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Band removed two weeks now(feel great)

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got my lapband removed, been suffering for about 3 or 4 yrs. but, at the end

i couldn't hold food or drinks down, on the last four days , not , knowing what was wrong, or what? was happening to me, all the Water ,liquids were coming out of my body, as fast as i drank to try to replace them. at least three buckets of Water . but no food. i am not against the band, i've learned alot about myself and all my hangups. but, it was a hard way of learning. to do it yourself. and leave all my fears and problems , and throw them to the wind . to those that still have the band. be good to yourselfs and get support and help , and chew slow and very small bits.

My lapband got loose and choked my stomach , i saw a picture and it looked like a hughmunges basketball. ready to explode.:confused:

GOD BLESS, margie


band 4/6/2003

new york

lost, 50lbs.

band removed 1/30/2008

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I would like you all to understand , that, my band was placed wrong from the get, which i did'nt know, until years later, having, migrains, diabetes, diversticuly, goldbladder stones, and over weight, this band was a God sent. to me, But, you have to learn that, you have to really, know and search and talk to lapbanders . you are not prepared for the road ahead.

Much pain, backaches, headaches,not useing the bathroom for days. and to the point were , you can only eat , two or three different kinds of foods. the doctors told me , at the time i had the band removed ,that the band was new even to them at the time i had it put on. to my suprize to me , it was the doctor that was going to help remove it. was the same female doctor that . helped my NY. doctor put it on 5 yrs ago. how sick was that. now, they are more awear of all the medical problems , that have come up. i had so many complications, but, also , so many , medical problems, no one thought , it mite be the lapband i had, living in N.y. and moveing to PA. just out the hospital moving to PA.( did not take NY insurance was sicken). finding help, was like a needle in a haystack.

Now, thank God i'm getting help after , so many years of calling , searching , asking, and praying.

there are symptoms, that you need to becareful with, that's why , i 'm posting my case. this site has helped to know so many things , that helped me to deal with what. i was going thru.


band 4/6/2003

removed 1/30/2008


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I'm happy you found the source of your problems and took care of it...and sad that the band was not installed properly initially. I could have had the surgery for half the price in Tijuana, less than an hour away.

I'm feel blessed to have saved enough money to freely choose my surgeon. I live near UCSD Medical Center with a fantastic obesity treatment team. So when I read these frightening and sad removal stories, I feel safe and calm, knowing my surgeon's skill level and that the UCSD hospitals a rea stone's toss should any complications arise.

Best to you

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:Hi, deneicy

I'm feeling so good and heathy, thank you.

two weeks now, and i can keep food down, with no pain.

since you just had the lapband ,put on. it works, and you can lose the weight save with no problems, at best.

But, you must chew your food well, the backaches come from , the food pushing down on the tiny airway. to reach the big stomach. if the food is not small enough , it gets clog and backed up. and the pain can last 3 to for 4hrs. until it comes up or it passes thru.

and there are foods that you can't hold down no matter what, you only find out, when you try it, and it comes up. is a trial and error.

but, keep the bites small, well chewed, no matter what, you try, so becareful when you eat,

enjoy, when the weight , starts to come down , you will , start feeling releaved and peppie, so enjoy it ,,,:thumbup:

God Bless , margie


band 4/6/2003, Dr. Texiriea, Julio


removed 1/30/2008, by Dr.T. Shope

PA. Penn, state Hersey, hosp.



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I read your post and I feel as if I know you..haha. I feel like this band has been an odyssey for me. It is hard to know i wasted so much money and time..but in time..it will come out.I just have to learn to be kind to myself and look at this as a life lesson.

