ELENATION 0 Posted February 6, 2008 I was just reading this....and I think this is a strong team... I really like it... I wish they'd team up! Free Republic Home · Browse · Search News/Activism Topics · Post Article Skip to comments. Condoleezza Rice for vice president 2008 Town Hall ^ | 1/30/08 | Town Hall/Rusher Posted on 01/30/2008 11:09:19 AM PST by OPS4 At the Mackinac Island Conference we began Plan B: Promoting her as a VP. This strategy cut down on our costs significantly, and was more appealing to those who already had a favorite for Pres. Mr. Rusher explained the demographic aspect of the idea: appealing to black voters and female voters. These two blocks are DNC strongholds. This is a good idea strategically, BUT we need to focus on what she has done under the Bush presidencies (both 41 and 43). *As an expert on Russian affairs, she was able to stand up to Yeltsin and build relations with Putin. * As the face of the US to the outside world, she was the one person who countries who didn't like Bush would deal with. * She was able to convince North Korea to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons and come to a bargaining table. (This is a country that considered nukes a "birth right".) * She is a vehement defender of the War on Terror. This is very important. Despite the moonbattery and protests about the war, she was able to articulate time and time again why we are there. Anyone who can handle both Yeltsin and Barbara Boxer is one tough cookie. She would always relay the good news in Iraq development (including the new hospital built in Baghdad.) The new infrastructure developed in the peaceful Iraqi provinces have Dr. Rice's stamp of approval.( For a full view of the progress in iraq, see Iraqcoalition.org: Homepage of The New Iraq.) Progress has been slow, but steady. Some in the Military are predicting more troops coming home as soon as this year. Many naysayers, in the GOP, say we should avoid any connection to Bush 43 at all costs. I say Bush did what was necessary, and the work is not done yet. We need to have some sort of carryover into the new administration to ensure a smooth transition both at home and abroad. Anyone who says Condi supporters are racist and sexist are dead wrong. We are realists. We support Dr. Rice not because of her immutable characteristics, but because of her strength and leaadership. Come and join us. TOPICS: Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections; Your Opinion/Questions KEYWORDS: condi4prez; elections; koolaid; mccain; okaywithme; rice; rusher Navigation: use the links below to view more comments. first 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-170 next last Rice also brings foreign policy experience that can't be matched by any of the front-runners of either party. Fluent in Russian, she holds a Ph.D. in international studies and is an expert in Soviet military affairs. Not a bad résumé item in an era when Vladimir Putin is so busy flexing his muscles that he can't seem to keep his shirt on. A former provost of Stanford University, she also served as national security adviser during Bush's first term. Since becoming secretary of state, she's busied herself trying to advance democracies in the Middle East and, recently, getting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to sit down together. Washington, says an internal poll by Zogby International found that 41 percent of Republicans thought Rice would bring "excitement" to the presidential ticket. This could be a way to blow both dem front runners out, McCain/Rice 2008, what's your opinion :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites