no carbonation)

I haven't yet ventured into thinking about shopping for cute clothes because deep down, I still have reserved thoughts like, maybe this won't work because nothing else has worked. I have been obese since I was a child, so I have never known cute clothes and never been able to wear them. I am currently a 3x in tops so anything is going to be an improvement for me....I just have to stay optimistic...

I think you are probably right about the slurpee - I know it's not the best as far as nutrients and such but it's nice to know you can have a small treat now and then. And now that you mention it, it probably is just the syrup since it's mostly frozen. Can't imagine the carbonation would last after that process. Goodie - I won't miss my favorite treat TOO much. :)

And yes, please stay optimistic. We'll all keep in touch and cheer each other on. I've been "morbidly obese" for the better part of ten years but I was never a "thin" girl to begin with. I miss being able to shop at regular stores instead of specialty plus size stores.

I'm also in a 3x, so you and I can do this together. Let's just get it in our heads that WE CAN DO THIS and IT WILL WORK. We'll take baby steps - every 5 pounds can be a milestone. I think having folks to lean on when you don't feel quite so optimistic will help all of us in the long run.

Before long, not only will you be inspired by others but you will be inspiring others, too. (Especially in your new cute wardrobe!)

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Just a little over a week to go before getting banded. I was in the drug store earlier today picking up a few things and passed by the racks of diet coke and aisles of Snacks and other things i will no longer be able to eat. A bittersweet moment, but I'm ready to say goodbye to all that and hello to a new me.

Completed all my pre-op testing this morning and the whole thing is beginning to feel more real. I've been thinking about getting banded for a few months now, but only started doctor/hospital shopping in late January. I'm lucky to have Oxford and getting approved was a breeze; it helped to have a bmi of 44. (That's the only time my bmi actually game in handy!)

Based on other posters comments, I've already picked up Gas-X strips and Colace (to take care of post-op constipation). Has anyone else stocked their medicine cabinets with additional aids?

Surgery Date: 3/3/08


Dr. Mitchel Roslin / Lennox Hill Hospital, NYC

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Just a little over a week to go before getting banded. I was in the drug store earlier today picking up a few things and passed by the racks of diet coke and aisles of Snacks and other things i will no longer be able to eat. A bittersweet moment, but I'm ready to say goodbye to all that and hello to a new me.

Based on other posters comments, I've already picked up Gas-X strips and Colace (to take care of post-op constipation). Has anyone else stocked their medicine cabinets with additional aids?

I feel your pain about the coke/diet coke and Snacks, my friend. I've already prepared myself by filling our home with crystal light and fruit20 instead of diet sodas. When I go out, I have iced tea.

I'll be heading out this weekend to pick up the necessities based on the other posters comments, too. Here's the list I have so far:

I'm also doing the last good-bye of some of my favorite meals. T-bone steak and I have had a long lasting love affair but I know that being thinner will feel much better than any steak I've ever had. :smile2:

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I feel your pain about the coke/diet coke and Snacks, my friend. I've already prepared myself by filling our home with crystal light and fruit20 instead of diet sodas. When I go out, I have iced tea.

I'll be heading out this weekend to pick up the necessities based on the other posters comments, too. Here's the list I have so far:

I'm also doing the last good-bye of some of my favorite meals. T-bone steak and I have had a long lasting love affair but I know that being thinner will feel much better than any steak I've ever had. :smile2:

Hi All,

I too have been "giving up" things in the past few months that I will no longer be able to have like red meat, soda, Pasta. I think this is really going to help me afterwards because you don't miss what you never had (or haven't had recently!). I am also using crystal light on the go packets. I haven't yet bought the gas-x strips or the colace so thanks for the reminder! I'll be out doing my shopping this weekend too.

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Hi all,

When I had my nutrition class, the nurse did say we would have to avoid carbonated drinks. She had mentioned letting diet root beer go flat and then drinking that or having a float with sugar free ice cream. She said root beer because there isn't any caffeine. Although she said that caffeine should be avoided, she also said you have to experiment with what can be tolerated.

The nurse did say that beer would be hard to drink...because of the carbonation, but drinks without carbonation would be fine...like vodka and cranberry juice. So social gatherings are still a go!;)

I am starting my second week of my liquid diet. Yes, the weight is falling off, but I miss chewing...I miss texture. I just keep telling myself that it isn't forever and the payoff is worth it.

I had my preop appointment on Thursday. I just had a blood draw for lab work and an EKG. I also got my meds changed to the liquid form.

The time is getting close! I'm getting excited! Hope you are all excited for the big day!

Chat with you later...

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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