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The hardest thing to learn is that the band is a helper,and a support , not a permanent, fixture. i know i was counting down the days ,when it will come out ,

and was scared as to what? i was going to do afterwards , when it had to be

removed in the emergency way that it had to come out. you learn to keep your

balance and your wits on things . cause, everything looks, good to eat , and you feel like , a failure , a complete failure . i stuck it out , with all that i went threw with the band and almost lost my life, when the doctor , explained how serious it was, and show me a picture of what it look like, I'm so glad it was taken out, and my husband got to see the picture too. and couldn't believe it. all these feeling, after dealing with so much, but, to my surprise:eek: . i also had kidney stone,at the same time i had the band. one stone that was 11mm big, to large to pass Thur the kidney tube or urethra canal,and the rest are small enough to pass, finding this out a month later, so i ,also had complications from the kidney stones, how, sad and confuse am i . now, I'm getting a Sten put into my urethra canal to laser the stone to pieces to remove it, piece by piece.:o

everything should be done by the end of this month, Jehovah willing. the sad part, is that I've gain 16lbs. now i have to start on diets and all over again .but, with all that i've learned from this, it should be way better. and more sensible to me. So the removal of the band, starts a new or the same challenge as before. depending were the band ends and you begin.......




emergence removal, 1/23/08,PA.


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*Dr. Daniel Huacuz* also messed up on my friend`s band. She had her surgery on December 2007 and since then was having extremelly strong pains. Since I have the band as well I kept on telling her that sometimes we do have pain but she needed to check with her doctor. Before surgery Dr. Huacuz called her many times and answered each and every question she had, however this picture changed after surgery, she could not get a hold of him often and every time she talked to him he was very rude to her. Once I called him and while he talked to me I could hear a beeping sound on the background, sounded like he was in the surgery center at the same time - hopefully not performing a surgery.!

Last week, my friend passed out and was taken to the ER with her nails and lips turning purple... when the bariatric surgeon got inside he found an inamed band that was place in the wrong portion of her stomach and on top of that it was an old type of band, one that is not even produced by inamed any longer. My friend said that the day before surgery, Dr. Huacuz showed her small, new band and said that was the style she was getting.... All I know is that my friend is now doing well after the nightmare... she is glad to have that band removed and to be receiving the care of a new doctor.

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hi, utah

sorry ,your friend had such a terrible experience . i'm so glad she is doing so much better, and you are doing so well , with your band, i know is hard to let the band removal not effect a person so much , but, her battle , has just begone, i gain 16lbs. and is hard to admit it . and now , is a worse fight to get the weight off. but.when i saw all the food and having to cook, even tho i was not feeling , well at the time, i tasted, and tasted, every thing i could.. bad ideal,,,,

now my husband and i ,, on this Monday, are going to start excising and counting calories . i was good at that, but ,mind you ,he didn't volunteer, for this. he looked shocked , but, as loving as he is , and almost with tears, said ok, so no more donuts, cakes, midnight Snacks, no more temptation , no more midnight snacks , hurray!!!!!! .

he needs to lose weight, and i need a partner. right now,

i'm even using my cat to walk as often as possible, so i got those, cat carriages to stroll her out side when i walk. so far, she gets in the carriage, and waits just to get out the house, and i know how she feels, on nice days .

this is new to me, but, i would not have thought of it before. or had the nerve to ask any body to go for walks, but, now I CAN...

so you and your friend just, keep encouraging each out,:( and be careful

when you feel any thing uncomfortable, or can't keep food down, even if you've had your band for a while..

did you guys get the band around the same time together. how much weight did you guys lose, and how's the weather over there:shades_smile:.?



band 4/5/04

emergency removal 1/23/08


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Hi i am the one who had to replaced the band. I keep think why i didn't removed the band. I am getting at the point that band is not for me. I am sufering so much. had band in dec 2007 now again march 2008 going trough all the process again, with liquids, no energy and now i am having nauseas. Every night I think to next morning go to hospital and remove it. what is wrong with me?

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Utahband you are probably traumatized with all that happened to you. Why did you have the first band removed? who is your surgeon?

I hope you feel better.

I had a bit of nausea as well but I feel great now, it has been 8 months and I have lost 55 lbs.

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I am not a band patient, I have a mini gastric bypass 8 months ago, the band did not work for me, I had a slipage probably because I am only 5'2'' and the band my Dr. placed on me was huge. I cannot blame him for that but the slippage occured about 10 weeks after placement. I then decided to go through the mini gastric bypass and I had it done in Arizona.

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hi, utah

sorry ,your friend had such a terrible experience . i'm so glad she is doing so much better, and you are doing so well , with your band, i know is hard to let the band removal not effect a person so much , but, her battle , has just begone, i gain 16lbs. and is hard to admit it . and now , is a worse fight to get the weight off. but.when i saw all the food and having to cook, even tho i was not feeling , well at the time, i tasted, and tasted, every thing i could.. bad ideal,,,,

now my husband and i ,, on this Monday, are going to start excising and counting calories . i was good at that, but ,mind you ,he didn't volunteer, for this. he looked shocked , but, as loving as he is , and almost with tears, said ok, so no more donuts, cakes, midnight Snacks, no more temptation , no more midnight snacks , hurray!!!!!! .

he needs to lose weight, and i need a partner. right now,

i'm even using my cat to walk as often as possible, so i got those, cat carriages to stroll her out side when i walk. so far, she gets in the carriage, and waits just to get out the house, and i know how she feels, on nice days .

this is new to me, but, i would not have thought of it before. or had the nerve to ask any body to go for walks, but, now I CAN...

so you and your friend just, keep encouraging each out,:thumbup: and be careful

when you feel any thing uncomfortable, or can't keep food down, even if you've had your band for a while..

did you guys get the band around the same time together. how much weight did you guys lose, and how's the weather over there:shades_smile:.?



band 4/5/04

emergency removal 1/23/08


I am waiting for the courage to ask my doctor about the possibility of removal. I was banded last June and have only lost an (unbelievable to me) 30 pounds. Since the 30 pounds back in December Ive not lost anything! I feel sick daily and consider it a good day when I havent vomited after eating. I do that atleast once a day! I dont know why Im sick all the time and why Ive suddenly stopped losing weight despite the fact that nothing stays down. Its soooooo very uncomfortable that I just want it removed. Im just afraid that the doctor isnt going to do it! I guess youre right when you say the band is not for everyone. Its worked beautfully for my dad whose lost 120 pounds and eats normal 3+ meals per day. I on the other hand am uncomfortable eating anything at all. It hurts going down and then it comes right back up. Something is definately wrong and I need to make an appointment to see him. Im just feeling uncomfortable about it. Its nice to hear that Im not the only one that doesnt enjoy the feeling the band gives me and wants (or had) it removed.

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hi, utah,

it's not easy, with this band, but, to be very honest with you, one of my problems, started , with the group that had gathered for support, they were talking about how they could eat a whole slice of pizza, with no problem.even a mother and daughter team that got the band together, i couldn't believe what i was hearing wow that's neat, i can eat pizza and donut's and rice and Beans, man , that sound so good. but, i had not had the band put on yet, so when I finally got the band on, on stress days, on sad days, my hunger kicked in really hard. so i tried to eat the right way , but two or three more bites, were ok, no way. so miss information can really hurt you in the long run , and i tried .pushing the envelopes . not a lot but, that extra bite got me all the time ,then the food allergies, my stomach, and my body , some taste just turn my stomach, so be true to yourself. and if it ,doesn't sound right, maybe, is not, .... with the band you need a lot of support, and friends that will be there , to help you , in a loving way, cause, we can't share our fears, and sadness, and being sick , with those who, don't understand, at times, only you know how strong you can be and you are.



band 4/5/04

emergency removal 1/23/08


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hi, wishing

i remember what the doctor told me in the emergency room, not all bands are placed correctly , and i believe so. I'm really sorry, that your hopes and dreams are put on hold.. and your wishes ,will take just a little longer then you though to accomplish .

but, keep trying, i've learned that now, i can be patient with myself. and lose the weight , so i know how you feel. in gaining 16lbs. fear, stress of finding i had kidney stones. and the pain of it . boy, you could have hit me with a rock and it would not have hurt as much as finding this out. everything is on hold, now, but, it doesn't meaning i'm quiting. i'm on vacation on strategy island . so when i get the ok,:) i will ,

racing to finish this fight. So just, think of what your going to do.



band 4/5/04

emergency removal 1/23/08


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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